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The Marriage Pact: A Baby Romance by Tia Siren (35)

Chapter Thirty-Five




My mind had replayed our conversation at least a hundred times. I had thought she was going to tell me she loved me before she hung up. She didn’t. I had had held my breath, waiting to hear the words. That warm and fuzzy feeling I tended to get when I was with her had spread over my body as I listened to her breathe on the other end of the phone.

Instead of telling me what I was desperate to hear, she left me hanging. She may not have said it, but I was convinced she felt it. I had to make her feel confident enough to tell me she loved me. The only way that would happen was if I bared my heart first.

It had been a real Grinch moment. My heart had grown three sizes and it wasn’t going back down. Having Mia back in my life had changed everything. I felt confident, secure, and more hopeful for the future than I had ever felt in my life.

“Are you daydreaming about your life away from me?” Tina said with a smile.

“Never! You’re going to visit me in New York. Maybe you can get the station to spring for a family trip out there. I could show you guys around.”

She laughed. “Yeah, my idea of a good time is dragging my three kids to a wild city.”

“They’d never forget it,” I told her.

“I’d never forget it. It will be that time they drove me absolutely crazy and I had to go to some big New York hospital because I was suffering from exhaustion,” she said with a wink.

When I raised an eyebrow, she giggled. “Well, all the celebrities get to check in for a little rest and relaxation and chalk it up to exhaustion. I want to do it too.”

I laughed. “You’re crazy. Your kids are awesome. I hope my kids are just like yours.”

Her eyes bulged out and she got a horrified look on her face. “No, you don’t. You really need to get yourself around more kids before you wish that kind of hell on yourself.”

The woman was hilarious. Her children were cute and fairly well-behaved. She knew it and often bragged about it.

“Okay, okay. What’s on your mind? You look all moony,” she said.

“Moony? What the hell is moony?” I asked with disgust. It didn’t sound manly.

“You are moony. You look like you are in love and your girl doesn’t love you or just ran off with some dude. Did she?” Her eyes widened in horror. “Oh my God! She did, didn’t she? I’ll call her right now and tell her what a fool she is!”

I held up a hand, stopping her from going all Jerry Springer on an unsuspecting Mia. Tina was a fierce woman, and I knew she would walk through hell for me. She had taken me under her wing and treated me as if I were her big brother. It felt good to have her in my corner.

“It isn’t that. At least I hope it’s not that. It’s just—well, I love her,” I said, feeling a little soft for saying it out loud.

“Well, duh! Everyone knows that. Even your listeners know that.”

I shook my head. “Not everyone knows. She doesn’t know.”

She rolled her eyes and looked like she wanted to slap me. “You fool.”

“What did I do?”

“You haven’t told her?”

“Well, no. I thought she knew.”

She grabbed my hand and led me to my couch, pulling me down to sit beside her. “You didn’t tell her, so how could she know?”

I shrugged a shoulder, feeling like a kid getting in trouble with the teacher. “I sent her gifts. I was going to give her a ring, but she found it and that all went really badly. We’re great in bed together. I flew to New York to surprise her. Doesn’t that say love to you?”

She groaned. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret. If you tell anyone…well, I’ll have to kill you. It’s part of the girl code.”

“What’s the secret? I swear I won’t say a word.”

She leaned in close to me. “We can’t read your mind. I mean, we usually have a pretty good idea about what you’re thinking. It’s usually sex or food, but beyond that, well, it’s a mystery. Those of us who have been married for a while, we’re a little better at the whole mind reading, but newbies like your girl, she hasn’t had time to develop her skill yet.”

I looked at Tina and debated pushing her away from me. She was being sarcastic. “Not helpful,” I said.

“Well, obviously you thought she could read your mind so you just thought you’d keep your feelings to yourself. Did Jaxon tell you that was a good idea?”

I laughed. “Actually, no. He was the first one to tell me I was an idiot. I just assumed she knew, and then last night, when we were talking, things were different.”

“Different how?”

I shrugged a shoulder, not able to explain what I had sensed. “I don’t know. I thought she was going to tell me she loved me, and then she stopped and said she was thinking of me. I know she loves me. I just know it, and I love her, but she won’t say it!”

Tina actually slugged me in the arm. “Tell her!”

“She could tell me first. I don’t want to make an ass of myself.”

“She is thinking the same thing, and I have a feeling you’ve probably not made your feelings real clear.”

I shrugged. “I think you may be right there. I kind of told her I wanted to marry her for her body,” I said sheepishly.

She slugged me two more times. “Well, no wonder she is pushing you away and not telling you what’s in her heart. I’ve heard your show. You already broke her heart once. She isn’t giving you a chance to do it again. Self-preservation and all that.”

I nodded. “I have to go.”


“I have to go. I have to call the airlines and Helga,” I muttered, jumping to my feet.

“Who the hell is Helga?” she asked in confusion.

“Mia’s boss.”

She nodded her head. “Uh, okay, but you know, it will work better if you tell her that you love her directly.”

“I know! That’s why I have to find her!”

Tina smiled and stood up. “Good. My work here is done.”

I laughed. “Oh, yes, it was all you.”

I called Helga first. I had the number for the magazine written down. Instead of asking for Mia, I asked for Helga. She wasn’t an easy woman to get to talk to, but I sweet talked her assistant and managed to get through. I had sensed Helga was on my side that day we met briefly at the office. I hoped she still was.

As soon as I got off the phone with Helga, I called the airlines. Helga had been very helpful. She gave me all the information I needed. I called the hotel Mia was staying at and once again used my name and my voice to talk the person into giving me what I wanted.

I sat back when all the arrangements had been made and smiled. I jumped up and went in search of Jaxon. I had to tell him I had taken his advice and was ready to do something big. It was my turn to flop on his couch.

“I’m doing it,” I announced as I walked through his office door uninvited. “I’m finally going to get the nerve and do it.”

He looked up from whatever it was he had been doing at his desk. “You’re doing what? Is it illegal? Do I need to put my bail bondsman on standby just in case?”

“Very funny, and I’m not going to even ask why you know a bail bondsman,” I said, giving him a strange look. “I’m going to tell her I love her, and she damn well better say it back to me.”

He grinned. “I don’t know if you can demand such a thing, but I’m glad you’re going to tell her. I think both of you will feel much better when you get your true feelings out in the open.”

“I’m leaving here in a bit. I already have my show covered for tonight, and it will be a replay for tomorrow.”

“You’re what?” he choked out. “Today?” he asked in horror.

“Not leaving like moving to New York today. I’m going to Vegas.”

He rolled his eyes. “You’re not eloping in Vegas. Why would you do that?” he groaned. “You’re in such a rush to get this whole thing done. Sit back and enjoy the ride a little. Maybe she wants the big wedding. Let her have a minute to decide what she wants. I can tell you that Elvis in a little white chapel is not every girl’s fantasy wedding.”

“Are you done?” I asked dryly, waiting for him to finish his tangent.

He shrugged. “No, not really. I don’t want you to make a mistake that gets your marriage off on the wrong foot.”

“I’m not going to Vegas to elope, Jaxon. Although, now that you mention it, that is a good idea,” I mused. “I might just bring that up. I’m going to Vegas to surprise Mia. She’s going to be there on a business trip and has no idea I plan on seeing her. I’m going to tell her I love her.”

He smiled and nodded. “Ah, got it. That is good. I’m proud of you. I feel like I’ve raised you right,” he teased.

“I’m going to miss you when I’m gone,” I told him. “Seriously. You’ve been a good friend, and you really did take me under your wing. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me professionally and personally.”

“You’re not dying. You’re moving. In this day and age, it isn’t like we won’t talk. I’m going to be out there from time to time, and I have a feeling you’re going to miss the ocean more than anything and be making some trips out here.”

“I hope so. Anyway, I have about a million things to get done. I’ll see you later today. If I don’t, I’ll see you Monday.”

As I left his office, I decided to pull the trigger on the house I had fallen in love with. I would make it work. It was too good to pass up. I called the realtor in New York and asked him to put in an offer. We discussed dollar amounts and went low, but not insultingly low. I hoped it was enough. The house had been on the market for a while. It would need some work, but I didn’t mind a bit. I was actually looking forward to some home improvement projects. Mia and I could pick out paint colors and redo the flooring.

I had only a few minutes before I had to leave. I sat back and imagined barbecues in the backyard and Mia tending a flower garden. That was probably a bit of a stretch. I couldn’t actually see Mia getting her hands dirty. I grinned. We’d probably need to higher one of those landscape companies to make sure our yard didn’t look like something out of the Addams Family.

I packed up my stuff and rushed out of the office, anxious to get to Vegas and surprise my girl. She was my girl; I just had to prove it to her.