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Everything I Have by A. K. Evans (36)




She was mine.  Correction.  She was always mine, but now it was official.  My sweet girl was officially my fiancée.  I hadn’t planned it the way it happened, but she was clearly still in a state of mind where she was questioning what she meant to me.  I didn’t like that she felt that way and thought it was best to make sure she no longer had any doubts about what I saw for the two of us.  But, fuck, was it nerve-wracking.  I guess I hadn’t realized until I was already down on one knee beside the bed holding the ring out to her that she could have said no.  She didn’t make me wait long for an answer, but those few seconds felt excruciatingly long.

It was early the following morning and I was in bed with one arm wrapped around Emme’s waist while the hand on my other arm held my head up as I looked down at her.  She was at such peace and it was a look I was beginning to see more and more as the days went by following her kidnapping and subsequent rescue.  It was like the thoughts finally settled in her mind that her ex was no longer a threat to her safety or her happiness and once she realized that she became carefree.

I felt her beginning to stir and watched as her eyes fluttered open.  She hadn’t yet noticed me watching her and I saw as last night replayed in her mind.  She slid her left hand up and pressed it against my chest as she looked at her ring.  A beautiful smile spread across her face.  That was when she tilted her head back and looked up at me.

“It’s so bright, baby,” she said, with her super sexy morning voice.

“Well, it’s brand new.  It should be sparkling, Em.”

“I wasn’t referring to the ring; though, it is also so sparkly and bright and beautiful.”

My brows pulled together.  What was she talking about?

“I meant my life,” she began. “It was so dark for so long I never thought I’d ever see light again.  You gave that to me and despite the most recent hurdle we’ve faced you continue to give it to me.  Now, Zane, all I see is light and it’s practically blinding.  I feel so warm and it feels so, so good.”

“Sweetheart…” I trailed off, my throat tight.

“Thank you,” she whispered as she moved closer to me and pressed a kiss to the base of my throat.  She brought her hand up to my shoulder and pushed me to my back as she straddled my body.  Her mouth was on my chest and she was making her was down my torso to my abdomen.  She repositioned herself in between my legs and rested her right hand on my hip while her left one wrapped around my cock.

“Love that look, Emme.”

“What look?” she asked, squeezing gently.

“My ring on your finger on the hand that’s wrapped around my dick.”

“Hmm,” she gave a coy smile.  As she began stroking she asked, “Do you think I’ll ruin the picture you’re currently enjoying if I keep this hand here and add my mouth?”

I groaned.

She was so damn sexy.

“No fucking way that’s possible.”

I guessed that was all she needed to hear because the next thing I knew she had me in her mouth.  She kept her hand planted at the root of my cock as her mouth worked the rest of me.  I felt the vibrations from the back of her throat when she moaned.  I groaned.  She was seriously talented at this.  Her mouth suddenly disappeared, but her hand began to stroke up and down my shaft.  I felt her tongue at my balls before she sucked each of them into her mouth.

Fuck. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

Her tongue licked up the underside of my length until she reached the tip where she put me back in her mouth.

“Em, I’m going to come.”

I wanted her to have the option to stop before that happened.  Not surprisingly, telling her that only made her work me that much harder.  Not much longer after, I called out her name as she milked me with her mouth, savoring every last drop I had for her.

When she lifted her head and sat back on her heels, I could see just how turned on she was and knew exactly what she needed.

“Get your ass up here, Em,” I demanded.

She came up next to me and sat there.

“Sit on my face.”

Her face flushed.  I fucking loved it when she got shy like this.  She was having a tough time following through on it, so I snaked an arm out between her legs and wrapped it around her backside.  I pulled her over toward me.  Her hands went to the headboard and she had no choice but to straddle my face.  I swiped my tongue through her pussy.  Drenched.  She always was for me.  I ate.  I loved the taste of her.  I kept my hands at her succulent ass as I continued to work her with my mouth.  She was moaning and her breathing became more and more shallow.  I pushed my tongue inside of her knowing that would send her over the edge.  Sure enough, the moment I did that and I dug my fingers into the cheeks of her ass making sure she didn’t pull away before I could see her through to the end, she came apart screaming my name.

She collapsed on the bed next to me and I laughed.  I loved seeing her like that, well-loved and sated.  I knew I wasn’t done with her yet this morning.

My phone rang on the nightstand at that moment so I gave Emme a minute to catch her breath and I picked up the phone.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“Hey Zane.  Sorry to call so early.  Charley had this idea this morning and she insisted I call everyone.  She wants the eight of us go out for breakfast.  Already called Luke and Stone.  They’re good to go.  You and Emme up for it?”

“I think I can talk her into it,” I said as she looked over at me.

“Ok.  Can you meet here at nine this morning?” he asked.

I looked over to the nightstand and saw it was only seven.  Plenty of time left to give my girl a few more orgasms and get to Wes and Charley’s place.

“Yeah, we can do that.”

“Alright man.  See you in a little bit.”


I disconnected the call and tossed the phone back onto the nightstand.

“What’s going on?” Emme asked.

“Charley wanted to have all eight of us go out for breakfast this morning.  Wes had to make the calls.  Luke and Stone are in.  I’m guessing Nikki and Monroe are considering they are staying with Charley and Wes.  You up for it?”

Her face lit up.  “Can I tell them we’re engaged?”

“Be pretty fucking disappointed if you didn’t,” I said, giving her a smile.

“How much time do we have before we need to leave?” she asked.

Yep.  My girl wanted more.

I sat up in the bed, reached over to pick her up, and said, “Enough time for me to make love to you in the shower.”

“Yay!” she said.

I couldn’t help but laugh she was so fucking cute.  I took her into the bathroom and we got in the shower.  I couldn’t wait to have her and I knew she wanted it so I took her against the wall the second we stepped inside.  After, we went about using the shower for its originally intended use.

We finished up, got out, and got ready.  I let Emme do her thing in the bathroom, knowing she’d need time to dry her hair and put on her make up.  She was feeling a little self-conscious about the now barely noticeable bruising on her eye.  To me, she was beautiful regardless, but I knew she felt better being able to cover it up.  I left her to it.

I finished getting ready and waited for her.  When she stepped out of the bathroom about twenty-five minutes later with her hair done and her make up on.  She had a look on her face that told me something was on her mind.


“Yeah, Em?”

She looked away from me, struggling to get it out.  I got up from the couch and walked toward where she was standing, still wrapped up in the towel.

“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” I asked, gently.

“Nothing is wrong.  I just…um, I…you told me to tell you when I needed something.”

“Absolutely.  What do you need?”

Her hooded forest green eyes came to mine and the color swirling in them told me what she needed.  I smiled at her and put my hand to the back collar of my shirt.  I lifted it over my head, tossed it aside, and dropped my pants and boxer briefs next.  Putting my hand to the top of the towel I pulled at the part she had tucked in and opened it up.  As it fell to the floor I picked her up, captured her mouth with mine, and carried her over to the bed.  Then, I gave my girl what she needed.




We were in the truck on the way over to meet up with our friends and Emme was bursting at the seams she was so excited.  If I had known she was going to be this happy about it I would have asked her to marry me a long time ago.

After our last love-making session this morning, we got dressed and called her parents before leaving the house.  I know part of her wanted to tell them first, but she didn’t want to do it over the phone.  We told them our plans to have breakfast out with our friends, but that we’d be by to pick them up later that morning to go to my parents’ house.  They were fine with the arrangements and said they’d be ready when we got there.

We pulled into the driveway and saw that Luke and Stone’s vehicles were already there.  I was thankful because I wasn’t sure Emme would be able to wait to share the news.  I parked the truck and said, “Ready?”

She nodded her head furiously with a huge smile on her face.

I laughed, got out of the truck, and came around to help her out.  The garage door was open so we walked through the garage and up to the man door.  I knocked first and then opened the door as we heard Wes yell from inside, “Come in.”

Emme and I went in and walked into the kitchen.  Everyone gave a quick hello to acknowledge us, but Monroe must have noticed something was off.

“Wait a minute,” she started.  “What’s going on with you, babe?  Why are you so giddy?”

Emme turned to look at me.  I nodded at her.

“Zane and I are getting married,” she announced with the biggest smile on her face.

The girls all started screaming and ran over to hug her.  Luke and Stone stepped back.  I’m not sure if it was from the yelling or to simply get out of the way.  Wes, Luke, and Stone all congratulated me with a handshake or a slap on the back.

“Oh my God, look at that ring!” Charley shouted.

“Congratulations, Em!  You’re going to make the most beautiful bride,” Monroe said, getting teary eyed.

I looked to Stone and saw him watching her.  Maybe I’d have to have a chat with him.  He had no idea what he was missing out on and if Emme could get past what happened to her and find love, maybe he could, too.

“Can’t wait to hear the story, babe,” Nikki said.

Charley’s eyes came to me and she claimed, “I told you she’d be worth it.  Thank you for giving my best friend the love she deserves, Zane.  Congratulations!”

She came over and gave me a congratulatory hug, followed by Nikki, and then Monroe.  When Monroe pulled back she quietly revealed, “I’m so happy for the two of you.  Emme’s about as special as they come, so you’ve struck gold with her.  If one day I can find someone who loves me half as much as I can see that you love her I think I could be a very happy woman.”

Even though I knew she was genuinely happy for Emme and I, I could see the sadness in her eyes.  Emme was right; Monroe wanted to find love.  I kept my voice quiet when I spoke to her.  “Not for nothing, but Emme’s talked a bit about you.  I’ve heard you’re pretty special yourself.  Whatever you do, don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.  Someone would be very lucky to have you,” I said on a wink.

Her eyes widened, realizing that Emme had shared something personal.  I questioned it a moment, but then she broke out into a smile and said, “Thank you, Zane.  I hope you’re right.”

She turned around and I looked to my side.  Stone was looking at me inquisitively.  I gave him a look that said he needed to shit or get off the pot.

I turned my attention back to Emme.  Wes had pulled her into a hug and congratulated her.  When she turned around, Luke wrapped an arm around her shoulder and said, “Congratulations, babe.”

“Thanks, Luke,” she answered.

“Happy for you both, sweet cheeks,” Stone said as he pulled her into a hug.  “Congratulations.”

“Thank you.”

Emme let the girls know that her parents were in town and that we were picking them up after breakfast to go to my parents’ house.  We didn’t want to waste any time so we took off and went out for breakfast.

Most of breakfast was spent with the girls asking about every single detail of the engagement story.  Emme explained how she had packed up her bags yesterday morning and how I subsequently told her she wasn’t moving out.  Then, of course, when she was downstairs visiting with her parents later that morning and I put all her stuff back where it belonged, which was not in the suitcase.  The conversation moved to Nikki and Monroe’s move out to Rising Sun and their living arrangements.  Charley suggested that since she was now living with Wes and Emme was living with me that they take over the condo.  The girls seemed happy with that and then told Emme that they found a place earlier for them to rent together where Monroe would be able to have her dance studio and Nikki could open her salon.  They signed a lease for it already even though they still needed a couple weeks back in California to tie up loose ends.

We finished up at breakfast and told everyone we’d see them tomorrow night for Emme’s birthday celebration.  Before we left we got a final round of congratulations from the gang and took off to pick up Emme’s parents.

“I want to wait until we are all together at your parents’ place before we tell anyone about the engagement.  Are you alright with that?” Emme asked as we pulled into the hotel parking lot.

“Whatever you want to do, Em, I’m good with it.”

When we pulled up to the front door to the hotel, Emme sent a text to her mom’s phone letting her know we were outside.  A few minutes later, they walked out and Vince helped his wife in before he came around to the other side and let himself in.  Emme spent the drive talking with her parents about Nikki and Monroe’s upcoming move to Wyoming.  Ten minutes later, we arrived at my parents’ house.

Vince and I both hopped out of the truck and made our way around it to help our women out.  We made our way up the walkway to the front door.  I pushed my key into the door lock, opened it, and let everyone walk in ahead of me.  As soon as we were all inside I heard my mom yell, “David, Levi, and Cruz, Zane is here with Emme and her family.”

“Hi, you must be Mr. and Mrs. James.  I’m Zane’s mom, Trisha,” my mom said extending her hand to them.

“Pleased to meet you, Trisha.  I’m Valerie and this is my husband, Vince.”

My mom’s eyes went to Emme and she asked, “Emme, honey, how are you feeling?”

“Much better, Trisha.  Thanks for asking.”

“Thank you, Trisha,” Vince piped up.  “Emme told us that you are a doctor and you came to Zane’s house to check her out so she didn’t have to go to the hospital.  We appreciate what you did for her.”

My dad and my brothers walked out before my mom could respond.

“Hey Emme,” Levi said, coming up to give her a hug.  “Feeling better?”

She nodded and introduced Levi to her parents.

“Heard you own the company that was responsible for keeping Emme safe after that asshole, pardon my French, resurfaced.  Was also told you that it was because of you and your boys that she was found so quickly after he took her,” Vince said.  “Thank you for finding my baby.”

“You’re welcome,” Levi acknowledged.

“Also heard you did it pro bono,” Vince continued.

Levi shrugged his shoulders and pointed out, “Emme’s family.  That’s what you do.”

My dad approached next and introduced himself to them.  He then walked over to Emme, gave her a hug, and said, “It’s good to see you getting around better, darling.”

After, Cruz walked up to Emme, put an arm around her shoulder, kissed the top of her head, and said, “Hey, beautiful.  You doing alright?”

“I’m doing really well, Cruz,” she said.  “These are my parents, Valerie and Vince.  Mom, Dad, this is Zane’s younger brother, Cruz.”

“Cruz?” Vince called, extending his hand.

“Yes, sir.  It’s nice to meet you both,” Cruz answered as he shook Vince’s hand.

“You got to her first and you were the one who got her out of there,” Vince reminded Cruz quietly, still holding on to Cruz’s hand.  Cruz nodded.  Then, Vince surprised them all by pulling Cruz into a hug.  “I owe you,” he bit out, his voice hoarse.

When he pulled back, he looked to Cruz, Levi, and me before he added, “I owe all three of you.”

I wasn’t as surprised as everyone else that he had pulled Cruz into a hug.  He had done the same thing with me the day before when he asked to speak with me privately.  He felt indebted to us for what we did for Emme.  I understood it, but he wasn’t realizing that Emme was our family now, too, and that we loved her just as much as he did.

Emme’s eyes came to mine and she mouthed, “I can’t wait; you tell them.”

I nodded at her and said, “Vince, it’s ok.  We understand how you feel.  I do, especially.  Told my brothers that day that I owed them for what they did.  They wanted nothing, except for Cruz.”

“Whatever it is, I’ll give it to him.  Anything,” Vince said.

“You can’t give it to him,” I started as I looked to Cruz.  “It was something he wanted me to give him and I’m happy to say I no longer owe him.”

Cruz’s head jerked back and he asked, “Are you shittin’ me?”

I shook my head.

“Feel like you’re talking in circles here, Zane,” my dad said.  “What’s going on?  And Cruz, how dare you ask for anything?”

“Relax, Dad.  Cruz was the first on the scene.  He dealt with Miller and got Emme out of that basement.  When Levi and I arrived, Emme was sleeping.  She felt safe enough with Cruz to be able to give into the exhaustion she was feeling and sleep.  Knowing what he did for her, I felt like I owed him my life.  Cruz told me the only thing he wanted was for me to get Emme home, to take care of her, and when I thought she was ready for it he wanted a sister-in-law.”

“Wait, what?!” my mom shrieked.

“Last night I asked Emme to marry me and she said yes.”

“Oh, Zane.  I’m going to have a daughter now,” my mom said as tears filled her eyes and she pulled me into a hug.  “Congratulations, honey.  I’m so happy for you.”

She pulled Emme into a hug next and congratulated her.  Emme’s parents and my dad congratulated me.  When I turned around I saw Cruz had pulled Emme into a hug and congratulated her.  When he pulled back, he put his hands to her shoulders and joked, “Just so you know, when I asked for him to give me a sister-in-law, he said he had already planned on it.  Wanted to make sure you knew that he didn’t ask you to marry him just for me.”

Emme laughed and thanked Cruz.

Levi walked up to her next, kissed her on the forehead, and said, “Welcome to the family, Em.  Couldn’t be more happy for my brother that he found someone who loves him the way you do.  He’s a lucky man.  Congratulations.”

“Thank you, Levi.”

My dad congratulated Emme as Levi and Cruz both came over to do the same with me.  Emme’s mom walked up to her next.  Valerie framed her daughter’s face in her hands and said, “Emme, my dear, congratulations.  I never thought you’d ever get yourself out of the depression you were in.  I’m so grateful to Zane for loving you and making you see the good in the world again.  You deserve every bit of happiness the world has to offer and I’m happy you have a good man by your side, with whom you can experience that.  I love you.”

Emme’s eyes were filled with unshed tears as she pulled her mom into a hug and said, “I love you, too, mom.”

When they separated, Vince stood in front of his daughter.  “Princess…the day you came to your mother and me and told us you were moving away was one of the worst days of my life.  I was bitter about it.  My little girl was sad and broken and she was moving a thousand miles away.  It’s been just under a year since you moved away and the girl I see standing before me now is the Emme we remember before her spirit was shattered.  I hated that you left, but it was clearly what you needed to get your life back.  Yesterday, when Zane asked me for permission to marry you I didn’t hesitate to tell him he had my blessing.  I knew the day he told me on the phone that he made a chocolate cake with you not because he likes baking but because it makes you happy that this man would do absolutely anything for you.  It is evident to me that Zane and his entire family love you as if you were their own.  It’s going to be another year before I retire and your mother and I can move out here to be closer to you, but I know we can at least go home now confident that you are surrounded by people who will love and care for you no matter what happens.  I’m so relieved you found someone like Zane to spend your life with because I have no doubts that he’ll treat you with the love and respect you deserve.  Congratulations, princess.”

“Daddy,” Emme barely squeaked out as she wrapped her arms around her father’s waist. He held her for a minute before she pulled back and asked, “Are you and mom really going to move out here?”

“I expect you’re going to give me grand babies one day.  I’m not missing out on that,” he shared.

Fuck.  I hadn’t thought about it before now, but the moment Vince said those words I realized I couldn’t wait to see Emme carrying my child.  My eyes drifted down her body and I tried to picture her with a belly growing a baby.  Emme snapped me out of my thoughts when she turned toward me and warned, “Stop looking at me like you are ready to make that happen now.  I’m nowhere near ready for a baby, Zane.”

I gave her a grin, pressed a kiss to her lips, wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and turned with her as we followed everyone into the family room.  The meet and greet, combined with the engagement announcement, had officially been a success.

As we walked out into the family room all I could do was think to myself how lucky I was to have found this incredible woman with whom to spend the rest of my life.  I knew I’d spend the rest of forever proving to her that she didn’t make a mistake when she chose to put her heart in my hands.




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