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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) by Samantha Leal (237)


After the night in the museum Ginny went home and simply basked in her happiness.  She felt comfortable saying that her life was going extremely well and she was beyond excited for where things were going to between her and Liam.  At the same time she was ever so slightly worried and more than a little curious about Liam’s former lover Philippa.  Ginny had purposely not asked more about her ‘eternal sleep’ but her curiosity was surely going to spike up again soon and make her question.

That night, once Ginny had come home from her magical night in the museum she wrote up another blog post.  She was hesitant to put all the details in there, especially concerning the sex, but in the end she decided to bare all and put the entire story up there, sex and all.  Her readers would want to know and she didn’t want to deny them the juiciest bits.

The next morning however, things blew up for Ginny.  She went from having a few hundred readers to thousands.  Her story was more than just popular; she was trending hardcore on nearly every social media site.  It was like overnight instant celebrity status and Ginny wasn’t sure how to handle it.  What was worse was wondering whether or not Liam had found out about the blog and what he would think about it.  She had never stopped to think about what Liam’s reaction would be to her blog.  Ginny had to see Liam right away.

Quickly Ginny punched the numbers into her phone and the sound of a dial tone filled her ears.  But Liam didn’t answer, instead it went to voicemail.  Ginny was conflicted about whether or not she should leave a voicemail or not when another call came ringing in.  It was Liam.

“Liam?”  Ginny was slightly panicked but tried to keep her voice calm.

“Ginny can you come over right away?”  Liam had an odd tone to his voice which threw Ginny off.

“Of course, I can be there in less than fifteen minutes.”  Ginny started to grab her stuff and head for the door.

“Good, I will see you soon then.”  Liam hung up and Ginny rushed down the four flights of stairs and dashed out onto the street.  An odd sense of uncertainty gripped her and made her stomach flip the entire journey from her apartment to Liam’s.  Had he already found out about the blog?  Was it something else entirely?  Not knowing exactly what it was, was killing Ginny.  The fifteen minute drive seemed like an eternity to her. 

Finally the cab pulled up the familiar building and Ginny made her way through the security and onwards to Liam’s penthouse apartment.  This time as she stood in front of his door the nervousness she was feeling wasn’t necessarily good.  She knocked softly, still unsure of what she was about to be facing.  The door opened and Liam stood there, a picture of pure chaos.  It was then that Ginny realized her summons to his penthouse apartment was not in relation to the blog.  There was something far greater at work here.

“Liam?  What’s wrong?”  Ginny moved to pull him into a comforting hug, but Liam withdrew into his apartment and Ginny, though hurt at his reaction, followed him inside.  Softly she shut the door behind her and followed where Liam had disappeared to.  Around the corner she saw him sitting on the couch, a bundle of nerves and perhaps even the slightest hint of fear.  Now Ginny was truly worried.

“Liam, talk to me.”  Ginny had never seen this man before her, he was all nerves and uncertainty and it made Ginny insanely worried and curious as to the reason why.  Liam built up his courage and opened his mouth.  When the words finally came out Ginny instantly wished they hadn’t.

“Philippa has awoken from her slumber.”  Ginny was lucky she was close to the couch as her legs gave out from underneath her.  There was so much more behind those simple words than perhaps even Ginny knew.  But in that moment Ginny knew the unwavering fact that Liam’s former lover, one whom he had thought of over the course of centuries, the woman he compared to her, was awake.  Ginny could have cried.  How could the love they had just started to share with each other compare with a love that surpassed time itself?  There was no comparison.

“I never thought this day would come, it has been so long I hardly even remembered what she looked like.”  Ginny was pulled back, suddenly unsure of what Liam was trying to say.  She dared not speak, hesitant to break the thought process Liam was working through.

“I know I should be with her as she wakes, but all my mind can think about it you.  The love I had for Philippa should be filling me, but it’s not.  The moment you walked into the door I knew why my love hadn’t come back.  My heart belongs to you now.”  Liam then moved his eyes from boring holes in the floor to piercing Ginny’s soul.  Had he really chosen her over his love from across time?

The distance between them was suddenly closed as Liam stood from the couch and pulled Ginny into an intimate embrace and cupped her face with his hands.  There was a warmth in his hands that Ginny hadn’t noticed before and in that moment she knew with all her heart that Liam had chosen her. He had chosen their new love over the centuries of love for Philippa. Ginny pulled Liam down and their lips crashed together.  Their love was going to be something for the ages, Ginny was sure.