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Troubled by the Texan (Perth Girls Book 3) by Bree Verity (31)










Winter had turned to spring, and the watery winter sun had transformed into lovely warm spring sunshine. Desiree sat back in Jack’s arms, on the picnic blanket they had laid out, watching as the boys scampered to the adventure playground right in the middle of King’s Park.

Jack kissed Desiree’s temple, and chuckled softly, saying in her ear, “Did those boys actually eat anything?”

“Maybe a scrap or two. You know the playground is way more exciting than food.” Desiree laughed. “They’ll be back. They always come back.”

Jack’s hands brushed up and down Desiree’s arms, rattling her bracelet before settling at her waist, lifting her white top just a little so he could place his hands on her skin. He nuzzled her neck. “D’you reckon anyone would notice if I took you back to the car?” His voice was deep and hungry, and seated there in his lap, Desiree could feel his heartbeat surge and his body tighten.

Leaning back against him, Desiree closed her eyes as Jack planted kisses along her neck. Her breath caught as his hand snaked up inside her top to rest on her breast. “Jack,” she protested. “We’re in public.”

Jack sighed like a blighted teenager and brought his hand back to her waist, but continued to journey his lips across her neck. She awkwardly turned her head backward and he caught her lips in a kiss. She sighed contentedly.

Then he fed his fingers under the waistband of her jeans.


“I can’t help it,” he said, withdrawing them. “You’re just too hot in that sexy little top.”

“That’s it. I’m buying big, baggy jumpers from now on.”

“Don’t you dare.”

Jack pulled her close, hugging her against him, and Desiree wrapped her arms around his. They laughed together, knowing that the banter was all talk right now, but later on tonight, when the twins and Faith were asleep, the fireworks would be bright, as they had been since they got back together.

Desiree’s tentative trust in Jack grew by the day. She wasn’t exactly sure why, but she was certain in her bones that Jack would remain true to his word. Not that he had given her reason to doubt. They had been inseparable for months.

She liked the feeling of being secure, of knowing that whatever happened, he had her back. And vice versa.

They would need each other in the months to come. Desiree’s mother was not improving, and Susan had started proceedings to try to wrestle custody of the children away from Jack. There would be a fight. But Desiree would stand beside her man, as he would do for her when it was needed. Whatever tests life threw at them, whatever she decided to do, it was pleasant knowing she had support.

Of course, she had the support of her friends as well, who had unequivocally approved of Jack when they met him. Although their blessings were not required, Desiree was still pleased that her best friends got along with her boyfriend. It just made life that much more comfortable.

Desiree smiled, and licked her lips, tipping her head back a little so Jack could hear what she said.

“Did you notice while you were down there that I have no underwear on?” she murmured, and then chuckled at his groan.

“That ain’t fair, ma’am.” He nipped her shoulder with his teeth, and she spun in his arms.

“Ow! That hurt.”

“This hurts too.” He vaguely motioned toward his crotch, before suggesting with a cheeky grin, “Maybe you just need to kiss it better?”

“Well, maybe I do.”

They settled into a comfortable silence, Jack’s arms wrapped protectively around her.

“I wish we could just stay like this forever,” breathed Jack into Desiree’s hair.

To her surprise, Desiree agreed with him.

With Jack, forever wasn’t scary or intimidating. Forever was a forest of possibilities and potential and promise. She knew she had found herself a man that wouldn’t misuse her, that wouldn’t prey on her love for him. She could be herself – the new Desiree who had come out from under her protective shell, and she knew she could trust Jack to treasure her.


And Desiree was looking forward to forever.

She turned in his lap so she was facing him. “I love you, Jack Duncan. Forever.”

He stared back into her eyes for a long moment, before replying, “And I love you, Desiree Jackson.”

And they sealed the deal with a long, sweet kiss.