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The Renegade Saints - Complete by Ella Fox (29)

BEING IN THE shower and having free reign to soap and caress Tessa’s body had easily become one of my favorite activities. There was an intimacy between us that surpassed any expectation I’d had about what a relationship could or would be, and I reveled in it.

It’s funny how one person can change your entire life, shifting your paradigm in the blink of an eye. When Tessa had been in LA the first time, I had known we were headed somewhere amazing. But when she’d shut me down and changed her phone number, the panic I’d experienced made me realize I was falling in love with her. Since then, I’d only fallen deeper. Seeing how overjoyed my sister and her fiancé were about her pregnancy touched me on a very deep level. I’d always wanted children, but I never thought I’d meet someone I’d want to share the responsibility of parenting with. Since realizing that Tess was the woman I wanted to create a family with, my feelings for her were even more intense.

My thoughts were derailed as her hands glided up my torso. Looking down into her eyes, I felt my heart rate speed up. Gone was the girl who had mistakenly thought she was frigid. In her place was a woman who was discovering her body in a new way and who liked what she was finding. Tessa took great delight in exploring my body, puffing up with pride when she got the responses out of me she wanted. I was open to all of her explorations and delighted by her appetite for me, since it matched mine for her. We were insatiable for one another and it showed.

I groaned as she turned and bent forward so her sexy ass was plastered to me before she gave a little wiggle. “Jesus babe, you’re crazy fucking sexy.”

Fisting my cock, I rubbed the tip up and down in her folds. She moaned and arched her back, looking over her shoulder at me with smoldering eyes. “Give me your cock honey, don’t make me wait.”

She should’ve known I wouldn’t go fast, and I tsk-tsked her as I slid the tip in slowly before pulling out equally as slow. “Babe, you should know by now I’m not going to fuck you after ten seconds of foreplay.”

“Foreplay was sitting next to you for hours thinking about how badly I needed you inside of me. I was a good girl, don’t I deserve a reward?”

She had moaned and tried to wiggle as I slid the tip back in and slowly retreated again. “Don’t you fucking wiggle, babe. You’re going to get a fuckin’ reward, believe me, but you’re going to get it when I’m good and ready to give it to you. Bend over, spread your legs wide and rest your hands on the shower wall.”

My instructions were followed while I positioned the showerheads at the angles I wanted them. Dropping to my knees behind her, I ran my fingers up the sides of her legs, smiling as she moaned. Tapping her legs, I instructed, “Wider.”

She complied, her actions leaving her sex at the perfect angle for me to devour. Placing my hands on her hips, I leaned in and swiped the flat of my tongue against her. She moaned and shivered as I ate her, and my cock wept with the need to be inside of her.

“You taste so fucking sweet on my tongue, baby. I’ll never get tired of this.”

I went back to lapping at her as I slid two fingers into her tight sheath and began to pump slowly in and out. She was wet and wild against my fingers and my tongue, her breathing ragged and desperate.

“Grind your pussy back and come on my face, Tess. If you want your reward, give me your sweetness.”

I buried my tongue back in her wet heat and she lost it, grinding against my face while her pussy began convulsing against my fingers until she came with a wild cry.

After getting up and taking a seat on the shower bench, I grabbed her hips and guided her back toward me. Holding her tight I growled, “Sit down and ride baby. It’s all yours.”

With a cry of pure pleasure, she sank down and seated me inside of her to the hilt. The friction of her slippery walls against my swollen cock was too good to describe. Her cunt was gripping me like a vice with every spasm and my control quickly started to evaporate.

Holding her hips in a firmer grip, I began pulling her down on me harder and faster. She screamed as I pierced her harder, my cock lodged deep inside of her as I gave an extra bump and grind.

“Fuck baby, you feel incredible. You’re so hot.”

Our connection was absolute, the moment pure perfection. She felt so fucking good against me and my cock was delighted to have set up residence inside the hottest and most beautiful pussy I’d ever had the fortune of being inside.

Grabbing my hands in hers, she squeezed as we both held onto her hips as I worked her up and down with faster and faster movements.

“Oh fuck, Flynn, you’re so deep. Come in me baby, mark me as yours.”

“Tessa, fuck…. Tessa! I can’t hold on much longer and you need to come first. Come for me baby, fucking come on my cock!”

With a keening wail she complied, the contractions of her hot wet heat taking me the rest of the way.

“I’m going to come baby… fuck me… Tessa!”

I came hard, pouring myself into her with a strangled cry. She reclined against me as I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. After a few minutes of recuperation, I kissed her shoulder as I helped her to her feet. “Let’s wash up and take this party back to our bed.”

We made quick work of the second part of our shower, and within a few minutes, we were both dried off. Tess spent a few extra minutes in the bathroom drying her hair. While I waited for her to come to bed, I flipped on the TV to watch CNN. When she came back out, I watched with a smile as she went through her nightly body lotion ritual. Those simple moments were some of the best things in the world to me. I’d had no previous experience with what it meant to share my life with someone, but with Tessa it was becoming as necessary as breathing.

After she set the lotion on her bedside table—yes, I thought of it as hers—I clicked the TV off and got comfortable while I waited for her to curl up in my arms. When she settled into her nook in my arms and I smelled her delicate scent, I wanted to have her again right then and there. I managed to reign myself in because I knew she had to be exhausted from all of the cooking and cleaning we had done, so I settled for what had become my second favorite addiction; holding her in my arms.

As usual I’d slept like the dead since she was in the bed with me. I woke up to the mattress rocking underneath me and the feeling of my cock enveloped in wet heat. Opening my eyes, I found Tessa fully awake with my cock buried inside of her as she rocked back and forth and pinched her nipples.

It was a side to her I understood was new for her and I loved it. She was learning to take pleasure when she needed it, and it felt damn good I was the lucky bastard she reached out for. She was beautiful in the pale light of dawn with her back arched and her hair cascading down it like a waterfall. She was the sexiest damn thing I’d ever seen, and I was in awe of how one girl managed to make me feel things I’d never thought I would.

My romantic thoughts came to a screeching halt as she clenched and unclenched against me at least a dozen times in quick succession. I let out an involuntary groan as she did it, before I smiled when she brought her head forward and looked down at me.

Her face was flushed, her eyes glazed with passion as she smiled at me. “Just checking to make sure you’re awake baby.”

“Buried in the sweetest most beautiful pussy on earth, I’m sure as shit not sleeping through that, babe.”

Another dozen clench and releases against my shaft had me breaking out in a sweat. The irony wasn’t lost on me. I used to be incapable of coming with girls, but with Tessa it took concentrated effort not to come too soon.

Leaning forward she captured my hands in hers and held on as she picked up speed. Every one of her little clenches was bringing me closer to the edge of my control, and I was barely holding on.

“Fuck baby… you keep squeezing like that and I’m going to come!”

Instead of slowing down or letting up, she went faster and clenched even tighter. Her breath caught, her back arched and her head dropped back as she came around me. I loved watching her come. I found it to be one of the most erotic things I’d ever seen. Letting go of her hands, I clasped her hips and started thrusting up into her in mindless ecstasy as my own release claimed me.

Dropping her head onto my chest, Tessa kissed the spot over my heart before laying her cheek against the same spot. I massaged my fingers gently through her hair, causing her to purr appreciatively against my chest.

Looking at the clock I realized it was the earliest we’d gotten up all week, which meant we could catch my dad while he was making omelets. Nudging her shoulder, I asked, “Babe, you hungry?”

“Mm… I could eat for sure. What do you have in mind?”

“I’m thinking you and I jump into the shower, throw on some clothes and head over to my dad’s. No joke, my dad makes the best omelets on earth. You’re not going to want to miss this.”

She sat straight up with a laugh as my cock twitched inside of her. Pulling off of me, she gave me a sexy little smirk. “Down boy, at least until after we’ve been fed.”

After we were showered and dressed, we set off for my dad’s. As we came to the end of my driveway, I was annoyed to see a bunch of photographers lying in wait. I gunned the engine and drove off, anxious to get away. There was an ebb and flow to the paparazzi, and when you did something that put you in the limelight—such as announcing you were retiring—you woke the beast. I’d known it would start to get crazy again the closer we got to the tour, but I’d hoped it wouldn’t start so early.

“Jesus, Flynn, they know where you live?”

With a frustrated laugh, I answered, “Yeah. Babe, it’s LA. It’s easy for people to figure it out. This is the life here, and for the most part I’m used to it. It sucks when shit happens like this, but most of the time they leave me alone. Once we all stopped drinking and fucking around, we weren’t as interesting to the gossip industry, so we’ve had a good run these last few years. It only gets like this when we’ve got something going on with the band. It’ll settle down as soon as we get on tour, and once I’m just a boring music executive, it won’t happen much at all.”

Poking me in the side, Tessa laughed. “You’ll never be a boring music executive.”

My dad lived close so we were there in no time. There was a Lexus SUV parked in his driveway, so I assumed one of his friends had also dropped in for omelets. Everyone he knew understood when you wanted an amazing breakfast, you needed to haul ass to his house before nine in the morning.

After opening Tessa’s door for her, the two of us linked hands as I walked her down the side of the house and we entered through the kitchen door. I’d been raised as a gentleman, so I let her walk in first while I brought up the rear. When she stopped abruptly, I walked right into her with a grunt.

Looking over her shoulder, I saw the reason she had stopped walking, and it took everything I had not to applaud. My dad and Sandra Thomas had clearly been kissing, and when Tess walked through the door they’d jumped apart like there was a fire. What really made me happy was my dad was only wearing a pair of boxers… and Sandra was wearing one of his tee shirts. It was obvious they’d only recently gotten out of bed, and I had to stifle a laugh. I never thought I’d see the day I’d be cock-blocking my dad, but there I was. Sandra looked mortified and my dad looked upset about that, which was the only reason I was uncomfortable. Otherwise, I was great with finding them together.

Wringing her hands in front of her, Sandra addressed me. “Oh my God… I’m so embarrassed. I’m sorry, Flynn, Tessa. We were… I’m… Um… I’m late for something. I’m going to get dressed and go. Please, don’t tell your sisters about this!”

She then turned and ran from the room. Giving me a What the hell am I going to do? look, my dad went after her. That left Tess and I to stare at each other wide eyed as we tried not to laugh. I’d sensed my dad and Sandra were attracted to each other, big time, and I was pleased they were acting on it. I knew my dad well enough to know if he didn’t really have feelings for her, he wouldn’t be doing anything with the woman who was, for all intents and purposes, the mother of his daughters. He’d never take the chance things would go badly if he wasn’t pretty damn sure they could go the distance.

Turning to me, Tess asked, “Should we go, or?”

Shaking my head, I walked to the kitchen table and gestured for her to sit down. “No, it will just upset him if we leave, and it will make him feel guilty that he did something for himself. No matter how many times I’ve told him I wish he would get married again, he still believes it hurts me to see him with someone who isn’t my mom. My dad’s stubborn.”

Gesturing to me, Tessa laughed. “So… the apple didn’t fall far from the tree?”

“Busted, babe. So busted.”

A few minutes later, Sandra and my dad came back into the room. He had put on a pair of jeans and a button down shirt, while Sandra had changed into a summer dress. I noticed my dad had a flowery overnight bag in his hand, which clearly meant they’d planned to stay together.

Standing from the table, I walked over to Sandra and smiled down at her. “Please don’t be uncomfortable about this. I’m actually thrilled about it. This is a good thing, Sandra.”

She looked relieved, and for the first time since I’d walked in, she smiled. “Really, you’re okay with your father and I getting together?”

I nodded decisively. “Yeah! I think it’s great. I’ll bet you money the girls will love this as well. They just want you to be happy.”

My assertion wiped the relieved look off of her face. In its place was a look of pure anxiety. “Flynn, you know your sisters weren’t raised normally… but none of us can really understand all of the things that they saw and heard. I give thanks every single day something horrible didn’t happen to any one of those children. The five of them lived through hell on earth and had to fear for their physical safety every day. I made a promise the day I met them I would never, ever behave like my sister and her husband, and that they’d always be safe with me. During the entire time they lived with me, I never dated because they needed to know they came first. Too much of their lives were destroyed by my sister and her husband being promiscuous. I would never do that to my girls. Until I know for sure Todd and I are solid, I can’t have this touching them. I’ve always been their only female influence, and I don’t want them to think I’m some kind of… anything like my sister or some… loose woman. I also don’t want them to feel they are less of a priority to your father because of me.”

She might have been their only female influence, but there was no doubt she was the best there was or could have been for my sisters. I loved her for it.

“Sandra… no one thinks you’re loose. I’m happy to tell you my sisters already know you and dad are attracted to each other. I know this because they mentioned it to me, and they were excited. To them, hell, to all of us, the two of you being together would be a good thing. They already love dad and they know they’re a priority for him. It’s obvious they mean the world to him and they’re thrilled. You’ve raised some very smart, very kind girls. They just want their Mama San to be happy. Don’t put so much pressure on yourself.”

My dad was nodding his approval at everything I’d said, and Sandra seemed touched. “Thank you for that, Flynn, it means a lot. I’m glad to hear that the girls are okay with this. Just… give me a little time to figure out how to talk to them about this before you say anything, okay?”

“Of course I won’t say anything. That’s for you and dad to do. Now how about instead of running off you stay and have omelets with us? Dad’s are the best, and they’re why I brought Tess over this morning.”

“Ah, your father was bragging about his omelet skill. I take it they’re really good?”

“They really, really are. Dad’s omelets are one of my favorite things to eat.”

Turning to dad, she smiled. “Well, now I have to taste one. Let’s do this!”

We all worked together chopping vegetables while dad cooked bacon and sausage. When it came time for him to start making the omelets, we all sat down. According to my dad, the magic with the omelets only happened if he put them together himself.

Once he had plated the food, we all gathered around the table and dug in. Tessa and Sandra both made sounds of appreciation when they took their first bites. Gesturing to my dad, I said, “You’d never suspect this guy could make eggs taste like the best things on earth, am I right?”

Breakfast passed quickly, and I was happy Sandra had calmed down and enjoyed the meal. We all said our goodbyes and agreed we’d meet up at Dante’s later. Tess and I left first, in order to give my dad and Sandra time to say their goodbye in private. It had been a great morning and I was lighthearted as we came out the side door and headed into the driveway.

My good mood evaporated pretty quickly when I saw a few dozen photographers right outside my father’s gate. Questions were yelled out to me rapid fire, one after the other.

“Did you know your dad had secret children?”

“Is it true your father has more hidden children than the two we already know about?”

“Was your father cheating on your mother while she was dying?”

“Are you sure those girls are really your sisters?”

“Are you mad at your father for lying to you for all of these years?”

I was used to the rude and intrusive questions, but my temper started to flair because they were talking about my father. Everything they were saying was total bullshit, but I tried to ignore them. It lasted until they changed tactics and started yelling about Tessa.

“Is she knocked up?”

“How many girls are you sleeping with right now?”

“Do you have any illegitimate babies you’d like to tell us about?”

“Hey! Hey! Does she know you had sex with—”

I threw open the passenger door to my car and hustled Tessa inside before I turned on the scumbag reporters.

“Give me a break! All of your questions are ridiculous. My father didn’t lie to me and my sisters aren’t a burden. I love my father, and I love my sisters. My girlfriend isn’t pregnant. I don’t have any children and my girlfriend is the only girl for me. If you have any other questions, call my publicist.”

Stomping around the car, I got in as one of them shouted, “Then when’s the wedding, Romeo?”

I slammed my door without another word. Once the car was started, I floored it to the edge of the driveway. The smarmy fucks didn’t move quickly because they never did. Instead they banged on the car and took photos of Tess and I trying to drive away. I barely restrained myself from holding up my middle finger.

As soon as we cleared the driveway, I called my dad. He answered on the first ring.

“Son, I’m so sorry. Sandra and I saw the commotion—I was going to come out but she said it would just make it worse for you and I saw her point. Are you okay?”

I gripped the steering wheel in anger as I answered. “Dad, stop it. I’m fine. There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. This is on me. If I weren’t famous, no one would give a shit. We’ll deal with it the way we always do. Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay—now I’m going to take care of Tess. I’ll see you tonight.”

“I love you son.”

“I love you too, dad.”

After disconnecting, I turned to find Tessa watching me. She didn’t look any worse for wear, but I was worried about her nonetheless. I knew I had to be in danger of having a hysterical girlfriend on my hands.

“Babe… fuck. I’m really sorry about all of this shit. I know it’s hard to take. Just fucking bear with me though, all right? It won’t be like this forever, I promise you.”

Reaching out, she took my hand. “Honey, seriously? Don’t worry about me at all because I’m fine. I’m worried about you, your father and your sisters. How are you with all of this?”

Her reaction was everything. Right then I learned something new and it changed my life. I’d never had a partner, never had a woman standing by my side when the shit hit the fan. I felt like an ass for thinking—even for a moment—Tessa might make it about her or get dramatic.

Stroking my thumb over the palm of her hand, I smiled to myself. The fucking lottery? Right then I realized I’d won it, twice. The first time was when I hit the big-time with my band. The second time, I met the girl of my dreams.

“I’m good baby. Worried about my dad, pissed my sisters are going to have questions thrown at them like that, annoyed you’re being exposed to it—but on the bright side, I’ve got you here, so shit’s going to work out just fine.”

Her soft sigh made my dick hard. “Holy hell, Flynn, you have no idea how beautiful you are.”

I squeezed her hand tightly in mine as I replied, “Neither do you baby, neither do you.”




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