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The Renegade Saints - Complete by Ella Fox (58)


I’VE NEVER BEEN what you would call a romantic guy. Granted, I’ve never had to be and yeah, I know it’s fucked up. Oh well, cause it is what it is. With Leah, I want to be different. For almost three weeks we’ve been cooped up in different hotel rooms and I can tell that it’s weighing on her that because of the Tally situation she literally can’t go anywhere unless it’s been closed down just for the band, which has only happened twice—one night for bowling and karaoke, and the other night we rented out a movie theater and watched Anchorman 1 & 2. I know she’s having fun and she would never complain about what’s happening but it has to be boring being holed up all the time. Last night I asked her what’s the first thing she wants to do when the threat is gone. Her answer shouldn’t have surprised me, but it did.

“I can’t wait to go outside. Other than walking to and from the car, it feels as if I haven’t been outdoors in forever and I miss it.”

I’m used to this tour life, used to being indoors for extended periods of time, but it took years to get to this point, so I remember feeling the way she does. For me, spending all of this time with her has been awesome. Because we rarely go anywhere aside from the shows and dinner with the entire crew each night, it’s been as if Leah and I are on our own little island together. It means the getting-to-know-each-other process has gone a lot faster than it would have if we were dating and only seeing each other every few days.

In less than three weeks I’ve managed to learn things about her it probably takes other couples a year or more to find out about each other. Every day my Leah List grows a little more. I know she’s addicted to an online game called Turbo 21, she eats Skippy peanut butter right out of the jar with a spoon, her best friend until she moved into foster care was named Midian, and when she’s not living in hotel rooms, she vacuums her way out of her bedroom in the morning. I also know she’s kind, compassionate, and considerate, and when she devotes her attention to you, it makes you feel like the luckiest man alive. I know she’s happy being here with me but she misses her job, and if I’m being honest, it makes me a little sick. At some point this Tally bitch is going to be found and, while I can’t wait for Leah to be one hundred percent safe, I am in no way ready for her to leave.

We’ve got a show tonight but as soon as it’s over, I’ve got big plans for Leah. It took me all day to plan it and I had to pull a fuckload of strings, but she’s more than worth it. I’m thankful I’ve got a management team and assistants on my side because otherwise I wouldn’t have even known how to make it happen, but everything is in place and ready to go.

I’m skipping the after show meet and greet for the first time in years but it has to be done. Grabbing Leah by the hand I start guiding her to an SUV that’s been backed down for us. Normally, after a show we all walk out together without Leah so she isn’t photographed, but tonight I’m leaving with her and it’s obvious she’s wondering why.

“What’s going on?”

Lifting her hand to my mouth I drop a kiss on her knuckles. “It’s date night babe. I’m taking you somewhere special.”

I open the door for her and help her in. The second she’s settled she asks, “Where are we going?”

I can’t contain a cocky smile as I shake my head at her. “Not telling. You deserve a night out and I’m making it happen.”

Looking down at herself she mutters, “I’m not dressed for a night out.”

“Babe,” I say with an exasperated sigh. “You look fuckin’ hot. It’s not like you left the hotel tonight in sweatpants and a ripped tee. Even if you had, it wouldn’t matter. You’re sexy no matter what.”

I love the little flush on her cheeks because of my words. Leah has no idea how gorgeous she is, which is actually a big fucking plus. She knows she’s attractive but she is really clueless about how she’s more than a ten. You don’t even want to know how many chicks I’ve been with who have straight out said they were hot shit and wouldn’t hesitate to remind me at every available opportunity they were beautiful and deserved the best. Looking back, it’s hilarious. I swear to you not one of them was on Leah’s level of beauty. Leah plays from her brain and her heart, not her sex appeal, which only makes her more attractive.

She pays attention as we’re driven to our destination and I can see her confusion when we pull into a gated community. She only gets more confused when we pull up to a sprawling mansion. The driveway already has a car parked in it, an SUV matching the one we’re in, an indicator the second security team is already in position.

As soon as the car is in park I get out and hold my hand out for her. Placing her hand in mine she raises an eyebrow at me. “What’s going on?”

Instead of answering, I follow Jerry as he leads us into the house and from there to a wall of curtains. He looks to me for approval and I nod my head once, squeezing Leah’s hand as he presses a button on the wall and the curtains open.

She gasps when she sees the backyard, and I admit in the two seconds I glance at it, I understand it’s amazing. Doesn’t matter, it’s Leah that holds my gaze. She lets out another gasp when the doors start sliding open, leaving almost the entire wall open. Once the doors are finished opening, I pull her out into the backyard oasis. Every tree is covered with twinkle lights, the outdoor fire pit is lit and the view of Denver is absolutely epic. There’s also an enormous tent pitched at the back of the property.

“You wanted to go outside,” I say as I guide her to the outdoor lounge area. “So I found a way for us to be outside with no security concern.”

After taking a seat, I start pointing to things in the yard. “There’s a pool, an in ground trampoline, a hot tub, this fireplace and there’s even an inflatable movie screen if you want to sit on the grass with me and watch the episodes of Under the Dome we haven’t seen yet. We’ll even get to sleep out here if you want, I had the tent all set up just for us. Everything we had at the hotel was packed up and is here already and since tomorrow is an off day we get to stay until it’s time to get on the plane and head for Seattle late tomorrow afternoon. The night is yours, babe. Just tell me what you want to do first.”

Her excitement is palpable.


“Yep—this is all about you so the choice is yours.”

“Oh Gavin,” she says excitedly. “I want to spend the whole night outside. Can we jump on the trampoline, watch a movie and then go swimming?”

“Sounds perfect. Let’s do this.”