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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (72)

Chapter Nineteen

Present day, Seattle


Try as I might, I haven’t been able to meet Selah in her dreams again. I’ve used my power more than I should have to attempt to break through the barrier between us. Now, as I lie in my bed, still unable to go to her, all I have are my thoughts. A week is too long to be without her. My whole body hums as I bask in the memory of her tight heat covering my cock, and I harden, needing her all over. I could spend every moment inside her and it wouldn’t be enough. Not after being without her for so long. The vision of those perfect breasts bouncing with every thrust of my hips sends an ache straight to my balls. Palming my length, I stroke long and slow. Fuck, I could come right fucking now. I can still smell her, still taste her. I need more.

I grip my shaft a little harder, rolling my palm over the crown and back down. I wish it was her hand, her mouth, her tits, maybe even her ass. Biting my lower lip, I let my head fall back into the pillow as my movements become more measured and that familiar rush of pleasure begins to build in my spine.

“Selah,” I whisper, as her gorgeous eyes flash through my mind. Breaths coming in harsh gasps, I arch my back and my legs tense as I reach the pinnacle of my pleasure. My cock jerks and my toes curl as jet after jet of my seed shoots across my belly. The orgasm is good, but nowhere near as mind-blowing as when I’d filled her with my come.

With a sigh, I stand and head to the shower, turning the spray on full blast. I don’t wait for the water to warm, instead opting to stand under the ice-cold stream in hopes the temperature will dull my arousal. My back burns as the wings trapped under the skin begin to shift and press outward, trying to break free even though they don’t exist in a corporeal form. Ignoring the unsettling feeling, I wash my body and work to clear my mind of Selah.

As I step out of the bathroom, towel wrapped firmly around my waist, I stop at the sound of voices in the living room. Who the hell is in my home? Pulling on a pair of jeans, I walk out of my room and find Devin and Willow sitting at my dining room table. Well, Devin is sitting, Willow is draped over his lap, her red hair covering her face as she whispers something in his ear. He chuckles and slides one hand over her shoulder and down her back.

“Did I invite you over, Devin?” I growl, annoyed and frustrated.

Willow sits up and has the grace to look at least a small bit embarrassed. “We came to check on you. Devin said you’ve been having a hard time since Selah…well, since she got married.”

Something inside my chest twists at the reminder. All we have is in dreams. Her husband has her physical body.

“I’m fine.”

She cocks a russet eyebrow and shakes her head. “No, you’re not. But I get it.” Putting herself in a fighting stance, she smirks. “Want to spar? I’m getting kind of rusty. It’d be nice to get some practice in.”

The idea of hitting something doesn’t sound too bad. It might do the trick to pull me out of this rapidly deteriorating mood. Taking a step forward, I’m stopped by the wall of Devin’s body.

“You aren’t touching my girl.” He all but growls the words, his posture defensive and possessive.

“Relax, I’m not going to take her up on the offer. I can’t fight a woman, even if she’s stronger than two of me.”

“Chicken-shit,” she trills from behind the angry vampire between us.

“Realist,” I counter.

The air shifts as Gabriel appears in the corner. He’s wearing a smirk as he leans against the wall and takes in the scene. “Well, isn’t this a pretty picture?”

“Feathers! Miss me?” Devin crows, holding his arms out as though he plans to hug Gabriel.

Heaving a long-suffering sigh, the angel shoves off the wall and moves as far away from Devin as possible. “I missed you as much as one can miss the itch on their backside.”

Devin lets out a bark of laughter. “Still haven’t caught on to the way people talk yet, I see. Adaptation, friend. It’s crucial to survival in the big bad world.”

Gabriel frowns. “I don’t need to survive. I’m an archangel of God, sent to

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.” Devin waves his hands, chuckling as he tucks Willow into his arms.

“Why are you here, brother?” I ask, knowing he’ll have something to distract me.


My shoulders stiffen. “Where is he?”

“He’s here. I can sense him, but just barely. He hasn’t come out of hiding in a very long time.”

Willow raises her hand. “Uh, yeah he has. Remember that time he slit my wrists and Devin made me a vampire?”

Gabriel shakes his head. “That wasn’t him at full power. He was barely scratching the surface of what he can do. He hadn’t even manifested a physical body.”

“Wait. He’s more powerful than what I saw?” Willow’s already pale cheeks blanch further.

“He is more powerful than me, Michael, and Sariel combined.”

“Shit,” Devin mutters.

My gut twists at the thought of Lucifer roaming the streets of Seattle. There’s no telling what trouble he has already started. The vampires in the room both snap their attention to the door an instant before the bell rings.

“Who the hell is that?” Devin asks.

“How should I know?” I work to keep the annoyance from my tone.

“Oh, I hope it’s another evangelist trying to help you find God.”

Heaving a sigh, I fight the chuckle that wants to escape. “If they only knew.”

The rare smile I’m sporting freezes on my face the moment I swing open the front door. Selah stands in front of me, a large overnight bag clutched between her fingers, her entire body shaking.

“Selah, what

“Please let me in?” The fear is coming off her in waves as I nod and step aside.

Her hair hangs down her back, dripping wet. From the look of her, she walked here in the pouring rain. I can see every curve on her body, her tight nipples pressing against the soaked fabric of her thin shirt. I can’t help it, my cock jerks as she inhales sharply and her breasts jut forward.

“What’s going on, baby?”

She drops her bag on the floor and wraps her arms around her middle as I walk her into the living room. Grabbing a blanket off the back of the armchair, I wrap her in the plush fabric and pull her to me. She’s shivering so hard, her teeth clatter together.

Pressing my lips to her temple, I hold her tightly, willing my body to warm her, to calm her. “My love, I need you to tell me what’s wrong so I can help.”

“I…I can’t go home. There’s something wrong with Adam.”

His name turns my heart to lead. Her husband. But then she looks up at me, her wide-open gaze making my chest swell. She’s left her husband and come to me.

“It’s all right, baby. I’ve got you.”

“Sariel?” Devin’s voice cuts through my thoughts, bringing with it the reminder that Selah and I are not alone. The moment he steps closer to her, murmuring, “Is she all right?” a possessiveness so strong I can’t control it comes over me.

When he reaches out toward her, I growl, “Don’t fucking touch her, Devin.”

“Shit, enough with the alpha-male bull. Between you and Galen, I’m so fucking tired of navigating your mood swings. I could break your neck with one well-placed slap. Don’t forget who is the vampire and who is practically human, Sariel.”

Selah’s face pales and she gasps. “Did he say vampire?”

Damn it all to hell and back.

* * *


“I’m pretty sure he just said he’s a vampire,” I say, trying to keep my shit together. I almost begin to laugh hysterically as I take in my situation. I’m standing in the arms of a fallen angel with a vampire in front of me. My life has taken a turn toward insanity.

“I did, and I am.” Devin’s tone holds amusement, but I can’t handle that at the moment. I’m terrified Adam will come for me, that somehow he’ll find me.

“Devin, get the fuck out of here,” Sariel hisses.

“Fine, fine. I’ll leave you two to…hash things out. Willow and I need to hunt down some dinner anyway.”

I can’t bring myself to let go of Sariel’s shirt, needing the spicy scent of him to help me stay calm. He presses a soft kiss to my temple and murmurs words I don’t understand against my hair. The room is quiet, but a heavy presence looms over us, turning my attention from the broad chest in front of me to the large man standing next to the fireplace. He’s dressed like a biker, but he has the face of…well…an angel.

“Who is he?” I whisper.

Keeping his arms wrapped possessively around me, Sariel sighs. “Selah, meet Gabriel, my brother.”

Brother? For a brief instant, I’m excited to be meeting his family, then I remember what Sariel is. “Gabriel…as in

“Messenger of God,” Gabriel supplies. “And you, beautiful Selah, are the reason for this disaster.”

He steps toward me, eyes blazing, jaw set. Oh shit. Sariel moves me behind him before Gabriel reaches me. His hands grip my hips as he takes a protective stance.

“Do not touch her, brother. She is mine.”

Gabriel chuckles. “I am well aware of that. Now, move aside, Sariel. I won’t harm her.”

Strangely, I know he’s telling the truth. A feeling of peace emanates from him. He won’t hurt me. Moving to the side, I close the distance between myself and Gabriel.

“Selah, stop,” Sariel warns, but his brother’s hand is already on mine.

“Tell me, sweet one. What drove you here in the middle of the night, in the pouring rain?”

“I…” My words catch in my throat as his eyes flare. “I can’t explain it. You’ll think I’m crazy.”

His fingers drift to my cheek in a tender touch. “I will not. I can assure you.”

“Adam…my…he’s acting so strange.” I shift from foot to foot, uncomfortable with what I’m about to say. “I think he’s been controlling me. I don’t know how else to say it. I tried to leave, but he wouldn’t let me.” Both angels stiffen and stare at each other as I continue. “He wasn’t keeping me chained up or anything. I just couldn’t make myself leave. I couldn’t remember why I wanted to, why I didn’t want him to touch me.”

Tears spring to my eyes as flashes of him putting his hands on me makes nausea curl in my gut.

“Sariel…can’t you sense it?” Gabriel asks over my head.

Sariel’s warm hands cover my shoulders. “No…this can’t be possible.”

“She’s been controlled by a Watcher. He’s claimed her. I’m sorry, brother.”

Gabriel’s hand rests on my head, and darkness descends as I fall into unconsciousness.