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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) by Samantha Leal (8)


The sensation of having such a powerful machine between her legs was enough to send her head into a spin. So when Diesel climbed on as well and got between them in front of her, Jenny was about ready to faint.

“Wow,” she whispered to herself as she gripped onto his hips and held him tightly.

“Have you ever done this before?” he asked her with a wicked smile as he looked back at her over his shoulder.

“What do you think?” she asked him.

And he laughed and shook his head.

“Well, I’ll be gentle with you, don’t worry,” he said as he revved the engine and the bike blared to life. “Hold on tight, Jennifer.”

She dug her long nails into his stomach to make her point and then she kissed the edge of his shoulder and laughed.

“What have I told you about that?” she said into his ear.

“I’m not very good at doing what I’m told,” he mused. “I think you better understand that right now. I’m always in charge.”

“Yes, Sir.” She laughed and she felt her pussy throb.

Playing with Diesel was so sexy it was exhilarating.

She wondered if any of the girls from inside the club were watching them and she didn’t dare look up just in case. She held onto him tightly, just like he had ordered, and before long, he was revving the engine so hard the wheels kicked up a huge spray of sand behind them and they spun out of the parking lot and onto the highway.

The night air was still, but they were travelling so fast her hair raced around her face and covered her eyes. She didn’t have the nerve to release her tight grip on Diesel’s chest so she let herself be whipped around with her own mane before, finally, it settled and flew out in a long train behind her. The feeling of going so fast and beign so free was incredible, and she knew in that moment what Diesel had meant when he said trucking wasn’t for him. That he longed for the freedom only a bike could bring.

It was the first time she had experienced it, but she knew she was already hooked. She wasn’t afraid. If anything, she couldn’t believe she hadn’t tried it sooner.

He flew up the highway and began to slow as they passed the motel and approached the diner. Jenny found herself able to breathe again and she couldn’t help but let out a huge laugh.

“That was amazing,” she screamed into the back of his neck.

“I knew you’d love it,” he said as he gave her a reassuring squeeze on the arm.

He pulled into the parking lot of the diner and Jenny had an instant flash back to the last time she was there. It had only been such a short time ago, she never would have been able to foresee how much her life would have changed in only a few days. And she realized it was so right when people happened to say that everything could change with just one day.

Diesel helped her off the bike and held her hand as he smiled down at her. He looked proud to be with her, and that made her heart flutter even more. It was as if he could see she was different. If he hadn’t guessed already that she had never been with a man before, then he certainly sensed some kind of innocence about her that was making him incredibly respectful.

She squeezed his hand back just as tight and bit her lip to try and stifle her grin.

“I know it’s not overly exciting,” he said as he nodded toward the diner. “But we haven’t exactly got a whole lot of options here in Slate Springs, have we?” He laughed.

“Tell me about it.” Jenny rolled her eyes. “But even if we did, this would be just fine by me.”

They climbed the steps and Diesel opened the door and ushered her inside. Arlene’s miserable face was the first thing that greeted them and Jenny was sure she caught her rolling her eyes at them and gritting her teeth.

“That waitress,” Diesel whispered as he ignored Arlene and moved Jenny over to the far corner and the last booth, “she’s a fucking cunt.”

“I know,” Jenny agreed. “My friend and I constantly debate telling the owner, Joe, what a liability she is to his business.”

“And why haven’t you?” he asked her, as if she was in an interview. He crossed his hands over each other and glared down at her with mock disdain.

“Because Sir, I’m not that much of a bitch myself. I don’t want to get the poor girl fired. Who knows what she’s got going on in her life. Maybe there’s a perfectly good reason as to why she’s such a wretched witch.”

Diesel smiled at her affectionately and took hold of her hand across the table.

“You’re sweet,” he said. “I don’t think I’ve ever met a sweet girl in Slate Springs.”

“Well, then you couldn’t have been looking hard enough,” she whispered, barley able to catch her breath.

“It’s a good job I’ve got my eyes wide open now,” he said. “Because if I had missed you… I would be as miserable as Arlene over there.” He winked.

“Such a tortured soul,” Jenny laughed.

They hushed their voices as Arlene approached the table and pulled a pen out of her hair and positioned it over her notepad.

“What can I get you?” she asked without looking at either of them.

“Two beers,” Diesel answered without breaking Jenny’s eye contact. It was almost as if Arlene wasn’t even there.

When she left the table, he still held Jenny’s hands and looked deep into her eyes.

“Want to know something funny?” Jenny finally said to break the silence that was growing between them, because all she could think of was ripping his clothes off.

“What?” he smiled.

“I had a dream a few nights ago… a steamy dream… and the guy in it, well, he looked a hell of a lot like you.”

“Seriously?” Diesel’s eyes lit up and it made Jenny smile even wider.

“Seriously,” she confirmed. “And yet, I had never even seen you before. How bizarre is that?”

“I’d call it fate.” He nodded with authority. “It was destined to happen.”

When she looked into his eyes, she found it hard to see him as the scary, lawless man that he was. To her, he was treating her so well, taking care of her, putting himself out there and wanting to place himself firmly in her life. It was more than a little endearing. It was mind-blowing. It was as if Jenny had finally been raised up on a pedestal. Someone had realized her worth, and not only that, she felt exactly the same way. Things just flowed between them, things felt right. It was like nothing she ever could have been prepared for and yet, there she was living it all the same.

Anything can change in a day… She smiled to herself.

Arlene slammed the two beer bottles down and Jenny scowled up at her. Diesel smirked and they raised the necks of the bottles together in the center over the table and clinked them.

“To fate.” Jenny grinned and Diesel nodded his head with a glint in his eye.


As they sat and talked, the rest of the world seemed to fall away. Jenny wasn’t aware of anyone else around them. They could have been the only two people left on earth and she wouldn’t have noticed. He barely broke her gaze once, and every time she reconnected with his intense stare, it was as if they were fusing together deeper and more solidly.

“…And I have yet to take another vacation,” Jenny concluded a story about the last time she had gone on a trip with her family. “Funnily enough, that’s kind of what my dream was about. I was on a beach and enjoying the sun when suddenly, this man who looked a lot like you came out of nowhere and swept me off my feet.”

Diesel’s eyes almost popped out of his head.

“I can’t believe it’s taken you all of this time to tell me those finer details,” he said.

“Well, it’s kind of embarrassingS.” he laughed.

“I wouldn’t call it that.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a packet of cigarettes before he clamped one in his teeth and lit it. The smoke trailed up between them and even though she hated smoking, she was even more attracted to him when he did it. It seemed to suit him so well, and each time he lifted his hand up to his mouth, she saw the mean snake tattoo flex even harder on his forearm.

“You know what this means, don’t you?” he asked her as he peered through slitted eyes.

“What?” She suddenly felt nervous.

“We should go away,” he said as he looked at her sternly. “Right now. Tonight.”

“Are you insane?” She laughed and shook her head.

“Completely!” He grinned. “But I’ve got the feeling so are you…”

Jenny looked from one of his eyes to the other again and again, waiting for him to break but he didn’t. He held his face straight and calm. It wasn’t until Jenny started to try and ramble all flustered that he creased over into laughter and rubbed her knuckles.

“You’re easy to wind up,” he chuckled. “I’m going to have a lot of fun with you.”

“Hey!” she pouted. “You actually got my hopes up there…”

And she hated to admit that was actually true.

Diesel swigged his beer and raised his eyebrows.

“I want to get out of town,” he said. “I need a break before what’s coming…” He trailed off and Jenny could sense the black cloud returning. Whatever was happening with The Forsaken Riders, it was certainly something serious.

“Really?” she asked. “Well, let’s do it then. Fuck it.”

She held the bottle of beer to her lips and downed the rest of it before she grinned at him with confidence and mischief.

“I like a challenge,” she said. “I told you that before. And this sounds like a challenge to me. Let’s skip town, head toward the coast and see what happens. I trust you… I’m sure nothing bad can happen.”

Diesel reached out for her hands again and squeezed them tight.

“I like you Jen,” he whispered. “A lot.”

And then he swept his hands up into her hair and pulled her face toward his. Their lips skimmed each other’s as they leaned together over the top of the table. Jenny knew that Arlene would be watching them with scorn in her eyes, but she didn’t care. Diesel was everything she had been waiting for and so much more. Now that she had him, she was never going to let him go. She wanted to explore the world with him. She would go anywhere with him given a moment’s notice. And what was more exciting than heading out on the open road with a wild man on the back of a powerful motorcycle?

His kiss was strong and hot. As he parted her lips with his tongue, Jenny gasped and felt herself melt. She had never been kissed like that before. And it had been such a long time since she had been kissed at all, that it felt as if it were happening for the first time in her life. He held onto her neck with his big strong hands and when their lips finally parted and she looked into his eyes again, she was a mess of desire.

“A lot,” he reiterated with a wicked grin.

“I think you can tell I feel the same,” she whispered.

“Come on.” He rose to his feet and pulled her with him. As they passed the counter, Diesel threw some money down on it for Arlene and kicked open the door to the diner, taking Jenny with him.

“Where are we going?” she asked him breathlessly as he lifted her at the waist and placed her down gently on the back of the bike.

“We’re going,” he said. “Right now.”

“But where?” she giggled.

“Anywhere,” he said. “Why don’t we make that vacation dream of yours come true?”

Jenny’s heart was pounding so hard in her chest she could barely keep a thought straight.

“We’re heading for the coast,” he said. “I know a place.”

“Okay.” Jenny smiled as she gripped onto him and nuzzled into the back of his neck. “Let’s do it.”

She reached into her purse for her phone and sent a single text before they headed off into the night with nothing but the clothes on their backs and each other.

J: Brit, I know you’re going to think I’m mad, but don’t worry about me. Heading away with Diesel for a few days. I’ll text you when we get to where we’re going. We’re heading toward the coast. J x

She slipped her cell phone back into her purse and looked up at him. It looked as if he had the same idea.

“I’m letting Bull know,” he said as he flashed the screen at her for her to see.

D: Jen and I skipping town for a few days. If she was working, sorry Bro, I’ll sort it out for you. Be in touch.

“You ready?” he asked her with a wry smile.

“Never been more ready in my life!” She wrapped her arms tightly around him and prepared herself for the roar of the engines.

“Let’s ride,” he said as he spun the wheels ferociously and pulled out onto the highway, leaving a cloud of sand and dust in their wake.