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Kings of Chaos Box Set: Books 1-5 by Shyla Colt (2)



Being claimed is more binding than a wedding ring. You can take off the band, request a divorce or separate. Now that I’m Wizard’s, everything is on his terms. A woman doesn’t have much of a voice. It’s a reality people like to gloss over in shows and books that romanticize things. This is a boy’s club, and the way you’re treated is up to the man you attach yourself with. In that instance, I’m fortunate to be with Wizard. He’s fair, even tempered, and not so old school that his entire belief system is archaic and belongs in the nineteen fifties.

It’s been a few hours, and I’m embarrassed to admit I’m settled in. I don’t have much in the way of physical possessions.

Wizard knocks on the door. “You doing okay in there? It got real quiet.”

“Well, I’m done.”

He opens the door peers around the room and frowns. “Yeah, this won’t do.”


“Come on, we need to go shopping. I’m not going to have you sleeping on a crappy mattress in this threadbare room. You need some…I don’t know…curtains and shit.”

“What?” I ask with a laugh.

“Whatever girly crap women like. A new mattress and like a dresser?”

“I don’t own enough clothes to be worried about putting them in one.”

“Then you need one of those two. When I said I was going to take care of you, I meant it.

“I can pay for that—”

He glares, and I snap my mouth shut. He smirks and nods his head. “Good. You’re learning.”

“No point in wasting my breath when I know you won’t listen,” I mutter.

“Damn straight. Now get the lead out. We got shit to spend my money on.”

I can’t help but laugh. His words are so at odds with the rough exterior. I never realized how funny he could be.

“I always liked that about you.”

“What?” I say unsure where he’s headed.

“You know when to push and when to back off. We’ll suit well enough.”

“Thanks?” I say unsure how to respond to him as our roles have shifted.

“Believe me, gal. It’s a damned good compliment.” His voice rumbles through me.

I bite the inside of my cheek. Since the rescue, I’ve seen him in a new light. He’s a powerful man with a nice fit frame, deep, sexy voice, and brown eyes I could drown in. There’s a world of emotions going on behind those dark chocolate colored orbs. I’m not sure if I didn’t notice before, or if he’s allowing me to see it now. He drapes his arm around my shoulders, and we walk out of our house. Our house. That’s going to take some getting used to.

“You plan on taking a car?” I ask.

“You going to break my bank?”

“No,” I huff.

He laughs. “Relax, I’m kidding. Yeah, we’ll take a cage, but I’m driving. I got one I don’t mind riding in every now and then.” We head to the garage, and he opens the door, revealing a black Dodge Charger. He’s like a kid in a candy store with a wide grin and sparkling eyes. It’s a completely new side of him.

“Oh, I bet you don’t mind,” I say. Boys and their toys.

He smirks. “Man’s got to have fun.”

“Oh yes, because the life you live is so drab and dull.”

He winks, hits the key Fob and opens the door. I can’t speak around the shock that brings a lump to my throat. Is this what he’s like when he’s dating? I can’t recall him ever being with the same person long enough to give them a title. I sink into the seat, buckle up and grip the oh shit bar as he burns rubber out of the driveway. A squeal leaves my throat. I wasn’t expecting this.

“You’d best hold on. I like to go fast, no matter what I’m riding.”

My squeak of surprise is lost to the roar of the engine. Whatever he has under the hood is more than a V-8. Why am I not surprised? I roll down the window and let the wind tug at my hair as we travel down the road. Here in Cali, there are plenty of lengthy stretches where you can open up your car. It feels good to think about anything other than the fact that I’m bound to the man beside me for the rest of my life.

I’m overwhelmed by his generosity. Wizard’s always been nice to me, but this feels excessive. I grip the handle of the bag full of new jeans, and I gather my courage.

“Why are you doing this? What’s in it for you? You think because you buy me new clothes I’m going to drop to my knees and suck your dick? Why not just be straightforward instead of trying to pretend you’re some Joe Schmo nice guy. We both know that’s not how things really work.”

“Jesus, you’re cynical and jaded, aren’t you? Maybe a touch paranoid?”

“I’m a realist.”

“No, babe, you’re the walking wounded. I know the look well cause I been there myself. Why am I being nice? Because I am a nice guy unless I’m made to be otherwise. I ever been a dick to you?”

“No,” I answer honestly.

“So why would I be now? Stop trying to compare me with any of the men from your past. I’m not them and what we have is what we make off it. So can we start off with a clean slate?”

I turn his words over in my head. He has no reason to lie. Maybe I can trust him. He did keep me safe from Fuse.

“I can do that.”

“Good. Now let’s grab some food, I’m starving, and if we go into one more store on an empty stomach, I’m going to end up terrifying one of those workers that like to stare at me open mouthed like I just escaped from the county lock up.”

“That’s not why they’re staring.”

“You going to drop some knowledge on me?”

My face flames. “Nah. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.”

He chuckles darkly, and I know he’s teasing me.

You know exactly why they’re looking at you.

We head to the food court and the crowd parts to let him through. It’s nice. I step closer, feeling undeniably safe for the first time in so long I can’t remember. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.


Shit. I slam my hands on the steering wheel of my nineteen-ninety-nine Honda Accord. The beater isn’t much to look at, but it’s gotten me from point A to point B for years. I knew her time was coming to an end, but I’d been hoping I could stretch it out until I could afford a new one. Now I have a twenty-minute window to figure out an alternate route to work before I’m late. I sigh. I don’t want to ask Wizard. He just got in from a month-long run. The only thing he’s interested in other than a beer is sleep. I’m working the opposite shift of everyone else pretty much. I close down. The last one to handle the chase, I’m there long after even the dancers are gone.

Frustrated, I climb from the car and retrace my steps back into the house. My four-inch black heels click across the concrete. I unlock the door and take a deep breath. I hate asking for help in general, but especially when it comes to Wizard. The man’s done enough.

“Wizard,” I call.

“Yeah?” He rounds the corner coming into the kitchen from the living room. “I thought you were leaving for work.”

“Yeah, I tried.”

“The old girl finally give up the ghost?” he smirks.

I cross my arms over my chest. “She’s having some problems, and I don’t have the time to figure it out. The batteries new, and the starter was just replaced.”

“Told you last week you should’ve let me replace it.”

I throw my hands up. “And now we know you were right.”

He smirks. “Eventually you’ll come to realize that. I’ll take you tonight.”

“No, I don’t want to put you out. Can I just take the Charger?”

“I don’t mind. But I want to go to work with you tonight. Got some shit to set straight.”

“What do you mean?” I ask confused. What the hell does he have to do with the strip club?

“Nothing for you to worry about. Get what you need, and we’ll take my bike.”

“Wiz, I don’t want to put you out—”

“Not about that.” His jaw ticks.

“Then what?”

“Said it was for me to worry about.”

I raise my hands. “Okay. Well, can we leave in the next—” I glance down at my watch, “twenty-minutes?”

“Yeah just let me get my boots on.” He downed the rest of the beer in his hand and placed the empty bottle on the kitchen island. Unable to let it remain, I grab it and pitch it in the garbage can beside the stainless steel fridge. He returns a few minutes later, and I follow him outside. I climb on behind him and freeze. This is the first time I’ve ridden bitch with him in a month. I wrap my arms and grip him with my thighs. I bury my face in the warm leather stretched across his back and inhale the rich scent of leather and man. The back rumbles to life beneath me, and I tighten my hold as we take off. We’ve been keeping our relationship to ourselves as we adapt, but it’s only a matter of time. Secrets don’t last long among us. I lose myself in the ride as I stare at the full moon hanging high in the sky. Fat, yellow, and bright, it turns the road ahead into a silver ribbon running through the rocky hillside. I lean back and let the magic of the road wash over me. There’s nothing like riding on the back of a bike with someone you trust. You become one in a sense.

I take the corners with him, mimicking his body movements as his road shoulder blocks the wind. He’s solid, warm, and back here where no one can see me, I’m able to admit I’ve missed him. A month alone in the giant house with only my thoughts to keep me company passed as slow as molasses. I’ve grown accustomed to his steady presence, gruff voice, and humor. It’s a dangerous thing depending on another human being. I need to be careful, or I’ll lose more than my pride.



I hang back as Nevy rushes into work. It’s odd seeing her like this. All dolled up in a pair of black hot pants and a gold halter that shows off the expanse of her peaches and cream skin. The v-neck top hints at her cleavage. I can’t see her as my brother’s daughter when she’s playing up her womanly aspects. She’s on the small, but curvy side with breasts that’ll fill a hand and a generous ass. I’m not the only one who’s noticed, and that’s a problem. This club is a gateway. It keeps money from some off our less than legal ventures cleans, lets us spot talent, and gives the girls linked to us a place to work.

Nevada has always been good with numbers, so I understand why they put her in charge of counting out at night. It’s a lot to trust one person with. It’s the whispering about turning her into talent I don’t like. We have side gigs. Some softcore things like calendars, website, and cam models. It’s up to the girl how far she wants to take it as long as she’s giving us a cut and it stays one-hundred percent legal. Bart, short for Barter is the one in charge. He has a talent for making deals, managing people, and making business flourish.

He has a good eye and a silver tongue. He gets inside people’s head and offers them what they desire most. He’s like the devil in that sense. It’s known Nevy is a good girl with a solid head on her shoulders. But the fall out between her and Fuse is no secret. As far as they know, she’s getting hard up for money and couch surfing. He mentioned it to Stone who brought it to me. It’s a matter of time until he starts sniffing around. I can’t have that.

I lean back against the bar and take a seat on a stool.

“Hey, handsome, what can I get you?” I turn to face the curly haired, brown-skinned woman with sparkling nearly black eyes and an easy smile.

“Bourbon, straight up.”

“You got it. Kings drink free, of course.”

I nod my thanks. She’s new, but she knows the rules and has a friendly personality. I wonder what her in is. We don’t cold hire. People do business here. We need to make sure they’re trustworthy. She returns with my drink, and I read her name tag, Corrine.

“You’re new.”

“I am.” She reads my patch. “Wizard.”

“Who hired you?”

“Bart did. He knows my brother.”

“Aaah.” I raise the glass in salute. “Thanks for the libations.”

Her lips quirk upward. “Anytime.” She moves down the bar to serve the next customer, and I return to watching Nevy without being obvious.

“Damn is it going that bad at home?”

I glance up at Stone and laugh.

“Didn’t say that.”

“But you’re in here which indicated you’re hard up. How are you and the kid doing?” Stone asks.

I glance toward the floor where she’s chatting with an employee’s guest.

“Don’t call her that. Makes me feel like a dirty old man.”

“Aren’t you?”

I scowl, and he laughs and pats my back.

“Seriously brother, what gives? This has never been your thing, and you’re not getting a lap dance or handing out ones by the stage.”


“What about him?” Stone asks.

“Been sniffing around my girl. He thinks he sees an opening. I’m going to set him straight.”

“Why not just come out.”

“I just got home.”

“And yet, here you sit, guarding your asset.”

“Getting a real kick out of it ain’t you?”

“Hell yeah, I am. Bout time for a party and an announcement. I don’t want to lose good men because they touch what’s yours and you go agro.”

“Fine. Set it up.”

“Friday night?” Stone asked.

“Yeah, spread the word she’s off limits and mine. I’ll do the same, and soon enough it’ll spread like wildfire through a forest during a drought.”

He watched as Bart made a beeline. In his early thirties, Bart was one of the younger members. With his slacks, long-sleeved white button-up and an angular haircut that fell over one eye, he didn’t look the part. Which was a good thing. He was our public relations person. We needed him to blend in. Under that polished exterior lay the heart of a warrior. He placed a hand on the small of her back, and I clutched my glass.

“Be back.”

“Remember we need him in working condition, will ya?”

I wave him off. The days of taking advantage of Nevada Weber are over. I come up behind her and smirk when Bart’s eyes grow round. I place my hand on her shoulders, and he drops his hand.

“You should keep your hands off my Old Lady. It’s bad for your health.”

He laughs. “Nice one, Wiz.”

I grin. “I look like I’m joking to you?”

“Wait. What? When?”

“You want a play by play? This ain’t the Bachelor. Just know she’s not interested in doing anything for you.”

She opens her mouth, and I tighten my grip. Now aint the time to protest.

“Yeah man, I get it. Look, I didn’t know. I would never disrespect you like that.”

“But it’s okay to disrespect her?”

“No. Look. All I was going to do was offer her up another way to make more money. It’s fast cash, easy and legit.”

“And no longer needed. You ever try to bring this shit to her again, we’re going to have more than words, Bart.”

He holds up his hands, palms forward and shakes his head from side to side. “Believe me, never going to happen.”

I sneer down at him and let the uncomfortable silence settle between us thick, and squirm-inducing.

“Well, congratulations. I have some things I need to take care of.” He wades through the crowd, and I glance down at the woman whose gaze is burning a hole in me.

“What the hell was that?”

“He wanted you to work for him.”

“I’ve told him a million times I won’t get on the stage. You didn’t have to threaten him.”

“Babe, that wasn’t the job he wanted to offer you.”

Her mouth forms an O. “Why would he think I’d do that?”

“People talk. You fell out with Fuse and Mel. Your Dad is off in another chapter. They think you’re hard up for money. Makes you vulnerable.”

“Fucking douche nozzle,” she growls. Her nose curls up.

“Down Tiger. I handled it.”

“I would have kneed him right in the balls if he’d have asked me that. If I won’t get up on stage why the fuck would I get in front of a camera?”

“Need will make the proudest man do what he never thought he would.”

“Are you going to stay here all night? Might get boring for you.”

“No, I said what I needed to, and I got eyes on you.”

“I’m not a woman who always needs to be rescued.”

“If I’m doing my job properly it’ll never get to that point.”

She opens her mouth.

“Shouldn’t you be getting back to work?”

She spins on her heels and walks away murmuring about stubborn men. The sight of her eyes flashing and her face flushed with anger, wake my cock. It’s been over a month since I dipped my wick. I must be hard up if she’s turning me on. This isn’t that kind of arrangement.


I step inside the house and dump my saddlebags by the front door. My bones ache, my knuckles are swollen. I press a hand to my ribs. At best, they’re bruised, possibly cracked. I need to wrap them, but I didn’t have the time. The adrenaline surging through my veins kept the pain at bay. I’m feeling it tenfold now. I grunt as I lock the door.


I glance up and bite back another moan. Dressed in an oversized Kings off Chaos t-shirt with her hair tumbling around her back and her eyes heavy with sleep, Nevy is a beautiful spectral.

“Didn’t mean to wake you up,” I say quietly.

“It’s okay.” She frowns. “You’re hurt. Let me help you.”

“I got this.” I straighten and grunt.

“Is it your ribs?”

I nod my head. She’s been around enough to know a decent amount of first aid. Coming home bruised and battered is nothing new for any of us Kings.

“Come on, let’s go into your bathroom. We’ll get you patched up, medicated, and resting comfortably.”

I want to protest, but the pain is morphing into a dull ache I know will only continue to grow unless I take care of it. With rib injuries, two hands are always better than one. I follow her to my room, eyes trained on the gentle sway of her hips. She has a fluidity to her movements that’s like silent poetry. She pauses at my door and peers over her shoulder, seeking permission. The gesture makes my cock twitch. Respect, beauty, and compassion. I got one hell of an Old Lady. In name only, don’t go forgetting that.

“Go on and open it.”

We move inside and I’m struck by how much I like her standing by my bed. I imagine her body splayed out on the soft gray flannel sheets. I shove the thoughts aside.

“Let me get what I need and set it on the dresser. Then you can hope in the shower. Just leave a towel on so I have a chance to really look at the area. I know enough about rib injuries to figure out the best way to treat it. Jesus. Of course you do too. I’m sorry. I’m nervous. I babble when that happens.”

“Why you nervous? Thought you woulda done this before.”

“Oh, I have,” she rolls her eyes, “plenty of times. But none of them were you.”

I scowl. “You scared of me?”

“No. I don’t want to screw up with you,” she whispers.

“Impossible. Usually I’d be doing this solo. So you’re already helping me, alright? No need to be nervous. Now get your cute little ass in the bathroom and get what you need. I’m ready to get under some hot water.”

She hurries off and I’m reminded again of a rabbit. Little bunny rabbit you’ve no clue you’re living in the house with a wolf who’s been thinking about devouring you. Don’t’ worry, if it happened, I’d make sure you’d enjoyed it. I lick my lips wondering if the job I just did knocked a few screws loose. If I take advantage of the situation I won’t be any better than the men I’m trying to keep her safe from.

She emerges with her hands full of items, and I brush past her, slamming the door. I turn on the spray, strip down and escape into the heated droplets, easing the soreness. I empty my head as I wash away the grime and blood lust. I need this time to unwind and come down. Usually I’d be in the club house dick deep in a willing and warm body. But the ribs put that idea on ice. I don’t like people other than my brothers seeing me like this, wounded and weakened. It’s a first for me having her here. I could send her back to her room, but I can’t resist the draw of having those small hands touch me. I want to know if her skin is as soft as it looks.

My cock springs to life and I take the matter in hand. Slowly pumping, I squeeze and picture her pouty mouth wrapped around it. I transfer the energy flowing through me into jerking off. I lock my jaw as my balls draw up, I shoot out into the shower. My groan is muffled and my heart is knocking in my chest. Spent, I rinse off, wishing my feelings could go down the drain as easily as my evidence just did. I step out, dry off, and wrap the thick black towel around my hips.

Her mouth forms an O and her eyes darken.

Is that interest?

She stands. “I apologize in advance for this.” She runs her soft hands over my body and I think of puppies and cold water to keep the blood from rushing to my dick. I grunt at the pain that shoots through me.

“None of them feel broken. At the worst, maybe you’ve cracked something. Sit.”

I lower myself to the bed and she hands me a packet of frozen peas off the night stand. “Hold these and we’ll get the area numbed while I take care of the rest of you. Is this where you say I should see the other guy?”

I smirk. “Naw, you don’t ever have to worry about that.”

Her eyes widen.

I’m trying to shock her.

“Good, one less person to look over my shoulder for.”

I chuckle and grunt as the cold makes me jerk. She grabs my hands and cleans them gently with alcohol, blowing to take away the pain. She’s got a soft touch. Her hands are smooth and capable. I can only imagine what they’d feel like wrapped around my— no. I’m not going there. I clear my throat.

“Am I hurting you?”

“I can take a little pain, Nevy.”

She frowns. “Doesn’t’ mean I want to be to be the one inflicting it. You okay?”

“Yeah, thank you. I could’ve done this myself.”

“Consider it an Old Lady perk,” she drawls with a wink.

I like the sassy side of her. It beats the sad-eyed girl I’d seen the past couple of months.

“Your hands are done. I know the cuts on your face need to breath. But I at least want to disinfect them.” She leans over me, placing her perky rack in my line of sight. Her nipples are hard enough to cut glass. I imagine what they’d look like, dusky pink, and tiny or rose colored and fat? She pressed a cotton ball to my cut and I flinch. The pain saves me from pitching a tent. I zone out letting her go to work.

“All done, let’s get those ribs under control.”

“Never realized you were so bossy.”

“I prefer the word organized.”

“Mmmhmm,” I say as she grabs a roll of gauze.

“Arms up.”

I comply and she wraps the bandages around me. I exhale and grit my teeth until she’s done.

“Okay put the peas back on and I’ll be right back with some meds. How many pain pills do you normally take?”


She purses her lips.

“Hasn’t killed me yet, little rabbit.”

She wrinkles her nose proving my point and I laugh as she stalks away. I ease back into a laying position. I should put on at least a pair of boxers, but right now that would take energy I don’t have.

She returns with a bottle of water and the pills. I pop them and wash them down.

“Do you need anything else?”

Yeah, for you to stay in the box of woman I’m not interested in fucking.

“No. you did good tonight, thank you.”

“Least I can do. I’m going to go grab a few more hours. Tomorrow is my day off and I actually want to do something.”

“You have plans with me.”

“No, I don’t. I’d remember that.”

“We need to see a man about a new car.”

“What? Suzy Q is fine.”

“For the second maybe.”


“Nevada. It’s time.” I hold her gaze.

Her eyes shimmer with unshed tears, and I can’t help but feel bad for her. It’s hard for her to accept things because she’s learned every act of kindness comes with string attached.

“I don’t want to feel like I owe you everything. You gave me a place to belong, a new home and clothes, and now this. It’s too much.” Her voice wavers.

“You don’t owe me shit. I did what any decent man would do in my situation. I got nothing and no one else to spend my money on. This is a small thing.”


“Look, I’ll asks you to pay me back when the time is right. It’ll be something small. Will that make you feel better?”


“Alright, then it’s settled.” The meds kick in and my body begins to relax. “Night little rabbit. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Good night, Wiz.” Her quiet voice is one of the last things I hear as I drift off to sleep.