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Just an Illusion - Unplugged (The Illusion Series Book 4) by D. Kelly (8)

Skeletons Never Stay Hidden

The past few days I’ve been a grade A asshole. I’ve either been quiet, or I’ve snapped some pretty inappropriate comments at Princess. Today, she broke. And when she did, so did my sanity. I’ve never wanted to pull someone into my arms and kiss their pain away the way I did when she confessed she’s actually Amelia Triton.

Everything that was puzzling me finally clicked into place. Belle’s concern. Mel’s reaction to touring, the way she handles the groupies like a motherfucking boss, and her extensive musical knowledge.

After her breakdown and a few tequila shots, we came back to the bus for a chill day. I was mostly quiet, taking everything in while the guys joked with her. And while I sat back and thought about how much we had in common—from our jaded hearts to the familial heartbreak, to our love of Pop-Tarts, and even to having the same tastes in pizza—I became sort of peaceful.

She was curled up with Noah, and he was the one taking care of her, loving her, and then he called her his girlfriend and embarrassed her. It was fucking sweet, and everything both of them deserve.

No matter how much I like her, she’s meant to be with Noah. I need to get out of my head. Open myself up and finally let someone inside. If Noah can have something like that, something so fucking special, well … I should be able to have it too. If I’m only lucky enough to find a woman like Amelia.

When she talked about the love/hate relationship her parents had, it was as if I could feel her fears rising to the surface. But when she said their attraction was painful, she looked right at me. Maybe I’m being presumptuous, but I think that’s why she pushed me away. She felt our chemistry through her entire being, just like I did.

It was nice getting to know her on a whole other level. I about died when she said she used to be Eli’s girlfriend. Noah has never liked Eli, but I think he’s an okay guy. I can empathize with him in a way. If I’d knocked someone up at sixteen, I might have done the same thing he did. In fact, I’m sure I would have. I’m not adverse to the thought of monogamy; I might actually prefer it if it meant ditching condoms. What I’m adverse to is the concept of relationships. At least I was until I got all wrapped up in her.

As I take another sip of my coffee, Mel comes into the kitchen. “Good morning.” I lift my cup in a greeting and she flashes me that pretty smile of hers.

“Good morning. Ready for our interview?” Without pausing, she heads straight to the coffee maker.

Not really, but I guess there’s no time like the present. We shoot the shit while I get a refill on my coffee, and she looks around for something to eat other than Pop-Tarts. I can’t blame her. I don’t usually eat this many toaster pastries either, but there’s something about being able to sit down and share something tangible with her that makes me happy.

As we dance around the sexual tension that always mounts between us and start comparing our strengths and weaknesses, I decide to be honest with her. Part of my vow to start opening up to people. She’s still talking, and I pull myself from my thoughts so we can have a real discussion.

“Art. I can’t draw to save my life, not even a straight line with a ruler. Dealing with anything emotional, I’ll avoid it like the plague. Drinking, I always hit my limit sooner than I think I will. I bypass pleasantly drunk and end up shit faced more often than not. I think the worst is apologizing. I’ve recently come to realize I owe someone a huge one, sooner rather than later.”

Just like that she has me comparing us again. Maybe we will be better off as friends because we’re so much alike it’s scary.

“I’m pretty bad at apologizing too,” I answer, taking the seat across from her. “As a matter of fact, I probably owe you one for kissing you the night we met. I thought …” I shake my head to keep myself from getting lost in the memory. “Well, it doesn’t really matter what I thought. The point is, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t. I was caught off guard for sure, but that kiss was not unwelcome.” Her answer is firm but utterly sincere.

Unfortunately, my reply sounds like a plea for help. “Then why?”

“Why did I push you away only to turn around and start dating your brother?”

With my head down, I answer with a nod while fiddling with my coffee cup. I wanted to open up to her but not lay all my insecurities at her feet. Dammit.

“Look at me, Sawyer … please.”

Her hazel eyes bore into me with a fierce determination. She’s so fucking sexy.

“I’ve got a bad history of dating and sleeping with musicians. You and I … we’re combustible, and our chemistry is off the charts. But I had to go off the only information I had, and that was my past and your bad reputation. I’m sorry I misjudged you.”

“You think you misjudged me?” No one in my life has ever admitted to that, and when she reaches across the table, taking my hand in hers, the line between us blurs even further. I’m so screwed. Two steps forward and three steps back.

“Yes, I know I did. You put on a brave front, Sawyer, but underneath your bad-boy persona, you’re a good man. There’s so much more to you than what you let people think.”

She’s got no clue what her words mean to me, but I try hard to brush them off.

“Thanks, but it doesn’t matter now. You’re with Noah, and he likes you a lot.”

“I like him too.”

“Enough to risk your job, apparently.” And I’m back to being an asshole. Why do I do this to her? Or to myself?

“At first, no, and I’m scared to death about what this could mean for my job. My number-one goal is to tell the best story I can and be able to shed light on the real men of Bastards and Dangerous. Noah managed to work his way into my heart, and it’s not an easy thing to do. I never saw it coming until it was too late.”

“So you love him?” My question makes her uncomfortable, even though her answer is written all over her face.

“I’m not sure,” she hedges before rushing to continue. “You all have become like a second family to me, and considering Belle is really the only family I have anymore, it means a lot to me to have you in my life. I love you all in that aspect.”

“Did you just friend-zone my brother?” With the flip of a switch, I become Noah’s defender. I need to get a fucking life.

“No, not at all, Sawyer. It’s not in my nature to let people into my heart easily. Noah is pushing past my defenses for sure. However, when and if I decide I’m in love with your brother, he’s going to be the first to know. Okay?”

“Fair enough.”

Her hand still covers mine. The heat between us sizzles between our fingers, and our eyes are locked on our hands. If I don’t move now, I’m going to kiss her.

“Can you sit on the couch with me? I’d like to tell you a story. This isn’t for the book, but after you shared with us yesterday, and now knowing your feelings about us all, I think you should know something about me and my family.”

“Of course,” she says with a small smile as I carry our coffees to the couch.

The anticipation in her eyes is more than I can handle. She looks at me like I’m about to ravish her body, and my cock jerks at the thought. I’m not worried about it though, what I’m going to tell her next would kill anyone’s hard-on.

A few days ago, after telling Mel about finding J and his family, I felt like we crossed some invisible barrier. We moved from the fine line we were walking into friendship. It was a good feeling.

So why is it that I’m running on the treadmill letting my frustration with Noah and Mel’s relationship fuel the energy I’m putting into my workout?

With sweat pouring down my body, I try to shake the images of Noah and Mel kissing in front of us all as they proved a point to Belle. Well, as Noah proved a point, and not for the first time either. He hasn’t mentioned it since the hotel, but I’ve seen the looks he’s given me. I know he wonders if I’ve let her go. Fuck me, I’ve tried, but she’s under my skin like a damn tick.

Darren enters the bus and stands in front of me with crossed arms. “You’re not fooling anyone, least of all Noah. This is going to come to a head sooner or later.”

“Nothing to come to a head over,” I answer, keeping up my pace.

“Mmhm,” is his only reply.

“We’re going to Sully’s tonight anyway.” I say, finally slowing down a bit now that he’s here to distract me.


“And I’m hoping to get laid.”

“Well, that would be a good thing. You’re a grump lately,” Noah says, entering the bus.

Darren snorts. “You know you’re being an asshole when even Noah is wishing for you to get laid.”

I’ve slowed to a walk so I can move onto some weights in a minute. Noah is eyeing me suspiciously, and it’s starting to get on my nerves.

“Just say whatever it is you’re thinking, Noah. Please.”

He sits on the bike and throws his hands in the air. “You’re different this tour. Moodier but also more reflective. Even sex isn’t helping you for long. What gives?”

“I’m exhausted! Two back-to-back tours sucks, and I’m pissed off about having to retire. What do you want from me? Life is changing, and I have no control over it. The anniversary is coming up, and because of our schedule, I can’t even be with J this year. This is the first time, Noah, the first fucking time we’re not going to be together on that day.”

“Shit …” Noah and Darren whisper at the same time.

I didn’t mean to lay into him like that, but other than Mel, I’ve got more than enough stuff on my mind. She’s just the cherry on my shit sundae.

“I’m sorry, I really thought it had something to do with Mel. I know how much you hate change and uncertainty. Forgive me?”

Noah’s sincerity floors me, but I’m hoping I can use it in my favor.

“Depends. Can you officially stop trying to blame fucking everything on Princess? She’s doing her job, and I’m doing mine the best I can. The last thing we need is for you to keep making trouble where there isn’t any, Noah. We’re never going to have a repeat of Marilyn, okay?”

Darren shoots me a knowing glare. He knows I’m using Noah’s guilt against him, but hell, it’s the only way to get past this because I am not going to steal his girl. No matter how much I may want to.

“Okay. I’m sorry, Sawyer.”

The bus falls into silence. The only sounds are the machines we’re using and our breathing. The loudest thing in the room is all our unsaid thoughts. For the first time ever, I can’t wait for this tour to be over.

“You’re a mess, but you look hot.”

“Bethie, there’s something inherently wrong with you calling me hot these days,” I say, pulling her into a hug.

“Shut up. I’m married, not dead. Besides, it’s not like you’ve never not been hot. You’re just not my type.”

The setting sun glimmers off her wedding ring as I release her. “Don’t I know it. You’ve got a thing for the tall, blond, tatted, pierced, quiet types with smoldering blue eyes. Maybe I should find one of those too.”

“Maybe you should,” she answers with a twinkle in her eyes. “But Wyatt is mine, so back off.”

“Uh, I meant one of the female persuasion, but if I ever decide to swing the other way I’ll stay away from your man.”

“Good. I heard you blew up at Noah today. Wanna talk about it?”

“Nah, I’m good. I’m just stressed it wasn’t about Mel. Well, not exactly.”

She squeezes my hand. “Just remember, I’m here for you. I’m worried about you, Sawyer. I knew before Mel showed up how hard this tour was going to be for you. Now things are even more complicated.”

“Things will be fine.” The more I say it, the more I hope I’ll believe it myself.

“I know, but do me a favor and have fun tonight. Sully’s is one of your favorite places and, hopefully, Rieanne will be there. She’ll cheer you up for sure, and if you have to, you can get it on with some random. Just remember—”

“To double bag it. I know, Bethie, I know.”

She rises on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek. “I’m going to go finish getting ready. Then we’re going to have fun if it kills us.”

When she goes back inside, I take a seat on the bench across the parking lot. I’m scrolling through my email when my phone buzzes in my hand. It’s a Facebook notification … from Noah. When I click on it, I realize how much of a dick I was earlier.

Going out tonight with my brothers to one of our favorite places in the world. Nights like these are what life is all about. Friends, family, and fun. #Twinning #Westons

He uploaded a behind-the-scenes picture of the four of us from our photo shoot a few weeks ago that Mel took. It’s a great picture. I’ve got to start being a better brother. Noah is my best friend, and that means everything to me. I hit the heart on his photo and comment.


That’s about as much Facebooking as I ever do. I only have one to see family shit, and Noah rarely ever posts to his—he doesn’t like to seem braggy. Noah couldn’t be braggy if he tried; he’s too busy being nice.

A little while later, we’re seated in a booth. I’m the only one without a date, but that’s okay by me. There’s a hot little blonde eyeing me up from across the way. I’ll hit that before the night is over, but I’m enjoying being with my friends right now. Noah and Mel have been super cute and affectionate all night. They’re good together. My mind knows that, and so does my heart … my libido, on the other hand, needs to catch the fuck up.

Rhymin’ Rieanne is sitting in her usual booth. She’s not with the Poindexter this time, and I’m kind of disappointed about it. I don’t know why I like imagining her life, but I was rooting for their relationship to work. This time she’s with a guy who looks like he could bench press her with his pinky. He’s about Mac’s size, and their fingers are laced together on top of the table. I’m curious to see what she comes up with, but I’m even more curious to hear Mel sing.

Rumor had it she was going to make an album before Joey Triton died. If those rumors are true, she supposedly has the voice of an angel. It would make sense, coming from two musicians, that she’s got the voice to back up the rumors.

The night passes quickly with lots of shots and laughs. Rieanne killed it as usual, and the expressions on Belle and Mel’s faces are priceless.

After our song, the hot blonde waves at me and motions for me to come to her table. “You guys were really good.”

“Thanks. What’s your name?”

She pats the empty chair next to her, and I take a seat. “Darla, and you’re …”

“Sawyer, but you already know that, don’t you?”

“Maybe, but I know how to keep a secret.”

I’m sure she does. Darla’s pretty, and if she’s willing, she’s exactly the kind of distraction I need tonight. “Well, Darla, my friends are about to sing, and then I’m going to get out of here. Interested in having some fun with me back on my bus?”

“What kind of fun?” she whispers sensually into my ear.

“The kind that will have you riding my cock and screaming my name.”

“Sounds like my kind of fun. I’m in.”

Belle and Mel are making their way to the stage, and Mel doesn’t look happy. The two of them are pretty drunk; I wonder how well this is actually going to go over. When the music starts, Belle pushes Princess, and I glance back at Noah quickly before turning my attention back to the stage.

It’s an act; they must have done this song before in a routine of some sort. Belle is horrible. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard someone so God-awful at karaoke before, but Princess? Damn, she’s got pipes and knows how to use them. As I watch them, it’s like everything around me has disappeared. There’s no crowd, no noise, only the two of them and their singing.

Right now, I don’t care about Noah and Mel’s relationship, all I care about is getting her to sing with me. With us. Noah keeps telling me I should write songs for others, and it’s never really sounded appealing, but fuck … I’d kill to write songs for Mel to sing.

I turn around to see how the guys are reacting. Each of them and Anna are captivated. I catch Wyatt wincing when Belle sings, but Darren eases the blow by calling out “Yeah baby!” Or maybe he’s trying to be kind by drowning her out. Noah is enraptured, and I can’t say I blame him. If my girl had pipes like that, I don’t even think we’d make it back to the bus before I was fucking her. That voice is a serious turn on with just the right balance of a bluesy, jazz feel.

Maybe it’s a good thing Joey never got her in the studio. Nothing she would have sung back then could have done that sultry voice justice. Especially not with rock star parents and a boy band leader for a boyfriend. I know music is a touchy subject for her, but one day, the two of us are going to have a serious talk about her musical future.

When she and Belle finish, I turn to Darla. “Ready, sweetheart?”

Her eyes glaze over at the fake term of endearment. Sweetheart is all they ever are to me. With that one word, their panties drench, and their eyes glaze over with lust. Every. Single. Time. It seems to make them feel special, and since they’re never getting anything else from me other than a good fuck, I can at least give them that.

“More than. Let me grab my purse.”

As we were walking out of the bar, Mel and Anna made some pretty shitty sexual comments to me. I know they’re being protective, but they could have cost me my hookup and I need to get laid. Thankfully, Darla is pretty laid back and they didn’t succeed at wrecking my night.

“Your friends are …” She grasps for the right word as Mac pulls the car up.

“It’s okay, you can call them assholes. They’re just looking out for me.”

Once we’re settled inside, she replies, “You don’t seem like the kind of guy who needs looking out for. Breath mint?” She holds one out to me. Mom always says never turn down a mint; it could be someone’s polite way of letting you know your breath is offensive. After hours of tequila and appetizers, that could be a good possibility.

“Sure, thanks.” After popping it in my mouth, I practically choke it down. “Are you sure this is a mint? It tastes like shit.”

Blushing, she pulls out a different tin. “Sorry, those must be the gag gift ones my brother gave me. I didn’t have the heart to take them out of my purse. Here, try this.”

This one tastes much better and knocks the bitterness out of my mouth. Now I can give her my full attention. As I slide my hand up her thigh, she hums in appreciation. “Everyone needs looking out for every once in a while. I don’t mind it when it comes from people who know me well.”

Nodding at my response to her earlier question, she laces her fingers in mine. Trying not to be a dick, I count to three before pulling them away. Holding hands isn’t on the menu, not with anyone.

“What do you do, Darla?”

I hate making small talk, but I’m not about to devour her in front of Mac. We’re almost back at the bus anyway.

“I’m the cheer coach at the local high school, and I also teach home ec.”

That makes so much sense. I’ve learned not to judge women at first glance, but I swear everything about her screams cheerleader. It’s fine with me; that means she’s flexible.

“Sounds like a fun job.” Mac pulls into the lot where our buses are, and I unsnap my seatbelt and lean across and nip at her neck. Her eyes flutter closed, and I feel her skin heat against my lips. “Want to play naughty teacher with me Ms. …?”

“Ms. Davis, and hell yeah.”

Once we’re on the bus, I watch out the window as Mac pulls away and goes back to Sully’s. Anna and Mel’s comments as I was leaving the club are nagging at me. Normally they wouldn’t, but for some reason, I’m sensitive tonight. I swear anger flared in Princess’s eyes when I said I was leaving with Darla. She almost seemed possessive.

Trying to shake off the sadness that’s beginning to weigh me down, I pull out my phone and turn on some music. After finding “Hot For Teacher” by Van Halen on my phone, I turn it up and pull her close. Her eyes are bright and dancing with happiness.

“Want a drink?”

She smiles at me like she has a secret. She’s so fucking cute, I don’t know why I didn’t realize it before now, and she smells incredible. Like bubble gum and sunshine.

“Sure, whatever you’re having is fine, and some water too, please.”

“You got it.” I kiss the tip of her nose and go into the kitchen. Water sounds fucking amazing right now. So does beer, but tequila is mandatory. After putting the tequila and shot glasses on the table, I go back for the beers and a couple of bottles of water.

“This tastes so good! What kind of beer is this?” she exclaims, looking at the bottle I just gave her. For some reason, her excitement makes me laugh.

“It’s only Corona, but it does taste good. Maybe because it’s extra-cold.”

“That must be it.”

After placing my empty bottle on the table, she follows suit, and I pull her close again. She lays her head on my chest, and we sway to the thumping music. I’m not even sure what song it is at this point, but it feels good as the music pulsates through my body. The scent of her shampoo is intoxicating, and I lean into her and sniff her hair.

“Why do you smell so fucking good? I swear I could eat you.”

She laughs and runs her hands through my hair. The sensation sends goose bumps down my arms. This isn’t chemistry, but it’s something, I just can’t put my finger on it. Until she kisses me. Our lips are like magnets, and her cries of pleasure resonate through my whole body. My dick goes from limp to full-on hard-on at warp speed. Before I know it, her legs are around my waist, and my hands are full of her luscious ass.

I don’t ever want to stop kissing her. As I make my way to the couch, she bites my lip, and I practically come in my pants. I’m on sensation overload, so I slap her ass, giving her a bit of payback. She throws her head back and grinds against me harder. “Do it again,” she begs as I finally sit with her in my lap.

Common sense tells me not to, that something is off here, but goddamn it feels good. Instead of spanking her, I squeeze her ass cheeks hard and pull her tighter to me. She cries out, and I unbutton and unzip her pants. With lightning speed, she jumps off me and kicks off her shoes and lowers her pants. While she’s doing that, I pull my shirt off, and when I look back at her, she’s completely naked.

“How did you do that so fast?”

She giggles before answering. “It wasn’t that fast. You stared at me for a while before taking off your shirt.”

“Yeah, but …”

She moves her hands to my cock, and I groan, suddenly forgetting everything but how it feels.

“You need to take your pants off so I can fuck you now.”

Her boldness is sexy, but when I stand and we’re eye to eye again, it hits me. “You drugged me, didn’t you?”

“No, baby, I enhanced our sexual experience, that’s all. Drugged is such a strong word. Besides, you can’t tell me you don’t do drugs occasionally. You’re a rock star.”

Fuck me.

“I don’t actually, not any … fuck …”

She’s on her knees, and her mouth is around my dick sucking like a Hoover. Moving my hands to her head, I fuck her mouth hard and fast. I’m already high; I might as well enjoy the ride and figure the rest out later.

Darla slurps and sucks and moans while she takes every inch of me down her throat. The girl has skills, or maybe it’s the drugs, but whatever it is I’ll take it. She surprises me when she slides her fingers into her pussy and fucks herself while she sucks me off.

Out of nowhere, Princess pops into my head and I shoot my load down Darla’s throat so fast I don’t even have time to warn her. Not that it would have mattered. She explodes onto her hand as she swallows everything I’m giving her.

I reach for her hand as she releases my dick from her mouth. I’m still half hard and horny as fuck. Using her cum-coated fingers, I trace them over my lips before lowering my mouth to hers. The mixture of both of our releases is heady, and I’m not sure which one of us is enjoying this kiss more.

Backing away slowly, I reach down and pick up my pants. After finding a condom, I open it and put it on. “Come on, let’s go to my room.”

“Oh, baby, beds are so boring.” She pushes me backward when I’m not expecting it, and I fall down to the couch cushion. She straddles me and kisses up my chest before pulling my lip ring with her teeth. “I want to fuck you here, in the brightly lit room, so I can watch you fall apart as you fill me with your cock. If you have more condoms, I’ll even let you fuck me in the ass.”

The thought of taking her in the ass derails any coherent plans of going back to my room. Any thoughts regarding the rules of the bus are quickly forgotten when she slides onto my length and moans my name. She rides me like a stallion, and the time passes in a sexual fugue. I’ve got no clue how long we’ve been going at it. Hours maybe, but it’s like I’ve been given the superpower of infinite fucking. My cock is rock-hard, and my erection doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

Time passes in a sensation-filled blur. She moves in all the right ways, makes all the right sounds, and even though I can’t stand when she calls me baby when she whimpers it before coming, I capture her mouth in a kiss I’ll likely never forget.

“You’re so fucking hot,” she gasps, pulling back from our kiss as she continues riding me, not letting her orgasm slow her down in the least.

“So are you, sweetheart. I just want to fuck you all night.” I slide a finger through her wetness to get it nice and slick. When I reach around her backside and tease her hole, she tosses her head back and begs.

“Please, Sawyer, stop teasing me. I want you there.” As soon as my finger breaches her barrier, she slams down on my cock and explodes. “Yes, yes, yes!” she cries, and I slowly remove my finger. I’m teetering on the edge of an orgasm, almost afraid of what it will do to me. I’ve never needed to come so fucking bad.

She rocks onto me harder and faster. I hear her talking, but I’m so lost in my head I don’t truly hear her words. I hear Noah’s, but by then my eyes are locked onto Princess. It’s her I want riding me. It’s her I want detonating on my cock. It’s her I want to take me under to the place where pleasure and pain exist together in their own twisted eroticism.

Mel and Noah disappear, and my attention goes back to the woman riding my cock. “Should I go?”

This girl has drugged me against my will and caused what will be a huge blowup between Noah and me, but I haven’t been fucked like this in ages, and I’m not getting rid of her now. “Not until I finish you off right by fucking you in the ass.”

“That’s exactly what I was hoping you’d say,” she answers, dropping her lips back down to mine.





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