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Second Chance: A Rockstar Romance in North Korea by Lilian Monroe (28)

Chapter 5 - Valerie





This is my worst nightmare.  Not only is this doctor male, he’s absolutely gorgeous.  It looks like he just walked out of some calendar dedicated to sexy doctors. This could not be worse.  How am I supposed to talk to him about orgasms?!  He called my name in the huskiest, sexiest voice I’ve ever heard.  When I turned and saw him it took all my self control to stop my jaw from falling to the floor.

I can’t do this.  This was a bad idea.

He’s got this short brown hair that’s styled in a messy, tousled way.  His dark brown eyes are hard to look away from.  I’m sitting beside his desk now, wondering how I’m going to find the words to tell him what’s wrong with me.  

He’s looking over a file that I assume has my information, and I can’t help sweep my eyes over his body.  He’s wearing this pale purple button down shirt tucked into his black pants.  It fits him perfectly, and I can’t help but wonder what his body looks like.  He definitely keeps in shape, I can tell by the way the fabric pulls around his biceps as he moves his arms.  

I glance down at his crotch, I can’t help it.  I don’t even know what I’m looking for.  As soon as I look down, I look away.

He’s looking at me.  Oh my God.  Did he see that?  Why would I do that!  I can feel my cheeks burning when he bores into me with those dark eyes.  He’s got such thick lashes, any girl would kill for them.  

Is he smirking?  

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.  This is OK.  He’s a professional, and I’m a professional, and I have a medical issue and I need his help.  It’ll be a fifteen minute consultation and then I’ll be on my way.

“So what can I do for you, Valerie?” He asks.  His voice is like butter.  I can feel the warmth pooling between my legs every time he says my name. I need to work up the nerve for this.

“Well, I’ve just moved to the area and need a new physician.  I haven’t had a physical in a few years so I thought it would be a good opportunity to find a new doctor.  You know, just to.. Get to know the right one.”

What am I even saying?  Stop talking!  My heart is beating out of my chest.

“No problem, Valerie.  Let’s get started.  Can I call you Valerie?”

I nod.

“My friends call me Val,” I respond instinctively.  Real smooth, Val.  He glances up at me and smiles.  His whole face lights up when he smiles and my heart beats a little bit faster.

“Does that make us friends now?” Did he just wink?

I chuckle, trying not to sound as nervous as I feel.  I’m like a thirteen year old girl right now, all giggles and blushes.  I need to get it together!  I’m a grown woman and he is a doctor, a professional.

He grabs a light from his breast pocket and holds it up.

“Now just stare straight ahead, look at the space right between my eyes.”

I try to keep my eyes steady as he moves the light around.  I try not to let my gaze wander but he’s got to be the best looking doctor in all of New York.  He jots a few words down on my chart and I use the time to rake my eyes over his body. He’s fit, and the way his clothes pull against his muscles is making me blush. It looks like he’s made of muscle.

He turns back towards me and I glance at the floor, embarrassed. Stop staring at him! He grabs a wooden tongue depressor and tells me to open my mouth.  I open my mouth and slide my tongue out slowly. My heart beats faster and I realise I actually like being in this position in front of him.  Mouth open, tongue out, ready for him to do what he needs to do. My eyes flick up to his and I see he’s looking right at me and his stare burns a hole through me.  I feel a thrill in my centre, a warmth in my core as he looks into my eyes with my mouth open for him.  

Is he thinking what I’m thinking?  I can feel the blood rushing towards the pit of my stomach and my heart beats a little bit faster.  It feels like we look at each other a second too long, and then his eyes flick down to my mouth, putting the tongue depressor down and shining a light down inside.

I take a deep breath and try to calm my nerves.  

He directs me to move to the examination table.  The white paper crunches as I sit down onto it.  He motions for me to lay down and I swing my legs over, laying down on the blue plastic bed.

“I’m going to use my hands to palpate your abdomen, just to make sure everything is normal with your internal organs.  Is that OK?”

I nod.

He raises his hands and I close my eyes as he moves them from one corner of my abdomen to the other.  He presses gently, and I can feel the warmth of his hands through my clothing.  I wonder what his hands would feel like on my bare skin, or what they would feel like between my legs.  

My mind wanders as he touches me, and once again I feel a warmth growing under his hands.  Everywhere his hands touch leaves a trail of sparks and I struggle to keep my breath steady.  I’m trying to pretend like this isn’t the sexiest physical I’ve ever had.

“Ok, looks good to me.  I’m just going to listen to your lungs now.”  His voice is professional, sharp.  My eyes shoot open and I try once again to rein in my thoughts.  

“Can you please sit up for me?”

He grabs the stethoscope around his neck and places the earbuds into his ears.

I take a deep breath.  He’s going to hear my heart hammering at a hundred miles an hour.  This is ridiculous.  He’s attractive, fine.  He’s also a doctor and I’m here for a checkup.  A checkup and a certain... delicate question.  This has got to be the longest physical examination in the history of physical examinations.  I sit up and wait for him to move towards me, trying in vain to control the pounding in my chest.