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REVENGE BABY: Blacktop Chaos MC by April Lust (100)



Anne looked at me smugly. “I heard the news about your convict boyfriend, Lily,” she said just loud enough for Mark to hear her. “He was arrested and taken to the hospital last night.”


“He wasn’t arrested,” I said, my voice sharp. “He was found with a wound to his arm. So of course he was hospitalized. And he’s not my boyfriend.”


Anne raised her eyebrows at me. She looked at Mark and shrugged and he looked quickly away. Ever since I’d stood him up for dinner, he hadn’t bothered to ask me out again. Instead, he was going for Anne. And she seemed to be loving every minute of it. The only confusing part was why she was so hell-bent on still making me miserable.


“I’m leaving soon,” I said.


Anne nodded. “Going to the hospital?”


I narrowed my eyes. “No,” I lied. “I’m going home.”


Mark watched me with big, sad puppy eyes. I had to look away. I hated feeling like I’d hurt him, but how many more times could I have put him off before he really understood? And of course, I hadn’t planned on standing him up. Zed had just showed up. And Zed was more important.


As I got to the door of Dawning Point, I spun on my heel. “Hey, Anne,” I called out. “You know what? He actually is my boyfriend. I didn’t want to tell you because you obviously think he’s a thug, but he’s the sweetest guy I’ve ever met. He treats me very well.”


Anne stared at me with her mouth hanging open. “Whatever,” she muttered. “Bye, Lily.”


The way she said goodbye to me almost felt like a real goodbye, and not a see you later. I swallowed hard. I wondered if I’d ever come back to this place. My singing career was going better than expected and it did pay a lot more than working here. I loved being around kids, but I was starting to wonder if it was really for me. Maybe I could be a singer full-time. Maybe I could even go back to school and get a voice degree. The future didn’t seem like one straight line anymore. After meeting Zed, it was like everything branched out in separate directions.


I drove to Detroit Grace with my foot to the pedal. Maybe today they’d be able to give Zed some real drugs. I’d felt so horrible after leaving last time; he was clearly in agony, even when passed out. It had hurt me to see him looking so vulnerable and alone.


Thankfully, the butch doctor who’d attended to him before had left. She was replaced by a petite Asian woman who stared at me over the tops of her glasses.


“Are you a family member of Zed?”


I shook my head. “Girlfriend,” I said after a beat. The doctor looked me over from head to toe, taking in my fuzzy pink sweater and cream jeans. “I swear,” I added.


She narrowed her eyes. “You sure you’re not one of those visiting missionaries? We can’t allow those in to be with patients until they’re starting to recover.”


“No,” I said with a smile. “I know how weird it looks.”


The doctor rolled her eyes. “Trust me, I’ve seen everything. But I have to ask, sorry.”


She led me into Zed’s room. Instantly, the atmosphere transformed. Before, he’d looked miserable and strained, but now there was almost a floaty, happy look on his face.


“Is he okay?”


The doctor nodded. “He passed his blood work. There was no trace of any illegal drugs in his system, so we hooked him up to a Percocet drip.”


I smiled. “Oh, God, that’s such good news. Thank you. Thank you so much.”


The doctor looked annoyed, and she blushed a little bit. I wondered how often people begged her or praised her based on her abilities to help their loved ones. It wasn’t too hard to imagine that she probably dealt with requests like that all time, especially in Detroit.


“Is there anything I can get for you?” she asked. “I’ll be back in a few hours, if you’re still here. Visiting hours are over at ten.”


I nodded. I couldn’t wait for her to leave so I could be alone with Zed, even though he was passed out. Five excruciating seconds later, she walked out the door.


“Zed!” I cried, flying to his side. “Zed!”


He didn’t stir, and I reached out and grabbed one of his giant paws with both of my hands. His skin felt warm and dry, and even though he smelled like a hospital, if I leaned in close, I could get a faint whiff of cigarettes from his skin. I closed my eyes and grinned happily, resting my head on his prone chest.


Just being with Zed, even when we weren’t talking, felt so good. Okay, sometimes maybe it felt even better than not talking. I giggled to myself as I thought about Zed’s temper and attitude. If I was being honest, I loved those things about him. I loved everything that made Zed the man that he was.


“Gaahrnn,” came a cry from the bed. I snapped my head up. Zed’s eyes were starting to open, and he blinked at me very slowly. I grinned at him and sat closer.


“Zed!” I cried. “It’s me! Lily!”


“Laaaa,” Zed replied, bobbing his head.


I giggled. “Wow, they really have you doped up. Zed didn’t reply; he closed his eyes and flopped his head back down on the pillow. “Zed, are you okay? Are you in pain?”


There was still no reply. Zed opened his eyes and focused on me. Eagerly, I leaned forward. The green orbs didn’t look any duller than before, but I could sense pain and hurt.


“Zed, I’m so glad you’re okay,” I gushed. His eyelids fluttered. “Please don’t pass out,” I begged. “Please stay with me, Zed. I love you, Zed.”


His eyes flew open. “What?” he croaked.


I squealed excitedly. “Zed! I can’t believe you’re alive!”


“I’m here,” he said slowly. “Lily.” When he said my name, my heart fluttered, and I felt butterflies. “Lily,” he repeated, and I blushed from the roots of my hair.


“Zed, you’re gonna be okay!” He winced, and I felt guilty. “Sorry,” I said in a softer voice. “I’m just so happy to see you.” Hot tears burned at my eyes, and I blinked quickly to clear them, but they spilled out and down my cheeks. “I never thought I’d see you again.”


He managed a smile, and I reached up to stroke his face. “Lily,” he croaked, and I grinned like an idiot. Who cared if all he could ever say was my name? I loved that. Besides, it was a lot better than him calling me a stupid little cupcake!


“I’m here,” I gushed, squeezing his fingers. Zed didn’t reply. “I’ll stay here until they kick me out,” I promised. “Do you want me to read to you? I can read to you!”


Zed looked at me dully. “Just stay… Here.”


I nodded furiously. “Of course I will. I won’t leave your side!”


Zed closed his eyes again, and for the first time in days, he looked happy. He didn’t say anything, and I gently stroked his forearm with my fingertips. His skin felt softer than usual. When I looked at the bloody bandage wrapped around his arm, I wondered what kind of hell he’d been through. Maybe one day he’d tell me.


Maybe now things would be different. It wasn’t all that hard to picture. I saw Zed escorting me to and from the club; not because he had to, but because he wanted to. I saw myself buying him another, fancier coffeemaker and always having coffee for him in the mornings.


“I love you,” I said again. Zed’s eyes fluttered. “I love you so much, Zed.”


“I love you, too,” he grunted out. My heart swelled. “I love you,” he repeated.


“I love you,” I murmured. This time he didn’t hear me.


Slowly, relaxed with love and pain meds, he began to fall asleep.





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