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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance by Tia Siren (23)

Chapter Twenty-Three




I burst into laughter as I watched Jaxon get swallowed and rolled by a wave. The poor guy was just not good at surfing. We had been hitting the waves together for years. While I continued to get better, he seemed to get worse.

“You okay?” I asked, paddling toward him as I lay flat on my board.

He spat out some water and glared. “Why is this fun? I’m not seeing the fun. I have been slammed into the water at least a hundred times today. I have more sand in my shorts than there is on the ocean floor. I’m going to be chafed, if you know what I mean.”

I chuckled at his misery. “You have no balance. It isn’t nearly as hard as you are making it. You stand up and just ride.”

He climbed onto his board. “Fuck you. I know how to surf.”

“Obviously not,” I said.

“I’ve been up plenty today. I’m just tired. Let’s go. I promised that woman we’d get drinks later,” he said with a grin.

“You better hope she still wants to go out with you after that last run. That was embarrassing to even watch,” I teased.


We made our way back to the shore where a small group of women had been watching us. We weren’t the only guys on the water, but when Jaxon had pointed out his Porsche, it had turned the tides in his favor. The younger, far better surfers who were sharing the water with us had lost their chance. I tried to tell Jaxon the women were only after his money, but he didn’t care.

I, on the other hand, was completely content with the relationship Mia and I were nurturing. It was in the early stages, and I knew there was no guarantee she would actually marry me, but there was a chance.

“Let’s grab a drink before we leave,” Jaxon said.

“You just want to hang out and get more numbers,” I shot back.

He winked. “Just making sure I have a few backup plans.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine. We’ll get some smoothies. You could use the nutrition.”

He patted his flat stomach. “I’m doing just fine.”

I nodded and patted my own rock-hard stomach. “Not this fine,” I said with a grin.

He rolled his eyes. “You’re such a dick. One of these days, your ego is going to get you into trouble.”

I slapped him on the back. “You know I think you’re a total dreamboat.”

“Get off me and put on your damn shirt. How many times have I told you never to go shirtless around me?”

“I left it in the car.”

“Of course you did.”

We ordered a couple refreshing smoothies and sat at a table with an umbrella. I checked my phone and smiled when I saw a few messages from Mia. I quickly sent her a nasty text back, suggesting a position we hadn’t tried in our brief time together. I knew it would make her blush, and I loved how pretty she was when her cheeks were pink with embarrassment. In the bedroom, the woman had no such hesitations. She was a wildcat. It was when I said the words in the light of day that she got squirrely. I did it on purpose. She knew it and I knew it. I also knew she secretly liked it. The raunchy talk made her wet. She had told me as much even though I’d already known.

“Looks like that’s working out for you,” Jaxon muttered.

I nodded. “It’s definitely improving.”

“So are your ratings. I’ve gotten five calls this week alone from other stations wanting to pick up your show.”

“Who knew people would be so interested in my love life,” I said, shaking my head.

“It’s the fact that they get to give you advice and you’re actually using it.”

“It’s worked so far. She’s talking to me again. I think I need to plan another visit out there. She’s close; I just need to persuade her to take the plunge.”

“And then what? Are you seriously going to leave all this behind?” he said, looking at the beach and the ocean beyond.

I shrugged. “I am. If she’ll have me, I am.”

Jaxon let out a long, low whistle. “I need to meet this woman. She has done a number on you.”

I shook my head. “It isn’t like that. I can’t even explain it. It’s right. I can feel it in my soul. Mia is supposed to be by my side. I was a complete idiot not to have seen it before.”

“I’m happy for you. I mean, I know I’ve been giving you a lot of shit, but I can see she makes you happy. I hope it works. Think long and hard about giving everything up and moving, though. Make damn sure she actually wants you.”

“Thanks, and I will. I did apply for a job over there.”

Jaxon’s face paled. “You did what?”

I shrugged a shoulder. “I need her to know I’m serious.”

“Holy shit, man. You’re kind of scaring me.”

I grinned. “Ready to get out of here? Looks like you may have a date tonight. You better get home and get all gussied up.”

“Want one?” he asked, holding up his phone and indicating the contact list.

“Nope. Don’t need one. I’m going home to chill and maybe do a little sexting with my girl.”

“You go ahead and sext. I’ll be doing the real thing. Want to know which one is better?”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not even going to try to explain it. It’s impossible. Once you have sex with the woman you know was put on this earth for you, no other woman can compare. I’m happy to sext with her because I’ve got memories to remind me of what the real thing is like. Trust me, it’ll be way better than what you’re going to find with any of those women.”

He laughed. “Well, the only way I’m going to know if a woman was built for me is to keep trying. I’m not a quitter. I figure I’ll run into her eventually at the rate I’m going.”

The man had a point. The odds were in his favor.

By the time I got home, I was feeling the effects of a long day on the water. My skin was hot and tight from hours in the sun and getting dried out by the saltwater. I needed a cool shower and a colder beer. Then it was going to be my couch, my phone, and the TV. I wasn’t going to move.

“Mr. Jones!” The man at the front desk called my name as I dragged myself toward the elevator.

I walked to the desk. “What’s up?”

“A package arrived for you earlier,” he said, handing it to me.

I took it, looked at the red ribbon around the small, flat box, and wondered what it could be.

“Thank you,” I said, taking the box and feeling a renewed sense of energy as I rushed for the elevator.

I knew it was from Mia, though the address was one in LA. I shook it and heard nothing. It was too small to be a blowup doll. Maybe it was chocolates.

I unlocked the door and ripped open the box as I walked inside.

“Fuck me,” I groaned when I pulled out the tiny bit of lace and strings.

It was very tiny and very lacy. I held up the lace and tried to figure out what was what. All I knew for certain was that she would barely be covered by the minimal bits of lace in my hand. I identified the panties and felt my dick jerk in response. Another band of lace with small strings looked as if it was some kind of bra, but not like any bra I had ever seen. I closed my eyes and imagined Mia wearing the lingerie. I had no idea how she would get the thing on, but I couldn’t wait to see it on her and then rip it off. I examined the lingerie closer and smiled when I realized that, technically speaking, I wouldn’t need to take it off to fuck her mindless.

I found a small piece of pink paper inside and unfolded it. It was a note asking me to hold on to her panties until she could pick them up next week. My dick hardened at the thought of seeing her again. Next week? She didn’t give me an exact day, but I was assuming for the weekend. I would have to wait another week to see her.

I rubbed the lace between my fingers and figured it would have to be enough to keep me company. I walked to my bedroom and put the scraps of lace on my bed, knowing I would think of nothing but her. I could practically taste her, and when I ran my tongue over my lips, I realized I was salty from the sea. I stepped out of my swim shorts and headed into the bathroom. My dick was stood at attention as I moved. I wrapped one hand around my cock, trying to soothe it, promising myself that soon it would be buried inside Mia’s sweet pussy. I could wait a few days.

With the shower running hot, I stepped under the spray. The hot water stung my skin at first, but soon it was soothing. I ran my hands over my face, washing away the dried salt. I wanted to take Mia to the beach. I wanted to show her how to surf and make love to her on the beach under the stars.

My cock was hard and aching, my balls full and hard and in desperate need of release. I couldn’t wait. My brain would not survive the decrease in blood flow that was sure to happen. I would be hard for days in anticipation of Mia’s arrival. I saw a lot of beating off in my future.

I grabbed my dick and squeezed hard before running my hand up and down the shaft. I squeezed my balls before returning to my hard dick. I tilted my face up, letting the water hit me before it sluiced down my body. I slowed my rubbing, letting the orgasm build. Images of Mia in that lacy number flashed through my mind. I imagined using my teeth to pull it off.

“Fuck.” I groaned low in my throat, feeling my orgasm coming on.

I picked up the speed as I rubbed and squeezed. Her name was on my lips as I exploded in the shower. I reached my hand out and slammed it against the shower wall to steady myself. I took a few minutes to catch my breath and finished my shower. I was going to need some lube if she didn’t show up soon. I would rub myself raw thinking about her.

I strolled nude into my bedroom and looked at the lacy lingerie laid out on my bed.

“Shit,” I moaned as I felt my dick stirring to life again.

I turned around, switched the water to cold, and stepped back in the shower, hoping that would cool the fire burning inside me. I had a feeling cold showers were going to be my usual routine. Once things relaxed, I tossed the lingerie into my top drawer. I couldn’t look at it.

After making my way into the kitchen, I treated myself to the cold beer I’d been craving and sent her a quick text letting her know I’d gotten her little package. I also let her know what she’d done to me. Her response was a laughing emoji.

I wasn’t amused. My balls hurt. Getting off in the shower was not the same thing. I told her as much.