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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) by Samantha Leal (7)


“Britney!” Jenny called as she burst through their front door and went running through the entire length of the house looking for her. “Britney, where are you?”

She raced into the kitchen and out the sliding glass doors that led to their yard, to see Britney sitting up quickly and clutching her bikini top against her chest in fright.

“What the fuck?” Britney cursed as she glared at Jen. “You frightened the life out of me!”

“Sorry!” Jenny gasped. “But you have to hear this…”

Britney’s frown disappeared and within an instant, she was all ears and attention.

“I’ve met someone.” Jenny almost whispered it. “I’ve met a guy… and this time, it feels different.”


As the hours passed, she filled Britney in on everything that had happened over the past twenty-four hours with Diesel. It was a pretty regular occurrence for Britney to come home with tales of her dating dramas and of all of the men she had bedded while out partying, but it was an entirely different story altogether where Jenny was concerned. She had never had a boyfriend, not since she was still in high school, and she had never fooled around with anyone in between. She was a good girl through and through. Still pure and intact, still a virgin and waiting for the right man to come along and show her what she was missing. And now that she had met Diesel, she genuinely felt as if he could be the one she had been waiting for.

Something about him just felt right. And, of course, it also helped that their sexual chemistry was off the charts.

“Oh my fucking God,” Britney almost screamed. “This is insane, I honestly can’t believe it. This so isn’t you… You never like anyone!”

“I know,” Jenny agreed with disbelief. “You’re right, I never do.”

“And your new look?” Britney asked. “Was this for his benefit?”

“No!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t meet him until after I got rid of all of my conservative clothes and glasses. It’s like fate. I revealed the true me and then BOOM, there he was.”

“Crazy,” Britney agreed. “And he’s a biker? Jesus Christ, Jen.”

Britney looked at her as if she was sitting with a stranger and all Jenny could do was shrug.

“He’s different,” she continued. “He’s real and funny and incredibly handsome and intelligent. He’s nothing like your perception of the Forsaken Riders, honestly, I can guarantee it.”

Britney seemed to think about everything for a moment and then she nodded and stroked Jen’s arm affectionately.

“Well, you’re a big girl.” She laughed. “And you obviously know what you want. All I can say is it’s about goddam time. How you can get to your age and still never have fucked anyone is beyond me. And by the sounds of it, this guy is going to give you the ride of your life.”

Britney clapped her hands together with glee and blood rushed to Jenny’s face as she bit her bottom lip. The thought of being intimate with Diesel was taking over her all over again. His huge hands and his big arms… just the idea of what he could do to her was already mind-blowing. If it actually happened, she had no idea how she would cope.

“It’s so strange to feel this way,” she said as she looked out across the garden and shielded her eyes from the sun. “I never thought it would happen.”

“Well, just remember to keep your head screwed on and to take it slow,” Britney warned. “I don’t want to have to be dealing with any broken hearts. You’re too innocent for that.”

Jenny laughed. But maybe she did have a point.

“I’ll be okay,” she said. “I promise.”

She looked down at her watch and realized the entire day had flown by and she was supposed to be at work in less than two hours.

“Shoot,” she hissed as she got to her feet and made her way back toward the house. “I’ve got to shower and get myself ready for my shift. But I’ll catch you later, okay?”

“Sure.” Britney smiled. “I’m half tempted to come in with you just in case he makes an appearance.” She wiggled her eyebrows menacingly.

“You’re not coming anywhere,” Jenny warned. “Let me figure this one out on my own, okay?”

Britney smiled and nodded affectionately.

“I know, I know, I’m too involved.” She rolled her eyes. “But I can’t help it, it’s in my nature. I’m just such a good friend.”

Jenny laughed at her and threw the magazine that Britney had been reading earlier at her and then turned and went back into the kitchen.

Suddenly, everything was no longer quite as simple, but it was certainly a lot more exciting. She was finally experiencing what it was like to have nerves about seeing someone. And it was the best feeling in the world.


Tanners was already packed, according to the parking lot, when she pulled up and made her way slowly around the back. She stopped the car and let her hands rest nervously on the wheel as she breathed in and out deeply, willing herself to calm down. On the ride over, she had worked herself into an frenzy and she was beyond jittery.

From somewhere behind her, she heard the slam of a garage door and she looked over her shoulder to see some of the bikers messing around in the doorway of one of the lock-ups. She squinted through the dark and could make out the outline of who she was sure had to be Bull and King. She hadn’t seen those two together in some time, but it looked as if they were both going to be patrolling the club that night, which made her feel safe. If the previous evening was anything to go by, and all of the things that Diesel had dropped hints about, then something dangerous was on the horizon. And the last thing she wanted was to get caught in the crossfire.

She pulled the keys from the ignition and climbed out of the driver’s side before she waved to them over her shoulder, not sure if they even saw her or not.

She pushed open the back door to the club and the heat hit her instantly.

“Oh man,” she breathed.

She knew immediately what that meant. The air conditioning was broken. She was in for a hot and sticky night.

She walked into the girls’ dressing room and Star, Renee and Candy smiled up at her.

“Hey,” she said. “What happened to the AC?”

“Clapped out this afternoon,” Star grimaced. “It’s hellish out there. I’m dreading going back on stage.”

She was lounging along the back couch and fanning herself with her hand, looking hot and bothered.

“Is it full of customers too?” That was the politest way any of them could refer to the men that found their way into Tanners.

“Rammed,” Renee said moodily.

“Urgh, great,” Jenny rolled her eyes.

She threw her purse along the back wall next to the lockers after she had pulled her cell phone free and shoved it into her pocket.

“Okay, girls,” she said. “Wish me luck. At least you guys can take off your clothes and enjoy the breeze.” She laughed.

“Oh trust me,” Star groaned. “There is absolutely no breeze in there tonight. Even with the doors wide open.”

Jenny was already dreading it. She moved slowly toward the door to the hallway and took a deep breath. As the heat hit her all over again she knew it was going to be a long, oppressive night. All she could hope for was some light relief.

The bar was packed and customers were waiting angrily to be served when Jenny finally managed to push her way through the crowd and climb behind it.

“Sorry,” she called out. “But give a girl some room.”

They all moved forward and began to bark orders of beer and tequila and she could tell a lot of them were already drunk as skunks. The day had been baking hot and no doubt, a lot of them had been lounging around in town, skiving from work, and the truckers had clearly clocked out early, planning on getting more sleep by the side of the road than usual.

“Here we go,” she whispered to herself as she put on her bravest face and started to work her way through them all one by one.


It took her the best part of an hour to keep the sweaty crowds at bay, but when she finally stopped and managed to take a few moments for herself, she leaned back against the wall and sipped a glass of ice cold lemon water. It tasted so good and was on the verge of bringing her fully back to life.

She felt a vibration in her pocket and when she reached in and pulled out her cellphone she could see instantly that she had a message from a number she didn’t know. Her fingers itched as she quickly keyed in her passcode and opened it up.

D: Hello Jennifer… How’s your night going? I hope you’re working hard… D x


Her heart practically leapt out of her chest and she grinned from ear to ear like a giddy schoolgirl before she held it close to her as if she was trying to shield the screen from anyone seeing.

He had her cell number… How the hell did he get that?


J: Hello D, I thought I told you, Jennifer is reserved for when I’ve been naughty. As far as I’m aware, I’m yet to displease you just yet… x

D: Sorry, I couldn’t resist ;) But if I remember correctly, you were pretty naughty last night when you skipped out of work early. But don’t worry, your secret is still safe with me…

J: Well I’m here now making up for it, so I think I’ve redeemed myself a little.

D: I know you are.

J: You know I am what?

D: At work.

J: Ah yes, I forgot I’d told you earlier. The day time beer must have gone to my head!

D: Yes you did… But also, I’m standing right behind you.


She felt her face drop and her heart begin to hammer wildly all over again.

Oh no, she thought. He’ll have seen my giddy reaction.

She steeled herself to turn around and when she did, she did it slowly. He was leaning against the bar with his arms folded over the top of the counter and he was smiling at her the way that only he could. The way that made her legs turn to the jelly and the way that made her want to strip all of her clothes off right then and there and forget all her inhibitions.

He was so goddam sexy. Surely, it had to be illegal.

“Hey,” he mouthed, mimicking how he had greeted her the night before. And Jenny smiled and blushed.

She walked over to him slowly and stopped just short of the counter. She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.

“That isn’t fair,” she told him. “Now you’ve caught me off guard and watched me without my permission.”

“The last time I checked, I owned part of this place.” He winked. “Surely, that means I can come and go as I please and you should be expecting me.” He wiggled his eyebrows and she found herself biting her lip again.

“Sorry, Boss,” she said cockily as she moved a step closer. “So what can I get you?”

He opened his eyes wide and she could tell what he was thinking. He wanted her just as much as she wanted him. It was palpable. The air between them was charged with lust.

“A whiskey,” he said. “Straight up.”

“No problem.” She did a little joke bow and turned and leaned so that he could see the long curve of her back.

“I’m not even supposed to be here tonight,” he said as she turned back to face him and placed his drink down on top of the bar. “But I couldn’t stay away.”

He was looking deep into her eyes and she felt her heart flutter again and again.

“I’m not complaining,” she said. “However, you must be mad if you’re choosing to spend an evening in here when it’s this packed and the AC isn’t working.”

He threw his head back and laughed.

“Well, that should show you the level of my commitment here.” He leaned forward. “If you’ve got me here in these conditions, then you could pretty much get me to go anywhere.”

“Now that sounds like a challenge.” She laughed.

“Do you like a challenge?” He raised his drink to his lips and took a sip without breaking eye contact.

“I think I’d like a challenge involving you,” she said bravely. “To be honest, I think I’d surprise you.”

His eyes widened again and a smirk flitted across his lips.

“You’re naughtier than you appear,” he said. “You give off this innocent vibe, but deep down, I can tell there’s more to you than meets the eye.”

“Like I said,” she smirked in return, “I think I’d surprise you.”

Oh, if only he knew the truth of how innocent I truly am…

She turned and made her way back to the other side of the bar to serve some customers, letting the flirty conversation hang in the air between them so that he had plenty to think about. She could feel him watching her and she loved this new person she was becoming. He was bringing her out of herself and it felt incredible. It was as if she was spreading her wings and finally learning to fly.

When she finished up serving the remaining truckers that were drunkenly lounging by the bar and turned and smiled at him, he was still watching her with those intense eyes and waved his empty glass from side to side antagonistically.

“Yes Sir, what can I get you?” she asked with a wry smile.

“I think I’m done here actually,” he said.

She felt her heart sink a little and he must have seen the look of disappointment crawl over her face.

“Don’t look so down,” he said. “Because so are you. You’re coming with me.”

“What?” she asked with confusion.

“I didn’t just stop by for a drink and to check you out,” he said cheekily. “I’m here to whisk you away. Go and grab your things, you’re officially off the clock.”

Jenny looked at him as if she was trying to figure him out and then she looked behind her and around the room.

“I can’t just leave,” she said. “This is my job… Whether you own part of this place of not.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him crossly.

“It’s fine,” he said. “I’ve cleared it. Come on, you can leave.”

She shook her head and stood her ground. She had already run out of the place the evening before because her head was in a spin all because of him, how could she just disappear again? Even if Diesel was a Forsaken Rider and therefore her boss, surely she should still be answering to Bull because he was the one she had dealt with the most.

“You’ll get me fired.” She leaned forward and smirked.

“You said you wanted a challenge,” he whispered. “Why not start now? Challenge yourself to live a little. Throw caution to the wind. Live life on the wild side… However you want to put it.” 

Jenny couldn’t believe her ears. He was so naughty. Was he desperate to spend time with her or was he just enjoying the idea of getting her into trouble so that he could call her Jennifer again?

“If I hear it from Bull’s mouth himself, then I’m all yours,” she quipped as she stood back and smiled.

“Okay…” He said it like he meant business and he whipped his cell phone back out of his pocket and started to type furiously. When he slipped it back in his pocket, Jenny looked at him as if she had won. But it was only a matter of seconds before she saw Bull barging his way through the crowd.

“Yeah?” he asked gruffly as he sidled up next to Diesel.

“Tell her, she won’t listen to a word I say,” Diesel said sternly.

“Your shift is over,” Bull said as he stared at Jenny straight in the face.

“Over? But why?” she half stammered.

“Because Diesel requested it to be,” Bull replied as if it was a no brainer.

All three of them stood looking at each other and then Jenny didn’t know what else to do but shrug.

“Get out of here, Jen,” Bull continued as he stepped forward. “The bar’s covered, and you have a man here who wants to buy you a drink. Just go with the flow.”

She looked up at him stunned, completely unable to believe that Bull, the head honcho of one of the most dangerous bike gangs in the West, was giving her dating advice.

“Erm, okay…” she said a little shyly as she moved away from the bar and let Diesel slide his arm around her shoulder.

“You’re welcome,” Bull said as he saluted them both.

Jenny had absolutely no idea how all of that had even happened, but she was on her way out of the club with the man of her dreams and about to be whisked off into the night.

“Let’s go, babe,” Diesel smiled down at her.

And with that, they stepped away from Tanners and toward a huge, hulking motorcycle, glinting silver under the light of the moon.





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