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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (23)

Chapter Twenty-Two


“When do you think Gabriel will show up for Devin?” I ask as Galen shampoos my hair. As we lounge in the bath, I lean into his warmth while his big body supports me. It’s still hard to get used to him not being so cool to the touch.

Heaving a sigh, he scoops water into his cupped palms and rinses the soap from my scalp. “I don’t know. Maybe he won’t.”

I know he’s hoping for the best, but there’s no way this is over, at least not for Sariel. “Do you think the Watchers will still be after us?”

He stills. “They don’t have reason to be.”

“But no one knows you’re not Sariel’s vessel anymore. Sure, Gadriel is dead, but we still have that Azazel guy on our tails.”

“Hush. We’re not going to worry about that right now. When Gabriel comes, we’ll ask him.” He presses kisses to my shoulder, biting softly. The feel of his teeth on my skin sends shivers down my spine. We haven’t made love yet, not with his human body, and I can’t help but wonder what it will be like. His tongue dances along my neck, and I squirm, my hips pushing between his legs, rubbing along his rock-hard shaft. He hisses at the contact, a sharp intake of breath followed by a groan when I wiggle side to side.

“I want you,” I whisper, and he shudders in pleasure when I reach behind me and wrap my hand around him.

“God, yes.”

His large hands palm my breasts, and I bite my lip as the sensations flood me. I want to kiss him, to take his cock in my mouth and suck him until he can’t take it any longer. But I can’t do any of that in the position we’re currently in. Removing his hands from my skin, I lean forward and turn around. His focus drifts across my body, pausing to appreciate my fuller figure. Pregnancy has started to make subtle changes visible around my hips and breasts. I’d be self-conscious, if it wasn’t for the heat in his gaze as he focuses on my breasts.

“Sit on the edge of the tub,” I say, my command husky. I don’t want him to argue, not now.

He nods, bracing his arms on the sides of the large bathtub and lifting himself out of the water. His cock juts out, swollen and wet. My gaze focused on his hard length, I lean forward, placing the tip in my mouth and sucking, just a tease. His hips jerk forward, and I can see his fingers tighten on the edge of the tub. I continue moving my mouth over him, taking in only the crown, swirling my tongue over the smooth skin, grazing the sensitive underside with my bottom teeth. I can feel my own arousal growing, my core dampening, preparing to take him inside. Reaching up, I cup his balls in the palm of my hand, rolling them gently as he bites out curses. Without giving him warning, I swallow his length, taking him as deep as I can. Surging forward, he hits the back of my throat, and I almost choke, but he backs away, running his fingers through my hair and murmuring his apologies.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. It just feels so different,” he whispers as I watch him grapple with the sensations.

I take back control, moving over him, sucking hard until he swells in my mouth, his hand gripping my hair so hard, it hurts, but it’s so damn hot, I don’t care.

“Fucking hell, Reese.”

I revel in the feel of him filling my mouth as he comes. He’s breathing so hard. I’ve never heard him react this way. As I pull away, I watch him continue to move his hips, minute thrusts as his pleasure subsides.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

His eyes are closed, head thrown back and resting against the white tile wall. “I just … I need a minute.”

Standing, I position myself between his legs and lean down to kiss his forehead. His hands snake around my waist, pulling me to him. He rests his head between my breasts and sighs. “I can’t believe how amazing that was.”

Pride washes over me. “I’ve done it before.”

“Not like this. Everything is new. Everything is even more intense.”

Taking his hand, I step out of the bath and pull him with me toward our bedroom. “Come on. Let’s take this to our bed. I want to have you inside me.”

A frown turns down the corners of his luscious mouth, but he follows. “I’m going to need a little while before I can do that for you.”

I look down at his cock, still thick but clearly spent. “Oh, I guess your quick rebound ability was a vampire thing?”

His cheeks redden, and for a moment, I feel terrible for embarrassing him. I forget all about that when he backs me up until my knees hit the bed. He trails a finger down my belly, dipping it between my legs and sliding it deep inside me. His heated gaze lands on me, and a ripple of pleasure courses through me from my core. “Don’t worry. I can still take care of you. My cock is just one of my gifts. Now lie down and show me that sweet pussy of yours, a ghra. I’m going to eat you until you scream.”

I love it when he talks dirty. It makes something low in my belly clench with need. Anticipation climbing my spine, I recline on the bed, knees bent and falling together. He makes a soft tsk noise and grabs my hips, jerking me to the edge of the mattress. Dropping to the floor, he parts my thighs and trails kisses up my leg, his fingers teasing my inner thigh with light strokes. His lips and tongue are warm, leaving me trembling under his touch. It’s different but somehow the same. I’m just about to yell at him to get on with it when two long fingers enter me at the same time his lips fasten over my clit. I cry out, legs jerking and head thrashing from side to side. My body is already so on edge, so aroused, I could explode at any moment. Flattening his tongue, he licks me with fierce determination. I wonder if he’s trying to prove he can please me as a human. Without Sariel.

Pressure begins to build, sensations mounting, creating a time bomb inside me. Each stroke of his tongue and curl of his fingers sends jolts of electricity racing to my center, culminating in one bright ball of pleasure. He adds a third finger and pumps in and out, swirling his magical tongue over and over, until I explode around him, back arching, hips rising off the mattress. I don’t even know if I made a sound. All I can do is feel. My entire body is awash in the intensity of my orgasm.

I hear his soft chuckle as he slips his fingers from me and I blink myself back to the real world. “Holy shit,” I say, panting for breath.

“Holy shit, indeed,” he agrees.

I reach for him, tugging at his hair to indicate we need to be closer. As he crawls over me, his thick erection presses into my thigh.

“Well, it looks like changing hasn’t done anything to dampen your libido. Score one for the humans.”

“Mm,” he murmurs, fitting his hips between my legs and entering me in one solid movement.

* * *


It is so strange, standing in the living room with sunlight streaming in the big windows. I love it. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t. Reese sleeps peacefully in the bedroom. My limbs are heavy, thighs sore from making love again and again. I couldn’t let myself give in to the need for rest, not when I could have her in the light of day. Even now, my cock stirs at the memory of being inside her, of taking her until we both collapsed with exhaustion. I wouldn’t have moved a muscle, would have chosen to sleep the day away with her in my arms, if it hadn’t been for the persistent need to use the bathroom. One thing I never missed in all my years as a vampire—taking a fucking piss.

Wandering the house, I try to distract myself from the fact that Reese is naked in bed, only a few feet away. So many years of my life had been spent here. Hopes for a life filled with joy and family were practically carved into the stones that built the place. I can’t put them out of my mind as I run my fingers over the mantel. The fireplace is really the only surviving piece from the original house, but I remember building it with my father. My hand finds its way up to the slight scar on my chin, remembering vividly the moment I’d tripped and caught it on the hearth.

“You didn’t wake me up.” Reese’s husky voice covers me, warming my chest and bringing me back to the present.

I shrug, turning to her. “You need your rest.” She looks beautiful, her usually straight hair a mass of waves framing her features.

“Hungry?” she asks, cocking her head in the direction of the kitchen.

I stop for a moment, considering her question. “I am. Should we go out? I can take you on a true and proper date.”

Her cheeks go pink as she averts her gaze.

“What?” I ask.

“It’s nothing.”

“Come on, then. What did I say to embarrass you?”

“Well, if you remember, I tried to get you to take me out on a date once before. We ended up fucking in an alley before we made it to the restaurant.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I could always have you up against this wall beforehand if you’d like.”

Heat flashes in her gaze, but her stomach growls loudly, distracting us both. “Rain check?”

Taking her hand, I pull her in for a kiss. Her lips are warm and soft, sending a wave of need through me. Stepping away from her, I nudge her toward the bathroom. “Go on. Get yourself ready, and I’ll take you to breakfast.”

Glancing at the clock, she raises an eyebrow. “It’s four in the afternoon. I’d say we’re having a late lunch or early dinner.”

“Either way, we need to eat, and I want you to see the town where I grew up in the daylight.”

A bright smile spreads her lips. “Give me ten minutes.”

It takes her twenty, but I don’t mind. We’re strolling down the long dirt road, walking hand in hand into the town center, when she stops and looks at me.

“What about your car? What happened to it?”

God, that feels like a lifetime ago. “Devin took care of it. I’m not sure what he did with the wreckage, but I know he compensated the couple who owned the barn.”

“That was nice of him.”

I chuckle. “Yeah, well, I destroyed that barn. Contrary to popular belief, we don’t like to leave destruction in our wake.”

She leans against me, resting her head on my shoulder as we walk. The sun is low in the sky as we approach a small pub. Warm air hits me as soon as we push through the door. The smell of food makes my mouth water while we walk to an open table and take our seats. I study her as she scours the menu. She’s wearing a slight frown, brows drawn in, lips turned down in a pout.

“It’s expensive,” she mutters. She turns serious as she raises her gaze to mine. “What are we going to do for money? You’re going to need a job,” she announces. “I’m going to need a job. Shit.”

I let out a bark of laughter at her horrified tone.

“It’s not funny. Everything has been so damn crazy. I didn’t even think about it, but I’m sure I don’t have a job now.”

“Why wouldn’t you? As far as everyone else is concerned, your boss just never showed up.”

“And I’ve been gone weeks now. Oh, man. They all probably think Barnes and I ran off together.”

The idea that people would assume she’d left with Barnes makes me clench my teeth. “No. I’m sure they don’t. Do you really want to go back there? We could go anywhere. What’s tying you to Seattle? Family?”

She shakes her head. “No. My parents couldn’t care less where I am.”

Reaching my hand over the table, I twine my fingers with hers. “I’m your family. I care. Where do you want to go?”

A soft sigh escapes her. “Can we stay here?”

Warmth builds in my chest. “Really?”

“I’ve always wanted to come to Ireland. Though I didn’t think I’d do it this way.”

Smiling, I tighten my hand around hers. “If that’s what you want.”

“What’ll we do for money?” she asks.

I wave a hand in a dismissive gesture. “I’ve been investing my money for a very long time, Reese. You don’t have to work ever again.”

She pulls her hand away. “I’m not just going to wander around barefoot and pregnant. If that’s what you think, you’d better reconsider.”

Shaking my head, I fight off the laughter rising from my chest. “No. That’s not what I meant. I just want you to know money won’t be an issue. Figure out what you love before you tie yourself to a job. I can get your paperwork sorted, make sure everything is legal.”

“What are you going to do?”

I shrug. I’ve not really thought that far ahead yet. “Not sure. I know the land the cottage sits on needs some care. In a few years, I could get it up and running as a farm again. I was good at that. I loved it, honestly.”

She opens her mouth to speak, but a perky young waitress bounds to our table. “Welcome, have you had enough time to make your choices?”

Before either of us can respond, my phone rings loudly from the pocket of my jeans. Excusing myself, I answer, knowing the only caller could be Devin.

He speaks before I get a chance to say hello. “Gabriel is here.”

“Right,” I say, flicking a telling glance at Reese. “We’ll be there straight away.”

* * *


Gabriel stares at me with a smirk turning up one corner of his mouth. Fucking angelic asshole. I’m not ready to go be his bitch, and if he thinks that’s what I’m going to do, he’s wrong. Sariel is agitated too. He’s been bouncing around inside my head, trying to take control, then giving it back. He can’t decide what to do. I think he’s worried the angels are going to back out on their promise.

“Devin, this will be a lot easier for you if you just let Sariel take control,” Gabriel says. He’s leaning against the wall, staring me down.

“Listen, Feathers. I’m not letting him own my ass. We made a deal. I’ll help him, and he’ll help me. Together, we’ll work with you.”

The bastard laughs. He laughs at me. “You think Sariel is going to give you what you want? He’s in this for himself. He abandoned us all for a woman.”

In the back of my mind, I wonder if there’s truth to that. Sariel is strong. He could take control at any time if he wanted to. But then there’s a big part of me that says, fuck it. I’m going to spend the next five years fighting rogue angels and getting laid.

“I’m not worried. You shouldn’t be either. We’ll help you.”

Pushing himself off the wall, he walks toward me. “You ready? It’s time to leave. We’ve got a lot to discuss.”

“Fuck that. I’m not going anywhere yet. Galen and Reese will be here soon. I need you to give them some assurances first.”

Gabriel heaves a frustrated sigh. “You are so much more trouble than you’re worth.”

I stretch out on the couch, kicking my feet up and resting them on the arm. Gabriel stares at the ceiling, his foot tapping a rhythm on the floor. He’s driving me freaking insane. I thought angels were supposed to be perfect beings. This guy is just annoying. Thank fuck the door opens when it does. I don’t think I could have sat through any more awkward silence.

“Devin?” Galen calls as soon as he’s through the door.

“Hey. Still here. This fucker over here has his halo in a knot about it, though.”

Gabriel grinds his teeth, and I suppress the urge to laugh out loud. I could get used to ruffling his feathers.

“Okay, say your good-byes and let’s get going.” Gabriel sounds exasperated. Good.

“Hold on. I’ve got questions,” I say.

Gabriel crosses his arms over his chest and groans. “Are you kidding me?”

I motion to Reese and Galen, both standing next to the fireplace. “What’s going to happen to them?”

The angel shrugs. “I don’t know.”

“No, I mean with the Watchers. Are they going to keep coming after Galen?”

“They’ll be able to tell Sariel isn’t with Galen. As soon as they come near, they’ll realize they don’t want him.”

“What about the baby?” Galen asks, his voice tense.

Cocking his eyebrow, Gabriel turns his gaze to him. “What of it?”

“Well, it’s not part angel, but that means it must be part vampire. Does it have a soul? What’ll happen when it’s born?”

I’m surprised when I see Gabriel’s features soften as he approaches them. Placing his hand over Reese’s abdomen, he goes eerily still.

“The child has a soul. I don’t know how it’ll turn out, but I’m sure the baby isn’t soulless.”

She lets out a soft noise, and I can’t help but be affected by it. I watch Galen wrap his arms around her, and the relief on his face makes me sure I did the right thing by taking Sariel from him.

Gabriel turns to me, shoving his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. “Can we go? I’ve answered questions, given assurances. We have work to do.”

“Calm down, Gabe. I’m not ready yet.” Now I’m just playing with him. I figure I’ll drag this out as long as I possibly can, until he finally just forces me to leave.

His eyes narrow, and it’s then I realize what is really going on. He can’t make me go. I’m in charge. Fuck yeah! Galen and Reese are watching us, waiting to see what’s going to happen.

Don’t push it, Devin. Gabriel can’t take us, but we both made a promise.

I know Sariel has a lot on the line here. If I refuse to go, he doesn’t get what he wants. The thing is, I’ve never done well with authority. I hate being told what to do. It’s one of the reasons I abandoned my family’s plantation life and fought for the Union instead of the Confederacy.

“All right, all right. I’m ready. But I want freedom when I’m not working for you. You can come get me when you need me. I don’t want to be living with a bunch of angels, unless they’re working the catwalk.”

Gabriel looks confused, making me laugh out loud. “Fine. You’ve got to come with me now so we can get to work.”

Knowing I’ve stretched my time out as long as possible, I toss a grin at Reese. “Good-bye, sweetness. Take care of him, okay? He’ll be lost without me.”

Galen laughs and shakes his head. “Fucking hell, you’re such an arse.”

He holds his hand out, and I take it, pulling him in for a hug. A masculine man hug.

Clearing my throat, I back away and turn to Gabriel. Fear grips my stomach as I walk closer to him. “Let’s get this show on the road, Gabe. What are you waiting for?”

I bite back another laugh as he clenches his jaw and places a hand on my shoulder.

My ears ring, and the world turns white.




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