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The Fallen Angel Trilogy: The Complete Trilogy by Kim Loraine (51)

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Terror grips my heart, sending me on a mad dash through Galen’s house as I search for Willow. I know she’s not here. I can’t feel her presence. Fuck. I can’t feel her at all. I should be able to sense her no matter where she is. Unless she’s

No. She’s fine. I can’t entertain the idea that Willow is anything other than fucking fine.

Tearing through the room she should have used, I search for any kind of clues that might lead me to her. No clothes litter the floor, no shoes, or even a hairbrush stand out. It’s as if she wasn’t ever here. I pluck the pillow from the bed and crush it to my chest, inhaling deeply. There it is, juniper. Her scent is the only indication she was here.

Sitting on the end of the mattress, I rest my head in my hands. If anything happens to her, I don’t know how I’ll forgive myself for letting her go. My pocket starts vibrating as my phone comes to life against my thigh. Who the fuck is calling me? No one calls me, not even Galen.

Pulling the damned thing free of my pants, my heart lurches when Willow’s name flashes across the screen.

“Willow? Where are you?” My voice breaks as soon as I begin speaking, the desperation impossible to hide.

A low masculine chuckle comes through the line. “Try again, vampire.”

“Who is this?”

“I suppose we haven’t been formally introduced. My vessel’s name was Camden, but you will probably be more familiar with my true name.”

“Stop fucking monologuing and tell me.” I let out a sigh, trying to pretend I’m not affected by this asshole.


My blood runs cold as soon as the name hits my ears. No. If he’s got her phone, he’s got her. “What have you done to her?”

The asshole laughs. “Nothing … yet. But she’s a fighter. I knew she was tough. It takes some serious balls to go after vampires as a pitiful little human. She hid so well for so long too. I’m almost sad to have found her. I honestly wouldn’t have caught up to her if I didn’t have the police under my thumb. And of course, your constant need to be near her put a target on her back. Did you enjoy your time at that den of sin? Max and Lyla were quite upset when they filed the police report after you two assaulted them. Why, I’m sure the police would never have found Willow if not for that.”

“Why can’t I sense her?”

A heavy sigh filters to my ears. “So suspicious. Fine, do you need proof?”

I expect to hear her voice, have her plead for me to stay away. Instead, a text message comes through, and I’m brought to my knees by a photo of her, bound, gagged, bleeding, but definitely conscious. This is my fault. I let her leave.

“What do you want?” I bite the words out, clutching at the remaining threads of my self-control.

“I thought that was obvious. Bring us Sariel. Then you and she can be together.”

Sariel flares to life, a warning pulse of energy. No. Don’t you fucking dare, Devin.

I can’t leave her to them. Gabriel warned me about this very thing. “Where?” I ask Azazel.

“Green Lake. Be there in one hour.”

The line goes dead, and my phone falls from my shaking hands, hitting the ground with a startling clatter.


Rushing back to my house, I gather the things I’ll need. If I’m going up against Azazel, I don’t want to be caught without a few weapons. Tucking a short blade in my boot, I assess my arsenal. With two wooden stakes in the hidden inner pockets of my leather jacket and my katana holstered across my body, I’m ready to draw any weapon I’ll need. I’m going to take down this asshole if it’s the last fucking thing I do.

“Gabriel.” I shout his name, waiting and hoping he’ll grace me with his presence. I need the big guns for this. As much as my weapons will help, Feathers has to be ready to intervene, and I don’t want to waste time calling him when shit gets hairy.

“What now, Devin?” He’s draped himself over my couch, and he’s … reading. “I’m busy. This novel is so enthralling.”

“You’re reading a fucking romance novel. The world is falling apart, and you’re lying there, reading smut.”

He sets the book on his chest and cocks an eyebrow at me. “Smut? I’ll have you know, they’re in love. It’s not smut if they love each other.”

I can’t tell if he’s joking, but from past experience, I doubt it. The angel wouldn’t understand a joke if it bit him on the ass. “Willow is in trouble. I need your help.”

Sitting up, he rolls his eyes. “Why is it that you’ve gone years without needing or wanting anything from me, but now, you call me every few days?”

“Azazel has her.”

His face turns to stone. “I warned you. They’ve got her now. She’s lost to you.”

Rage has my fists clenching. “No. She’s not lost. I’m meeting him in less than an hour.”


“Shut up and listen. In one hour, I’ll be at Green Lake. I’ve got a plan. It might be a stupid one, but I need you to be prepared to jump in. And … if something happens to me, you need a vessel ready for Sariel.”

“I can’t just serve up a willing host. I might be an angel, but I’m no magician.”

“Just be ready. I’m not letting them have her. And, Gabriel?”

His eyebrows lift.

“Save her soul, not mine. In the end … hers is the one that matters.”

The angel looks conflicted, confused, and maybe a little sad, but he nods. “I understand.”

Then he’s gone. I’ve done everything I can to prepare. As I head toward Willow, I’m positive that I’m doing the right thing. Even if I don’t come out of this alive, she’ll be saved.

* * *


“Load her into the car. We’re leaving.” Azazel tosses his instructions over his shoulder as he leaves the room of the house where he’s keeping me chained to a chair.

My heart trips an erratic beat as two vampires approach, men with glowing eyes and feral smiles. They want to hurt me, but for some reason, they won’t. A sick feeling claws at my belly. Maybe it’s because once my mind is broken, I’ll be just like them. I’ll be an asset.

“You get the chains off her, I’ll take care of putting on the zip ties. But for fuck’s sake, leave the gag on. She talks too damn much.” The taller man stares at me with murderous glee in his eyes.

Hope peeks its head out at the word zip tie. I can escape those. I’ve done it countless times as practice for self-defense demonstrations. It’s hard, but I know it can be done.

“I don’t see why she needs so many fucking chains. She’s tiny, and weak as shit. Look at her eyes. She’s starved.” The one with eyes the color of honey kicks me in the shin before leaning down to unlock my chains.

I’m going to kill him first.

The instant the heavy links of metal lift off my body, I heave a sigh of relief. I’m not strong enough to escape these two, not while they’re focused on me. The idiots restrain my wrists in front of my body rather than behind, and I send up a silent prayer of thanks. This just makes it easier for me.

Tall guy grabs me by the elbow, wrenching me from the chair and shoving me forward so hard, I fall flat on my face.

“Azazel said not to hurt her. What’s wrong with you?” Honey eyes has his hands under my arms and is lifting me with ease before I can force myself to my feet.

“She tripped.”

Honey eyes shrugs. “Your funeral.”

Before we reach the door, my vision goes dark as a black hood falls over my head. Panic threatens to take control as the space closes in on me. But, closing my eyes, I take a few deep breaths, willing myself to calm down. I keep my eyes shut tight as we walk. Gravel crunching under my feet, the sound of the wind rustling leaves, and the whicker of a horse catch my ears. Where are we? Breathing deep, I try to catch the scent, commit it to memory. If I get out of this, I’m coming back and burning this motherfucker to the ground.

A car door opens, and I’m shoved inside without ceremony, falling onto supple leather seats. I’m not alone. I can smell Azazel. The bitter scent of sulfur and wood smoke burns my nose. Another scent fills the car as we begin to move, and it sets my stomach growling with need. Blood. With a groan, I shift in my seat.

“Hungry, love?” Azazel’s voice sends a curl of rage through me.

“No. I’m fine.”

The hood slides off my head, and I catch sight of him. His chiseled jaw and shocking eyes would be attractive if he wasn’t such an evil bastard. I can’t keep my eyes from his throat as he takes a long drink from the wine goblet in his hand. Thick blood stains his lips.

“You don’t look fine. You look ravenous. Why haven’t you been feeding? Surely Devin wouldn’t deny you.”

“Why are you trying to learn anything about me now? You’ve got what you want. Why am I even still alive?”

He chuckles, a dark and ominous sound. “You have no idea how powerful you could be. I’ve been trying to find you for years. Now that you’ve been wiped from the records of your boyfriend’s and parents’ murders, there’s no reason for you to hide. We can use you to your full potential.” He claps his hands, grinning. “When Lucifer comes back, he’ll be so pleased with me.”

Cocking an eyebrow, I let myself play along. “Will he?”

“Yes. I can hand him Sariel, and then there’s you. You will be his most treasured conquest. Gabriel knows how special you are. That’s why he’s been trying to keep you from us.”

“How special am I?”

His eyes widen. “You really don’t know?”

Oh, if my hands weren’t bound, I’d strangle him. “No. I really don’t fucking know.”

“Oh, sweetheart. You still have your soul.”