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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (7)

Chapter Six


It’s been two weeks since I stopped my relationship … or whatever this is, with Reese. Well, I suppose I haven’t completely cut everything off. I feel like the messages I send are the last bit of connection I have with her, and I can’t stand the idea of her forgetting about me. Sometimes, I swear those bloody messages are sent without me knowing. It’s like my dick takes over and my brain checks out. The plan is to keep it sexual rather than romantic, because knowing I can’t have a future with her makes my chest ache in an unfamiliar way. I don’t like it.

If I’m honest, though, keeping things dirty hasn’t been tough considering just one fleeting thought of her and I’m rock hard and ready. There it is again, that need to be inside her. I pick up my phone and start composing a text, telling her exactly what I want to do to her and for how long.

“Put the phone down.” God damn Devin tosses a pillow at my head. “You’re texting her again, aren’t you?”

Anger slams into me. What does he have to do with this? I know it’s ridiculous. I’ve only seen her three times, but there’s something more than just the Watcher drawing me to her. Something about her awoke the angel, but I would’ve been pulled to her regardless. She’s meant for me, and if I can’t be with her now, I’ll sure as hell leave a lasting impression until I figure out how I can have her.

“You’re not making it any easier on yourself. You need to put her out of your mind. Look at yourself. You haven’t fed in weeks. You’re cranky, and I don’t like you very much when you get like this.”

I shove my phone in my back pocket. “Fine. I’m leaving. That way you won’t have to deal with me.”

As I step outside into the cool fall air, I inhale deeply, drinking in the scents of the world. I could easily go to her. She’s either at work, pandering to the overinflated ego of some jazz singer, or at home, possibly naked. My cock stirs and I shake my head, trying to focus on the task at hand. Devin’s right. I need to feed. I’ve gone beyond the point of safety. I’m taking chances by denying my hunger. My control is hanging by a thread. If I don’t take someone now, I’ll start leaving a careless trail of bodies in my wake.

The sky is the velvety black of recent sunset, the stars winking into view one by one. It’s my favorite time, those precious minutes between true dark and the last vestiges of day. It makes me feel human for a brief moment. Until two weeks ago, this was the only thing that could make me feel.

I stroll along the darkened path I’ve chosen as my hunting grounds when I tire of the club scenes. Aware of every movement and sound around me, I watch for an unsuspecting runner or an evening walker. My ears pick up the sound of footfalls, probably one hundred feet ahead of me. As I continue toward the source of the steps, I catch sight of her. With her dark hair and long legs, she strongly resembles Reese. I tell myself this can work, but as I trail my gaze down, I can’t contain my disappointed sigh. Her form lacks the perfection that is Reese. Pulling in a deep breath, I catch her scent. Not nearly the same as the perfume of Reese’s skin, but she’ll do.

I let her jog past me before dropping one of my keys on the ground behind her. Bending, I pick it up as I call out, “Excuse me, miss?”

She turns, pulling her headphones from her ears. “I’m sorry?”

I hold out the key. “You dropped this.”

A confused frown turns down her mouth. Her lips are too thin; she has too many freckles. She’s not Reese.

“That’s not mine,” she says, moving a bit closer to me as she inspects the key.

I snag her by the wrist and pull her against my body. Waiting for my fangs to descend. Nothing happens.

“Please, stop! Don’t hurt me!” she cries, fear coming off her in waves.

I stare her down, trying to calm her. I don’t like them to suffer. “Don’t fight me. Relax, and it’ll be over soon.”

She struggles futilely in my arms. “Please, I’ve got two little kids. I’m supposed to be home to tuck them in.” Tears stream down her cheeks.

An unfortunate wash of guilt swamps me at her trembling lower lip, the pleading voice, and the thought of her two kids. “Fucking hell,” I grumble, letting her go. “Get out of here. Don’t run in the park after nightfall. Someone might attack you.”

I chuckle at my bad joke, but I can feel myself wasting away as I watch her go. Damn, this isn’t going to work. Struggling to control the rising panic in my chest, I take to the trail, hoping I’ll come across someone my body will let me take. About five minutes in, I catch a familiar scent. She’s warm vanilla, comforting and arousing all at the same time. My chest tightens along with my pants as I home in on her. It’s Reese. Her long hair swinging from a ponytail as she runs, she chats and laughs with the man jogging beside her. Rage courses through me as I watch them move together, too closely for my liking. I step back into the shadows, hoping to avoid being seen as they pass.

“Hang on, Jay. My shoe came untied,” she calls, stopping nearly in front of me as she bends to fix her laces.

I catch a glimpse of the tops of her breasts when she kneels, and the answering wave of lust nearly sends me to the ground. Knowing it’s the Watcher controlling my libido, I work to push it away. I am in control. A small voice in the back of my head laughs at my false confidence as my dick hardens completely in my pants.

Jay turns around and joins her, offering a hand to help her rise. My senses are on alert as I watch their exchange. He’s focused on her cleavage as well, and I really can’t blame him—she’s fucking gorgeous—but it’s when he reaches out to brush some hair behind her ear that I lose it. The moment his hand makes contact with the skin of her cheek, I’m stalking toward them, anger burning brightly.

“Galen!” Reese cries, eyes wide and fearful.

“Don’t fucking touch her. She’s mine,” I growl, hitting him with the full force of my gaze.

Jay backs away, hand in the air with a satisfying amount of terror. “Okay, man. We’re good. I’ll give you anything you want, just don’t hurt us.”

“Galen, what the hell?” Reese’s tone snaps my attention back to her. I can hear her heart racing, pumping adrenaline-laced blood through her veins.

Without warning, Jay’s fist connects with my jaw—hard. I see stars for a moment before coming back to my senses, and, damn it, my face hurts. I’m weak from hunger. Normally I’d be faster than him, my instincts telling me he was coming for me way before his blow landed. As it is, I’m barely able to push Reese to safety before he’s on me again. His limbs flail, proving he’s not a good fighter. That sucker punch was the only time he actually did damage so far. I fend him off with ease, not wanting to snap his neck in front of Reese. If I tell her what I am, I don’t want to do it because I killed her friend.

“Jay, get off him!” Reese yells. “Stop it, both of you!”

With Jay’s focus momentarily set on her, I’m able to flip him around, holding his hands behind his back in one of mine and bracing my other arm across his chest. He struggles but isn’t going anywhere.

“Who is this guy, Reese?” Jay asks through strained gasps, and I realize that’s because I’m holding him so tightly, I’m cutting off his air supply.

Reese’s eyes dart to mine, a question in them. Who am I to her? It’s clear she doesn’t have an answer.

“I’m a friend,” I answer coolly, loosening my grip on him when his heart rate calms.

“I’ve never heard of you.”

“We’ve been sort of … seeing each other.” Reese’s cheeks flush as she tries to avoid my gaze. God help me, but I want to throw her on the ground, rip off her clothes, and lick her pussy until she comes, screaming into the night air. Regardless of who is watching.

“Oh, you … uh, you didn’t mention you were seeing someone.” Jay visibly deflates and as soon as I release him, he steps away from the two of us. I try to fight off the grin I can feel spreading my lips, but I fail miserably. I love it that this guy just realized he’s fighting a battle he can’t win. “Sorry, man. I didn’t know.”

I take Reese’s hand in mine, threading our fingers together. At her little intake of breath, I harden even more. Damn it. I can’t resist the need to be inside her, but I know I risk killing her. Looking at her now, though, she’s vibrant. Her cheeks are flushed, skin luminous, and she looks more vivacious than I’ve ever seen her. Maybe a rest was truly what she needed.

“Come with me. I need you,” I whisper, pulling her away from Jay.

“We’re not done with our run.”

Her friend coughs and rubs at his hand. “I’m done. Shit, I think I broke my hand when I punched you.”

Fighting a smile, I tilt my head at him. “You got a good shot in.” Trailing my fingers over the line of Reese’s back, I turn my attention to her. “Come on.”

She bites her lower lip, sending an apologetic glance in her friend’s direction. “I’ll see you later, Jay,” she says, and my heart swells, knowing she’s choosing me.

“I want to have you under me, over me, around me,” I murmur against her hair as we walk. I don’t know where we’re going. I’m letting her lead, but wherever we end up, I will be inside her soon. A small voice in the back of my head reminds me once again of the danger being with her poses. I push it away, wondering idly if this is me or the Watcher influencing my decision. I could always turn her if things go badly.

Then I could keep her forever.

* * *


Galen is here. Out of freaking nowhere … again. I stare him down as we wait at a stoplight on our way to my apartment. He’s looked better. His eyes are ringed with dark circles, his cheeks are hollow, and he’s missing the general glow of confidence that attracted me to him in the beginning. He looks sick.

“Are you okay?” I ask, flicking my focus back to the road before he answers.


“You look tired.”

“I’m fine.”

“Okay, then,” I say. He’s being a moody jerk. I’m not into moody jerks. Pulling the car to the side of the road, I put it in Park and unlock the doors. “Get out.”

I can barely make out his features in the dim light of the dashboard, but I’m sure his expression is incredulous. “What?”

“I said, get out.”

“I heard you. Why?”

“You appear out of nowhere after fucking me in an alley two weeks ago. Then you send me nothing but dirty texts and block your number so I can’t respond, and spend the car ride answering my questions with nonanswers. Now you expect me to let you fuck my brains out? Sorry. Not happening.”

He smirks. “Oh, it’s happening, a ghra. I’ll fuck you right now in this piece of shit car if I have to. And you’ll love every second.”

I can feel myself getting wet as his words flow over me. Crap. He’s right. I will enjoy it. I’ll enjoy it so much.

“Tell me what’s wrong with you,” I insist.

His hand slides up my thigh, gripping hard. “I just need you. I’ll be better now that I’m with you.”

I try to ignore the heat rushing along my leg where he touches me. Pulling my car back onto the street, I drive to my apartment building in silence, trying desperately to focus on the road as his hand inches higher and higher. Thank God we were already halfway there when I’d stopped.

As we walk into my building, his fingers move in tiny circles at the small of my back. He’s worked his way under my jogging top, and the feel of his cool skin on mine sends shivers of anticipation through me. In the bright light of the hallway, I notice his bruised and battered jaw. His lip is split and still bleeding a little. Reaching up, I touch his cheek gingerly.

“You’re bleeding.”

He shrugs, taking my hand and sliding it down to the front of his pants, where he’s hard and ready. “I’ll be fine once I’m inside you.”

Dear God, the mouth on this man. “I have a roommate,” I manage to say, slipping the key into the lock when we reach my door.

He nuzzles my neck. “We’re not going to be leaving your bed any time soon. Hurry with the damn key.”

Trisha isn’t home, and I send up a silent prayer of thanks as I lead Galen through the cramped space and to my room. It’s messy, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t care, because the first thing he does when I close the door is back me up against it using just his lips on mine.

“Fuck, I’ve missed your taste,” he groans.

I swear, a bolt of lightning runs straight from where his lips are on me down to my clit. My breasts feel heavy and ache to be touched as his mouth moves to my ear and he whispers, “Put your hands on my cock, then I want your mouth.”

Oh, sweet Lord. I slide my hands down his strong chest, feeling the ridges of his defined muscles under his thin shirt. I want to lick every inch of his skin. When I find the bulge of his straining erection, I press firmly against him and slide up and down, loving the soft grunts he makes.

“Take off my pants, a ghra,” he commands.

I pull at his belt and pop the button on his jeans, carefully sliding down the zipper as he kisses my neck. He lightly nips my skin, and I jump at the feel of teeth.

“On your knees.”

In another world, I would have laughed at him before throwing him out of my apartment. Right now my body is so alert, I’ll do anything he asks as long as he makes me come. I fall to my knees, taking his pants with me on the way down. He’s not wearing anything under the jeans, and the sight of his length, standing straight out in front of me, makes me gasp. I can hear his soft chuckle as he threads a hand in my hair, cursing when he remembers I’ve got it pulled back.

“Take down your hair.”

I oblige, letting the long dark waves fall around my shoulders. Immediately, his fingers are tangled in the locks, pulling enough to cause just a slight bit of pain. I’m nervous, looking everywhere but at the raging erection I’m supposed to be focused on.

“I’ve never done this before,” I admit. I’m afraid I’ll do it wrong or I might choke. What if I bite him?

“It’s all right. Just start slow. Take a little at a time.”

At his urging, I run my hand over him again, feeling the pulse of arousal as he grows in my palm. There’s a bead of liquid shining at the tip, and I lean in slowly to get a taste. As soon as my tongue touches his swollen head, he sucks in a sharp breath, fingers tightening in my hair so much, I whimper in pain. His reaction is strong, and I can’t help but feel pride welling up in my chest. I am the reason he’s aroused.

Emboldened, I press on, opening my mouth to take him in. Surprisingly, aside from the faintly salty taste of his pre-cum, his cock tastes like nothing more than skin. As I take a moment to learn his body, I roll my gaze up to catch a glimpse of him. I need to see what he’s feeling. His jaw is clenched. I can see him grinding his teeth. God, he’s so hot with his day-old stubble and that broody frown. Pulling away, I run my hand lazily over his length.

His frown deepens before he looks down at me. “Why did you stop?”

“I just want to know if I’m doing this right. You know, the things you like.”

“You’re doing exactly what I like. I don’t know that you could do anything wrong.”

“Do you want me to keep going?”

He nods. “Let me fuck your mouth.”

That coupled with the intense burning in his eyes makes me weak in the knees. I’m so glad I’m already on the floor. I take him in my mouth again, this time prepared for the feeling of intense fullness, and start to suck. My jaw hurts, but I want him to find his release because of me. He starts to move in slow, shallow thrusts, hitting the back of my throat occasionally as he starts to lose control. My hands roam over his hips, grip his ass, slide down his thighs as he shudders and groans. I’m so turned on, I think I might catch fire. I moan around his cock as I cup his balls in one hand and squeeze almost too tight. He cries out, cursing in a language I don’t understand. His grip on my hair tightens, and he stills before pulsing down my throat, his breaths coming in short, sharp gasps.

I swallow him down, the bitter taste of his orgasm lingering on my tongue. A feeling of empowerment washes over me. I had him at my mercy just then. He was completely open and vulnerable with his dick in my mouth and his balls in my hand. Even though I was on my knees, I was the one in charge.

“Was that okay?” I ask.

Reaching down, he scoops me up into his arms and kisses me with a blazing passion I’ve only read about. I’m dizzy, aching for him, and feeling confident and beautiful. His hands go to work on me, peeling my clothes from my body until I’m lying nude on my bed.

“Your turn,” he whispers.




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