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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance by Tia Siren (126)

Chapter 6



I felt so bad for him. Here this handsome man was, trying his hardest to wine and dine me, and everything seemed to be getting in his way. I felt terrible for him, and god knows I wanted him more than anything, but a part of me did find this all a bit funny.

He looked incredible in his suit and jacket, and I found myself wanting to rip it off him and run my fingers down his skin, but I’d settle for just getting out and away from this cute little dog that didn’t seem to enjoy my presence in his apartment.

I knew he could give me what I needed. I knew he was more than capable of throwing me over the edge. I mean, he’d almost done it twice back at my apartment. He was pulling out all the stops to try and make me feel welcome and wanted, so the least I could do was suggest we get the hell out of here.

“That sounds like a good idea,” he said.

“Let me grab my things.”

I shuffled off the bed and skirted by the yapping dog, and when I had my purse, I turned toward him and smiled.

“You ready?” I asked.

“Would it be possible to take your car, by any chance?”

“That was the plan,” I said.

I pulled my keys out and dangled them in the air, then I tossed them his way. Honestly, did he really think I’d just expect that driver he hired to sit out there all night? God, that would’ve cost him a fortune. I mean, I assumed he was well off, but no one I knew was that well off.

I mean, no man with that kind of money would seek out a girl like me.

We headed out of his apartment, and I started searching for my car. I was hoping he wouldn’t laugh at my older sedan. My friends always picked on me for being an old woman driving this kind of car, but when we found it and slid into the seats, he did nothing but crank up the engine.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

“For what?” he asked.

“For not making comments about my car.”

“What the hell would I do that for?” he asked.

“Most people do. They call me an ‘old lady’ and stuff because of it. Especially after what you picked me up in.”

He nodded but stayed silent, and part of me wished I hadn’t opened my big mouth.

We drove through downtown L.A., and he seemed to know where he was going so I didn’t ask. We wound through the streets and quickly passed the lights that lined the road, and when we breached the outer edges of the city, we started winding up a thin dirt road.

The city sunk below us and a smile broke out across my cheeks, and before I could catch what I was doing, I reached over and took his hand. I knew exactly where he was taking us, and I was very excited to be able to take in the view with him.

He slowly brought my old ass car to a stop, and when he turned the car off, we sat and looked at the Hollywood sign as it shone over top of the entire city of L.A.

“It’s beautiful up here,” I breathed.

“Why don’t we climb in back?”

I turned and looked at Mason, and his eyes were dark with excitement. I nodded and unbuckled my seatbelt and the two of us scrambled to get into the back of the car seat. Part of me was absolutely thrilled. I mean, it felt like I was in my own movie.

We slid in next to one another, and I cradled myself into him. We gazed out the windshield at the view below us for a few more minutes, and then I felt his lips graze the shell of my ear.

“Are you all right?” he asked.

God, he was so perfect.

“Plenty of girls have experienced their first orgasm in the backseat of a car,” I said. “Kind of a rite of passage, isn’t it?”

I turned my gaze toward him, and I could feel his breath on my lips. My body was already heated and ready to go, and when he crashed his lips against mine, my hands flew to his hair. Time after time, we had been interrupted, and my body was buzzing for him. My tits were hard peaks, and my inner thighs were wet with desire, and all I wanted to do was experience everything he had to give me.

I felt his dick hard against my thigh as I parted my legs for him, and I could tell by the way his lips connected with my neck that he was just as frustrated as I was. I wound my fingertips into the tendrils of his hair, and my hips began to roll into his body.

I pulled him up to me and took his lips again. He tasted so sweet, and his lips were to luscious, and I couldn’t help but draw it in between my teeth and suck. He groaned and it shot electricity all the way to my core, and I felt his hands quickly slipping up my dress. I felt his fingertips graze the fabric of my underwear, and I could feel my wetness permeating the fabric before he buried his face into my tits.

“Jesus, you’re so wet,” he groaned.

His fingertips slid the fabric of my panties to the side, and he dipped his fingertips into my entrance to slick them up. My body was buzzing with delight as I lobbed my head back and rested it on the car seat. His fingers pumped in and out of me, and just as my walls started to flutter around him, he pulled away. His belt buckle clattered, and he shifted around in the car, and when I opened my eyes and looked up at him, I caught a glimpse of the raging cock he held in his hand.

Its tip glistened with precome while my juices dripped down the crack of my ass, and I watched while he lined his cock up with my entrance. His chest was heaving, and his eyes were predatory, and when he pushed into me, I could feel my body molding against his.

He dropped down and started to thrust into me, and my eyes started to roll into the back of my head. He was thicker than any man I’d ever been with, and he brushed up against a spot inside of me that made me shiver every single time he did it. He placed sloppy kisses on my cheeks and neck, and then be buried his face into my breasts and picked up his pace.

The car was rocking, and his balls were slapping me in the ass. Before I knew it, I felt that familiar burning sensation begin to brew in the pit of my gut. The windows were beginning to fog, and I propped my leg up onto the back of one of the car seats. Before I could catch my breath, I was flying over the edge.

My body pulled taut, and the sounds that poured from my lips stopped. My pussy milked him for everything it was worth, and silver stars burst in my vision. I felt my nipples tighten, and my body started to tremble, and just when I thought it was over, I felt his fingers part my pussy folds.

His smooth, dexterous fingers circled my swollen nub while I tried to catch my breath. I felt the build of a second fire as I clenched my thighs down around him. I drew him into me and threw my arms around his neck, and I clung to him for dear life while he sank his teeth into my neck.

“Come for me,” he whispered. “You can do it again, I promise.”