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The Renegade Saints - Complete by Ella Fox (15)

I WAS IN deep shit.

Like, knee deep, no paddle and there wasn’t any way out.

Flynn’s family was perfection. I liked them all, particularly Gram. But most of all, I adored Flynn.

Like an absolute idiot, once Gram planted the idea in my head about Flynn giving her great-grandchildren, I sat thinking about how beautiful it would be to carry his babies. Yes, I knew the simple notion made me nuts. I barely knew him and I was wistful about the idea of a child with Flynn’s eyes holding my hand and asking me for butterfly kisses.

Getting into the car with him was like being enveloped in a sensual cocoon. It was just the two of us and it felt like we were alone in the world. The Foo Fighters were on the car stereo, Dave Grohl was singing “Everlong,” and my heart was beating out Flynn’s name. When he reached over and took my hand in his, I flushed from head to toe.

I kept trying to snap back into reality, repeatedly reminding myself he was Flynn Rand, the infamous love ‘em and leave ‘em singer. The reminders didn’t work for shit.

I thought I needed to talk to Jess. I wanted her to quell my rampant emotions. I’d texted with her a bunch of times since I’d gotten to LA, but had never divulged what was happening with Flynn. I’d planned to but I wanted to do it face- to- face. Mostly I avoided it because I was scared. What was happening with Flynn couldn’t be real.

When we got back to my hotel, Flynn came up to my room. I expected him to kiss me, but instead he asked if I wanted to watch a movie. It was so normal. I couldn’t refuse. I didn’t want him to leave, even though I was frightened.

It was my brilliant idea to watch the movie in the bedroom. “Don’t think I’m being forward or anything, but this daybed, so-called couch is too small for both of us to sit comfortably. I’m stuffed from dinner and want to spread out. We can hang on the bed like it’s an oversized couch.”

We held hands as we watched “Horrible Bosses” and the two of us laughed like idiots through the whole show. When I was with him, I forgot about the whole celebrity status.

Once the movie ended, Flynn asked if I’d mind watching another one. I was tired but I didn’t want him to leave so I said yes. We chose “The King’s Speech,” and during the movie he pulled me against him, so I could curl up under his arm. He smelled so amazing my mouth actually watered. Who smelled so good? A man’s scent had never gotten to me, but Flynn’s made me crazy. I rested my head on his chest, and before I knew it, the sound of his heartbeat had lulled me to sleep.

The light streaming through the windows woke me up. It looked to be just after dawn and I was stunned to find Flynn and I completely entwined. My head was still resting on his chest, my left arm was underneath his shirt resting against his stomach, his arms were wrapped around me and our legs were entwined. Somehow we’d slept the whole night without ever even getting under the covers. I was shocked considering I’d always needed a blanket of some sort to keep me warm, but just being wrapped in Flynn’s arms had me toasty and comfortable.

I was dumbfounded to realize I’d stayed up against him all night. The few times I’d slept with Lee, I’d awakened to find him glaring at me and ready with a list of all my nighttime infractions. “You move too fucking much,” he’d say. Looking back I realize that there was nothing remotely worthy about him.

Feeling Flynn’s solid abs under my hand, I knew I was playing with fire, and ever so gently I began to remove my hand. I let out an involuntary gasp when Flynn grabbed my wrist. “I want your hand right where it is,” he rasped. “Go back to sleep, babe.”

Whether because of his words or because I was still drowsy, I snuggled into him again and let my eyes drift shut. The steady rise and fall of his chest sent me back to sleep in no time at all.

The next time I woke up, Flynn was gently running his fingertips over my cheek and was raining kisses on my face. It felt lovely, but I snuggled in closer to his chest, earning a chuckle from him, which I felt reverberate under my cheek.

“It’s time to wake up, sweetness. It’s after ten.”

You could have knocked me over with a feather. I couldn’t believe we’d slept so long and so soundly. Sitting up, I pushed back my hair and tried to wake up. I groaned when I saw Flynn because he looked crazy hot.

Knowing I looked like a hot mess, I jumped from the bed and hauled ass to the bathroom. One look in the mirror confirmed what I already knew; I looked like a mile of rough road. My hair looked like I’d just taken part in an orgy and my eyes were puffy. I also had a horrific case of morning breath thanks to the awesome Mexican dinner the night before. After brushing my teeth, I jumped into the shower and scrubbed up before throwing on a robe and going back into the bedroom.

Flynn had gotten up and was out in the living area on the phone, which gave me time to throw on panties, shorts and a tee shirt. I walked out into the living area when I was finished. When he saw me, he held out his arm and gestured for me to go to him. My stomach was one big butterfly as I walked to him. Smiling, he put his arm around me and pulled me against his chest. He continued talking as I burrowed into his side and tried to get my heart rate under control. Concluding his call, he kissed the top of my head.

“I’d love to kiss you right now but my breath is deadly. I just ordered us room service. Give me a few minutes to clean up.”

“I never used the complimentary toothbrush. It’s on the tray in the bathroom.”

Flynn laughed before giving me a high five. “I was afraid you were going to throw me out for stinking.”

Watching him walk away made me weak in the knees.

Like I said, I was in deep shit.