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The Proposal (A Billionaire Romance) by Nikki Wild (8)


“My my don’t you look handsome Paolo. Did Max come with you tonight?” Danielle asked her friend upon bumping into him on the hotel’s rooftop. Paolo was graciously greeting the guests as they milled around the reception area but his partner of five years was nowhere in sight.

“No he has a horrible head cold unfortunately, poor thing,” replied Paolo. “I’ve been calling him Rudolph, his nose is so bright red, and red is definitely not his color. How about you? You look absolutely stunning Dani. Turn around and let me see that dress.” He grabbed her hand and twirled her around like a ballerina. “Are you here with anyone sweetie?”

“I’m here with Earl from accounting,” Dani said sheepishly.

“Earl Wiggins?! No. No way, you did not come here with him. That wet blanket? He always smells like cured meats. And that horrible piece he wears! Is he for real with that cheap wig?” Paolo saw no reason to mask his true feelings regarding her choice of escort.

“I had to bring somebody. I don’t want that egotistical Tanner to think I couldn’t scare up a date.” Dani said defensively.

“I should think coming alone would have been preferable to bringing Earl Wiggins.” Paolo rolled his eyes comically as he said the name. “Where is your Prince Charming anyway?”

Danielle was clearly embarrassed but finally answered. “He’s in the mens’ room. He has a sensitive stomach. I think it was the oysters.”

“Oh my god Dani that’s priceless! I’m sure Shane Tanner will be seething with jealousy when he sees your date.” Paolo howled with laughter until he saw she wasn’t laughing with him. “Seriously Dani, would it really have been so bad to come here with Tanner tonight? You gotta admit he’s quite a piece of eye candy. And you have to make amends with him eventually. At least he’s making an attempt.”

“That’s just it. Making an attempt at what? What’s his game now? You can’t trust a snake in the grass…… A leopard doesn’t change its spots you know…... Once a rat always a rat…….”

Dani wasn’t finished yet but Paolo had to stop her. “Okay enough already. I get it; he’s a one-man zoo. Please try to enjoy the evening girlfriend. It’s a beautiful night out.”

Being the consummate host that he was, Paolo suddenly found himself distracted by something not to his liking. “W-T-F? Why is that waiter over there sitting down? I gotta see what’s going on. I’ll check back with you a little later sweetie.” Paolo blew her kiss before darting off into the sea of guests.

The crowded reception area was feeling a bit claustrophobic to Danielle. Her head was swimming from downing her vodka martini too quickly after she saw Earl sprinting off to the bathroom. She walked to a secluded corner of the rooftop and looked out into the starlit night. Paolo was right; it was a beautiful evening. The ocean waves roared in and out on the beach below, muting the sounds of the lavish affair that was going on around her. She decided he was also right about her ailing date, Earl Wiggins. Even his name made her cringe. How desperate am I anyway? Why did I come with him? In that instant her thoughts of regret were interrupted by the same smoldering voice as the day before.

“Ms. Kane are you enjoying the party so far?” She turned to see Shane Tanner holding a champagne flute in each hand. He offered her one of the glasses of gold sparkling liquid as his eyes surveyed her up and down with an almost tangible hunger. “You look positively good enough to eat. You can’t possibly be here by yourself, can you? Not in that stunning dress.”

Dani was relieved he hadn’t seen her enter the party with Earl Wiggins.

“No I brought a date. He’s in the mens’ room. Thanks,” she said as she accepted the drink and took a sip.

“The mens’ room? I’ll bet we probably just missed each other. I was just in there and there was some poor schmuck vomiting in one of the stalls. Jesus it sounded like the guy was hacking up a lung.”

Danielle decided to quickly change the subject.

“Well I’m surprised to see you stag here tonight. I mean……. with you being such a great catch and all,” she said smiling proudly after her little zinger.

“I didn’t come alone,” he corrected her with a laugh. “I brought Ms. Grummond my secretary. She’s around here somewhere,” he said as his eyes searched the crowd. “Probably at the bar, two-fisted drinking, knowing her.” He laughed again.

Danielle couldn’t help but smile at the remark. “I like that lady. I can’t wait to get to know her better while she’s in Maui.”

“I’m sure the two of you will get along famously. You’re both such strong, fiercely independent women. But did I tell you how amazing you look?” Shane’s voice trailed off as his eyes locked onto hers. He couldn’t help but wonder about the man she was there with and exactly how big an obstacle he might be in his quest for Danielle. He quickly shook off the annoying thought, confident he’d be able to get rid of him when the time was right.

Shane decided to seize the opportunity to strike before the guy had a chance to return. He took two steps closer to Dani, backing her against the wall.

“Yes….. Yes you did tell me that already,” stuttered Danielle as she stared up at him. He had succeeded in his effort to shake her sensibility. She swallowed hard when she caught a whiff of his custom-blend shaving lotion. The intoxicating scent was enough to make her head spin. She knew she needed to get a grip, and fast. Dani you’re pissed at this ego-maniac, remember? Stand firm. Don’t fall for his game. Be strong.

Shane ran his hand down the small of her back, letting it come to rest on the fullness of her derriere. The black satin slip dress hugged her incredible curves in all the right places, revealing her aroused nipples to him. He longed to take her full ripe breasts into his mouth right there and then. Shane took one final step toward her, closing the gap between their bodies.

When Danielle felt his hardness pressing into her own flesh, memories of fucking him came flooding back over her and she could feel the moisture of her own desire seep into her silk panties. She felt powerless against his masculine wiles. She cried out for help in her own head and wondered where her resolve was when she needed it most?

Shane wet his sensuous lips lightly with his tongue preparing to take Danielle’s mouth into his own. As his hand slid the rest of the way down her behind, he cupped her rounded cheek and pulled her into his embrace. “Danielle I want you,” he whispered into her ear. As he pressed his lips into hers and their mouths melded together, he felt her body beginning to surrender to their inevitable passion.

Suddenly a familiar chipper voice chimed out behind him.

“Hey you two! Why don’t you join the party? People are asking about you.”

Danielle opened her eyes, instantly jolting her out of her romantic trance. It was Marguarite Grummond. A flood of relief washed over her body except for the throbbing parts that so desperately wanted Shane Tanner.

“Margie. I’m so glad to see you here,” Dani said breathlessly.

“I thought you might be dear,” Margie said with raised eyebrows.

Shane turned around and glared angrily over his shoulder at his secretary and in doing so noticed a rather rotund man with an ill-fitting toupee approaching.

“Ah there’s my lovely date! Dani I’ve been looking all over for you.” Earl Wiggins sauntered up next to her side. “Sorry I took so long in the mens’ room. I feel so much better now though. I think I just ate a bad oyster. How ‘bout we take a little spin around the dance floor?”

Shane’s demeanor immediately changed from anger to amusement as an ear-to-ear grin spread across his face.

Danielle swallowed hard and tried, unsuccessfully, to stammer out an intelligible explanation.

Shane could not contain his delight as he gave Earl a congratulatory slap on the back, “So you’re Miss Kane’s date? You are one lucky fella.”

“Yesiree, Earl Wiggins is the name. I work in accounting. Remember we met the other day Mr. Tanner?”

“Yes of course I remember you Earl,” he lied convincingly. In reality he had no memory of their recent introduction. When he glanced back over at Danielle she was staring down at the ground in embarrassment.

Shane was pleased as punch that his earlier question had just been answered for him. The man Danielle was with that evening would be no obstacle whatsoever.