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First Time Lucky by Chance Carter (6)

Chapter 6


“Don’t you think it’s disgusting?”

I didn’t realize Sasha’s nasally question was directed at me until the whole table turned to look, waiting for my answer. I’d been pushing peas around on my plate for the past several minutes, completely absorbed in my thoughts. The meatloaf looked especially drab today, and since I had no idea what Sasha was talking about, I figured that was probably it.

“Yep, pretty gross,” I said. “Further evidence for my assertion that we’re served the same food as the county jail.”

That was not the right answer. Sasha rolled her eyes.

“Were you even listening?”

“Not really,” I answered. It grated on me that Sasha expected everyone to pay her the utmost attention at all times. She had a whole table of people listening to her tirade, whatever it was today. Why did it matter if I zoned out for a bit?

Sasha rolled her eyes again. “I was commenting on how that Shane Kelly guy has finally shown his true colors. We should get him barred from prom.”

Ah, that was why she wanted my input. I hadn’t told anyone about my day in the woods with Shane, or about our kiss, but it wasn’t because I was ashamed. The moment just felt too private to ruin by having Sasha pronounce her opinion on it. Right now it was something special, a moment I didn’t have to share with anyone other than the only person who mattered.

Still, Sasha heard that Shane was trying to talk to me the other day and for some reason was determined to draw from me some condemnation. Not today.

“We only know one side of the story,” I replied. “I’d say it’s none of our business. Besides, you’re not even going to prom. Why do you care?”

I swear I heard someone down the line gasp. A look of pure alarm splayed across Sasha’s features, but my satisfaction was brief. A second later she composed herself and gave me a look so cold I swore I saw my breath.

“Just because I don’t plan on going to prom doesn’t mean I think they should let in that kind of low life,” she spat back. “Rob and Wes are our friends. Are you saying they’re liars?”

All Wes had said about “the incident” was that Rob made a joke and Shane flew off the handle. Rob hadn’t said anything because he wouldn’t be saying anything for a long while. His jaw was wired shut until it healed, but Wes was doing enough talking for the both of them. The whole school knew by now that Shane was a psychopathic freak with anger issues. Or, at least, that’s what Wes was peddling. I didn’t buy it for a second.

“I’m saying that you should be a little bit more discerning about your information before you start trying to start some rally against someone you don’t even know.”

“Whatever Miss Virgin Brigade, defender of the ‘innocent’.” Sasha put the word “innocent” in air quotes and scrunched up her face. “All I’m saying is that Shane better watch his back. He got lucky with that cheap shot at Rob. He won’t be so lucky next time.”

I was finished with this conversation. Christ, I was finished with this school. Every day people squawked about this drama or that drama, but nobody ever really said anything. When Shane and I talked, we talked. We listened. We didn’t presume or pass judgement just because it helped the time go by. When all was said and done, I wanted my life to mean something, and I couldn’t understand why Sasha and her ilk wouldn’t want the same.

I let the buzz of the cafeteria fill my ears as my friends continued their conversation. I’d already given up on eating the rest of my food and pushed my tray away, staring off into the distance and zoning out instead. I imagined what life would be like a year from now. I’d probably be in some crappy apartment in one of New York’s outer boroughs, working nights at a diner to make ends meet while I beat the pavement looking for audition opportunities during the day. I held no unrealistic fantasies about my life there. I knew it was a long shot that I’d ever get a job on Broadway, even one mopping up vomit. I knew it was going to be a monumental change of pace for my life, and that the comforts I’d gotten used to and the way of life I’d grown accustomed to would change. I was ready. I could deal with a shoebox for a home and a shower that never got hot if it meant that there was even a one in a million chance that I’d get to go for my dream. Staying here would mean more stability and more comfort, but there wasn’t that much of a chance for me here either. I needed to leave.

Shane came into my thoughts of New York unexpectedly. He just walked up to my door one day and knocked. Shane would appreciate and understand the sacrifices I would have to make. He would probably think my rinky-dink apartment was charming. Perfect. And he would support me more than any of my so-called friends ever would. Him going into the military didn’t quite fit into my fantasy, but it was a fantasy for a reason, right? We could live in New York together, and the only time we’d ever talk about Sitka Valley would be to laugh about the crazy place we used to live and how glad we were to get out of there.

“Earth to Dallas,” said Patrice, waving a hand in front of my face.

I snapped back to focus and blinked, smiling at her. “Sorry. Zoned out.”

“I was asking you if you’re going to your locker before science?”


“Cool. I’ll come with.”

Our school’s science labs were on the opposite end of the building to our lockers, so when Patrice and I had science right after lunch it was prudent to leave a couple of minutes early to grab our stuff. I was happy for the escape. Sasha barely noticed when we pushed out our chairs, too busy entertaining the rest of the table with the story of the bar she snuck into last weekend. I’d heard the story twice already. Apparently, her next target was Satan’s Perch. Typical.

Patrice and I headed down the hall together silently. I could tell there was something she wanted to ask me, but I couldn’t be bothered to find out what it was.

We reached our lockers, and I started fiddling with my lock. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I spun around in alarm, only to find a familiar pair of green eyes laughing down at me.

“Relax,” Shane murmured. “You’re so jumpy.”

I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. “It’s been a weird day.”

“I’m listening.”

I glanced over at Patrice a few lockers down. She was staring at the exchange with wide eyes but dipped her head back behind her locker door when she saw me looking.

“Not something I want to talk about here,” I said, grimacing. “Tell me something good.”

Shane rested a palm against the side of my locker, leaning in toward me. I thought he might kiss me and my heart somersaulted and did a back flip, my eyes flitting from his to those sensuous pink lips that had brought me so much pleasure the last time they touched mine.

“Is there somewhere we can talk alone?” he asked.

Shane was close enough for me to feel his heat. Sandwiched against my locker, it felt like we were the only two people in the world.

Nonetheless, we were in the middle of the hallway, and the bell was about to ring. There were better places for us to chat.

“Yeah.” I nodded, not taking my eyes off his. “Just let me grab my binder, and we can go outside for a minute. I can’t be late for science though.”

Shane pushed off from my locker and fixed me with a goofy grin. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t want to do anything that might impact your education.”

Why did everything he said have to sound so amazingly dirty? He could read me tax law, and I’d still get that warm ache in my core that told me my body wanted him. No, not wanted—craved.

I turned back to my locker, conscious of his eyes on me and glad I wore the jeans that made my butt look good. A grin spread across my lips, and I locked my locker, only to turn around and have that smile fall away.

Shane wasn’t alone anymore. Wes and Nelson were standing on either side of him now, smiling and talking with him like they were best friends.

The only thing wrong with the picture was Shane, who looked about as comfortable as a stool made of snakes. His handsome features were stony, his fists clenched at his sides. My stomach jumped into my throat, and I couldn’t quite tell why.

Patrice appeared at my elbow. “We should get to class.”

I frowned over at her. “Not yet. Shane and I were just about-—“

“Shane forgot he had a prior engagement,” Wes interjected. “I’m afraid we’ve got a meeting. Football stuff, you understand.”

“I don’t understand,” I said, trying to keep the wobble out of my voice. Why was I so scared all of the sudden? Was it the shine in Wes’s eyes? Was it the feeling of tension in the air? “Shane got kicked off the football team, didn’t he?”

“Dallas, it’s fine,” Shane said.

“Yeah, Dallas,” sneered Nelson. “It’s fine.”

“Come on, Shane.” Wes clapped Shane on the back so hard his shoulder jutted forward, but he showed no signs of pain. “Let’s leave the girls to their class.”

I stepped forward, ready to do whatever I could to intervene. Something about the situation didn’t feel right. But Shane merely shook his head, stopping me in my tracks.

Then the guys turned and headed off down the hall, laughing and joking like they didn’t have a care in the world. I watched them depart and Patrice tugged on my elbow insistently until I relented and walked to class.