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The Renegade Saints - Complete by Ella Fox (32)

BEING AT THE rehearsal space and watching the band get ready for the tour was an almost out of body experience for the first few minutes I was there. It was strange to think that once I’d just been a fan, and now I was part of their tour staff.

I’d not mentioned to Flynn how the sound of him singing was a serious turn on. I realized the second he opened his mouth I was going to have to tell him ASAP because I was in agony. The second they took a break from rehearsing, I planned to drag him somewhere private and have my way with him. I would’ve thought having sex at least twice a day every day would be enough to satisfy my lust for him, but as soon as his sexy voice washed over me, I was done for.

I was struggling to maintain any semblance of normalcy as I took pictures, but my lens was all-but trained exclusively on him as he sang and my panties were only getting wetter. When Devon came into the space and motioned for me to go talk to her, I practically sprinted to the back of the room in sheer relief. Standing, watching him was killing me and I needed a break.

Greeting Devon with a hug, I followed her lead as she walked to a table to sit down. It didn’t escape my attention she’d made sure we were still able to see the guys while we spoke. I had figured she was watching one person in particular, and I wasn’t wrong because her gaze repeatedly went to Cole.

“Alright girl, spill! Flynn came to rehearsal Monday happier than any man that hot has a right to be. It only took about five minutes for him to work the words ‘my girlfriend’ into the conversation. When he wasn’t singing, he was yapping about how amazing you are and how much he loves living with you. There wasn’t one person who hadn’t previously heard he’d moved you in who didn’t almost pass the fuck out. He’s never even had a serious relationship before, but with you, he went the extra mile to move your ass in AND get you out here weeks ahead of schedule. Not to be crude, but this is Flynn Rand we’re talking about. He has bitches throwing themselves at him all day, every day. If he didn’t feel something for you, he wouldn’t have moved you in.”

When she took a breath, I thought it was time for me to say something, but instead she plowed on.

“Flynn’s reputation precedes him but you’ve whipped his ass into shape without any effort. Do you even have any clue how many women before you have tried and failed within hours? When I was working with the band before he met you, I thought he was a very nice, very funny guy. I also thought he was hell on women. His body language screamed disinterest no matter how beautiful the girls coming on to him were. Then he met you the night of the party and bam! New Flynn. Suddenly he was all smoldering looks and nervous energy when you were around. When your name comes up, he puffs up like he just won a gold medal. I saw the picture that his Gram put up on Twitter. He has you living in his house, he’s introduced you to the family, and there is no way he’s letting go. Do you notice even now, as he’s rehearsing, he’s still watching everything you do? It’s crazy!”

Of course I had noticed. I was incapable of really noticing anything but Flynn. He’d become everything to me, and it was scary shit. I was helpless to stop it, mostly because I didn’t want to. This once in a lifetime feeling was something I wanted to soak in.

I knew I was blushing, but I didn’t really care. “I notice Devon, believe me, I notice. He’s amazing. I don’t even know what to say because I’m afraid to jinx it. Flynn’s the only guy I’ve ever felt this way about and to be honest, it’s really overwhelming. Between you and me… I’m terrified once we get on the tour everything is going to go to shit. All those girls…”

With a wave of her hand she poo-pooed my fears. “Um… Hello… McFly? You’re seeing he’s moved you in, watches you like you’re a magnet for his eyes AND he’s introduced you to his family. You really need to get your head out of your ass girl. I would understand your fears if he didn’t look at and talk about you the way he does—but seriously… he’s had the tour experience for a decade. The way he looks at you, the way he talks about you—neither of those things is going to change once the tour starts. Cole knows him better than anyone in the world and he says we can put an X next to Flynn’s name from here on out, because he’s officially off the market for good. You have to realize Cole, more than anyone else, would know. Flynn’s serious.”

A thousand butterflies had spread their wings in my stomach as I’d allowed myself to imagine how amazing it would be if Flynn didn’t turn into a different person once we got on the road. I wasn’t ready to discuss it with anyone yet though, so I decided to steer the conversation away from Flynn and me.

“Ah… since you brought him up, I’m asking. What’s going on with you and Cole… and Ian?”

She looked at me wide-eyed. “Is it so obvious?”

Putting my hand on her shoulder, I squeezed encouragingly. “No! I promise. I noticed because I’m just a good people watcher. You seem attracted to them—though I’d say more Cole than Ian. Cole devours you with his eyes, but I’ve also noticed Ian is with you two a lot and Flynn told me Cole is bisexual. You look like you’re on fire inside and Ian seems either terrified or actively trying to ignore the whole thing. Am I right?”

Blowing out a frustrated breath, Devon nodded in affirmation. “You pretty much just nailed it. Cole’s been very upfront about his desires, and I’m on board. How can I not be? Cole does something to me I can’t explain, but he’s really against traditional relationships. It would be great if Ian would get his head out of his ass and we could all try… He’s reticent to do anything with Cole because he’s hung up on not being gay. He wants us both and we both want him. Meanwhile, I’m dying over here of frustration. Cole won’t have sex with me unless Ian’s there, He’s positive at some point Ian will come around and the three of us will be able to start a relationship. He says we need to start together, not separately. It’s killing me.”

I felt bad for Devon because she didn’t have the relationship she wanted. I didn’t think I’d be able to be as patient as she was if I were in the same situation.

“Do you and Cole see the relationship being serious if Ian joins in?”

She shrugged as she looked away. “Sometimes I think yes, other times no. I’m falling for Cole, not Ian. Ian is a great friend and I’m attracted to him sexually, but I don’t have serious feelings for him in that way. The whole thing is a mess and I just want it resolved.”

“Once you’re on tour, this will all work out,” I assured her. “Being together round the clock, there’s no way to avoid it.”

Her face was a mix of anxiety and hope when she shrugged her shoulders. “I hope so, Tessa, I really do. I’m not sure how much more I can take.”

Our conversation came to a halt as soon as rehearsal ended because Flynn made a beeline for me. Pulling me into his arms, he smiled down at me as he asked, “What did you think baby?”

What I thought wasn’t appropriate to say in a room full of people, so I smiled and said, “I thought it was amazing! I can’t wait for opening night.”

Standing on my tiptoes, I pulled his head to mine. Wrapping my hand around his neck, I turned his head and whispered my real answer in his ear. “We’ve got an emergency. Since the moment you started singing, I’ve been hot for you. I can’t even wait until later today. I’m so wet it’s ridiculous. I need you now. Can you make it happen?”

Running his hands down my back, he pulled me closer to him so I could feel how my words had affected him. An involuntary shiver ran up my spine and I licked the shell of his ear—I hoped surreptitiously. Turning me so I was facing the group, he pulled me tight against him.

“Me and my girl are going to go find some food. See you guys in ninety minutes, yes?”

After a chorus of affirmatives, he hustled me from the room. It hadn’t been lost on me how he kept me glued to him so he could hide his erection from the others, but I’m pretty sure they had to have at least suspected since he wouldn’t let me go. Within a minute, we were outside at his car and seconds after, he was peeling out of the parking lot. Looking over and taking in my puzzled expression, he chuckled.

“There’s a motel two buildings down. It’s terribly tacky but right now, it’s going to save our asses. You’re going in and renting a room. I’d do it myself but we both know it’s a horrible idea unless we want the paparazzi banging on the door. But on the subject of cameras—bring your little camera when we get into the room. We’re taking pictures.”

I liked his plan, and found it kinky and funny at the same time. When he pulled up in front of the motel, I ran inside and got the room renting process underway. Five minutes later I was seventy dollars poorer but had a key to a room near the back of the parking lot in my hand as I hauled ass back out to the car. I told Flynn where to park and he had the car off and my door open less than a minute later. Clearly I wasn’t the only one who was desperate.

We were like two sex-crazed idiots as we struggled with the lock, laughing in relief when we finally got the door to open. I had about thirty seconds to take in the surroundings (they were not attractive accommodations, but desperate times called for desperate measures) as Flynn yanked the hideous polyester comforter off the bed and tossed it on the floor.

The comforter wasn’t even settled on the floor yet when he picked me up and tossed me onto the bed. I let out a breathy laugh as I bounced, then all humor disappeared when he came down on top of me and captured my mouth in a kiss of pure sin.

I whimpered helplessly as he suckled my tongue in his mouth, the ache in my core so intense it was making me frantic.

Lifting his mouth from mine, Flynn looked into my eyes. “Fuck babe, you’re already there aren’t you?”

I nodded even as I arched against him, my body begging him to take the edge off.

“Take your clothes off, baby.”

I had my shorts, tee shirt, bra, underwear, shoes and socks off so fast I’m pretty sure I set some kind of speed record. Flynn only had his tee shirt and shorts off, and I was too hot to wait any longer. Lying back against the pillows, I spread my legs and slid my hand between them. I cried out when I realized how wet I was.

Flynn’s eyes focused entirely on my fingers as I rubbed against my clit. Grabbing my camera, he powered it on and took a few dozen shots of me pleasuring myself. Even when he stopped taking pictures, he was so absorbed with my actions he never looked away as he shed his clothes.

“Jesus baby, you’re so damn wet. You need to come badly, don’t you?”

Shivering, I nodded my head as I rubbed quicker. “Yessss….”

“Spread your legs wide babe and hold your pretty pussy lips open for me. I’m not about to let all your sweetness go to waste.”

I spread as wide as I could and then held myself open for him, crying out as he used the flat of his tongue and took one long, slow lick. Pressing my feet into the mattress, I lifted myself toward his tongue.

“Please, Flynn…. I need you so bad!”

His response was a warm breath on my ultra-sensitive clit, the feeling so other worldly I cried out and shuddered beneath him. I was literally throbbing, my need for him taking over my body in a way I’d never experienced.

“God, Tessa, you’re so fucking hot. My baby’s pussy needs my fingers and my tongue doesn’t it?”

I had been past the point of playing, and it made me demanding. “Stop torturing me goddammit. It hurts, Flynn. Make. Me. Come.”

Smiling at me, he asked, “Is that an order, or are you begging?”

With a glare, I shouted, “It’s whatever you want it to be, just fucking do something. PLEASE!”

“Like I said babe, your pussy is greedy and I fucking love it. Your body knows that it belongs just to me and it understands that I’m the one that can make it sing.”

Watching his head descend back between my thighs was so sexy that I swear I swooned for a moment. I loved the silkiness of his hair as it tickled my inner thighs, almost as much as I loved his tongue wiggling and sliding all over my clit. Everything he did with that mouth, from talking to singing to kissing to oral sex, blew my mind. The gods had been very generous with Flynn’s mouth.

I panted and moaned as he worked me over, my brain a big vat of mush stew. Circling my sex with his tongue, he did five quick sucks on my clit. I cried out as my back arched and my free hand fisted in his hair as I held him against me. “Ohhhh… babyyyyy… don’t stop!”

He chuckled against me and shook his head to let me know he understood. My hips moved of their own volition, straining against him as I sought relief for the ache that had been building for hours. Sliding two fingers in deep, he began thrusting inside of me in tandem with his tongue at my clit.

“Oh please, please, please, please…. FLYNN! I’m coming!”

My head whipped back and forth on the pillows as I came. I felt myself releasing onto his tongue, heard his fingers thrusting into my wetness as my orgasm went on and on. I was out of control, sky diving with no parachute as Flynn’s tongue and fingers kept up the torture. It was so intense it hurt, but in an incredibly good way. The feeling of his tongue sliding through my fingers and against my clit was incredible, and my body continuously bucked up into his as I sought the contact with his tongue.

His two fingers slid out for a moment and I groaned because I wanted them back. I didn’t miss them for long because he slid three fingers back in as he rubbed inside of me right against a spot that had me seeing stars.

My body erupted in a wave of orgasms, my breath lodged in my throat as I struggled to remain conscious. Only Flynn held me to earth because the rest of me was long gone as my body quaked and flailed helplessly beneath his tongue and fingers.

I felt rather than saw him taking position over me, my eyes snapping open to find him looking at me with fire in his eyes.

“You’re so fucking sweet babe—I love eating your pussy. You know what I love more than making you scream as you come on my tongue?”

I shook my head mindlessly as I tried to focus on him, but my body was the boss right then, not my head.

Pushing my knees back against my chest, he thrust into me with one powerful surge I felt in every cell in my body. My mouth opened in a silent scream as he plunged into me, his every movement slow but incredibly deep.

“What I love more is burying myself in your exquisite little cunt and holding on as you squeeze the fuck out of my cock. Never in my life have I felt anything as incredibly good as being inside you. Never.”

Grabbing the camera again, he powered it on and handed it to me. “Take some pictures baby.”

I clenched around him as I moaned, beyond turned on by the sight of him over me. I snapped a series of pictures of the two of us joined together and a dozen or more of him on top of me before I lost the ability to take pictures, so I turned the camera off and gently dropped it on the floor next to us. I whimpered as I began to meet him thrust for thrust, pushing my hips upward to take every beautiful inch as he surged inside of me. His pubic hair danced against my clit every time his balls smacked my ass, and the room filled with the sounds of both of us losing whatever tenuous hold we had on ourselves.

The flimsy mattress was squeaking so loud I vaguely realized anyone who was in a room on either side of us could hear every punishing thrust. I didn’t care.

“Play with your tits babe. Pinch those gorgeous nipples for me.”

I did as he asked, rolling and pinching my nipples between my fingers as he kept up his never-ending assault on my senses. Nothing mattered except the feeling of him as he entered and then retreated repeatedly, his plunges deep and hard. This was not sex as a sprint; it was a long distance marathon and my body was ablaze.

Wrapping his arms around my thighs, he pulled me hard against him as his thrusting increased in speed and depth. Both of us were out of breath and I kept letting out keening cries as he pounded in and out like a mad man, gaining momentum the longer we went on instead of slowing down. My sex gushed as I met him at every thrust, begging him never to stop.

I heard the phone ringing in the room, and we both ignored it. No one knew where we were, so the call wasn’t for us. I continued to scream out as his thrusts reached maximum depth, every one of them bottoming out inside of me in the most delicious of ways.

“Fuck,” he yelled, “So fucking good! Baby!

The phone continued to ring, but we were both coming to the end of our journey and we didn’t care. I yelled for him to fuck me harder, begged for him to come inside of me as the mattress continued to squeak in protest.

I felt my orgasm coming on like a freight train, and I knew I was in for it. Grabbing his shoulders, I screamed as I tried to tell him what was happening.

“I’m so close… I’m right there… You’re going to make me come so hard….”

As he nodded at me, trickles of sweat dripped from his forehead onto my cheek. “I’m with you, baby… I’m going to come so fucking hard!”

Impossibly, his thrusts picked up even more speed, leaving me screaming as I exploded around him. He let out a series of yells as he started to come, and I held on for dear life as I continued to come. The phone was ringing again, but I only realized it at the very back of my mind. Both of us were lost in the most intense of orgasms, my nails digging into his shoulders as he hammered into me at supersonic speed. I felt each pulse as he spent himself inside of me and cried out as his cum made my orgasm stronger. For a moment, it felt like the world tipped on its axis and dropped out from beneath me, or possibly there was an earthquake. Nothing mattered except Flynn. He was my anchor in the storm, and I focused on him and him alone.

When we were finished, he dropped down on top of me as I wrapped my legs and arms around him and held him close. We were both breathing as if we’d just run a marathon, our bodies damp with sweat. I shivered when he pushed my hair aside and nuzzled into my neck, and then groaned aloud when he bit my neck and sucked in as his tongue wiggled against me. I knew he was leaving a mark, but I was fine with it. If anything, I found it sexy.

Pulling away, he looked into my eyes as he smiled down at me. “I just came so goddamn hard I’ll remember that feeling for the rest of my life. You’re so fucking amazing I can’t even think straight. You give every part of yourself to me and it blows my mind. I’m fucking crazy for you, Tess.”

The phone kept on ringing, but neither of us moved to answer it. I wondered if all motels were so annoying, but then quickly forgot about the annoyance when I looked at Flynn.

I was smiling at him, about to tell him I treasured him too, when I realized we were sliding down the bed. Pushing him off, I had just enough time to say, “What the…” when I realized what I’d felt at the end hadn’t been the earth turning on its axis or an earthquake. What I had felt was the bed breaking beneath us. Somehow the legs had given out on the bottom portion of the bed, and now the whole thing was tilted. When Flynn saw what I was pointing to, he burst out laughing.

“Holy. Fucking. Shit. We broke the damn bed!”

We were both still laughing when the banging started at the door. Grabbing his shorts, Flynn pulled them on and adjusted himself before flinging the door open. “What?”

I couldn’t see who was there, but I heard every word.

“Sir, I’m the manager of this motel. I got almost twenty phone calls in the last hour from furious guests, all of them beside themselves because of the loud noise coming from your room. What you were doing was so loud I could actually hear it through the phone. I’ve been working at this motel for two years and never… Wait a minute. Holy shit! You’re Flynn Rand!”

I buried my face in my hands, knowing we were screwed.

Sighing, Flynn nodded. “Yeah, I am. Look, I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience. Let me get dressed and I’ll come give you my credit card. I’ll pay for every single occupied room in the motel for one night to compensate for the inconvenience. Also… we, ah… we broke the bed. So you can charge me for that, too. I’ll do anything you want, but please be decent about this. If you’re going to call the tabloids, please wait until we’re gone. I don’t want my girlfriend being subjected to the shit that will start.”

“No way, man. I’m not calling anybody. You paying for the rooms and taking care of the cost of the bed is enough. I’m a huge fan. Huge. I promise you, if the tabloids get ahold of this, it won’t have come from me. You don’t even need to come to the office now—just have someone call with your credit card information later. I’ll tell you straight up you only need to pay for two rooms on either side of you—that’s four rooms in all but four very pissed off people who will climb off the ledge once they realize their rooms have been comped—and the bed will probably cost about a hundred bucks for a new frame. You don’t need to pay for every occupied room, don’t sweat it. Just take care of the people who were going to light me on fire and we’re cool.”

I saw Flynn’s arm shoot out as he shook the manager’s hand, and I was relieved in this case that he was famous and that it had worked in our favor.

“Thanks for being so cool about this, man. What’s your name?”

“My name’s Jimmy. Thanks for making such great music! Your stuff has been getting me through law school for the last three years.”

“No man, thank you,” Flynn replied. “I won’t forget how cool you just were—expect a package from me in the next few days. You saved my ass, and I can’t thank you enough.”

Closing the door, he turned and looked at me. “We just dodged a serious bullet. Let’s get dressed and get the hell out of here before one of the guests figures out who I am and starts snapping pictures with their cell phones. Make sure you grab the camera.”

I had no time to complain about the lack of time to shower. Instead, I hauled ass and pulled my clothes on lightning fast as Flynn did the same. The last thing I did was make sure that I had the camera. After that he grabbed my hand and we ran to the car.

We had twenty minutes to spare before he had to be back at the studio, so we took the extra time and went to get some burgers and fries. While we waited in the drive-thru line I did the best job I could of repairing my appearance, but it was pretty obvious what we’d spent our lunch break doing.

When we got back to the rehearsal space, I ran to the bathroom and spent some more time cleaning myself up, and by the time I was finished I felt more confident about it being slightly less obvious that I’d spent my lunch break flat on my back and full of Flynn.

After practice when we went home, we looked at the pictures we’d taken in the hotel. They were unbelievably hot, but we both agreed the next time, we were going to use a flip camera to record the entire thing.




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