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Kings of Chaos Box Set: Books 1-5 by Shyla Colt (6)



“Let’s get to the nitty gritty. Have you and your man bumped uglies yet? How was he?”

I choke on my beer, and Mimi laughs. “Geez don’t censor yourself.”

“What? Inquiring minds want to know. I think the whole camp heard you that first morning. So, don’t give me the we’re just friends line.”

“I wasn’t going to. And no, we haven’t taken that step yet. Not for lack of trying,” I mutter.

“Uh oh. What’s going on?”

“His damn phone is always going off. I never would’ve guessed how much he’s away or called away to do something.”

She sighed. “Yeah, I hate Riker’s cell phone too. When the club calls, you answer. I get it, but it sucks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to pitch that thing right in the toilet.”

I laugh. “Same.”

“Otherwise, you guys are good?”

“I never thought it could be like this. So easy. He’s not a difficult man to get along with, and he’s really not demanding. Sure, I do the house stuff, but since he’s paying the bills, it’s a fair trade-off. Not to mention. He’s not here enough to keep up on a lot of it. Before I moved in, he had some of the club girls in once a week or so to keep the place clean.”

“You stopped that, I’m sure.”

“Yeah. I don’t mind most of them, but this is my space. I can keep it clean.” I shrug.

“I totally get it.” She leans back against the couch and takes a draw off her brown bottle. “You look happy. Happier than I’ve ever seen you.”

“I am. It’s exciting getting ready to go to school. I never thought I’d have this. There was nothing I really felt drawn to, and money’s always been tight for me. This is a chance to have a career. Once I have the knowledge no one can take it away from me.”

“And that’s important to you, isn’t it? Being able to take care of yourself is necessary.”

“It does. Even if Wizard and I manage to make this thing work long term, anything could happen to him. I need to be able to hold things down.”

“You know the club would take care of you,” Mimi said.

“Like my dad did?” I shake my head. “I’m not going to allow myself to be put in that position ever again.”

She reaches over and places a hand over my hand. “I understand better than you know. Riker is a bit paranoid. He stashes his money. You wouldn’t think that about him. But he has all kinds of investments.”

“That’s smart. I never thought about investing.”

“They lived hand to mouth growing up, and it pushed him to explore avenues to keep money coming in.”

“How are you two doing?”

“Great. We butt heads every now and then, but it’s never anything serious. It keeps us from getting stale.”

“For you two I think fighting is foreplay.”

“You’ll get there too eventually, believe me. Make-up sex is a beautiful thing.” Mimi grins. “What’s Wizard like? He’s always so stoic in public.”

“Really funny.”


“I know. I was shocked too. He’s got a really quick dry wit, and he’s sweet.”


“Maybe that’s not the right word. He’s not a sucker or a sap, but he’s attentive. I never wonder how he feels about me or what I’m doing. It’s refreshing.” I shrug. Maybe it’s not romantic, but I appreciate his frankness. I spent my entire life walking on egg-shells and second-guessing my actions. Would it upset the family I was staying with or set my mom off? It was no way to live.

“If it works for you and you like it, I love it,” Mimi says with a shrug.

I smile. The best part of our friendship is the lack of judgment. In life, it’s a rare thing to find a friend who fully accepts you warts and all.

“I’d say we should leave the L word out of it for now.”

“That’s what your mouth says, your eyes, however, say differently.”

“Shut your mouth,” I whisper. I’m not ready for that. Love is scary. It turns the wise into fools and opens a person up to a world of hurt if things go sideways.

“You don’t want to be in love?” She frowns.

“I wouldn’t even know how. I like things the way they are. Mutual respect, attraction, and partnership.”

“You think love changes that?” she asks.

“You don’t?”

She shakes her head. “No, I think it enhances it. Doing things because you want to see the other person be the best they can be is beautiful when it goes both ways. It’s the bridge to true compromise.”

I eyeball her skeptically. “I’ll take your word for it, Mi. How’s work?”

“It’s okay. I miss having you there to chat with all night. The new girl isn’t doing a bad job of managing, she’s just not you, and I think we’re all adjusting to that.”

I arch a brow. “How so?”

“Well for one, she’s super formal. I don’t know if its nerves because she wants to make sure everything goes smoothly or arrogance. Maybe that promotion went to her head.”

“Is she being bitchy?” I ask stunned by the change.

“No, just cold, and distant? I’ve had to bite my tongue a million times. More responsibility doesn’t turn one into royalty.”

“Ugh, that’s annoying. I hope she knocks that shit out. We’re not that kind of establishment. Above all we’re family. Bart will nip that in the bud faster than she can say boo.”

“I know, girl. I want to tell her, but I know she’s not going to hear anything I say right now.”

“She’s still settling in. We won’t write her off just yet.”

“Speaking of Bart. You’ll never guess what he’s doing now.”

“What?” I ask ready for some juicy workplace gossip. I miss the buzz and conversation that came with working around so many people. All the various personalities and the uninhibited vibe of the strip club lead for some interesting conversations.

“He’s working hard to recruit new girls for the cam girl side gig.”

“Are they going for it?” I ask genuinely interested.

“Some of the older girls are seriously considering it. Knees and perfect bods don’t last forever. The cam thing is way more forgiving, and it’ll allow them to set their hours, and potentially double their income.”

“I wonder why the sudden push?”

“I don’t know. Maybe they’re trying to make sure they have their funds in order.”

I read between the lines. They want to make sure they can account for all the money they’re making under the table.

“Very possible.”

“Any more news on your new job site?”

“Not yet. Stone and Wiz are checking things out. My only job right now is to study and get good marks. I need to get my certifications and be ready to run things. It’s a lot of responsibility, but I’m ready to take it on. Finally, I’ll have a purpose and not just be a floater on loan.”

“I always saw you as a jack of all trades. You do so many things well. It’s easy to look to you when they needed someone to fill in.”

“Well, this grasshopper is ready to be a Master at something.”

She laughs. “No, you didn’t.”

“Oh yeah, I did.”

We burst into giggles as we drink and continue to catch up.


The sound of keys in the lock pull me from a light sleep. I shift on the couch and squint as I try to adjust to the light that’s been flipped on.

“Did I miss an important date?” Wizard asks.

I glance at the empty beer bottles, and the half-eaten fruit and cheese trays and laugh.

“No, I had a girl’s night with Mimi.”

“Oh?” His confused expression makes me laugh harder.

“And you have no clue what that means. It’s like a date for girls.”

“A date?”

I roll my eyes. “Oh yeah, we had an epic pillow fight, and made out.”

“Laugh it up, nowadays a date with a woman can be literal. Not that I’m knocking it or against it, but I won’t share.”

“We gossiped, painted our nails, pigged out, and watched romantic comedies. Trust me. You didn’t miss anything.”

He smirks. “I bet you were adorable, rabbit.”

“How was your trip?”

“Long, boring, and lonely.”

“Well, we can make up for one of those three things.” I stand. “You get in the bath, and I’ll get rid of the mess and join you.”

He drops his saddlebags. “Bossy. I think I like this side of you.”

“Organized,” I counter as he walks off chuckling.

I clean the table off quickly, eager to get in some time with him before he crashes. It’s been nearly three weeks since I saw him last, and phone calls are always few and far between when he’s on the road. With the food in the fridge and the living room area spotless, I head upstairs. I walk into the bathroom where he’s soaking in the tub and light a few sandalwood candles. He always said after all the time on the road his body thanked him for the soak in hot water.

“How long did you ride today?”

“Eight hours. Wanted to get home and get some rest before I head back out tomorrow.”

“Local or long distance?”

“Local. I’ll be around for a while getting things set up for the shop.”

I can’t deny the news makes me happy. I rise and walk behind him, massaging his shoulders.

“Oh, yeah.” He leans forward, letting me work my magic as I soak up being in his presence. I’ve gotten used to him being around. When he’s gone, the bed is too big, and the house is too quiet. I kiss the crown of his head, and he grabs my forearm.

“Thank you.” He lifts my hand, kisses the back of it and tugs me around the side of the tub.


“I missed you.”

“Missed you too, Wiz,” I admit.

“Then show it, women, get in here.” He pats the surface of the water. Droplets splatter onto my shirt, and I gasp.

“No. I still have all my—” He tugs and I land in the water sputtering as he laughs.

I splash him with water, and we get into a battle that drenches us and the floor. He grips the back of my head and pulls me to his mouth. Our lips meet, and I groan as the smoky, masculine taste dances across my taste buds. I wrap my arms around his waist and straddle his lap. I grind against his stiff cock in a desperate attempt to ease the ache between my thighs. He moves his kisses down my neck, nipping and sucking the flesh. I shudder. We surface for air, and he helps me work the wet t-shirt over my head. The bra soon follows. He latches onto my breast, and I thread my fingers through his hair as he rocks his hips up. My breath is coming in pants. My core is slick with desire, and I can’t stop grinding against him.

My breasts are heavy with desire and sensitive. He sucks hard, and I tumble head first into an orgasm, crying out as continues to devour my sensitive peak. He buries his fingers in my hair and tugs my head back.

“Look at me, rabbit.”

I force my eyes open.

“Are you ready to have me inside you?”

“Oh, yes, Gage.”

“Good girl. Time to get out.” I climb out of the tub and wrap up in a towel, staring up at him as he emerges, tall, broad, and muscular. I follow the path of the waters that run down his body. He’s at full salute. Thick, nearly eight inches with a mushroom shaped purple head that leaks a milky white liquid. I capture a bead on my fingertip and bring it to my tongue. His nostrils flare.

“Go get on the bed.”

I take off, eager to feel his hands on my body, his mouth on my pussy and for the first time his cock inside me. I quiver with anticipation. He walks into the room with a fire in his gaze. I want to be burned by the flames.

“I been waiting a long time for this, rabbit.”

“Me too.”

He stalks toward me. The sound of his phone is a slap across the face.


“Fuck. Gotta get this.”

I sigh and drop my head back to the pillow. He speaks in a muffled voice. It’s a long enough conversation I know he’s leaving.

“I’m sorry, rabbit. I have to go to the clubhouse and sort a few things.”

“Okay,” I mumble.

“Don’t be mad. I’ll make it up to you, later.”

I give him a shaky smile. He’s short changed too.

“I’m going to hold you to that.”

He delivers a quick kiss to my lips and rushes around the room getting dressed.



I’m starting to think the universe is conspiring against me. Every time rabbit and I get close to popping her cherry something stops us. I’ve never minded doing my job for the club, until now. Now I think if I hear the phone ring one more time I may chew someone’s head off. We’ve been working non-stop on renegotiating the terms of our Arms Deal. There’s a new man in charge straight from Russia. Apparently Toma was fucking up majorly. I get wanting to establish yourself and prove your worth to your crew. But Ivan wasn’t about to do it at our expense.

To say things had been tense would be putting it lightly. I don’t trust people as a general rule. You add money to the equation and I trust them even less. We’ve come to an agreement. A slight increase in price was acceptable and made everyone happy. It showed him we were willing to bend a little if the asking price was fair, but not bend over and take it up the ass. I shrug out of my cut, hang it on the book by the door, and bend to unlace my boots. It’s the small changes like assigning spaces for my things that act as signs of my Old lady at work in our home. Our home. I’m digging the sound of that more than I should. I’ve never been a man to pussy foot around or straddle the fence. So, I’m all in with this.

The light’s off, but the room is illuminated by candles. I narrow my gaze and search the darkness.


I follow the flickering flames through the living room and down the hall to the sliding glass door that leads out back. I step outside and frown at the green and white inflatable pool, she’s standing beside. A blue cooler rests at her feet.

“What are you doing out here?” I asks taking in the cream colored jumper with peach colored flowers and a lace strip going down the middle, hiding her creamy breasts from me.

“Waiting on you.”

I arch an eyebrow. “To do what?”

She crooks her finger. “Come and see.”

“You been out here all night in your pajamas?” I ask with a scowl.

“Ain’t no one crazy enough to come onto your land and grab me. Now hush and don’t ruin my date night. You need to relax and remember there’s life outside the club. I know that feeling of being overwhelmed on every side. It’s like you’re drowning in the thing you love most, and you don’t know if you should step back or ride it out. You can only wear yourself so thin. I’ve watched you answer every call, crawl in at insane hours, and leave early. Tonight is for unwinding.”

Her concern is touching.

“Alright, I’ll bite.” She grins. “Good get in.”

I eyeball the tub and see all the blankets and pillows. “Only if you get in with me.”

“Well, duh!” She tugs on my goatee playfully and I nip at her fingers. She giggles and I help her down into the pool. I follow, shocked by how comfortable it feels. I wrap my arm around her and she cuddles close.

“Have you ever sky gazed?”

“Sure. I look up there, but other than the Big Dipper and Orion’s Belt, I got no clue what I’m looking at.”

“When I was little, I used to pretend the stars were distant planets where my real family lived. I got really obsessed with it. At night when I’d stay up, looking out my window at the sky and imagining there was someone who loved me out there.”

I pull her closer, horrified by the tale.

“It sounds silly when I say it out loud, but it helped me get through some pretty tough times.”

“Why don’t you show me some things?”

She tilts her head back? “Yeah?”


A slow smile lights her from within, and suddenly I’m drowning for a completely different reason.

“Okay.” Excitement floods her voice. “Look straight up there.” She points up.” You see that big star?”


“Follow it down here and here. See how it makes a kite shape with a short string?”

“I do.”

“That’s Libra.”

I relax into the bedding as she continues to point out different constellations. The smell of earth, grass and fresh air ground me. It’s been a long time since I looked up at the sky and felt wonder. Nevada has a special brand of magic that makes the simple ordinary things extraordinary. I never want to stop rediscovering the world with her. Life through her eye is fresh and full of possibility.

She cuddles closer and I kiss her forehead.

“I have beer in the cooler.”

“I got everything I need right here.”

I drift off to the sound of her voice and the warmth of her body.