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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (29)

Chapter Five


It’s her. Selah. I can’t believe it, but as I follow behind her, I know it’s the truth. I can feel her connection to me, as if a thread is sewn into her soul and mine. Now that I see her, I have no clue how I could have mistaken anyone else for the woman in front of me. Devin fights with every step I take, but I can’t let her get away, no matter how weak I am. She’s only a few feet away from me, her hair swinging in long chocolate curls down her back. I can smell her fresh, clean-water scent, and I ache to hold her. She’s mine.

“Selah, wait,” I call after her, but she doesn’t turn. I try again. “Miss. Excuse me.”

This time, she turns, and I swear my heart gives a hard squeeze in my chest. Wide eyes the color of slate make contact with mine, and it’s like looking into the past. She’s here. She’s really fucking here, right in front of me. I must look like a crazy person, since the expression on her face is confused, and a little frightened.

“I’m sorry, do I know you?”

I can’t contain my excitement. “We … we knew each other long ago. In another life.”

Amusement makes her eyes twinkle as she assesses me. “That’s one I haven’t heard before.”

She smiles and turns to leave, but I catch her by the arm. “Selah, wait.”

Her eyes widen in confusion. Of course. Her name wouldn’t be the same, thousands of years later. But then she says, “H-how do you know my name?”

A thrill runs through me at the realization that I got her name right. But, in this life, she wouldn’t know me. How could I be so stupid? “I…met you years ago. You probably don’t remember.” I lowered my voice. “I could never forget you.”

Frowning, she shakes her head. “You’re right. I don’t remember. I’m sorry, but I’m not in the habit of talking to men I don’t know.”

“I’m Sariel. Nice to meet you. There, now you know me.”

“Sariel? That’s an odd name.”

I shrug. “I’ve heard weirder.”

She lets out a soft laugh, the sound covering me like a warm blanket. “True.”

Rocking back on my heels, I try to appear light and easy, rather than the emotional wreck I am on the inside. “So, I’ve introduced myself. Won’t you do the same?”

She smiles at the gesture. Even though it’s clear I know her name, I can tell she appreciates being given the opportunity to share it with me. “I’m Selah.”

“That’s beautiful. It’s a Hebrew musical term, isn’t it?”

Her eyes widen. “No one ever knows what my name means.”

“I’m a student of theology. I doubt there’s a name in the Bible I haven’t heard.”

Cocking an eyebrow, she grins. “Really?”

“I can even name every single one of the fallen. Want to grab some coffee somewhere less crowded and quiz me?”

I stiffen as a strong arm slides around her shoulder. That arm is connected to a tall, handsome man who looks like he wants to end my life here and now.

“Sea, is this guy bothering you?”

She puts her hand on his chest and smiles, shaking her head. “No. He thought I was someone he knew. Sariel, this is Adam. My fiancé.”

Rage burns in my chest as I stare at the man. Her fiancé? No one else can have her. She is mine.

He offers me a hand, but I sneer and turn my gaze on Selah. “You’re making a mistake. You are meant for me.”

I know I sound insane, but the pull I feel for her is too strong. I can’t control the rising panic.

Adam places a firm hand on my shoulder and pushes me back. “That’s enough. I don’t know who you are, but she’s definitely not yours.” Holding her closer, he looks into her eyes. “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here.”

As they walk away, I try to follow, only to be assaulted by a splitting headache. The last thing I see is my soul mate walking away in the arms of another man before darkness takes hold.

* * *



Sariel hasn’t been any trouble for almost five full years, and now he’s hijacking my body, and I’m pretty sure he just cock-blocked me. As soon as I’d been able, I took back control and slammed a wall between his consciousness and mine. I’m not as powerful as he is, but it’ll hold for a while. A hard tapping on my shoulder grabs my attention, making me turn around.

Willow looks like an avenging angel as she stands before me, her eyes blazing with anger. What the fuck had Sariel done?

“Are you serious?”

“What?” I can’t help but ask, even though I have a sinking feeling something very wrong just happened.

“You couldn’t even wait until I wasn’t in the room before you set your sights on someone else?”

Shaking my head, I try for a relaxed attitude. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She stamps her foot and huffs. “That woman you followed. The one your eyes were locked on from the moment she passed you. Tell me that wasn’t what I thought it was, because it sure as hell looked like you’d found a better option.”

Oh no. He’d found his soul mate. No way was I letting him take over before our five years was up, not after I’d finally found Willow. “Oh, her? She’s my cousin. I haven’t seen her in years.” I’m such a terrible liar, and I’m sure she can see it written all over my face.

Pursing her lips, she stares me down. “Cousin, huh? Is she a second cousin? You looked like you wanted to do a lot more than catch up.”

Damn. I’d probably looked like I’d seen a ghost and wanted to fuck her. “Well, I didn’t. I haven’t seen her in a long time. I was surprised to run into her here.”

She rolls her eyes and bites out a terse “Whatever. I’ll see you around, Devin. I don’t have time for shit like this.”

Pushing past me, she storms toward the door, and panic grips my chest. She can’t leave. I need her. My whole being physically hurts at the thought of not being near her. Shit. I am turning into Galen. He was exactly this way when he’d met Reese. Crazy. Possessive. Obsessed. But that had been Sariel’s influence. Hadn’t it?

Willow stops about ten feet from me and turns around, stalking back in my direction. Hope flares in me until she gets closer and doesn’t even glance at me. To my surprise, she heads straight to the dance floor and grabs a man in a firefighter costume. He’s not ugly, unfortunately, and he definitely seems to like what he sees. Rage bubbles up in my chest as she lets him put his hands on her. My fangs descend, making me aware of my hunger. I’m going to kill him, rip his throat out right here in front of every last person in this club. But then Willow would know what I am. She’ll kill me before she has a chance to fall for me.

Clenching my fists, I work to control myself.

I will not commit murder.

I will not commit murder.

I will not commit murder.

The fucker just slid his hands over her hips.

I will not commit murder.

Then she looks at me. Fucking looks. And runs her fingers through his hair before pulling him close and pressing her lips to his. God-fucking-dammit! Taking measured steps, I close the distance between us, push the asshole a little harder than necessary, and toss Willow over my shoulder.

“Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Devin?” She kicks and claws at me, but I’ve got the upper hand. I know she’s strong, but I’m stronger, and there’s no way I’m letting anyone but me put their hands on her.

Willow is mine.

* * *


“Devin! Put me down!” I scream at him, hoping someone will stop this as he strides through the doors of the club with me on his shoulder. No one bats an eye. Rape culture at its finest.

“Stop screaming. I just saved you from making a terrible decision.”

“I am a grown woman. I can fuck whoever I goddamn choose.”

He finally sets me on my feet when we reach his bike where it’s parked in the darkened alley. I fight the urge to knee him in the balls. Eyes burning with jealousy, he pushes me up against the brick wall. The cold stone is jarring on my heated skin.

“You’re not fucking anyone unless that man is me.”

His forehead is resting on mine, one hand trailing down my cheek, over my jaw, and then along my neck. An involuntary shiver runs through me at his nearness. He smells like leather, and as mad as I am at him right now, all I want to do is run my tongue along his neck. So I do. The groan he lets out makes a pool of desire collect between my legs. I need control of this situation. But he doesn’t seem to get that as he shoves his knee between my legs and lifts me so my thighs wrap around his waist. One hand skims my bare leg, running up higher and higher until he reaches the sheathed stake I’ve hidden there. Pulling it free, he holds it up and grins.

“Fighting vampires tonight, Angel?”

With a nervous laugh, I shift against him, fighting a moan when my core comes in contact with the hard length of him. His lips crash down on mine as I hear the sound of wood clattering on pavement. He’s tossed aside my only weapon. I should be shoving him away, collecting my stake, and leaving him behind. Instead, I let his fingers push past the barrier of my panties. An ache begins to build between my legs, a need to be filled. His fingers push deep inside me, and I cry out against his lips.

“That’s right. Let me make you come. Let me show you that I’m the only man you want.” His fingers move, curling and thrusting, coated in my wetness. Dipping his head, he bites down gently on my neck and trails kisses along my shoulder. “Fuck, Willow. I want to sink my cock inside you. Tell me yes. Tell me you’re mine.”

Right now, I’m pretty sure I’ll let this man do anything he wants as long as he lets me come. “God, yes, Devin. I’m yours. I’m so fucking yours.” Then, as if he’s punishing me, he removes his fingers and sets me down. “No,” I whine, hating how weak I sound. “Why did you stop?”

Linking our fingers, he pulls me toward his motorcycle. “You’re coming home with me so I can taste you properly—in my bed for the rest of the night.”

He hands me a helmet, forgoing one himself, and I climb on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head between his shoulders. I breathe in his scent and fight off the wave of arousal threatening to send my hand diving down the front of his leather pants.

“Hang on to me, Angel. We’ll be there soon.”

The engine rumbles to life, and we pull out of the parking lot. My mind is racing as the wind whips my dress around, my angel wings fluttering behind me as we fly down the street. Clearly, Devin isn’t interested in following speed limits. In what seems like minutes, we park in an underground garage. Looking around, I take in the shiny classic cars, the Range Rover, the Ducati. Shit, the man must be loaded.

“Are all these yours?”

He chuckles. “No. Just the Ducati and the Harley. I’ve got an Aston Martin back at my place too, but I like to feel the wind in my hair and the power of the engine between my legs.”

“You should wear a helmet. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten pulled over yet.”

Taking my helmet, he smirks. “I get pulled over all the time. I’m just highly skilled at talking my way out of tickets.”

“So, who has the car fetish?” Please don’t say girlfriend.

“My friend Galen. He spends most of his time at his home in Ireland with his wife and kids, but he keeps this house for visits. I get the added benefit of being a sort of permanent house sitter … when I’m not working out of state. I’ve got a place about forty-five minutes away too. This is just more convenient.”

“What do you do?”

He takes my hand and leads me to a stairwell. “I guess you’d call it … freelance. I go where I’m told. Sometimes the job is quick and easy. Sometimes I spend the better part of a year trying to get it done.”

I don’t know how to feel about that. He’s like me, a nomad. Although, I’m sure he doesn’t hunt and kill vampires. Instead of commenting, I stay silent, breathing him in and hoping he’ll put his hands on me. He’s exactly what I need. No strings attached. Just the fuck of my life before we both move on.