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BONE: A Contemporary Romantic Medical Suspense Story by Dee Palmer (11)


“How far is it to the nearest town?” I gaze around at the surrounding landscape, marvelling at the wild beauty of Joel’s lake from the unique vantage point of the small boat he’s rowing. He owns the lake and the rest of the land that edges the national park, which, as far as I can gather, covers an area roughly the size of the county I grew up in.

“We’re pretty isolated here. It’s a good forty-minute drive to civilisation. Which is lucky, because those bruises are angry.” His eyes drop to the red marks just above my collarbone.

“I like when you mark me.” I absently rub the soft tissue at the side of my neck. His fingerprints were clearly visible this morning but are actually already fading. The ones on my bottom will thankfully last all week.

“I like it too, but I’m not sure your friends would approve.”

“Harper’s not your biggest fan to start with, so no, even if she did understand, I’m not the type to show them off. These are for me. Does that make me weird, a freak?”

“If it does, you’re not alone.” A knowing grin spreads across his face and his eyes light with mischief as he heaves the oars effortlessly through the glassy, clear, icy water. The gentle lapping sound of water sloshing and swirling is hypnotic, and I drop my head back, close my eyes, and soak up the warmth from the sun. I love living near a city. Still, in this idyllic moment, I believe I could get used to the wilderness. With a well-stocked cabin, and Joel to hunt and gather, isolation doesn’t sound so bad.

“How long would it take to walk in to town?”

“I wouldn’t recommend walking.” He sniffs with a dry laugh.

“I like walking.” I lift my head, squinting against the glare of the sun directly behind Joel.

“Yes, babe, but you got lost trying to find the kitchen. You’d die out here in the wild.” He arches a brow, and his tone couldn’t be more condescending if he tried.

“That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think, and besides, the cabin has a really confusing layout,” I indignantly retort, even if I did in fact get a little lost.

“I’m not being dramatic, people die out here all the time.”


“Stupidity, mostly, but there are bears. It’s about respecting your environment and being prepared. If you want to go walking, we can do that, but we’ll be prepared if we do.”

“No, I’m fine, I like the rowboat.” I flash a bright smile and assume my sun worshipping position.

“Because I’m doing all the rowing?”

“Mostly that, yes, and I get to watch all that manliness in action, which I couldn’t do if I was rowing,” I point out with a smart ass, knowing wink.

“Flattery will get you everywhere.”

“I think you’ve already been everywhere.”

“Yeah, I have.” His voice drops, and the deep throaty sound rakes sensually across my skin like fingernails, and I shiver. “Ready to take a dip?” he asks, and I laugh out loud.

“Oh, wait, you’re serious? In that case, no. No way, it’s freezing.” If my tone doesn’t sound incredulous, I’m sure my expression of jaw dropped in utter disbelief clarifies my position.

“You said it looked tempting.”

“That’s before I put my hand in, and my fingers nearly snapped off.”

“It will be fine once you’re in.” He slips his sweater over his head and kicks his sneakers off. His eyes dart from the water to me, his lips quirk, and he tilts his head as if drawing some evil conclusion that has little to do with having his wicked way with me. Shit.

“Please don’t.” I shuffle back as far as the boat will allow.

“Don’t what?” His nonchalant tone doesn’t fool me for a second.

“That look right there. Please don’t think it’s going to be remotely funny to throw me in the water. I hate getting cold.” I swallow thickly, recognising the determination in his expression.

“And yet you live in Chicago, not unknown for its harsh winters and wind, hmm?” He stands, and I grip the edge of the boat as it wobbles wildly with the sudden shift in weight.

“No!” I squeal when he steps into the centre of the boat and way too close to me.

“Calm your tits. You take over rowing, and I’ll swim back to the dock.” He drops his jeans and steps out carefully, chuckling to himself. I’ve yet to find this situation funny.

“Really? You’re going to leave me in the middle of the lake?” My voice pitches with panic.

“Last one back gets spanked till she can’t sit down.” He winks and dives off in a blur of long limbs and seamless elegance. The water is so clear, I can see him disappear into the deep. When he surfaces, he swishes his long wet hair away from his face with a sharp twist of his head. He starts to swim away as if he hasn’t a care in the world, drawing his body through the water with large backward circles.

“Wait, Joel, that’s cheating! Damnit! I didn’t agree to that bet…shit,” I fluster, watching him languidly increasing the distance between us. The boat wobbles precariously as I scrabble to take the seat he just vacated and grab the oars before they slip into the water. I’m thankful they are locked into place and can’t actually fall into the lake, but they are surprisingly heavy. I jolt with a grunt as I struggle to lift the damn things from the water. I can’t seem to get them to work together. He made it look so effortless, and I can’t even lift them both out of the water at the same time, let alone synchronise the movement enough to get the bloody boat heading in the right direction.

I splash around for a few precious minutes, getting so wet I may as well have dived in right after Joel. If I wouldn’t embarrass myself with the world’s worst doggy paddle, I would seriously consider ditching the boat and doing just that. I finally manage to pull both oars through the water, once, then twice. The small boat glides easily through the water, and after several strokes, I actually start to smile. The burn across my shoulders feels good, and with a quick glance over my shoulder, I can see I’m gaining on Joel as he streaks toward the dock with barely a splash on the surface of the lake.

“Come on, babe, you’re nearly there.” Joel calls out, laughter irritatingly highlighting his smugness at easily beating me.

“Fuck off!” I sing song my reply. I won’t rise to his goading since I feel like a champion, rowing for the first time, managing to steer it where I wanted and not end up on the other side of the lake or worse, spinning in circles waiting to be rescued. I lift one oar and drift alongside the long dock. Joel drops to his knees and reaches to grab the rope attached to the pointy bit of the boat. He deftly secures the length of rope through a large metal hoop and stands, still grinning from ear to ear. He offers his hand to help only to snatch it back when I narrow my eyes and growl.

“You bailed on me.”

“Never, Reggie, well, not if I had a choice.”

“You did have a choice; you could’ve kept on rowing us back home.” The euphoria of my achievement vanishes with a sudden surge of hormones.

“You managed.” He flips with a dismissive shrug, and I get a flash of fury bubbling from my chest and heading unchecked straight to my mouth.

“Yes, that’s because that’s what I do…I manage…cope…survive, but not because I have a fucking choice, Joel!”

“Reggie, hey, hey, what’s this about?” He waves his hand down in a slow soothing motion, his soft smile and the deep concern in his eyes calming me. “I’m sorry, baby, it was just meant it to be a bit of fun.”

Famous last words

“I’m sorry, ignore me. I’m…I’m…I have a lot on my mind.” I rub my brow and press my temple to ease the building pressure. Damn hormones.

“Finals? You’re going to ace them, babe, don’t worry.” I absently nod my agreement. For now, it’s better than explaining the truth.

“Just ignore me.”

“Couldn’t if I tried, especially when you’re all fiery like this. Look!” He cups himself, his large hand only partially covering the huge erection in his translucent pants.

“You’re sick, you know that? Only you could get hard at me losing my shit.”

“Don’t narrow it down like that. I get hard with everything you do, but feisty, fearless, passionate Regan is fucking hot.” He waggles his brow playfully, and at any other time, I’d blurt out a dirty laugh and probably jump his bones. Not today. Today I’m failing miserably at ignoring this situation, at pretending everything is going to be all right, or believing that we’re going to be fine. Today, I’m a fucking mess.

I’m not fearless; I’m terrified.

“Reggie?” His question holds a weight of worry, and I don’t want that.

“Give me your hand.” I shake my head. I can’t let these reckless emotions bubble up again when I’ve only just quelled them. This isn’t the time for epic revelations. I’m not sure any time is going to be the right time with Joel, but I’m pretty sure now is a bad time.

Joel’s brow furrows with unasked questions and suspicion, but he offers his hand, and I stand on wobbly legs and even wobblier footing as the boat lurches with the uneven weight. My attempt to balance is thwarted when my foot slips on the wet floor. I reach for Joel with one hand and too quickly lift my leg to try and get one foot on dry land. The laws of physics kick in, and as I lunge forward, the boat moves back, creating an impossible gap. Joel reaches his other hand, his body all bent over ready to brace and catch me, as I tumble forward in what feels like slow motion, foot first and whole shocked body second into the lake. I sink right down, like a lead weight, icy water attacks my bare skin, and I reel knowing it’s only seconds before more seeps through my clothes and chills every inch of me, dragging me down even further.

I kick and pull against the drag, my clothes slick to my body and seem to suffocate my very skin as my lungs burn to take a breath. Panic rips through me, even as I feel a strong arm at my waist tugging me to the surface. I gasp and splutter, still kicking my legs and manically clinging to Joel.

“Put your feet down, babe. We’re close enough to the shore now, just put your feet down.” His voice is so calm and demanding. My body instantly obeys.

“Oh…oh.” I stand, my head is just above the water and now I feel really foolish. “I’m not a great swimmer, I may have panicked.” I cough to clear my throat.

“Ya think? I thought you we’re messing around for a second, but when you kept sinking…” He sweeps the wet hair from my face, and his eyes fix on mine while his hands skim over my body.

“I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, thank you. It was deep there.” I manage to force a tight smile, and a mix of embarrassment and residual adrenalin mixes with a mess of hormones. I’m not really sure if I’m fine or losing my damn mind.

“It is. There’s a big drop off just there.” He points over to where the clear water fades from a light emerald to a deep dark forest green. “You only needed to swim a few feet to safety or even just grab on to the dock.” I look at the short distance he’s highlighting. It’s easy to see now I’m not seized with lack of oxygen or sinking to the bottom of the lake. My body starts to shake with a massive shiver that rattles my bones and chatters my teeth. “Oh, baby, your lips are blue.”

“I’m c-c-c-cold.”

“I know just the thing.” He scoops me into his arms and, with no effort at all, carries me from the lake. We leave a trail of water all along the footpath, across the length of the deck and up the steps of the hot tub. He submerges us both, up to our necks in searing hot water.





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