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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (91)

Sneak Peek of Eternal Desire

The Siren Coven: Book 1


The warm air of the Witch’s Brew Pub hits me as Helena pushes me through the door. The scent of freshly pulled pints and deep-fried chips fills the small, dark space, making me sigh in frustration. Why am I here on my night off?

“I swear to God, Helena. If you don't let me go home so I can watch The Bachelor I will turn you into a bunny and keep you in a cage.”

She chuckles, shaking her head as she pulls me through the crowded bar, Gwen following behind us. “I don't know why you want to watch other people fall in love. You know it’s all a lie.”

“It's not real love. It's entertainment. A distraction.” My thoughts drift to memories from lifetimes ago, the one moment I thought love was true.

Her bronze gaze nearly withers me on the spot as she settles into a corner booth. “Izzy, the three of us haven't been together since we were cursed. If it weren’t for that fallen angel summoning us, we would still be separated and powerless.” The tumble of chocolate colored tresses I’ve always envied cascades over her shoulder as she leans forward. “Do you really plan to continue life as though nothing has changed? Our magic is finally growing now that we’ve been reunited. Why are we wasting it?”

“What's the point? We're each dying within a year and then we have to start this all over again. Twenty-seven gets closer every day. Why should I let myself get used to having you two back in my life?”

“Because, this time we are going to break the curse,” Gwen interjects, her soft voice strong and sure.

My sister witch’s long, nearly black hair is pulled up high on her head, making her look like a beautiful ballerina with her graceful neck and off the shoulder top.

“And how are we going to do that?” I ask, not able to keep the snark out of my tone.

“Kill the coven leader, of course.”

I toss my head back as a full body laugh rolls through me.

“It's not funny. This is exactly what we need. We're together, Sariel saw to that when he summoned us. At least that fallen angel gave us something for our trouble. Now, we take down Calista and take back our lives.”

Just the utterance of our coven leader’s name sends a shiver down my spine. The woman is pure evil dressed in a beautiful package.

Helena clears her throat as though asking for the floor. “She can't possibly still be alive.”

“If she were dead, we wouldn't still be cursed.” Gwen juts her chin out in defiance. Her shoulders stiffen as she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. “I’ve seen it. She’s alive.”

That's true. Any spell we use loses its power when we die. Maybe that's why I've never cursed anyone. I knew it wouldn't hold for long.

Tapping my fingertips on the tabletop, I consider Gwen’s statement. “It makes sense that if she had the power to curse us the way she did, she'd also be able to keep herself alive.”

“She’s a goddamned twat,” Helena grumbles.

“That’s not news.” I sigh and let my head fall back onto the high cushion of the booth.

Silence falls between the three of us as life continues around us in the pub.

Helena stares at me with a cocked eyebrow. “I’m bored. Since we’re not killing Calista tonight, can you get us drinks? Let’s make this into a pub crawl. Maybe I can find something to channel my pent up … energy into.”

I have to admit, it’s not a bad idea. In the short time we’ve been back together, I’ve learned a lot about my long lost sisters. We’ve each suffered tragic losses, but in very different ways, and it shows in how we deal with our curse. Helena picks a willing victim, enthralls him for a little while, then cuts him loose after she’s done with him. Gwen is still hoping for true love to be delivered to her doorstep. Me? I’m not interested in more than the occasional no-strings fuck. Give me a man who knows what he’s doing and a few hours, that’s all I need. Love isn’t a possibility for me. I’ve been tricked once before into believing its lies. Never again.

“Fine, shall we start the night off with a pint?” I ask, already standing and on my way toward the bar.

Gwen grins. “Izzy, I see someone tall, dark, and handsome in your immediate future.”

Cocking an eyebrow, I snort. “Right, is this another vision of yours, or are you having me on?”

“Not a vision … this time. But isn’t that your type? Dark and brooding.” She juts her chin toward the bar where I see William, my co-worker, the definition of dark and brooding.

Her words bring a flash of a long buried memory. The man had been the opposite of her description with his bright blue eyes, tawny hair, and a smile that could melt even the coldest of hearts. My chest tightens at the pain of knowing it had all been a lie. Tristan. The man I’d fancied myself in love with. The man I killed because of a bloody love potion and my curse.

Shaking my head to clear the painful memories, I run my fingers through my long blond hair and paste a smile on my lips. “That’s right. The broodier the better is what I always say. Those damaged ones always fuck like damn champions.”

“Damn right they do,” Helena interjects. “Go on, we need our drinks. Maybe if we get Gwen drunk enough she’ll do some karaoke with us tonight.”

Gwen’s rosy cheeks go pale at the mention of public singing. “Helena, you know we can’t use our songs in public. What if I accidentally enthrall someone?”

Helena chuckles. “Then you give him a wild ride and let him off the hook when you’re done. Or keep him.”

“Making up for lost time, Hel?” I ask.

“Absolutely. I had to spend every lifetime alone. No one understood what I was going through. Now that I’ve got you two back with me, we’re sowing our oats, building our power, and making that bitch pay. In that order.”

“I like that plan.”

“Me too,” says as she swipes gloss over her deep red lip stain.

Gwen’s shoulders stiffen and her eyes cloud over as a vision takes control. Shit. This is not what we need right now. I haven’t seen her in the throes of her gift in a very long time, but it’s still just as unsettling as it was lifetimes ago. It doesn’t last long, and in a few seconds she’s blinking rapidly and taking long breaths.

“You okay?” I ask.

She nods, then frowns. “You’re going to see him tonight.”

A chill runs down my spine. “Who?”

“Your beast.”

Helena lets out a loud bark of laughter. “Oh, Gwen, you’re a riot. Stop stalling, Izzy. I’m parched.”

The floor is filled with patrons standing at the tall pub tables and laughing as they chatter away. With a slight flare of my power, I compel them to move aside so I can get through and to the bar.

“What are you doing here tonight?” William waves and shouts across the big mahogany bar as soon as he sees me.

“Hey, William, I’m…here with some friends. Girl’s night.”

He chuckles. “Is that what we’re calling it now?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

Gaze sliding over my low-cut top and leather miniskirt, he grins. “You’re looking for more than a girl’s night. You know I’ve offered more than once, love.”

In another life, I might have taken him up on the offer, but his clean cut good looks do little for me. “And I’ve told you. Don’t shit where you eat.”

He frowns and shakes his head. “You’re nothing if not direct. What can I get for you and your friends?”

“A pint of bitter and two Guinesses.”

With a nod, he turns toward the tap and gets to work, but the phone rings, distracting him. I could just hop over the bar and do it myself, but then I’d end up working for a good thirty minutes just to help him clear the orders.

My skin prickles with awareness as I feel someone watching me. A tingle of interest flows over my body. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a tall, dark, handsome man sitting two stools away from where I’m leaned up against the wood. He’s watching me, but I’m not going to favor him with a direct glance. Not yet.

Three glasses, nearly overflowing, are settled in front of me, pulling my not-so-sly focus from the stranger at my side.

“Here we are, love. On the house.” William grins, his charming smile not lost on me.

“Thanks, you’re a star.” I blow him a little kiss and carefully hold the three pint glasses between my two hands.

“You change your mind about shitting where you eat, just let me know,” he calls.

All I can do is laugh as I turn my head and glance at him. Instead of William’s amused gaze, I find my focus on the stranger. He’s staring at me—hard. His eyes are pitch black and blazing with an intensity I’ve not found in a man in centuries.

Shaking my head to clear my focus, I turn back toward our table and head to Helena and Gwen. But I feel his eyes on me the whole time I’m walking.

* * *


The bartender has me gripping my knees in an effort to keep from punching him as he continues to leer after the beauty who’d been at the counter. I have to admit, I can’t stop looking at her either. And her scent. I’ve never smelled anything like it. She’s roses and fucking cherries. I love cherries. I hadn’t planned on bedding a woman tonight, but if I’m going to take any woman, it’ll have to be the one who smells like that.

My senses are on high alert as the day gives way into night. I can feel the moon rising, making my blood sing with the animalistic power running through my veins. This pull toward the gorgeous blonde isn’t helping me rein in my need to change. Dammit, I can’t let my control slip right now. I should still have a few days before I have to shift and let my beast free. I’ve got a job to do, and my pack leader won’t be happy if I lose it.

I watch her as she chats with her friends, laughing and sipping her bitter. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Her gaze locks with mine more than once as I finish off my own pint. Oh, she’s interested, just as I am. When she bites her lower lip and trails her fingers over her exposed collarbone, I’m done. I have to have her.

Before I can stop myself I’m halfway across the crowded pub, my need leading me more than my brain. A pair of startling, bronze-colored eyes locks onto mine before they narrow in suspicion, stopping me in my tracks.

“Can I help you?” She’s a tiny woman, and her dark hair complete with widow’s peak makes her appear severe.

“I don’t think you can. You’re not the one I’m on my way to see.”

Ruby red lips turn up in a smirk. “Back away, beast. None of us are here for you.”

Startled, I can’t hide my reaction. I step back, brow furrowed. She called me beast. How the bloody hell had she known?

The scent is stronger as I try to push past the red-lipped fury in front of me. I need to get to her. “I’ll be the judge of that. Move aside, woman.”

She laughs in my face, her small hand resting on the center of my chest. “If you touch one hair on her head I’ll castrate you and send your bollocks back to your pack in a fucking gift box.”

What the fuck is this woman on about?

Glancing past her, I look around until my gaze settles on the most beautiful mouth I’ve ever seen. It’s a mouth made for kissing, tasting, fucking. Her flawless skin, slightly upturned nose, and eyes the strangest shade of copper all call to me. I don’t give a good goddamn what the woman in front of me says she’ll do. I’ll have the gorgeous blonde I’ve set my sights on.

“I said, move aside.”

“Not damn likely,” the little thorn in my side says.

But Beauty can’t be stopped as she rises from her chair and closes the distance between us. Her lips beckon me like a siren song, and in the span of a few heartbeats, she’s standing before me. My heart aches and swells all at the same time.

“It’s okay, Hel. I’ve got this.” Her voice flows over me and sends desire rushing through every cell in my body.

“But he’s a shifter. A damn beast. They’re crazy. You can’t be seriously considering

“Clearly you’ve never been had by one of my kind, lass. I can assure you, if you had, you’d not be trying to discourage her.” I interject.

Beauty takes her lower lip between her teeth, eyes widening in excitement. She steps a little closer. “If you’re trying to sell me on a night out with you, you don’t have to. Those tattoos and the hair took care of that for you.”

Holding out a hand, I open my mouth to introduce myself but she puts her slender fingers over my lips.

“No names.” Her earnest whisper sends a bolt of lust straight to my cock.

I can’t stop my smirk. Her skin on mine is like flames meeting wood. I might combust from wanting her. Grabbing her hand, I free my mouth and pull her closer.

“Should I continue to call you beauty?”

“That’ll be just fine. Names have power, and I’m not willing to give that to you just yet.”

Oh she’s all fire and challenge, waiting to be tamed. My beast wants her just as badly as I do. If the tightness in my jeans is any indication, I’ll need to get inside her soon.

“Fine, then, Beauty. You think we can take this somewhere more private? I’m not keen on getting arrested for public indecency, but I’ll take whatever you’ll give me—wherever you’ll give it.”

Lips parting as her gaze turns heated, she gives a little gasp. “How do you know I’ll give you anything?”

I take a step closer. “Do you really want me to answer that?”

Her friend sucks in a breath as she gears up to say something, no doubt not in my favor. I’d forgotten about the tall, dark haired woman. In fact, I’d forgotten everything but Beauty.

“Hel, I said I’ve got this. I’m fine.” She throws a pointed glare at her friend and hisses, “Sit your arse down and leave me be.”

The friend rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Fine, but don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.” She stomps off without a look back.

“You want me,” I say.

“Excuse me?” Beauty’s amusement is obvious from her tone.

“You asked how I know you’ll give me anything. The answer is, you want me. I can smell it.”

Instead of blushing, she leans closer, breathing me in. “You’re not wrong.”

“You want me, and you’ll have me.” I whisper the words in her ear, her scent causing my blood to rush straight to my achingly hard erection.

“And if I say no?” She’s bluffing. There’s a tremor in her voice as her challenge hits air between us.

Grabbing her hand, I pull her to me. Oh hell, her skin is soft and warm and full of promise.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

Tugging her toward the exit, I force myself to keep my grip light for fear of hurting her. She stops me with a shake of her head.

“Not that way. Come on.” A devious smile quirks up those lush lips as she cocks her head in the direction of the toilets.


“You’re a stranger. I’m not leaving with you.”

“But you’ll let me fuck you in the loo?”

Silvery bell-like laughter falls from her. “Are you certain you’ll be the one doing the fucking? I suppose I could find someone else willing to get the job done.”

Unreasonable jealousy races through me. “No way in hell.”

“Let’s go, then.” She pulls me along behind her, and I let her take the lead.

Surprisingly, we pass by the bathroom in favor of a back exit. The cool, night air hits me but instead of clearing my head, the breeze sends her enticing scent over me. The dimly lit alley is empty, only the sounds of traffic filtering between the brick walls of the two buildings. I can’t keep from touching her any longer. The nearly full moon begs me to change, and my beast begs me to take her.

“Give me your mouth, beauty. I want to see if it tastes as good as it looks.”

For a moment, I think she’s going to argue with me, instead, she thrusts her hands into my hair and pulls my face to hers.

We’re lips and teeth, harsh breaths and grasping hands as soon as we connect. Lifting her slight form easily, I press her against the brick and ruck up her skirt without ceremony.

A shudder of unbridled lust rushes over my body at her gasped whisper of, “Now. Take me now.”

She wraps her legs around my waist, her lips leaving a teasing trail of kisses along my jaw as I use one hand to cup her ass and the other to unbuckle my belt and tear at the zipper of my jeans. Her soft gasps send tingles over my skin and when she takes my earlobe between her teeth and bites just a touch too hard, I know I wouldn’t be able to contain myself even if I was trying. My fingers pull aside her knickers and I’m rewarded with a cry of surprise when I push two of them into her wet heat.

Her mouth claims mine as I move my fingers in and out. I never want to leave this woman. I groan as she slides her hand under my boxers and grips my cock without warning. I nearly lose all control when she moves in long, slow strokes. Fuck. I need to be inside her. Now.

Laughter floats through the narrow alley accompanied by the sound of footsteps. We still, both breathing hard. But, with a deep breath and some murmured words I don’t understand, I feel it—a shifting in our environment, a veil.

“It’s fine. They can’t see us,” she whispers.

The scent of electricity in the air sets me on edge. She’s a bloody witch.

I should pull back, stop this now, but her sex clenches around my fingers and she wiggles in search of friction. “Please, I need you.”

Removing my fingers from her body, I free myself fully and drive inside her. It’s perfection. A feeling of rightness settles over me and in that instant, I know.

Holding her face in my hands as I slide deep and pull back over and over, I stare into her startling bronze irises. I know what I’m going to find there and I’m not ready for it.

“What are you doing?” she asks, her brow furrowing.

“I’m claiming what’s bloody well mine.” My words come out a harsh growl, but I realized as soon as I sank inside her why I’m drawn to her, why she smells so fucking amazing. She’s meant for me. This beauty is my mate, and there’s nothing that will keep me from her now.