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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (42)

Chapter Eighteen


Devin is sleeping. Either that, or I somehow fucked him into a coma. Do vampires sleep? I always thought they just sort of rested until the sun went down, but it’s only midnight. He should be awake.

Standing next to the bed, I take a moment to appreciate his gorgeous, toned ass, only half-covered by the bedsheets. God, he is everything I’ve fantasized about. Better, if I’m honest.

“Devin,” I say, my tone hushed, simply because I don’t want him to startle awake and vamp out on me. When he doesn’t move, I call his name again, louder. Still nothing. Fuck, he’s not even breathing. Does he need to breathe?

Lifting my foot, I poke his exposed butt cheek with my toe. Shit. I think I killed him. How do you resuscitate a vampire?

One blond eyebrow arches as he opens his eye. “What the hell are you doing?”

Relief courses through me. “I thought maybe I killed you.”

A low chuckle rumbles through his chest as I take a seat next to him on the bed. “You thought you screwed me to death?”

A heated blush warms my cheeks. “Maybe. I didn’t think vampires slept.”

“We don’t.” He rolls to his side, that glorious chest on full display. “Except during daylight. And even then, it’s more like death. We can stay awake, but it’s hard on our bodies.”

“So, what was that?” I gesture toward him lying on the mattress.

He rubs his chin before running his fingers through his hair. “A sex stupor?” As he sits up, he groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Shit.”


Shaking his head, he takes a heavy breath. “My head hurts. I’m fucking dizzy as hell. Did you drug me or something?”

I would be offended, but I’ve threatened to kill him multiple times now, so I can’t blame him for being suspicious. “No.” Reaching out, I rest my palm on his forehead to find his skin cooler than usual and coated in a clammy sweat. “You look sick. Your eyes have dark circles.”

He chuckles lightly, but I hear an edge of nerves behind the laugh. “I don’t get sick. Unless I’ve been poisoned. I know you didn’t poison me.”

“Do you need to feed?”

A frown creases his brow. “I shouldn’t.”

“Maybe you’ll feel better if you do.” I hold my wrist out in front of his lips. “Here.”

Even though he doesn’t feel well, he smirks. “You just want me to make you come again.”

Rolling my eyes, I shrug. “I’m not going to lie. It’s a perk.”

As soon as his teeth pierce my flesh, a wave of ecstasy flows over me. I’m moaning and trying desperately not to writhe on the bed. But he pulls free all too soon, his frown deepening.

“What?” I ask, a sense of dread overtaking the diminishing euphoria.

His lips move, but he doesn’t make a sound. Like he’s having a silent conversation I’m not privy to.

Without warning, his ice-blue eyes snap open and swirl with silver as his strong hand encircles my throat. His voice is a harsh growl. “When the fuck did you get a Watcher?”

* * *


The name Armaros rolls over in my mind again and again. She’s been infected. Willow—my Willow has a Watcher inside her. How the fuck did this happen?

“Tell, me, Willow. When?” The fear in her eyes shatters me, and I regain control from Sariel, taking my hand from her throat.

“What the hell are you talking about?” She flies off the bed. I can hear her heart thrumming like a caged bird. “I don’t have a Watcher.”

“You do. Sariel tasted it in your blood. He said Armaros.” I stand and wrap my naked body in a blanket. My legs wobble, making me suddenly aware of my weakness. “I saw your eyes change. I was fucking right. They glowed.”

Horror fills her features. “No. This can’t be happening.” All the color drains from her cheeks. “It was Mark,” she whispers as tears shine in her eyes. “I didn’t remember before, but now

“What? Who the fuck is Mark?” Jealousy, hot and untempered, flares inside me.

“Oh God. That’s why you’re sick. I’ve been feeding from you. Devin, I could have killed you.”

“We need to circle back to Mark. Why were you with another man?”

With a sigh, she sits. “My fiancé.”

An overwhelming pain grips my heart but is quickly overtaken by confusion. “Your fiancé is dead.”

She nods, then shakes her head before dropping it into her palms. “He was … is … It’s all my fault. Azazel made them turn him. He gave Mark a Watcher.” The heartbreak in her voice nearly takes me to my knees. “I staked him. But he bit me before he died. His eyes flashed green, and he bit me.” As she brings her hand to her neck, I see the nearly healed skin. “He said Azazel has been after me for the last six years. Why? Why would he want me?”

Because she’s yours. Sariel’s voice echoes in my head.

“When the fuck did this happen?”

Her hands are balled into fists as she clenches her teeth. “A few days ago. After I saw you with Reese.”

Shit. I have no clue how to handle something like this. She looks the same, just like the woman I ache to be near every moment of the night. But, I feel violated somehow. Like she’s a double agent and I don’t know if I can trust her if the Watchers have access to her. These Watchers have been looking for a way in, for some path to Sariel. The path was me. This is my fault.

Pulling on my jeans, I search the floor for my shirt before I remember I left it in the living room. “I … I have to leave. I’m sorry, Willow.”

I see the moment she shuts down. Her face becomes a blank mask, but disbelief and hurt lurk behind her eyes.

“Fine. Get out. I’ll … I don’t know what I’ll do.” She turns away, her shoulders tense and posture hostile.

Fuck. I’m an asshole. But she’s fed from me at least three times if it works the same way it does with me. I come, Sariel feeds. Is that how she feeds? By me spilling my orgasm inside her? Or does she feed from her own pleasure? If I’m an incubus, that must make her a succubus. My head is a jumbled mess of confusion as my thoughts race from one conclusion to the next.

Reaching for her, I let my hands hover over her thin shoulders, not allowing myself to touch. If I touch her, I’ll pull her against me, and then I won’t be able to walk away. But, she’s everything. How can I leave her? Then I feel the air around us change. An undeniable wave of need washes over me as pheromones fill the room. My cock pushes against the denim covering it, and my fangs descend as lust rushes through my system. Fuck. I can’t want her again.

“Devin?” She sounds like she’s in pain, like she needs me to ease some deep ache. As she turns toward me, I notice the faint glow in her irises before she’s on me, her mouth crushing against mine, tongue delving deep, twining with my own in a passionate dance. She’s got me backed up and sitting on the bed before I can protest. Her legs are wrapped around my hips, hands tangled in my hair, and I can feel the press of her hard nipples against my chest as she clings to me. Breaking the kiss, she presses her cheek to mine and murmurs, “It’s not enough. I need more. Everything hurts. What’s happening to me?”

Panic sets in, making my stomach turn to stone. I search for Sariel, hoping he’ll give me some idea of how to help her, but he’s locked himself away, clearly not wanting anything to do with the Watcher inside my Willow.

Her hot little hands slide over my chest as she continues to lick and kiss along my jaw, down my neck, sending fire racing through my blood. I’ll give her everything she needs. Grinding her core against my straining erection, she moans and bites my neck, hard enough that, were I human, she’d have drawn blood. I let out a soft grunt of pain and buck my hips.

Pushing me until my head hits the bed, she stands and slides my pants over my hips and down my legs. The glow in her eyes is brighter with every moment that passes, but the pleading look she gives me makes my heart cry out to help. She needs me. I can give this to her. I’m stronger than a human. She can’t kill me like this. I hope.

Her shorts fall to the floor, and I expect her to mount me without ceremony, but she takes her bottom lip between her teeth and balls her hands into fists.

“Don’t fight it, Angel. Take what you need from me. I’ll be okay.”

She shakes her head even as she’s reaching for me. “It made you sick. I might kill you.”

“Can’t die, remember?”

Sadness fills her eyes. “Everything dies eventually. You should know that better than anyone.”

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. “Yeah, you’re right. And, I’m pretty sure if you don’t get a handle on your Watcher, you’ll die sooner than the rest of us. So come over here and take what I’m offering. Then we’ll figure this out.”

The emerald glow in her irises increases until I know she’s not Willow any longer. A sick feeling takes hold in my stomach as a wicked grin spreads across her face.

“You think she’ll get a handle on me? Oh no, vampire. She’s going to be nothing but a shell when I’m through with her.” Her voice has taken on a haughty tone, so unlike my Willow. “It’s been a long time since I was able to truly feed, but now that I’m in her body, I’m going to have fun draining you of your essence. I see why Sariel wants so badly to find his mate. Sex is so much more satisfying than blood.”

My chest aches. Sex or blood. Those are the only ways a Watcher can feed. The first fills them, the second only sustains them temporarily. Sort of like Thanksgiving dinner versus a salad. Willow is human. She has only one way to feed her Watcher. Me.

“I see your mind working. She won’t last long, you know. Her little human body will fade quickly unless you keep me happy. Of course, what I truly need is Sariel to join with us. If he does, I can promise you she’ll be taken care of.”

She shudders, blinking hard a few times before looking back at me. “Devin, you have to leave. Get out of here before they get what they want.”

Her eyes flash again and a snarl rips from her throat. “Don’t move a muscle. She is disposable. Keep that in mind. I can find another vessel easily, but if I do, she dies. You’ll provide me what I need if you really love her. I see it in you, that spark. You won’t let anything hurt her.”

Gut clenching, I stand and pull up my jeans. “Do I love her? Are you so sure?” Leading with my hips, I back her up against the wall. “Maybe I just wanted a good …” I nip her lower lip. “Hard …” I slide my hand between her legs and cup her heat. “Fuck.”

She shudders and moans, still affected by me. “Yes,” she breathes.

With my fingers deep inside her, I grip both of her hands in my free one and trap them. There’s a robe hanging on the wall, and without giving her time to react, I pull my fingers from her body, snag the belt, and tie her wrists.

“What are you doing?”

Smirking, I scoop her into my arms. “Nothing gets my blood flowing like a little light bondage. Maybe I’ll take your ass tonight like I promised. Will that feed you, or do I need to come inside your pussy?”

As I toss her on the bed, she moans. “I need your essence.”

Lifting her hands over her head, I thank God her headboard is made of wrought iron bars. With a few tugs of the belt, I secure her wrists above her on the sturdy bed. She looks so fucking sexy like that, bare and glistening for me. But then I remember why. She’s not herself, not now.

“Devin.” Her panicked voice makes my heart jump. “There’s a box of restraints in my top drawer. This tie isn’t going to hold.”

I want to tease her for having a BDSM streak, but the fear in her eyes changes my tune. I nod and find the box. She wasn’t fucking kidding me. Chains, handcuffs, rope, and more wooden stakes fill the heavy metal container.

“Use the cuffs. My legs too.” She’s fighting for control, her limbs shaking as I approach.

Grabbing a pair of leather-lined cuffs with a heavy chain linking them, I secure her ankles and slip the key into my pocket. Then I return to her wrists, doing the same and attaching them to the headboard once again.

A vicious laugh falls from her lips, sending a shiver down my spine as I realize I’ve lost Willow again. “Oh, you naughty boy. You think you can contain me here? I’ll make your woman suffer until you give me what I want.”

“Fuck off, Watcher. You kill her and I’ll make sure Gabriel smites your ass.”

I’m bluffing. If Willow dies, I don’t think I’ll recover enough to do a damn thing.

Walking out the door, I fight to keep my shaking body under control. There’s no way to keep Willow safe when the danger is inside her. I have no idea what to do. But I’ve got as close a direct line to God as I’m going to get, and if Gabriel doesn’t have an answer for me, I don’t know where else to turn.

All I know is, Willow has to be saved before my time with Sariel is up.