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DIESEL (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 13) by Samantha Leal (233)



“Would it be imprudent of me to nip back to my world, have pizza and chocolate, and then nip back again?” Tammy asked of Niyol as he lay naked, beside her, in their now temporary camp as they moved towards the coastline.

“I love you Princess Tamara,” he said, looking into her eyes. “But, I’m not flitting about worlds so you can have pizza. Ionia food is good enough for any Princess.”

“Pah,” she almost jokingly spat. “When I find out what my magic is, I’m not going to share it with you,” she said, sulkily. “All I ask is for pizza, is that so hard?”

“Magic is not to be used lightly,” he said, sullenly. “It is to be used cautiously, and not for the sake of a Princess’s dinner.”

“I know,” she admitted. “I just miss my junk food. You have no idea how addictive that stuff is. This is like going cold turkey,” she moaned.

“We have turkey, if you wish,” he said, happy to supply her with a substitute for her pizza. “I can get you cold turkey, though it is tastier warm and freshly cooked.”

“You are a great oaf,” she laughed. “I have no desire for turkey, hot or cold. Tomorrow we will arrive at the coastline and I fear for all of our lives. I know you’re indestructible, but if my brother’s armies have taken over five out of seven islands, then he must be a force to be reckoned with.”

“The Emperor has many mages,” Niyol took on a serious tone. “He uses magic to keep his stronghold and places fear in the hearts of people. You have rallied these people to fight again. They have freedom in sight, and you have given them that by eliminating the fear he placed there. This is our last hope, you must have faith in yourself.”

“How can I, Niyol?” she questioned. “I can’t even find my own magic skills, let alone lead an army.”

“Patience, Princess, you will find your true magic when the time is right, but for now be content with ridding the people of your brother’s curse,” he kissed her as they lay on the floor, stealing a few moments of passion together before the mayhem of battle. “Your own skill will show itself soon enough. Our people follow you because they see in you all that is good about your family. Your parents were good people.”

“So what went wrong with Vaclav then?” she asked, knowing that was a question that no one could answer

Niyol shrugged.

“Bad blood can turn up in the best of families, even Royalty. All we know is he must be stopped. His magic spells eat into people’s minds, makes them weak, believing all hope is lost. Not only that, but he can transport himself in an instant to any part of this land that he has visited before. This is how he wins his battles. We have been unable to stop him.”

“What do you think Niyol? Do you believe he is my blood brother?”

“I can only say that he represents everything evil, and you are the complete opposite. I truly believe that good will be victorious over evil, and when you beat him I will take you back for pizza. We can stay in your world for as long as you like, so long as you promise this will always be your home.”

“My home is wherever you are, Niyol,” she said, resting her head on his broad muscular chest. Listening to his heart beat, her head moved up and down as his chest rose, and fell, with his breathing. “Though I suppose when we have children, I’ll have to settle down,” she added.

“I can think of no better woman to be the mother of my child,” he told her, smiling at the thought of making babies, and having the tiny feet of little people running around. Yes, that would be perfect, to combine his love with hers, and create life, to continue their legacy.

He reached forward and pressed his lips to hers, the kiss long was deep and passionate. Tammy could feel her juices starting to flow and knew that she needed this man inside of her, tonight, tomorrow they may all be dead.

She pushed him over onto his back, her hands going straight for his erection, hot and throbbing in her fingers. Now she had it in her hands, she realized how big he was and was surprised he hadn't hurt her when they had made love. She straddled him, guiding his member, laying the tip against her opening and just for a moment reveling in the feeling of the touch of his glans against her labia. Then, she pressed her hips back and completely engulfed him inside of her. Both of them cried out their desire as they rode together in perfect unison, his hands on her breasts, teasing her nipples with his fingers and increasing her arousal levels even further.  Their love making was slower this time, they both wanted to fully enjoy the sensations of their coupling. Their thrusting less frantic, more loving than lustful, as they rode together on a tide of love and passion.

Her orgasm, this time, was slower to build. Neither of them were in any rush, but when it came, it was still as powerful, thundering through her and sending jolts of pleasure coursing through her body. Again, in unison, they reached release at the same time, but this time more subdued in their outpouring of passion, perhaps weighing heavily on their mind the following days date with destiny.

Afterwards they lay together, Tammy still straddling Niyol as he gently stroked her hair.