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The Renegade Saints - Complete by Ella Fox (107)


Dinner alone with Tyson was the highlight of what had been a great day. Yes, it had been difficult to share my past with him, but it also made me trust him more. He’d been there for me, and that mattered. It mattered a lot. The whole thing had me feeling closer to him than ever. There was no question in my mind about it. We were really in it together. When he told Ian and Bree that he wanted to eat with me alone, I was overjoyed.

Our dinner choice was a little unusual. Instead of ordering entrees, we wound up getting every appetizer and dessert room service offered, along with two glasses of chocolate milk, two bottles of water and a few cokes. I’m pretty sure the people who delivered the food to Ty’s room thought we were nuts, since it took two delivery carts to get it all in—and there were only two of us eating. Ty waved off their effort to set the table for us, so we got to uncover all of the plates ourselves. We made a little game of it, trying to guess what was under each of the silver domes. Some of it was great, but some of it wasn’t appetizing at all. It was fun to test things out I normally wouldn’t have bothered with, and I had a fantastic time hanging with Tyson.

We were so full after trying all of the appetizers we decided to hold off on dessert. Instead, we watched TV in the living room of his suite. We were both fans of The Food Network so it was an easy choice to watch a few episodes of Chopped.

The more time I spent with Ty and what I now knew was the real him, the more I liked him. He was known for being funny, so of course that aspect of his personality stood out. But it turned out he was so much more than that. Smart, thoughtful, considerate and downright sweet were all words I realized I could use to describe him. Of course, the very first word I’d have used is sexy.

The perpetual five-o’clock shadow covering his chiseled cheeks was to die for, and don’t even get me started on his eyes. Any time we connected eye to eye, I had to remind myself to look away before he figured out I was a little obsessed with them. Inevitably that would lead to my looking down to his lips, and that was a whole other issue. It was ridiculous how beautiful he was. From time to time a few stray locks of his hair would fall into his eyes and I’d have to force myself not to reach out and arrange it the way it belonged. In addition to his gorgeous face and drop dead sexy body, he also smelled amazing. It was fresh and clean with just a hint of something a little spicy that made my mouth water.

Sitting side by side on the sofa was excruciating because we were close, but not close enough. At least not for me. I kept fidgeting around and trying to find a good position, but it was like my body wouldn’t accept anything that didn’t involve some form of contact with him. We were well into the second episode of Chopped when he reached out, pulled me to his side and slung his arm around my shoulders. My muscles loosened as I set my head on his shoulder, sighed in contentment and curled one of my hands on top of his knee.

“You good with this?” he asked huskily.

I nodded. “Mm hm.”

Over the next thirty or so minutes, it felt like the air in the room started getting thicker. Being that close together was a spark that lit a fuse. My nipples had hardened into tight peaks and I kept clenching my core. I wanted him badly, but he hadn’t yet made any moves so I resigned myself to follow his lead.

That lasted until I shifted against him and he let out the tiniest sound, almost like he was in pain. My female antenna went way up and I just knew he was feeling much the same as I was. Mainly, turned on. My gaze dropped from the TV down to my hand on his knee, and that’s when I saw it. He was hard and I could see the very clear outline of the impressive erection through his jeans. One small shift and my arm would be touching it. I bit my lip as I thought it through, making a dozen cases for and against.

I’d spent the previous few years not allowing myself to get close to men because I was scared. With Tyson, I didn’t think there was really anything to be afraid of. It wasn’t like he was hard because he didn’t find me attractive.

Decision made, I started trailing a finger up his knee. He inhaled harshly as I moved up and it became more and more obvious what my ultimate destination was. His breath stayed locked in his chest until I reached the outline of his denim-covered cock and traced my finger over it. The second my fingers touched him he let it all out in a whoosh.

“Fuck,” he groaned desperately, “Daisy.”

The way he said my name was part awe, part prayer. I smiled when I saw him lifting the remote from its position at his side. After he hit the power button and turned the TV off, the silence in the room was only broken by the sounds of our breathing. My hand now firmly on his erection, I began gently rubbing it in a circular motion up and down the length. His arm around my shoulder tightened as he brought his other arm around and cupped my jaw.

“Look at me,” he growled.

My heart sped up when I looked up and met his electric gaze as his hand slid down my neck, stopping at the back to hold me in place. He stared at me like I was something magical and unexplainable. I expected him to kiss me, but he didn’t. Instead, our eyes stayed locked together as I continued moving my hand. Our mouths were close enough together that I could feel each breath he took feathering across my skin when he exhaled.

The erotically charged moment was the most intimate I’d ever experienced. We exchanged a thousand words and had to say one aloud. Without question, I understood we both wanted the same thing, desperately.

His breath shuddered when I squeezed him through his jeans before moving up and touching the button at his waist. The hand he’d had at my neck came down and we worked together to open them. Little sounds erupted from the back of his throat as the zipper gave way and he was finally able to reach in and pull himself out. I let out a noise of my own when I saw his gorgeous cock standing at attention for me.

Lifting my hand, I held two fingers up and traced his lips. “Lick them,” I murmured. His eyes were like fields of fire as he sucked my fingers into his mouth, running his tongue around them reverently. When I pulled them from his mouth, he whimpered.

“God, Daisy.”

With his eyes on me, I brought the two fingers to my lips and licked them just as he had. I pulled them out slowly before taking them down and rubbing them across the tip of his cock. He shivered and squeezed my shoulder with the hand he still had on me.

“Work with me,” I said huskily. “Show me how you like it.”

He held his hand up to my mouth, and I wetted his palm with my tongue. When I was finished, I looked down to watch as he wrapped it around his cock and started moving it up and down. His actions were firm but slow. As he worked, I traced circles around the head, the lubrication from my fingers now mixing with some pre-cum that was leaking from the tip. I licked my lips as I watched our hands working together to stroke and tease him.

I couldn’t watch and not taste. Another time, maybe. But right then, I needed to feel him with my tongue. Pulling away from his hold, I slid off the couch and down to the floor. Once I was on my knees, I turned and faced him before nudging his legs apart and taking position between them.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re so beautiful.”

I smiled softly as I ran my hands up his jean-covered thighs. As I went up, I felt his muscles rippling with tension beneath my hands. When I reached the top of his thighs I stopped, using them to steady myself as I leaned forward, stuck out my tongue, and licked the head of his cock. We moaned in unison. I loved the slightly salty and musky flavor of him spreading across my tongue.

He let out a series of desperate sounding unh noises as I feathered my tongue around the head, getting it nice and wet. As I did, he continued working his fist up and down his shaft, stopping again and again just before he reached my face. He kept it up until I opened my mouth and sucked the tip of his cock into my mouth, at which point his hand dropped down to his groin and he let out a strangled aah.

I kept my hands resting at the top of his thighs as I began to bring my head up and down his shaft. I stayed slow and steady, letting the moment last and last. Beneath my mouth his hand grew wet from my saliva and he used it to jerk the part of him I couldn’t fit into my mouth.

“I love seeing your mouth stuffed full of my dick,” he moaned.

Opening my eyes, I looked up at him. The way he watched me was feral and possessive.

“You like sucking it, don’t you?”

I nodded, moaning around him as I shuttled up and down.

His hands threaded their way into my hair, gripping me firmly as he pushed his hips up.

I didn’t need to bob up and down anymore once he took control, holding me in place as he worked his hips up and down so that he was fucking my mouth. I slobbered and moaned as he worked me back and forth on his cock.

“Daisy… Dais… Daisy,” he whimpered.

His praise had me using more suction and tonguing every bit of him I could with each in and out motion. We kept up just that way for a long while before he pulled me up and off. When I immediately tried to take him back in my mouth, he held me steady and shook his head.

“Stop,” he groaned. “Give me a minute.”

“I want it back,” I whimpered.

“I’m going to give you something better,” he promised breathlessly. “But not out here.”

It should’ve been ridiculous when he stood up with his erection bobbing all over the place, but it wasn’t. Instead, it was so sexy I swear I had a mini orgasm. I let out a little squeak when he helped me to my feet and then lifted me up and into his arms.

When we got into the bedroom, he deposited me on the bed and then flipped on the light. As soon as it was on, he whipped his shirt off. I thought I was aroused before, but I’d just been getting started. His bared chest, and the jeans hanging open with his hard cock pointing right at me, were so hot I had to fan myself. He smiled at me as he kicked off his shoes and then turned his back on me.

He shook his butt back and forth in front of me a few times, looking back over his shoulder with a sultry look.

“You like that?” he asked jokingly.

“I like it very much,” I giggled.

I stopped laughing after he pulled his jeans and boxers off and pulled off his socks, leaving him facing away from me completely naked. Ty’s back was incredibly muscular and ripped, and it gave way to an ass that literally made my mouth water. He looked like a warrior, perfectly proportioned and muscled in all the right spots. I couldn’t look and not touch. Standing from the bed, I took the few steps between us and set my hands on his shoulders before trailing them down his back and then around to his stomach. From there, I slid them up the warmth of his stomach, appreciating the way his muscles rippled beneath my hands. I kept going until I got to his chest, one hand resting over his heart, the other just below it.

It was a moment I’ll never forget. When his hands covered mine, I laid my forehead against his back and sighed, enjoying the sensation of his pounding heart beneath my hand and the rise and fall of his back with each harsh breath. We stood like that for almost a minute before he let go of my hands and turned in my arms. He cupped my face and studied me like there would be a test later.

“What’re you doing to me?” he asked.

“Whatever you’ll let me,” I answered honestly.

Tilting my head back he leaned in and kissed me. My hands went up his torso, stopping on his shoulders as I held on to him. He traced my bottom lip with his tongue, sliding it back and forth again and again. I slowly parted my lips and just barely touched my tongue to his. He groaned and met me halfway, taking the kiss deeper.

The night of the bathroom incident we’d kissed frantically, almost like we were afraid we might be pulled apart. The kiss we shared in his bedroom wasn’t like that at all. It was deep, slow, and wet. While our tongues danced, my body all but melted into his. By the time he raised his head I was breathless.

He gripped the bottom of my shirt with both hands and tugged.

“You with me?”

“I’m very, very with you,” I assured him as I lifted my arms.

He lifted my shirt up and over my head in one smooth movement. When it was off, he lifted his hand and traced a finger from my collarbone down to the center of my chest, just above the middle of my bra.


I grinned as I glanced down at my periwinkle bra. “Victoria’s Secret is really good stuff.”

He stepped in closer and reached around with both hands to undo my bra. His eyes stayed on mine as he shook his head.

“I wasn’t talking about the bra, I was talking about you. You’re beautiful.”

I knew I was blushing as I beamed up at him. “I was just thinking the same thing about you,” I admitted.

We kept right on staring at each other as the clasp to my bra gave way. My skin felt super sensitive as he brought his hands around and took hold of my bra straps, bringing them forward and pulling it down. Although my nipples had been hardened peaks for quite a while, they felt even more swollen when he dropped the bra on the floor and stared down at my naked breasts.

“Goddamn perfect,” he muttered.

I felt like I was glowing from the inside out. I was far from perfect, but he made me feel as though I was. I let out a squeak when he grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up before depositing me down on the bed. I settled back and smiled as he lifted up first one leg and then the other to take my boots and socks off. With them out of the way, he lifted my left foot and ran the tip of his finger along the bottom. I humiliated myself by laughing like a hyena and kicking his leg with my right foot as I wiggled wildly.

“Stop!” I squeaked. “I’m crazy ticklish.”

Ty grinned as he let go of my foot. “Just your feet, or other places?”

“My stomach is ticklish but not in the way my feet are.”

He leaned over me, dropping a soft kiss on my lips.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he murmured.

As he spoke, his hands went to my waist. Gripping the sides of my leggings, he peeled them off of me. When they were off, he pulled me to the edge of the bed and put two pillows under my head. Once he was satisfied with my position, he dropped to the floor.

“Bend your knees.”

Goose bumps broke out across my flesh as I complied. I let out a breathy squeak as he took hold of my ankles so he could place my feet where he wanted them on the mattress. When he was satisfied, he leaned in and nuzzled his face right at the heart of me through my panties. I blushed when he let out a groan.

“You’re burning up for me.”

I started to respond, then lost the ability to say anything when he gripped either side of my underwear and started pulling them down my legs. After lifting one foot and then the other, he put them back on the bed the way he wanted.

I forgot how to breathe for countless seconds when he leaned in and I felt the warmth of his breath on me. I remembered to breathe again when he traced his tongue against my pubic bone. I loved the feeling of the tickle of his stubble as it rubbed against me when he ran his tongue over every inch of me.

Using his fingers to spread the lips of my sex open, he slowly licked right up the center, causing me to whimper.


The pillows he’d put under my head had me in a position that allowed me to watch what he was doing, so I saw him grin. His eyes fluttered shut a few seconds later, but I kept watching him. Somehow seeing what he was doing made me feel just as good as feeling it. Talk about sensory overload.

I felt myself getting closer to what I knew was going to be a spectacular orgasm, and my hands went to either side of his head as I moved against his tongue. I was right there, hovering on the edge, when his eyes opened and met mine. The expression of pure animal lust in his wolf-like eyes was everything, and it sent me over. I called out his name as I came, and he growled against my clit in response as he continued to lick and suck. When it was over, I continued to tremble with aftershocks as he stood up.

My eyes were drawn to his cock, which was rock hard and pointed right at me. Ty opened the drawer next to his bed and pulled out an enormous box of condoms, which made me frown. The thing was darn near industrial sized and I imagined some assistant somewhere buying in bulk. Lacey had said he didn’t have women in his room, but those condoms said otherwise.

It was almost as if he could hear my thoughts. He shook his head emphatically as he watched me. “No one’s ever been in any of my beds before, ever, until now. Until you,” he assured me.

I smiled like an idiot and then let out a giggle when I realized he was having trouble getting the box open. There was plastic wrap around the unopened box and he was near frantic because it wouldn’t come off. He finally gave up trying to do it correctly and twisted and ripped the damn thing to shreds, condoms flying everywhere as he did so. He grinned as he dropped what was left of the box and grabbed a condom from where it had fallen—right next to me on the bed. He pushed the rest of the condoms that had landed in the area onto the floor without giving them a second glance.

After ripping the wrapper open, he rolled the condom on and then climbed onto the bed between my legs. I let out a little moan as I spread my legs wider and he rested his cock right against my cleft. Balancing on one arm, he leaned forward and took one of the pillows under my head away. Once he was satisfied that I was positioned appropriately, he came in close and traced his tongue across the seam of my lips. I parted them with a rush of breath and touched my tongue to his.

He kissed me until I found myself lifting my hips and rubbing up against him, desperate to feel him inside me. Pulling away from my mouth, he held himself over me.

“You want me inside you?”

When I nodded almost frantically, he grinned.

“Guide me in,” he instructed huskily.

His eyes held me captive as I reached between us and fisted his shaft, rubbing the head of him against my clit. His jaw clenched and he made a tortured sound.

“Don’t tease,” he whimpered.

If I hadn’t been desperate to get him inside, I’d have held out for at least a few more seconds. Instead, I guided him down until he was just where he needed to be. I’m not sure if I expected him to just thrust in or what, but I know I didn’t expect him to go as slowly as he did.

“Look at me,” he ground out as he sank in.

When I looked up, our gazes locked as he continued moving forward. As ever, I was entranced by those beautiful eyes.

I felt full and stretched, but so damn good. Everything seemed new to me somehow, like being a virgin again. Granted, I hadn’t had sex in almost two years, but I had no recollection of it ever feeling the way it did with Tyson. I let out a whoosh of air when he bottomed out, as deep in me as he could possibly go.

He leaned in and kissed me before pulling back and looking down at me with an expression of wonder. “You feel fucking incredible,” he whispered as he drew back and then pushed in again.

“God, Tyson,” I gasped out. “Please.”

He kept up that rhythm, a slow and steady back and forth that rocked my world. I let out whispered pleas for more as he kept the pace.

“Touch your clit,” he instructed.

I nodded my head as I slipped my right hand between us, my middle finger dancing over my slippery clit as he worked in and out.

“Feels so good,” he groaned. “So good, Daisy.”

“Yes,” I cried as I arched up to meet his thrust. “Tyson!”

He let out a harsh sound as he dropped down until our chests were touching, rubbing against each other as he moved. Balancing himself with one hand, he grabbed the remaining pillow under my head and tossed it up on the bed. When he was finished, he dropped his nose down to mine and gave me an Eskimo kiss. It felt like there was no part of either of our bodies that didn’t touch in some way.

My nipples were swollen and hard and the feeling of his chest rubbing against them was heavenly. I moaned and clenched around him as he continued rocking in and out.

“Tell me you love my cock in you,” he whispered against my mouth.

Instead of answering right away, I gently bit his bottom lip before running my tongue over it. He growled and thrust harder, punctuating each thrust with a swivel of his hips.

“I love you in me,” I breathed.

“Show me how much you love it,” he growled. “Come all over my dick.”

The way he talked was way, way more graphic than I was used to—and I loved it. He was filthy, and it made me tingle.

“You like my dirty fuckin’ mouth,” he chuckled. “I can tell by the way your pussy clenches.”

“Mm,” I whimpered.

“Rub your clit and squeeze my dick until you come.”

My finger flew over my clit as I rubbed faster. As Tyson thrust harder, he dropped kisses on my right cheek until he got to my ear.

“This is the most perfect cunt I’ve ever been in,” he whispered, “and I’m going to fuck it again and again and again. You and your pussy belong to me now.”

My body went taught as I locked my legs around his waist and came with a silent scream. As I did, his thrusts picked up speed and he went hard. I whimpered as his back and forth made the end of my orgasm go on and on. As I was finishing, he yelled my name seconds before I felt the heat of his release through the condom.

“Daisy, fuck, Daisy!”

He kept rocking in and out until he was completely spent. When he was finished, he pulled out of me and rolled onto his back. I let out an ah sound as he did, and he rubbed my arm soothingly. After pulling the condom off and tying a knot at the top, he tossed it toward what I assumed was a trashcan. I missed having him in me already but it wasn’t like I could say anything about it.

I had nothing to worry about. As soon as he got rid of the condom, he reached over and pulled me on top of him. His fingers trailed lazily up and down my left side as I nuzzled against his neck.

“You just rocked my fuckin’ world, Freckles.”

I lifted my head up and raised my brow as I looked at him.


He touched my nose with the tip of his finger.

“You’ve got the sexiest series of freckles on your nose I’ve ever seen.”

I shook my head at him before I set it back down on his shoulder.

“Freckles aren’t sexy,” I grumbled.

I felt the rumble of his chest as he laughed.

“The fuck they aren’t,” he argued. “You’ve got a few freckles on your tits that I can’t wait to get on a first name basis with.”

I was glad he couldn’t see my face because I knew it was fire engine red.

“You’re weird.”

“Weird for you,” he answered.

His words made my heart beat funny, and I smiled softly before letting out a yawn.

“Feelin’ that smile, Freckles.”

“I’m not smiling,” I lied.

“That’s two smackers,” he said. “I’ll add it to the fifty you owe me from earlier when you didn’t believe I could get in and out of the mall without being recognized.”

“You want money?” I asked incredulously.

“No,” he chuckled. “Smackers are kisses. I choose when and where, and you’ve got to pay up. Fifty-two smackers, Freckles. That’s a whole lotta mackin’ down.”

There was nothing I could do but laugh. “I never knew I was bargaining kisses,” I pointed out. “I thought we were talking cold hard cash.”

“I bargained for something worth far more. Your kisses are priceless.”

I smiled against his shoulder. “You’ve got some smooth moves.”

I expected him to laugh, but he didn’t. Instead, he let out a heavy sigh. “Freckles, I’m the furthest thing from smooth.”




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