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My Weakness by Alison Mello, C.A. Harms, Keren Hughes, Evan Grace, Skyla Madi, CJ Laurence, Kenadee Bryant, Crave Publishing (8)













I awake to Logan’s arms pulling me closer to him while his legs are intertwined with mine. His hands on me make me want to feel his lips on me too. He hasn’t touched me since my attack and I’m aching for it. I want to erase the thoughts of that scumbag’s hands on my body. I gently rub up and down his semi-hard erection and I can feel it growing through his pajama pants. He moans in his sleep. I continue stroking him, kissing his chest and licking his nipple. He finally wakes.

“What are you doing, Sky?” His voice is raspy and it sounds sexy as hell.

“I’m trying to wake you in a fun and seductive way.”

He laughs and says with his eyes closed, “I don’t think I’m ready.”

I sit up to look at him. “What do you mean you’re not ready?”

“I mean I was really pissed at you the other day when I found out you left the bar alone and I have wanted to smack that ass until it’s beet red ever since. I’m not sure I can control that, and you’re not ready for that kind of intensity.”

“Who says I’m not ready? Today is Tuesday and the doctor said I could go back to normal activity today if I haven’t had any headaches, and I haven’t. You don’t understand. I have to erase this scene from my head. I need you to touch me so I know we’re okay and you still want me after someone else tried to take what’s yours.”

“You think I haven’t had sex with you because another man put his hands on you?”

I nod, no longer able to look at him.

“Sweetie, I never meant to give you that impression. Me not touching you has only to do with you healing, not anything with this asshole hurting you.” He rolls onto his side and presses me down into the mattress. He brushes my cheek with the back of his fingers and leans in to kiss me softly on my lips. “You’re so beautiful and I want to take away your fears. I’m going to smack that ass of yours, so you’ll remember to never leave a bar alone again, and then I’m going to make sweet love to you. You have to promise me if it’s too much you’ll tell me to stop. I’ll try to go easy on you since you have never done anything like this before.”

I grin and nod excitedly. He climbs off the bed, pulling the comforter with him. He grabs my legs and pulls me to the foot of the bed, flipping me over so my legs are hanging over the edge of the bed. His bed is so high that my toes barely reach the floor. He tells me not to move and I hear him moving around the room. I have no idea what he’s doing because I’m lying on my stomach, and since I don’t want to disappoint him I remain as still as I can. I was already wet for him, and now the anticipation is causing even more moisture to build between my legs. I’m so deep in thought I don’t even realize he’s behind me until his hand comes down on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the blow.

“Count,” he grunts.

I take a deep breath. “One.” He bends down and kisses where he hit me then immediately smacks me again in a different spot. “Two.” Holy shit that hurts, but it’s so hot at the same time. He rubs my ass, his warm hands massaging me gently before his hand comes down again, this time lower, almost smacking my pussy at the same time. I’m lost in the realization that I’m enjoying this.

“Count!” he growls.


He laughs at me. “That was three. You earned one more.” He smacks me again.

“Four,” I say instantly.

“Your ass looks amazing. Two more and I’m going to give you what you want.” When he smacks me this time I shout, “Five!” I realize it doesn’t hurt so much anymore and now I’m excited with anticipation. He gives me the last one. “Six!”

His hands are rubbing over my ass, then head up my back. His hands are warm, and my skin burns with every touch. He slides two fingers deep inside me and moans in my ear as he bends over me. “Woman, you’re so wet from me spanking you. I think you definitely liked that.” He continues to fuck me with his fingers. “You did good, sweetie. Now I’m going to reward you with an orgasm, are you ready?”

“Yes please, Logan!” He flips me over and kneels on the floor in front of me. He places one leg over each of his shoulders and buries his face between my legs. He sticks his tongue out and licks up all of my juices like he’s licking a popsicle.

He takes my clit in his mouth. “Mmmm,” he says with his lips still around my clit, suckling on it, and the vibration nearly makes me combust. He pulls away to start licking it hard and fast. That’s my undoing. As I explode his tongue leaves my clit and he buries it deep inside me so he can fuck me with it as I orgasm all over his face.

Once he’s satisfied he has gotten every last drop, he stands with my legs in his hands. He slams himself deep inside me and I groan out as I adjust to him. Without pause he’s giving me what I wanted. He’s pounding in and out of me, giving me every inch of him. His hands are on my hips squeezing them tight, pulling me toward him, forcing me to meet him thrust for thrust. My orgasm is building and quickly.

“Come on, Sky!” He doesn’t relent until I give him what he wants. “Yes,” he groans as my orgasm tears through me. My legs are shaking. “I love how you milk me for everything I’ve got,” he says as he empties into me.

“Let’s take a quick shower and then I’ll make us some breakfast.”

He pulls out of me, and we both head into the shower. He seems distant even after we’ve had incredible sex, and I need to know what’s going through his head. I give him a minute to process and see if he’ll bring it up himself, but if not I’ll talk to him at breakfast.

I start the shower and step in. While I’m wetting my hair, he steps into the shower and pulls me into a hug.

“What is it, Logan?”

He shakes his head. “Wash. I need to feed you.”

“Listen, I know you like to be in charge in the bedroom and I’m okay with that, but you need to stop treating me like a kid. I’m your girlfriend.”

He looks at me with raised brows. “How am I treating you like a kid?”

“Really, Logan? ‘Wash. I need to feed you?’ Totally ignoring the fact that something is clearly bothering you. If you're not ready to talk about it fine, say so, but don’t act like it isn’t there.”

He closes his eyes and runs his hands through his hair. I can tell he’s thinking about what he’s feeling and how to handle it.

After I rinse off, I say, “I’m done here so I’m going to start breakfast. We can talk while we eat.”

I get out of the shower, dry off, and head into the bedroom so I can pick something to wear from the clothes he had delivered for me. He made it sound like there were going to be a few outfits delivered. In reality he had an entire wardrobe delivered. It’s quite ridiculous.

I head downstairs to make a cup of coffee. I find a box of pancake batter, as well as a pack of bacon and fresh strawberries in the fridge. I start mixing the batter, adding my secret ingredients before he gets downstairs. I turn on the oven and lay out the bacon on a pan so I can get it going before I start making the pancakes. Logan has a griddle built right into his cooktop and it’s pretty freaking cool. I love his kitchen and you can tell it’s set up for someone who enjoys cooking.

I feel two hands wrap around me from behind. “I’m sorry, Skyler,” he says as he kisses the side of my head.

“What are you sorry for?”

He pauses for a moment before he moves my hair to one side and kisses my neck. “I’m sorry for not telling you that this entire event scared the shit out of me. For not letting you know I care about you so much that when I heard you screaming on the phone I was freaking out because I thought I was going to lose you. And most importantly for not telling you…I love you, Skyler. I didn’t think it was possible to feel so strongly about someone in such a short period of time, but I do. I have such strong feelings for you that I don’t even like what I just did to you. I hate that I spanked you and I wish I could take it back.”

I turn around to face him, placing one hand on each side of his face and pull him in to kiss him. “Thank you for being honest with me. I’m sorry I scared you, and I promise I’ll never do it again. I work for you now, so I’m sure my new boss will make sure I get home safely.” I grin playfully, trying to lighten the mood. “As far as you spanking me, I didn’t mind it. If you don’t ever do it again because you don’t want to, that is okay too, but don’t beat yourself up over it.”

He smiles and nods at me.

“Good, now let me get to work making you my famous pancakes.”

He steps aside. “Famous pancakes, huh? Do you know that I love pancakes?”

“I didn’t know that. I hope you like my pancakes.” I pour batter onto the now-hot griddle while he makes coffee. The thought is not lost on me that he said he loves me and I didn’t say it back. I feel bad that I didn’t, but I want to tell him when he’ll know I’m saying it because I mean it not simply in response to him saying it.

We sit to eat and he’s devouring my pancakes. I wonder if he’s hungry from our morning sexcapade or because he’s enjoying them.

“What?” he asks when he notices I’m watching him intently.

“Are you that hungry or are you enjoying them that much? You look like you're in college after an all-nighter.”

“Both. These pancakes are delicious and that makes me glad that I’m so hungry.”

I shake my head and put two more pancakes on his plate, which he quickly devours.






We walk into the club at 5:30. I want to show Skyler around, though first I take her to my office to have her fill out employee paperwork so I can add her to the payroll. I want all of this done before the staff gets here. I need to make sure they do not treat her differently because she’s my girlfriend. While she fills everything out, I work at my computer checking on posters and such for the upcoming singles night. We’ll be handing out postcards this week to start the promoting and we have flyers up around the club.

When she’s finally done I show her which bar is bar one and which is bar two. I fill her in on the rotation of bartending and runners and let her know that tips are shared evenly so runners don’t get screwed out of tips for the night.

“I have also come up with a classy vase that you can put on the stage with a rose in it for tips while you’re singing. I’ll have a few ones in it each night for you at the start of the night so people realize it’s for tips. We need to finalize a list of music for that night and have a list of songs patrons can request.”

“No problem,” Skyler says.

I show her the back room and the sign-out sheet, filling her in on how we caught Troy stealing from me. As we make our way back out to the first bar, Jonah and Shane come walking in.

Jonah gives Skyler a hug. “Hey, Sky, how you feeling?”

“I’m good. Thanks again for coming to my rescue with Logan.”

He grins at me. “No need to thank me. That’s what friends are for.”

“Shane, I’m counting on you to make sure that no one treats Skyler any differently because she’s my girlfriend,” I say. “When she’s here she’s part of the team, and I expect her to be treated that way.”

“You got it, Logan.” He looks at Skyler. “If you have any problems at all, come see me.”

She nods at him. “Thanks, Shane.”

A short time later the remainder of the team is here, and I get the meeting started. “Thank you all for coming in tonight!” I call loudly to get everyone’s attention. “I’m sure most of you noticed that Troy disappeared on Saturday evening, and that’s because he has been fired and arrested for theft.” I pause. “Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my assistant manager was the one stealing from me. So you all know, I’m pressing charges. I do not take matters like this lightly. I’m telling you because I like the team of people I have working for me. I hope that you like working here too and wouldn’t risk your jobs over some alcohol. It doesn’t matter who it is. You’ll be removed from my club immediately. I have promoted Shane to my new assistant manager, so he won’t be working behind the bar with you as much. However, that doesn’t mean I’m leaving you shorthanded. Some of you have seen Skyler here around the club already. She’s going to be our live entertainment for singles night, and she’s also joining our bartending staff as well to replace Shane. I have had the opportunity to see her sing and work a bar, and she does a fine job at both. Please welcome her, because she’ll work hard with you. I have one last announcement before I take questions. I have created a new position, head bouncer, and have offered it to Jonah. He has the experience and has been around this club the longest, so if you’re a part of the bouncing crew you now report to him, not me. He’ll make your schedules and deal with any issues you may have. Please see him going forward. If I need to be involved he’ll come to me.”

“Now, does anyone have any questions for either me, Shane, or Jonah?”

“Will Jonah still be working the club in the same capacity, or will we be hiring another bouncer to replace him?” one of the bartenders asks.

I look at Jonah and give him the go ahead.

“I plan on still working the club,” Jonah replies. “The responsibilities I have taken on as head bouncer will not get in the way of me working the floor, and I still want to be out here with my team.”

Most appear happy with his response, though there’s one or two who look like they were hoping he would back off, probably so they could get more hours.

“Anyone else?” I ask before I wrap this up.

“What is Shane going to be doing if he won’t be working the bar?” Shawna asks.

“We haven’t fully ironed out all of his responsibilities yet,” I answer, “but he’ll be running for you guys, and he’s going to be in charge of all bartenders the same way Jonah is for bouncers. If you have a problem or you need time off, you need to go to him.” When no more questions are forthcoming, I say, “Are we good?”

Everyone nods and looks pretty happy.

“Good. Then get out of here so I can take my girl to dinner.”

When they start filing out of the room, some are welcoming Skyler to the team as they say goodbye, and some leave without saying a word.

I can now take Skyler to dinner and then we need to pick up her car so she can move it to my house for work tomorrow.

We pull up to the restaurant and I walk in, giving my name to the hostess. I eat here often and they know I have a specific table that I like, and we are walked right over to it. I pull out the chair for Skyler and she takes a seat. As I take my seat, the hostess hands us menus and lets us know our server will be with us in a moment.

Skyler’s looking over her menu and I’m watching her. The light from the window is reflecting off her beautiful face, and in this moment she looks like an angel.

“What do you want to eat?”

“I have no idea what I feel like eating.” She goes back to skimming the menu. “I’m going to have the Asian chicken salad. I have been on carb overload, and if I don’t watch it I’m going to look like a blimp on stage for opening night.”

“Skyler, you have an incredible body. And besides, I have a gym in my home and you can feel free to use anytime you want.”

“Thanks, I haven’t been going since you and I started seeing each other and I need to get back to it.”

The server arrives and we place our orders for both our drinks and our food. She walks away, promising to be right back with our drinks.

Skyler is staring out the window into the busy evening night. “What are you thinking about?” I ask her.

“A lot of things,” she replies, still looking out the window, “like how much my life has changed in the last few weeks. I can say I have never been happier than I am now. I feel like my life is finally moving in a positive direction.”

“Why do you feel your life wasn’t in a positive direction before? You got yourself here and without the help of any friends or family. I think that is pretty positive.”

Though our conversation is a bit heavier than I wanted to have tonight, at the same time, I’m glad we are talking.

“Yeah, but I was lonely before. Meeting Sadie was great and we hit it off right away. But there were many nights she would be with Jonah, and I can’t fault her for that. I couldn’t handle another crappy relationship or another guy who wanted me only for my body or sex. I needed to stay focused on my goals.”

“What about us? Do I fit into your goals?” While I hate that I sound nervous, I’m starting to wonder if she didn’t tell me she loved me because she wasn’t planning on sticking around.

“You do now. I didn’t want to go out the night I met you. I fought Sadie on it, giving her several lame excuses. She told me I was going out and that was it. Now I’m glad I did. I finally feel like it may be possible to sing and have a relationship. I think I want to go in a different direction now.” She looks outside again. “Before, I wanted to be famous. Recognition, record deals, the whole nine yards. Now I want to be here and sing at better clubs locally, become known as the local singer to see.”

“What has changed?” I ask, hoping it has to do with me.

“I met you. I know you probably think I don’t have feelings for you because I didn’t say I love you in return when you said it earlier. To be honest, I wanted you to know I was saying it because I meant it not because you said it.”

The waitress arrives with our meals, and we start eating.

“Mmm, this is so good.” Skyler closes her eyes, savoring her chicken. We both settle into a comfortable silence while we eat, and I’m feeling better about our situation. I want to ask her to move in with me. I’m not sure if she’ll be up for that since we are still new. I have to wait to see how things play out.

“Oh, I meant to ask you. Sadie has her art show on Friday. I know that’s a busy night in the club, but is there any chance you can escape for a few hours to go with me? Then we can hang at the club after if you want?”

“What time does the show start?” I say between bites. I’m suddenly starving and my food is delicious.

“It goes from 7:30 to 11:00. We don’t need to be there the entire time. I promised her I would go and support her because this is her first time in a larger art show. I have to find a dress to wear as well.”

“I should be able to make that happen. Maybe I can have Shane open the club and we can go from open to maybe 9:00, and then hit the club since it won’t be busy yet. We open at 9:00 but things don’t pick up on a Friday night until 10:30-11:00, so that should be fine.”

“Great. I’ll look for a dress this week. I assume you have a suit you can wear.”

“Of course I do. If you want I can have the personal shopper deliver some dresses for you to try on. I’ll leave it up to you.”

I can see her thinking about it, and secretly I hope she accepts because I enjoy taking care of her.

“That would be nice, thank you.”

“Is there a certain color you would like?” I ask.

She chews the inside of her lip for a moment. “Maybe black.”

“I’ll have her deliver a few different colors and you can keep what you like and what you don’t we can send back, okay?”

Skyler smiles and nods at me.

We are on our way to pick up her car and since she hasn’t mentioned work tomorrow I ask, “Have you decided what you’re doing about work tomorrow?”

“Part of me wants to call Mitch and tell him I’m never coming back. I haven’t even told him what happened though, so I feel like that is unfair. I don’t know what to do.”

“Skyler, when you were in the hospital I called the bar and told Mitch you were attacked outside the club. He knows what happened and didn’t give a shit. Personally, I would prefer you didn’t go back there. I’ll take care of you.”

“Is that what you would like me to do?” she asks, and I glance over at her quickly before I look back to the road.

“I want you to move in with me and not worry about it until you start working the club. I also want you to be happy with the decision.”

She’s chewing her lip again. I have noticed she does that when she’s nervous or thinking about something. “Can I sleep on it?”

“Of course you can. Like I told you before, I want you to be happy and I want to take care of you, but I don’t want to rule you. It’s your decision. I would be less worried about you if you were living with me though.”

I pull up to her apartment.

She leans over to kiss me and says, “I’ll see you at your place.”