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The Proposal (A Billionaire Romance) by Nikki Wild (23)


In the morning Dani awoke to the sound of Shane’s voice coming from the kitchen. She put on her robe and went out there under the pretense of getting some coffee, when she was really just being nosey. Surprisingly, he was already dressed in full business attire and in the middle of a heated phone call with someone in Sydney, Australia.

It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know it wasn’t a good time to distract him or interrupt him so she quietly grabbed a cup of coffee and padded back to the bedroom to get ready for work. Not too long afterward Shane came into the room with an expression on his face that spelled obviously bad news.

“Well it looks like I’ll be heading to Sydney in a couple of days. There’s some sort of major legal problem going on at one of our properties over there that they just can’t seem to fix without me.”

“Oh really? How long will you be gone?” Dani’s voice betrayed her disappointment.

“Hopefully not more than a week.”

Dani’s heart sunk. A week? She never thought she’d be the type of clingy woman who couldn’t be away from her man for a seven days but here she was dreading a separation of that duration.

“Well I guess if you have to go, you have to go,” she said staring down at the floor. She knew she was doing a terrible job of being supportive.

“Hey I have an idea Danielle. Maybe you could join me? Do you have any vacation days left that you could use?”

Dani’s hopes were instantly dashed. “No, dammit I don’t. I used them all up on my trip to California this past April.”

“You were in California in April? That explains the giant boner I had all month. I’m sorry I missed you,” joked Shane. “Boy that sure is a shame though. If only you still had some vacation days left. You could have come with me.”

“I know, just my luck.” Dani was completely oblivious to his facetiousness.

“Yeah or if only you were engaged to……oh I don’t know…. maybe someone who owned the company? That would probably be helpful too, wouldn’t you say?” Shane said flippantly.

Dani blushed bright red at her stupidity.

“Danielle honey, you have to stop thinking like a peasant.” Shane was cracking up over his little gag.

“A peasant? Well excuse me Lord Tanner. I guess my parents forgot to stick the silver spoon in my mouth when I was born. So are you saying I get to Australia with you?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s okay with management. You can still do a lot of your own work while we’re abroad anyway. There’ll be plenty of time to relax too. I’d like to get some diving in. Do you scuba dive?”

“You bet. Oh my god, don’t tell me we’re going to dive the Great Barrier Reef? That’s been a lifelong dream of mine!”

“Well it’ll be my pleasure to make your dream come true then. I hope you can be packed and ready to go in 48 hours.”

“Are you kidding? I can be ready in 48 minutes if you want me to.”

Danielle wrapped her arms around Shane’s neck and kissed him long and slowly in deep appreciation of his generosity. She wondered what she did to deserve him.

“Shane, will Margie be coming with us? I’m sure she’d love to go too.”

“I’m sure she would but I’m afraid that’s not possible right now. I need her to stay here and work on our property acquisition deal. We thought it was locked in, but the owner of the land on Lanai is jerking us around now by taking other bids. Anyway, that’s why I have to leave for work right away. Sorry we can’t ride together this morning lover. I may end up having to go over to Lanai this afternoon to meet with the property owner, Jon Ohana. I’ll let you know if I do.”

Shane kissed Dani good-bye and headed for the door.

“Too bad you have to run out…..we could have had a lot of fun in the shower together.” Dani said teasingly.

“Danielle, if you don’t stop being naughty I’m gonna have to give you a spanking.” Shane said sternly.

“Promises promises,” she replied as she blew him a kiss.

* * *

Two days later Shane and Dani were cruising over the South Pacific in the Tanner corporate jet. Sydney, Australia was about ten hours away so they used their time in the air to conduct business as usual. Shane was still seething from his recent meeting on Lanai and the revelation that there was just one other bidder on the property he was looking to purchase; Asian-Pacific Hotels which was owned by his long-time business rival, an unscrupulous bastard by the name of Tony Fong. It was obvious to him that the owner of the property, Jon Ohana, was definitely pitting the two hotel giants against each other in an attempt at greater financial gain.

“That little fucker,” Shane kept saying under his breath as he looked over some business specs.

“Would you like a Scotch honey?” Dani offered. “You’re awfully tense.”

“At 9AM? That’s a bit early for me. We’re not in college anymore remember?”

“How about after we cross the International Dateline? Then it’ll be the next day.” Dani chuckled at her own joke.

“Maybe later after I’m finished with this business. What are you working on Danielle? I hear a lot of mouse clicking going on over there.”

“I’ve been going over hotel reviews on various travel websites and they are definitely more favorable. Clients love our new eco-friendly programs. Especially the ‘skip the maid service’ incentive.”

“Skip the maid service incentive? Refresh my memory honey.”

“Yeah that’s where the customer gets a ten dollar hotel voucher for each day that they decline maid service. People love it. And consequently that’s more money being spent in our hotel bars, restaurants and gift stores.”

“That’s ingenious Danielle. Was that your idea?”

“Yep. And guess what? The Kai’s occupancy rate is up 22% over last year at this time and so are revenues by 25%.”

“Oh yeah, I love it when you talk numbers like that. It’s so fucking sexy. Shit, I knew we were doing well but that’s incredible. I told you we would be a formidable force together. Come over here and sit on my lap.” Shane set his stack of papers aside and unbuttoned his shirt all the way.

Dani left her laptop at the workstation and scurried over to Shane’s side of the plane. Then she hiked up her skirt and straddled his muscular legs and obvious hard-on.

“Woman you are definitely impressing the fucking pants off me, you know that?” Shane said as his hands slid under her blouse and up to her breasts.

“Is that an invitation mister? Because I’m definitely hearing an invitation.” Dani pressed the recline button of Shane’s leather seat causing him to fall all the way back. Then she slipped her blouse over her head and undid the front clasp of her bra, proudly unleashing her “girls” into his delighted face. Danielle arched her back and fondled her aroused nipples as she hovered over him topless.

“Shane suck my tits honey,” she said as she slipped her sensual raspberry nub into his mouth.

“With fucking pleasure,” he replied as his hands ran up and down the curves of her body. Then he proceeded to ravish and suck them with gusto.

Dani undid Shane’s belt and pants and released his cock from the leg of his trouser, stroking it into position between her ready thighs. Then she pushed the tiny slice of lace thong aside and slid snuggly down onto him, purring with pleasure.

Shane gripped Dani’s sensuously round ass while she rode his dick with unbridled delight, digging her nails into his mighty biceps. Then in classic hula dancer form, she gyrated her hips in an unrelenting, pounding, Polynesian island rhythm until she had practically fucked the life out of him.

“Jesus Christ Danielle, where did you learn how to do that? And please don’t tell me from Auntie May.”

An evil smile slowly spread across Dani’s face. “Yep. ‘Fraid so.”