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Knight in Shining Suit by Jerilee Kaye (38)



One month later...

Although my parents and my relatives know that Ryder and I are living together, they still didn’t know that during Geena’s wedding, Ryder and I were only pretending. And until now, they still believe we are engaged. I once told Ryder that maybe it was better if I told my parents that the engagement was a sham so our relatives would not feel sorry for me. Then Ryder and I fell in love afterwards and are together now. But Ryder thought it was a bad idea.

Being engaged to me was probably one of the things that drove Bryan mad, and for you to tell them that it was a lie would break your parents’ hearts, as well as your Uncle Jack’s. Leave it be, Ash. We’re living together anyway. We pulled it off before when we weren’t officially dating. I think we’d do better now.”

So we left it at that. I wondered what we were going to do if my parents came for a visit and find that I’m not wearing my ring anymore. I guess, we’ll just make something up when we get there.

Ryder’s apartment was lush and luxurious, but somehow, I couldn’t help feeling that it was more a bachelor’s pad. He did have it when he was a bachelor, but he’s not exactly single now. I prefer the house in Malibu with separate rooms, a living room, and a deck.

I guess even though his apartment was huge, a part of me prefers a smaller, cozier apartment that feels more like two people are making a home out of it. But I’m not really complaining. It’s such a small price to pay for being with Ryder.

Nicole had taken over my responsibilities in Malibu and I kept myself busy with setting up the branch in Manhattan. Ryder and I visit Malibu once a week together, where he conducts his business at his bars and I check up with Nicole in the office.

Today is exactly a month after Ryder and I got back together… a month after he found his way back to me.

We planned to travel back to Malibu together. I planned to surprise him with dinner. We could drink on his deck and he could play his guitar if he wanted. Then we’d make love all night.

An hour before we were due to go to the airport, Ryder gave me a call and told me that he couldn’t make it.

But Ryder, we agreed to go last week.” I said, a little disappointed, especially since his tone said that he forgot what day it was today.

Sweetheart, I’m in the middle of a meeting,” he said to me, he sounded like he was in a hurry. “I’ll see you tonight. Call me when you’ve landed back in Manhattan.”

What?” I was looking forward to staying in Malibu this weekend. “I’m going to take the last flight out?”

The five p.m. flight out, love. Promise me you’ll be back?” he asked.

I was not happy about that. But I didn’t want to fight with him. With a disappointed sigh, I replied, “Okay.”

Look, I have to go. I’ll see you tonight.”

Has it started already? Has he started being too busy to remember anniversaries or special occasions?

I would only have a couple of hours in Malibu and so I had to make the most of my stay. I was not in a great mood when I met Dannie, Nicole and John and I only had a couple of minutes to ring Adam.

Ryder didn’t give me a call all day, nor send me a text message. He usually sends me messages every two hours, telling me he loves me and that he misses me. Today is the first day he didn’t. And it’s only been a month since we survived his tragic memory loss.

I flew back to New York in the evening and, although I was tired and a little unhappy, I had no plans of spoiling this day. I decided to cook a nice dinner for the two of us anyway. We’re going to celebrate today, no matter what.

When I got inside the apartment, a red envelope on the table caught my attention. It was sitting beside one of Ryder’s car keys. I usually don’t pry in his stuff, but this envelope just seems to call out to me. It looked elegant, and it smelled of floral perfume.

It was not sealed so I pulled out the note inside it.

I was hoping you could come to see me…” printed in a neat script font.

There was a location map attached to it, as well as what seems to be an access card.

Ryder!” I called, my heart slowly started pounding inside my chest.

No answer.

Now, I was getting nervous. I’ve only lived with Ryder for about a month. Maybe one of his old flames didn’t know he was already living with someone and attempted to have a little tryst with him.

Ryder would never do this to me! I believe in him, I believe in us.

Besides, if he’s up to no good, he wouldn’t carelessly leave this note for me to find, right?

But whatever was going on, I intended to find out. I took my phone and dialed his number. His phone was off. I tried about three more times just in case he just lost signal. But still it was off.

I took short breaths to calm myself down before calling his office. Derek, his assistant, answered.

It’s seven in the evening.” I told him. “You should be home.”

He laughed. “But I’m fresh out of college and already a workaholic. What can I do for you, lovely Ash?”

Where’s Ryder?”

Ah…” He took a moment to answer. “He… went off more than an hour ago. Said he has some personal things to attend to down at Sixth. I thought… he was with you.”

Thanks Derek.” I said and then I hung up.

My hands were turning numb fast. I looked at the location map and found that the “X” on it is on Sixth Avenue. The address says penthouse.

Ryder would never cheat on me!

He wouldn’t.” I whispered to myself. “He, of all people, knows what I have been through.”

But I needed to find out. Damn, if curiosity really did kill the cat! I dashed to the elevator and raced to the location stated on the map.

I felt like a woman in pursuit. My heart was pounding loudly, my hands were cold and I’m pretty sure my face was crimson red.

I found that the address points to one of the luxurious apartment buildings on Sixth. I looked at the map once again to make sure that I was at the right place.

The man standing by the doors greeted me cheerfully. He was wearing a black suit with a nametag so I assumed he is an employee of the building. I showed him the map.

Yes, Ma’am. This is the place. Go straight, turn right to the elevators.” He gave me instructions and gave me a very bright smile. I had to smile back. He seemed very happy with his job.

The lobby of the building was posh and absolutely impressive, from the marble floors down to the furniture. If I didn’t have a bomb hanging over my head, I would probably stop and admire the interior design of the building.

The person that Ryder visited is probably just as rich as he is.

But it’s you he loves.” I said to myself.

When the elevator opened, I pressed P and swiped the card. I closed my eyes and willed myself to keep calm. I know Ryder. He wouldn’t do this to me. There is a good explanation for all these. And in a few seconds, I’m about to find out.

I promised myself that whatever I uncover, unless what I see leaves little to the imagination, I would listen to what Ryder has to say.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Damn! Why is it taking so long to reach the penthouse?

Finally, the elevator opened to a luxurious apartment. I gasped. Unlike our apartment, this one has a huge living room adorned with gold-accented furniture that looks very, very expensive. There is a glass staircase that seems to lead to the bedrooms on the mezzanine floor. There is an elegant chandelier in the center and everything in the house was a combination of white, cream and gold trims.

Hello?” I called out. There was no reply.

I sincerely hope I don’t get arrested for trespassing!

Just then, I noticed that the wall in front of me had a paper stuck on it. I looked closer and saw that an arrow was printed on the same paper type that I was holding in my hand.

I followed the direction of the arrow until I reached the next one, and then the last one. I was led to a huge balcony that was probably half the size of the whole house. I stepped out, expecting to see Ryder and whoever it was who left him the message.

But what I saw blew me away. There were roses and lighted candles all over the place. The balcony has the perfect view of the city. There was a table in the middle, set for two.

Then, I saw Ryder standing in one corner looking out at the view.

Ryder…” I whispered weakly.

He slowly turned to face me. A brilliant smile was pasted on his face.

I… don’t understand,” I said.

He walked towards me, his eyes twinkling.

Who’s here with you?” I asked in a small voice.

He shook his head. He pushed a lock of stray hair away from my face.

No one, love,” he said. “It’s just the two of us.”

I looked around. The place was romantically set up.

Just the two of us?

But… I found a note for you…”

He chuckled. “That was for you, love.”

For me? You had me thinking…”

What were you thinking?” he asked, raising a brow. I had a feeling that he knows exactly what I was thinking and immediately, I felt embarrassed. I sighed in relief and gave him a hug. I felt really silly.

Nothing,” I said. “I missed you.”

You don’t know how painful this day was for me.” He whispered.

Painful?” I asked, pulling away from him.

He nodded. “Asking you to travel alone to Malibu. Not calling you, texting you… it bothered me all day!”

I narrowed my eyes. “You did that on purpose?”

He laughed. “I wanted this to be a surprise… and a little bit more dramatic.”

I looked at the dinner table, then at the roses and the candles. “What is this all about anyway?”

You didn’t think I would forget what today is, did you?”

My heart instantly melted. “You remembered!” I said hugging him again.

Of course I did,” he said. He stared back at me and said. “A month ago, you gave me another chance to make your ‘ever after’ come true. So it’s sort of like another date we need to celebrate every month and every year.”

He leaned forward and gave me a thorough kiss on the lips. I couldn’t help it, but I was crying again. I was only planning a simple dinner. Ryder prepared something even more romantic… something surreal.

After the kiss, I pulled away from him and approached the dinner table. I looked at the elegant china and crystal wine glasses on it.

Candlelight dinner, under the Manhattan moon, with the perfect New York city view, surrounded by red roses?” I stared back at him. “You couldn’t be more romantic, could you?”

He didn’t answer.

I turned to look at the setup again. It was absolutely enchanting… like something you tear out of a romance novel. And this was not even a hotel.

Perfect location too,” I said. “Whose place is this anyway?”

Ours.” He whispered behind me.

My heart pounded in my chest. I turned around to face him again. The expression on his face was serious… and wistful.

You told me once that the other apartment is an ultimate bachelor’s pad. I guess it’s time to give it up now that I’m not one anymore,” he said. He turned towards the house. “This one has four bedrooms, a huge living room, a huge kitchen, a library, a game room, and a nursery. I think you would find this more suitable for us.”

Ryder… I’m not asking for this much. I can live anywhere with you.”

But I want us to live in a house we can build our future in… where you can comfortably spend your ‘ever after’ in.”

My heart warmed. Tears welled up in my eyes. Every time I hear Ryder say the words ‘ever after’, I believe in it more and more.

When did you buy this?”

He took a deep breath and said, “You know… that day I got into an accident, I met up with my real estate agent. I was looking for a house for us.” He took a step closer and looked at me deeply. “I’m sorry, this got delayed, love. I would have brought you here sooner.”

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I shook my head. “There’s nothing to say sorry for, Ryder. You’re here now and that’s all that matters.” I lunged forward and gave him a tight hug. I cannot believe this is happening to me. Somehow, I still can’t believe that Ryder Van Woodsen is happening to me now, when before, I was even scared to dream about a guy like him.

When I stared up at Ryder, I saw that his eyes were teary, too. He gave me a kiss on the forehead. “Do you think you can live here with me?” he asked, smiling.

I laughed. “I will live anywhere with you, Mr. Van Woodsen.”

He brushed his lips to mine again. Then he looked deeply into my eyes, a sober expression was on his face now, that it actually made me quite nervous. “One more thing, Ash.” He whispered. “You told me once that I should find a reason that is good enough, and you would finally accept your ring.”

I nodded, because now, I have completely lost my voice.

I think I found one.” He whispered. And then slowly, he pulled away from me and came down on one knee. He held a box in front of me and opened it. My Harry Winston ring sparkled before my eyes.

Astrid Jacobson, I will forever thank God that I walked into that jewelry shop that day… that your friends stood you up that night we met at the bar. Little did I know that those days would change my life. That I was about to be rescued by you. I didn’t believe that a woman could want me and love me if I wasn’t who I am. But you wanted me, needed me, and loved me for everything I was inside. Even when I hurt you over and over… you still kept your faith in me.

And I want to spend the rest of our lives proving to you that I am worthy of that faith. I will spend the rest of my days making you happy. I love you very, very much, Ash, and if you will allow me… I will make the rest of your ‘ever after’ come true… but not as Astrid Jacobson. But as Astrid Van Woodsen.” He paused, looking at me wistfully. His eyes were welling up with tears. Then he asked, “Would you please be my wife?”

I bit my lip. Rivers of tears were streaming down my cheeks now. “Ryder…” I started. “I don’t know what to say.”

Ryder smiled nervously. “I would like you to say ‘yes’ actually.”

I giggled, in spite of my tears. “I… love you.” I said in between sobs. “If… you are the prize at the end of the road, I would… go through a hundred more breakups and a hundred more pains. Before I met you, I was asking the heavens why I had to experience that much betrayal and pain… but now, I know. Everything… had fallen into place. You are my knight in shining armor, my rock, my guardian angel. You are my real ‘ever after’.” I giggled in spite of my tears. “Yes, Ryder. It will be an honor for me to be your wife. I will marry you.”

He smiled. He took my hand and placed my ring on my finger. Then he brought it to his lips and kissed it. He stood up on his feet. I smiled and threw myself in his arms. He caught me and spun me around. When he settled me on my feet, he took my hand so he could look at the ring on my finger.

I told you… if I found a reason that was good enough, you wouldn’t have to take this off your finger ever.” He smiled.

I laughed. “I never thought I would be wearing this ring for real.” I looked at the ring again and noticed something was different about it. The center diamond looks a lot bigger, like about twice bigger, but everything else looks the same. “Ryder… did you change this?”

He laughed. “It’s the same ring. But I thought the future Mrs. Ryder Van Woodsen deserved a bigger rock at the center. That was the only thing I changed, I promise.”

You didn’t have to, you know.” I said, looking up at him.

He leaned forward and kissed me. “I know. But I wanted to, okay?”

I hugged him. “I love you, Ryder,”

He kissed me on the forehead. “I love you more,” he said. Then he leaned forward to kiss me on the lips again. “See? I told you, you didn’t have to tell your family that our engagement was just a sham. Because it was going to be real soon enough.”

Except your family knows and our stories do not match now.”

It’s only Paris, my parents, Janis and Jake,” he said. “They can easily go along with the old story in front of your family. They find our love story quite amusing.”

I find it amazing,” I said. “After all that we’ve been through… I couldn’t believe we survived all that… and we’re here, happier than ever.”

Ryder stared at me. “It’s surreal.”

I stared back at him. “Surreal? Even for you?”

He smiled and said, “Especially for me!” Then he bent down to give me a thorough kiss on the lips. When he pulled back, he stared at me for a while, tears almost brimming his eyes. “Thank you for saying yes.”

I smiled back. “Thank you for asking.”

So, now it’s time to celebrate… our real engagement.”

We ate the food that Ryder prepared. Then we toured the house. It was screaming luxury and good taste. The floors were made of marble. The furniture was made of the highest quality materials. Everything was a perfect combination of beauty and class.

I was very happy. I loved the house. And I loved the fact that Ryder thought about buying this as soon as we officially got together a couple of months ago.

We stood on the balcony, staring at the view of Manhattan. I leaned my head on Ryder’s shoulder. I felt him wrap an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.

How did you know I was going to pick up your note?” I asked him.

He chuckled. “I know you more than you give me credit for, love,” he said. “And I know you would rush here if you couldn’t contact me.”

What would you have done if I didn’t come?” I asked.

Then I would come and get you.” He laughed. “Honestly, did you really think I was gonna have a rendezvous with another woman?”

I felt ashamed of this. I really did. I know I should trust Ryder more. He wasn’t Bryan. Just like Ryder, Bryan is one of a kind, too.

I sighed and tiptoed so I could give him a kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry,” I said. “But I did promise myself to listen to you first before… I made any judgment, you know.”

He gathered me to him again and gave me a hug. “I’m done breaking your heart, Ash.” He whispered. “I’ve done that plenty of times when I forgot about you. I promised I wouldn’t do that again.”

I rested my head on his chest and breathed in the sweet masculine scent of him. “Can you stay like this forever?” I asked him.

He hugged me tighter. “You once told me that I have everything I want. I told you then that… I don’t have everything yet. But now, I do. Because I have you. You were the only thing missing. And I promise, love, I will do my best to stay like this forever. As long as you promise that you will always trust me, have faith in me.”

I nodded. “Always.”

Ryder smiled and then he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lips before bending to pick me up on my feet, carrying me towards the glass doors that led back to the apartment.

Now, how soon do you think you can plan that dream wedding of yours?”

I laughed. “So soon, Van Woodsen?”

Yes. Your father is under the impression he’ll be walking you down the aisle this year,” he replied.

What was that all about anyway? What did you talk to my father about?” I asked, remembering the day we went to my parents’ party and Ryder seemed to have had a man-to-man conversation with my father behind my back.

He smiled mischievously, “He made me promise not to make you cry. And if possible, marry you this year. Well… my amnesia got in the way, but hey! I still have a couple of months to work on it, right?”

My eyes widened. “How could you promise my father that? We were not even together for real during that time.”

I know,” he said. “But he didn’t know that. And I wanted it to happen so badly, I couldn’t say no. I was sort of wishing out loud when he spoke to me. I know that I would do everything in my power to make it happen. The rest would be up to you… up to fate.”

And you want me to plan our wedding now?”

Yes. I’m your first customer in New York. I want the best wedding for my bride. And I want it done as soon as possible. The sooner you become Astrid Van Woodsen, the better.”

I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming. I felt so blessed and so lucky. I’ve read plenty of fairy tale romances when I was a kid. But I never knew they would happen to me for real. That someday, my knight in shining armor would come and rescue me from the pains of my broken heart, change my stubborn beliefs about love, regain my faith in myself, and make me trust in love again.

And even though he came in a shiny package, it didn’t really matter. Because he made me believe that I… was absolutely worth it!





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