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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (79)

Chapter Twenty-Six

Present day, Seattle


It’s been three days since Devin was taken, since Selah told me she loved me and all traces of my humanity were eradicated. My need for her hasn’t diminished. If possible, it’s grown stronger. But I’ve resisted. I can’t risk hurting her…and I can’t let myself love her if I’m only going to lose her again.

“How can you have no way to find him?” Willow’s question is frantic and desperate as she paces the kitchen. I risk a glance toward the living room, hoping Selah didn’t overhear. I know Willow is upset. She should be. She’s been searching for Devin night after night with no luck. “I should be able to track him. He made me into a fucking vampire. That gives us a link no one can break.”

“Lucifer won’t let us find him unless he wants us to.” I know my tone holds annoyance and it’s not what she wants to hear, but we’ve gone over this.

“Don’t you know some…I don’t know, witches or something? They could cast a spell.”

She makes a good point. Vampires and demons aren’t the only otherworldly creatures on the planet. The lore had to start somewhere. Even now, in an age of the faithless and fearless, stories of witchcraft still run in whispers through darkened alleys.

At my hesitation, she cocks her head, one perfectly arched red eyebrow rising. “What?”

“You’re damn smart for a vampire.”

Her eyes go wide. “Wait…you know witches?”

Shaking my head, I try to push down the rush of hope filling my chest.

“I haven’t spoken to them in a very long time, but I know where we can find them.”


A grin tugs at one corner of my mouth. “At least one of them is in Ireland.”

Pulling out my phone, I scroll until I find the name I need. It rings twice before I hear the line connect and a muffled “Fucking hell,” reaches my ears.


“Galen,” I start.

“Sariel?” Galen’s groggy voice betrays the fear I knew he’d feel when he saw my name on the caller ID. “What is it? What’s happened?”

“I’m coming for a visit.”

“It’s five thirty in the bloody morning.”

“You know I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important, Galen.”

He sighs before muttering, “You didn’t exactly ask.” I can picture him running his hand through his dark hair as he gives in. “What do you need?”


A strangled laugh filters over the line. “And what makes you think I can supply those?”

“You can’t. But I know where to find them. While I do that, I need you to keep someone safe for me.”

“Sariel, I just got my family back and settled. You want me to put them at risk…again?”

My chest tightens at the anxiety behind those words. “As soon as I find the witches, I won’t be putting anyone at risk. Galen, he’s got Devin.”



“And you didn’t think to lead with that, did you?” He scoffs. “Of course not. You did what you always do, save the details until you need them, bringing it all in for the kill when you know I can’t refuse. Fine, when will you be here?”

I run my hand through my hair and walk into the living room. My heart lurches at the sight of the woman I’d give my life for. Through all this, Selah has been curled up on the couch, her feet tucked under her as she nurses a cup of tea and stares at the flames dancing behind the glass fireplace. She looks up at me, her large eyes filled with love and a little hurt. I’ve been distant. Only because I’ve had to.

“Sariel?” Galen calls my attention back to our conversation. “When can I expect you?”

Never dropping my gaze from Selah, I say, “Soon.”

* * *


I’m not certain of anything anymore. I thought once I fell in love, really in love, I’d lose all my reservations, inhibitions, fears. Instead, I think everything has gotten worse. Every move Sariel makes sends waves of anticipation through me. As though he’ll stop loving me at any moment, if he hasn’t already. How could he do that? He’s loved me for thousands of years. It’s a love with a bond deeper even than marriage vows. Death hadn’t parted us. His soul searched for mine, always sure it would find me.

As he tucks his phone back into his pocket, I wish, not for the first time tonight, that he would acknowledge me with more than a cold shoulder and pained gaze.

“Sariel—” I start, but I don’t really know where to go with my next words.

“Pack your things. We’re leaving in an hour.” He tears his silver irises from mine. His jaw is set in a hard line as his focus lands on the flames I’d been staring at only a moment earlier.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere I can fix this.”

My stomach flips at the anger in his voice. I should tell him I hadn’t wanted Adam to touch me, to take me. Not after the first time I saw Sariel at Green Lake Park. I honestly don’t remember if Adam raped me while I was under his control. Most of our interactions are fuzzy memories at best. But, I distinctly remember waking up with the remnants of his pleasure on my thigh, more than once. The only explanation could be that he’d taken me in my sleep and my mind gave me Sariel in my dreams.

“So…this is how it’s going to be between us now?”

“What do you mean?”

“You. You’re going to ignore me. Make me feel like I somehow wronged you. I’m the one who is going to fucking die.”

His hands ball into fists, knuckles turning white, but he still won’t look at me.

Unable to stay silent, I continue. “I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t want

“And yet, here we are. You’re knocked up, and I’m closer to losing you every day. History fucking repeats itself every damn time.” Those blazing eyes finally…finally find mine. “Except this time, it’s not my child in your belly, and that hurts a thousand times worse than anything else. Every time I look at you, it’s unbearable. You’re ripping my heart from my chest with every brush of your skin against mine.”

“Not by choice.” The words come out a harsh whisper. I can’t make myself speak with any more strength because it’s not what he’s saying, it’s what lies beneath.

“You need to pack. We’ll be leaving with or without your clothes.”

I flinch at the flat tone. His dismissive response to mine stings as though he slapped me.

Gritting my teeth against the tears, I storm to the bedroom. I know I have to go with him, but right now, I can’t look at that beautiful face without wanting to punch him in the jaw. Pulling my large overnight bag out of the back of the closet, I rip it open before shoving anything and everything I have inside. I don’t plan to come back once we get this sorted out. I’m damaged goods in Sariel’s eyes, and I deserve more than that from any man who claims to love me. Soul mates or not.

As I zip my bag, overwhelming loss grips my chest, and I can’t keep the sobs at bay. My shoulders shake and throat aches from my attempts to keep the silent cries from spilling audibly into the room. It won’t help anything to let him see how he’s hurt me. But, even as I stand with my hands braced on the dresser’s cool top, his warm presence covers me. Large palms slide up my arms and around me.

“Don’t…please. I never could stand seeing your tears, let alone causing them.”

His reference to our past, a past I remember now in brief flickers, burns like a flame in my heart. Shrugging out of his grasp even though my body cries out for him, I mutter, “Stop touching me.”

“I can’t do that.”

I can’t face him. Not knowing I’ll see that flicker of disappointment in his eyes. “Aren’t we supposed to be going somewhere? I’m ready. Let’s get this over with so we can move on with our lives.”

I don’t mention that we’ll be doing this separately.

He heaves a sigh and takes my hand, but I rip it away. “I said no.”

“Selah, I have to touch you if we’re going anywhere.”

“No, you don’t. The last time I checked, I could walk without your help.”

A low growl of frustration rolls from his chest. “Stubborn woman,” he mutters before taking my hand and tugging me tight to the hard planes of his muscled torso. Fire races through me at his touch, the rush of unchecked desire flooding my senses as his scent envelops me. His lips are at my temple, arms holding me close, and the unmistakable hardness of his own arousal presses into my belly. “Close your eyes.”

I do as he asks, but only because the room begins to fade and nausea clutches my stomach. The air around us changes, a cool, sweet-smelling freshness takes over, and behind my closed lids, light begs for me to open my eyes.

He releases me and steps away, the chill in the air mixed with the sudden absence of his body making me shiver. His fingers trail along my cheek in a painfully tender gesture, making me wish I could go back in time and never return home that night I found Adam waiting for me.

“We’re here,” Sariel murmurs.

I blink a few times as I work to get my bearings. Rolling fields of green, bathed in morning light greet me. “Where are we?”

“You’re in Ireland, at my home.” The deep timbre that answers holds a heavy Irish accent and not a little bit of annoyance. Turning toward the sound, I’m brought up short by the immense figure walking across the grass. He’s tall, broad shouldered, and devastatingly handsome with his dark hair and smoldering gaze. “Sariel, when you said you’d be coming for a visit, I didn’t think you meant in an hour.”

“I don’t have time to waste, Galen.”

Galen’s eyes lock on me causing me to squirm under his scrutiny. He’s not happy about us being here, that much is clear. Jutting his chin in my direction, he stares me down but addresses Sariel. “Who’s this, then?”

“She’s mine.”

His? Now I’m his? My heart can’t take much more of this back-and-forth shit. Stepping forward, I extend my hand.

She is Selah. I’m not his or anyone’s. Nice to meet you. Galen, is it?”

Galen grins, broad and charming, as he takes my offered hand and shakes. “Aye, it’s nice to meet you as well. Very nice.” He glances at Sariel as he continues to hold my hand. “She’s a great beauty, Sariel. I can see why you’d mistake my Reese for her.”

“Step away from her, Galen.” Sariel’s tone is low and fierce, and the possessiveness in his words sends a thrill through me. God help me, but I want him to want me.

The handsome man with my palm in his steps back immediately. He must know who I am to Sariel.

“You’re still an arse, I see,” Galen grumbles.

“How long have you known each other? Wait…you’re not an angel too, are you?”

Sariel chuckles and places a hand on the small of my back. “He’s no angel. Galen was my vessel for close to a century.”

“No…Galen is a vampire. Unless I’m wrong”—I gesture to the sky—“that’s the sun. He’s not on fire.”

Galen chuckles. “It’s a long story.”

“Devin took me on after Galen was staked by a Watcher. I bargained for Galen’s soul to be restored before I’d move on. Gabriel gave him back his humanity.”

“Well, that sums it up. I guess it’s not so long after all.” Galen shrugs and waves us forward. “Come on, then. I’m certain the rest of the family is awake, and Reese’ll be wanting to meet you, Selah.”

Reese. My spine stiffens at her name. Sariel’s hand doesn’t leave my waist as we walk toward the stone house. I want desperately to tuck myself into his side and inhale his comforting scent, but I know I can’t give in to my desire. If I do, he’ll convince me to let him hurt me.