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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) by Samantha Leal (168)



Jennifer took another gulp and set her glass down. They had long since abandoned their hijacked seating in favor of a more subtle bench of to the side of the venue where they could enjoy some light conversation. The liquid courage helped her hands shake less as he led her out onto the dance floor once again. The quick beat they had risen to was almost immediately replaced with a slow and steady love song that pulled all the couples, including them, in closer. His hand grabbed her around the waist and pulled her near. She gasped as his hands settled just below her hips and her front was pushed against his hard, and apparently very athletic, body.

He moved her around slowly, but she was already breathing quickly from his touch. Her hands encircled his neck and she looked up at him with clouding green eyes. Jennifer could feel her body heating up, both from the vodka, as well as from her carnal reaction to his proximity. There was just something about the way he held her and looked at her that made Jennifer almost swoon. She couldn’t be sure, but she sensed it was more than just the alcohol. The song was over too quickly and she disengaged her arms almost reluctantly as he led them off the dance floor.

She moved back towards the table and decided she needed to sit down anyhow. Her knees were a little wobbly, though she blamed it on booze. Her mother was coming out about the same time and waved to her as Charles sat back down next to her. His chair seemed closer and he was definitely leaning towards her just a little more than was usual.

“So what are your plans Jennifer?”

“Stay here as long as I have to and then get some studying done. What about you?”

“Studying? So you are in college?”

“Yeah, upstate.”

“What are you studying?”

“Law. I plan to work pro-bono.”


“Because I would rather help people than make money.”

Charles did not see a need for a distinction, but he nodded empathetically nonetheless.

“Well, I guess we all have to ‘follow our bliss’, as they say.”

Jennifer looked down at her plate, unsure of how to take his comment, and feeling the effects of the alcohol more strongly than ever. She gaped when she saw her sister on a small stage about to give a speech. She had completely forgotten that she was supposed to give one as well. There was no way she was going to get up there in front of all of those people at this point and give a slurred speech though. She ducked her head slightly and looked around to be sure no one else had located her. Spotting her mother and seeing that she wasn’t looking, Jennifer got up quickly. Walking towards the front of the building, she checked around and then pushed open the door to the coat room and stealthily slipped inside. She figured this would be a safe place to ride out the speech portion of the party.

Breathing out a sigh after a moment, she looked around at the rows of coats, numbered tags stuck to most of them. Hearing the door open behind her, she was pleasantly surprised to see Charles when she turned around.

“Why did you run off?”

“I am supposed to make a speech and I really don’t think I am in any condition for it at the moment. Trust me. It’s better for all of us if I sit this one out.”

“You don’t seem that drunk to me.”

“I am not drunk, just really really really tipsy,” she laughed.

“Ah, so I shouldn’t get try for a kiss then huh?”

“I am really just a little tipsy,” she quickly amended.

Charles came closer, closing the door behind him as he advanced. Jennifer took a step back and found her back against the wall. The man may have asked, but he sure didn’t wait for an answer as he bent down to touch her lips with his. Jennifer was surprised by his boldness, but her lips instantly responded to his. As they kissed, he pulled her in close like he had when they were dancing. The flush over her body was no longer tied to anything other than him.

Against any objections that may have lingered in the back of her mind, her body pressed hard against his. She molded her soft curves around his taut, muscled chest. His hands went gently to either side of her head and pressed her against the wall. The move pinned her in front of him as his every move seemed to telegraph the electric attraction he also had running through his system.

Jennifer was lost to this man who seemed to engulf her with his strength as he stood against her. She whimpered and could feel herself responding in her own ways, both above and below the belt. She could hear applause in the other room and it reminded her that she was at her mother’s wedding, making out with some random rich guy in the coat room. Her hand pushed against his hard chest and he reluctantly yielded when she repeated the motion.

“Stop, I’ve got to go.”

“The reception just started Jennifer…”

Her hand was firmer on his chest, even as one of his started to cup her small breast. Jennifer wanted to stay right there, but she did need to go. His lips captured hers once more and silenced her protest. The hard knot in his pants pressed against her quim and she instantly felt a surge of fluid inside her, readying her love tunnel for his penetration. Her body was running on autopilot and demanding more. Jennifer wanted the man right then and there. She was ready to give it to him as his hand started to ascend one of her thighs under her dress, but thankfully someone came in the small room and disrupted the strangers from doing something they may have regretted.

“Hey bro, it’s time to get out there. Dad wants you.”

Samuel looked at his brother a little strangely as he finally caught a glimpse of the woman his body had been hiding. His older brother was a bit of a horn dog and whenever he disappeared, he could almost always be found in the company of a stunning woman.

“Come on, that can wait.”

“Alright, I will be right out. Go.”

Samuel snorted, sounding like he was laughing as he walked back out. The mood was completely killed and Jennifer touched her lips as the man asked her to stay.

“Please, stay right there. I will be right back.”

Jennifer had no intentions of doing that and slid out of the country club’s back door the first chance she got. She was just focused on getting out of there without being seen. Suddenly she didn’t want to deal with any of it. She didn’t want to be around at the wedding and she definitely did not want to be banging some random guy in a coat room. The whole thing was just not like her and she wanted to get back to her mom’s house to relax and let her head clear.

Her mother was going to be moving in with her new husband soon and there were still a few things that Jennifer needed to get out of that old house. There were a lot of memories in her childhood home, but she could understand why her mother had to sell. It was just going to be hard for Jennifer to let it all go. Everything was changing so much and now her emotions were being messed with by the appearance of this mysterious rich guy.