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Second Chance: A Rockstar Romance in North Korea by Lilian Monroe (44)

Chapter 30 - Clay





I wasn’t planning on fucking like animals the minute she walked in, but how could I resist when I saw her.  She’s the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.  I watch her as she slips her shirt back on, the way her tits move up her chest and then back down.  It’s not right for something to feel this good.  

She’s dressed and turns to me expectantly.  I grab her by the hand and pull her through the front door, closing it behind me.

“Where are we going?  Am I dressed OK?  If I’d have known we were going out I would have dressed up a bit more.”

“Shh, Val.  You look perfect.  Too many questions.”

“I think you like it when I pester you with questions,” she says with a grin.  

I pull her along the hallway past the elevators.  At the end of the hall there’s a heavy metal door.  I push it open and let her step through.  We go up a flight of stairs to another doorway that Val pushes open herself.  I hear her gasp as we step out onto the roof.

It’s my favourite view of the city.  A clear view of the skyline, the cars and people rushing below.  It’s my oasis.  I built a small deck up here and have a table set up with two places set.  I walk over, light the candles I’ve prepared and open a bottle of wine.  Val’s eyes are wide as she takes it all in.

“You did all this?  You did all this for me?”

I say nothing, only pour her some wine and pull out the appetisers I’d prepared earlier.  It’s simple, just some smoked salmon and capers with some bread, but she seems impressed.

We share the food and she looks around at the lights of the city with stars in her eyes.

“It’s beautiful up here,” she says dreamily.  “This wasn’t advertised on the listing, it would be a major selling point.”

“I love coming here.  I haven’t technically got planning approval for a deck up here, but I built it anyways.  No one’s complained so it’s been my secret spot for the past few years.  It’s where I come when I need some space from the city.”

“You built this?! It’s amazing.  And this food!” She groans in in approval and my cock twitches in my pants. I watch her for a moment and then jump up.

“Food!  Shit!”  I get up, almost knocking over my glass of wine and rush downstairs.  I pull out the roast beef from the oven and thankfully it’s not overcooked.  Our little romp on the kitchen counter delayed my serving dinner, but it looks ok.  I dish up a couple plates and bring them up to Valerie.

“Clay, this looks perfect.  This is perfect.  I couldn’t ask for a better evening.”

“I’ve really enjoyed spending the past couple days with you, Val.  More than I’ve enjoyed the past couple years on my own.  You’re making me rethink my whole attitude.”

“What’s your attitude?”  She’s taking a sip of wine but I can tell by the way she’s looking at me that she’s curious.  I sigh.

“You know, just… wanting to be on my own.  Putting my career above everything else.”

“Career is important,” she says slowly.  “I’ve also been putting my career first.  I don’t think it’s necessarily an either/or, if that’s what you’re saying.”

“I just… I guess I didn’t think I would enjoy this.”

She cocks her head to the side and looks at me quizzically but says nothing for a few moments.  I look at the way the candlelight flickers over her face and I feel my heart swell in my chest.  I don’t want to fight that feeling right now, I just want to enjoy it.  I can tell myself to let her go later, when I move.  Right now I just want to sit across from this beautiful creature and enjoy her company.  She opens her mouth to speak.

“You know, I was with my ex for four years.  I thought we’d end up together, married, kids, the whole nine yards. But then I realised it wasn’t what I wanted. He wasn’t what I wanted.” She pauses. “When we broke up I thought my life was over, like I had to start back up at zero.  I haven’t been with anyone since then.  Until you.”  Her eyes look up to mine.  “I didn’t think I wanted this either, but it just feels so right to be with you.  I can’t explain it.”

I lift my glass and we cheers together.

“Let’s not think about it too hard,” I say.  “I just want to enjoy this.”

She smiles.  “Agreed,” she says.

I can’t believe how nice it feels to be open with someone, to tell her what I’m thinking and how I feel.  I haven’t been able to do that, not since my ex.  She mentioned her ex as well, and I’m desperate to ask what happened but I don’t want to pry.  I don’t want to go telling her all about my past either. Not yet.

We sit in a comfortable silence on the roof, enjoying our food.  I clear the plates away and pour some more wine for her, and then pull out my favourite cheesecake from the bakery down the road.

“Not bad for a Monday night,” she laughs.

We eat and laugh and talk until I see her shiver.  “Let’s go inside,” I say.  “It’s getting cold.”

And plus, I can’t wait to lie down next to her again and hold her in my arms.  I’m not even thinking about sex right now, I just want to feel her heartbeat and the heat of her body next to mine.  We clear the table and go back downstairs. We do the dishes together and then head towards the bedroom. My heart is at peace.