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Salvation by John, Stephanie (24)

FEELING PRESENTABLE AND cool in a midnight navy sheath dress and nude heeled slingbacks, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

“Buenos días, Kara.”

I stopped outside the laundry room. A short, black haired woman, mid-forties smiled at me. “Er, morning,” I replied uncertainly, recalling my basic Spanish. Who was this woman?

“These ready when you go.” She unloaded what looked very much like my workout gear from the washing machine and loaded the dryer. “Señor Blake say you want later?”

I smiled and nodded, offering my thanks, then continued on to the kitchen. Nate was sitting at the breakfast table reading a newspaper, but turned intuitively towards me.

“Morning, baby.” He smiled softly. The look got me every time and made me want to throw myself at him. One hand came to my hip when I neared, his mouth lifting willingly to meet mine.

“Did you know there’s a strange woman rifling through your laundry?” I sat beside him, gratefully taking the mug of steaming coffee handed to me.

“Maria, my housekeeper,” he said, grinning. “I’ll introduce you properly before we leave.”

“This looks delicious,” I said between careful sips, tipping my head to the colourful fruit salad and juice waiting for me.

“Thank Maria,” Nate said, emptying the last of his own hit of caffeine.

“I just did for doing my laundry. She didn’t have to do that.”

“It’s her job.”

“To look after you,” I said, feeding him a strawberry, which he accepted with a shy smile, “not me.”

Nate folded the paper and set it beside his empty plate. “When you’re here, she’ll take care of you, too.”

I shrugged, conceding it was no big deal. It wasn’t like Maria was handling my underwear or anything… “Oh, God.”

Nate jerked his head back. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m embarrassed thinking of a complete stranger handling my delicates.”

His eyes twinkled mischievously. He gave my knee a gentle squeeze then rose from his chair, fighting a smile. “Surely washing some is better than none? We don’t want everyone knowing about your penchant for going sans underwear, do we?”

“Once,” I corrected, chewing my lip to stop my own smile from spreading. “And that was only because someone decided to rip them off.”

Nate carried his mug over to the built-in coffee machine in the kitchen for a refill. “Feel free to do it again,” he taunted with his back to me. His choice of business attire was giving my favourite navy a run for its money. A crisp white shirt, blue-grey trousers with black accessories to coordinate with his tie said sharp and elegant, sophisticated and on-trend.

And they hugged his arse exquisitely.

Smirking, I keenly dug into breakfast, buttering some toast to satisfy the perpetual carb craving I experienced during my period. “I thought I’d be missing yoga tonight. There’s no way I’d have got home and back to the Valley before six.”

“That’s what I thought. I may have to work a bit later tonight, so we’ll meet here when you’re done. I’ll have Maria make something that can be kept warm until we’re home.”

I brought the condensation-covered tumbler of grapefruit juice closer to my mouth, my eyes narrowing warily, watching Nate over the rim as he returned. “I was planning on going home tonight.”

“Okay.” He shrugged. “I’ll come to you.”

“I meant alone.”

“And you think I’m letting you out of my sight?” he snickered, swapping mugs and taking mine for a refill. “After what you went through last week?”

“I over-reacted.”

“I won’t consciously put you at risk,” he snapped, “so don’t ask me to.” The unsaid threat behind his words was only appeased by the knowledge he was only behaving so crazily because he cared and wanted to protect me. From what, I wasn’t sure.

“You can’t keep me by your side twenty-four-seven. As much as I’d enjoy being there,” I added, hoping to lighten the suddenly tense atmosphere.

Nate glanced over his shoulder, the glare in his eyes sending a chill down my spine. “It isn’t up for discussion.”

I set my tumbler back down and resumed eating. The stressful weekend had left me drained and I wasn’t in the mood for another argument. “I thought it might be good to spend the night apart. After Saturday,” I shrugged, hoping that explained how much his mood swings had affected me. With my own hormones running riot, there was the increased possibility of us arguing again if we spent too much time together.

“I thought we’d cleared that up?” Nate settled beside me again, blowing the top of his coffee then taking a measured sip, his brow slightly creased as he processed my words.

I’d learnt a bit, but the circumstances surrounding his ex in New York were still muddy and vague. “It’s not like we can do anything.”

“You mean make love?” Nate asked. I nodded. “And you still think that’s all I’m interested in?” The offence in his voice cut me like a knife. He set his mug down and shoved his plate away so he could rest his arm on the glass table.

“Nate, I don’t.” I was cross with myself. Nate had gone out of his way to prove he wanted a relationship, and now I sounded like I hadn’t noticed or appreciated his efforts.

Taking his hand in mine, I tried blocking out the offence raging in his eyes. “I love being with you. And I know you want more. I’m hormonal and testy, likely to throw out random insults without thinking. I didn’t think it fair you suffer with me.”

“But I want—”

I pressed a finger to his lips so I could finish. “The weekend was as difficult as it was wonderful, for us both. Clearly something is troubling you.” I squeezed his hand further, my heart constricting with love from the way his eyes were warming again. “A night apart might be good for you, give you some space to clear your head.”

Nate stood and cupped my face, his thumbs pushing under my chin so I looked up at him. “I’ve had a whole goddamn week of space, Kara. Give me more, I won’t know what to do with it. You calm me. You give me clarity. When you’re not around, I struggle to make sense of anything.”

That pleased me. Nate was becoming my anchor, someone to steer me and help me focus on what was important in life. But I couldn’t become reliant on him to be there for me all the time. Once more, I found myself in the position of having to choose between my friends and the man who had become extremely important to me. “With no family here, my friendships are all I have. I don’t—”

“You have me,” Nate said, pressing a kiss to my forehead. I hated the fact that the question of whether I actually did popped into my head.

“I don’t want to be one of those girls who drop their friends at the first signs of romance. I can’t risk losing them.” My decision was beginning to feel like a bad one as his lips moved down my neck, bared as a result of my hair being tied back in a low ponytail. My legs fell open to let him step closer.

“Real friends won’t bail on you for wanting to spend time with your boyfriend,” he murmured roughly into the hollow of my neck. “Especially after spending a week away from him.”

“I know.” I sucked in a breath when Nate sucked gently. “And I know they won’t,” I continued shakily, my knees tightening around his legs. “Because it’s you, they actually encourage it, in the hopes of obtaining some juicy gossip.”

Nate’s delicate, seductive touch ceased, his eyes growing dark and assessing as they drew over my face. He took a step back, leaving me empty. “I don’t tell them anything,” I reassured him, reaching for my coffee because the air had grown decidedly chilly again. “Not sure they’d cope with the hotness.”

The corner of his mouth lifted into my favourite sexy half smile. After a long silence, he relented. “I enjoy spending time with you. There’s nothing I’d rather do. Spending all day without you, knowing you’re so close but I’m unable to see you doesn’t bear thinking about.” He took the mug and set it down so he could hold my hands. “I want our day’s to begin and end together. But—” he silenced the protest I was about to make with a brief kiss, “I understand your friendships are important. So, enjoy your time with them, so long as you’re thinking about me while you do.”

I cocked my head, trying to figure him out. There was no way he’d just backed down and agreed to me spending the night at my place. I wasn’t about to argue, though. I clasped the knot of his tie and urged his mouth down to mine. “I always am.”


WE finished breakfast then made our way to the lobby, stopping to collect my workout gear from the laundry room. Nate said something to Maria in Spanish, and presuming it was an introduction, I extended my hand.


Maria stopped ironing and, wiping her hands on a towel, made her way towards us. Her eyes were like black onyx and shone with kindness, her olive skin barely aged. She patted my hand approvingly and conversed with Nate in fluent Spanish. He had such a distinctive, sexy voice, but hearing him talk in a foreign language sent it to a whole other level.

She said youre beautiful,he told me, smiling proudly as he picked up a sports bag packed with my yoga clothes. Ready?

Yep.I turned to Maria. Gracias, Maria.

Maria offered her goodbyes, shooing us out so she could finish her household duties.

Since when do you speak Spanish?I asked him, collecting my tote from the foot of the stairs as we passed.

Since I grew up with a Mexican housekeeper. She taught me a few words.

A few words? He shrugged it off and followed me into the lift. A man with many talents.

Sweetheart,he purred arrogantly, backing me into the corner with a smug smile, you know I am.


AFTER settling into the back of the Mercedes, Ross drove us both to work.

“Manny’s coming in on the red-eye Thursday from New York,” Nate said, his thumb brushing my knuckles. “I’m seeing him Friday, then meeting up with a few of the guys for drinks in the evening.”

“Sounds like fun. I have my girls night out to keep me entertained.”

“Thought we could meet Saturday for lunch. I want him to meet you.”

Glad he wanted to introduce me to yet another important person in his life, I shifted sideways and leant back into his side, folding his arm around me. “Can’t wait.”

“Good, I’ll let him know.” Nate’s phone vibrated against my back where it was tucked inside his jacket. “Clark,” he answered shortly, “what have you found?” He straightened, removing his arm from my shoulder. “They’re not associated with any agencies?” He glanced briefly at me then switched his attention to the scenery passing by his window.

I found my own phone and settled into the seat, deciding to message my father and Liam. Ignoring the late night phone chat, I’d missed our fortnightly catch up. His mind would be working overtime after my revelation, so I felt obliged to reach out and let him know I was okay.

“They can’t just vanish. There must be something you’ve missed, go back and check again.” Nate spoke calmly, but there was an underlying menace in his words as he conducted his business. I finished my message then shut my eyes and let his conversation wash over me. I wondered how such a sensitive, loving man could hold such immense power that had people withering into nervous wrecks from a perfectly executed sentence or pointed stare.

It was only when I heard him say, “Security,” that I paid attention again. I opened one eye. Nate was staring at me intently, his beautiful face set with worry and the driving necessity for answers as he continued questioning whoever was on the other end of the call. “In the meantime, I want additional men to watch Kara. Immediately.”

I shook my head fiercely, mouthing “no”. Security protection was so unnecessary. Nate remained impassive as he turned away again. “Until I say otherwise,” he stated, then with a curt “Thank you,” ended the call.

Without giving me a chance to speak, he tucked the phone back in his jacket and said, “Pout those alluring lips at me all you want, but I told you I’d keep you safe at all costs. I won’t change my mind about this.”

Nate was a man on a mission, and my stubbornness earlier had likely prompted this outburst of over-the-top craziness. As far as he was concerned, he was ensuring my safety, for his peace of mind as much as my own. If that meant pissing me off, so be it.

“You also agreed to explain fully what happened in New York and you haven’t,” I grumbled.

Nate turned sharply, the muscles in his jaw tensing. “I’ve told you already, nothing happened. What I haven’t explained are the circumstances for her return, and why I have a problem with her being anywhere near you. Near us.” He glanced at his stunning Patek Philippe watch, one of many in his collection of timepieces. “Eight-fifty a.m. on the way to work isn’t the time.”

“You’re making it worse not telling me, leaving me to second guess you.” I crossed my legs and angled my body away from him, tapping my phone on my knee. I wasn’t sure any time would be the right time to hear what he had to say.

“You promised you wouldn’t,” he said sadly. His hand covered mine, halting the anxious tapping. “I don’t want to get into it now, then you rush off to your office with inevitable questions I’m unable to answer because I’m not there.” He prised the phone from my hand and kissed my knuckles. “Just trust me.”

My breath caught, then released in one long slow exhalation. I still wasn’t sure if I was capable of doing the one thing Nate repeatedly kept asking me to do. Yet I knew what it was like to have secrets. Deciding not to force it, I edged closer and wrapped my arm around his waist, settling my cheek on his shoulder and appreciating the comforting arm that came around mine. “Okay.”


MAI wanted all the details from my weekend as she made coffee in the kitchen. Her exhilaration over the key made me laugh.

“Moving in together!” she shrieked, spilling half the milk over the worktop.

“I’m not moving in with him. It’s only been a few weeks,” I reminded her. “Far too soon to make that type of commitment.” I wasn’t paying attention as I wiped down the counter. Cohabiting was a major milestone, one that after three weeks together, we absolutely weren’t ready for. So how was it possible to feel a tiny bit of disappointment that he hadn’t asked me to move in? I shook my head.

“Kara,” Mai muttered disapprovingly. I scrunched up my face, preparing for a telling off from the know-it-all standing behind me in a vivid orange A-line skirt and patterned blouse. “It might be too soon, but Nate’s giving you everything you wanted. Don’t question his sincerity. Has he done anything to make you wonder if he can be trusted?”

I outlined what I’d discovered about events whilst he was away. Mai listened carefully as we strolled back with our coffees, waiting until I’d finished before offering her opinion. “You’ve done the right thing in giving him some space. Let him tell you in his own time. There’s a reason why people are ex-girlfriends or boyfriends.”

“You don’t think I’m being naive?” We reached Mai’s workstation and she sat, careful not to crease her skirt.

She shook her head. “Innocent until proven guilty.”

“Why are you convinced Nate won’t break my heart?” I asked, lowering my voice so the three other women on the adjoining workstations didn’t hear.

“No idea. But you’ve changed and I like the new you.” She shrugged and scanned my bare arms and legs. “You’re flashing the skin a bit more, taking risks, got a certain sparkle that comes from having great sex.” I opened my mouth to reprimand her but she continued before I could. “You’re getting stronger, and I suspect he has something to do with that.”

If my friends were noticing the changes in me, I wondered what Nate thought. He was the one making it possible, and I was curious to know if he knew it. I sipped my cappuccino and checked my watch, seeing it was nearing ten.

“Relationships are never certain, Kara. Look at me, I’ve agreed to spend forever with Mitch. Right now, that’s the last thing I wanna do.” She wafted her left hand in front of me.

“Your ring!” I gasped. The tiny diamond ring was noticeably absent. “What have you done?”

Mai slipped her headset over her shiny black hair with poise and grace, the picture of coolness, entirely unaffected by the bombshell she’d dropped. “Mitch pissed me off so bad last night. I dropped the ring in the glass of water by our bed when I left this morning. Hope he chokes on the fucker.”

“Mai, you don’t mean that.”

“No,” she said with a grin, raising her hand to be high-fived, “but it was hella good to say it.” I pursed my lips, convinced she wasn’t telling me the full story. Finally, when I didn’t return her display of female solidarity and left her hanging, she relented. “Okay, I emptied the water out over his head, then dropped it in. Happy now?”

I snickered. Sometimes, I felt a tiny bit sorry for Mitchell. Sometimes. “What did he think of the flowers?”

She rolled her eyes and pursed her lips. “Said they were nice. Nice! Can you friggin believe it? Didn’t ask who sent them or anything. I was pissed off all weekend. I tweeted the shit out of it so everyone knows what a dirtbag he is.” That meant at least five thousand random people had read her dirty laundry. She didn’t know that many people, but subscribed to those programs where you spent dollars and earned followers. Her fingers started thumping her keyboard as she tapped away, scowling at her screen. “Fucker,” she seethed again.

“Do I need to take you out for lunch?” I asked with a smile, giving her arm a gentle rub. Mai’s gloom always lifted with some cocktails at noon.

She grinned. “Yeah, baby.”

Laughing, I started off back to my office. “Oh, Mai,” I said, turning back to her, “get this. His sister thinks I’m a gold-digger.”

Mai snorted. “It’s not what’s in his wallet you want. You need what’s in his pants more.”

Once more, my dear friend had lowered the tone of the conversation.


MICHAEL cancelled our weekly meeting, so I decided to tackle some work I’d been delaying starting. After spending two hours going stir crazy trying to reconcile figures for a project, I understood why I’d been putting it off. I pulled off my glasses, squeezing my eyes shut and rubbed my temples to ease the headache threatening to erupt.

When I opened them, I caught sight of Nate striding through the banks of workstations towards me. All sophisticated and refined, he looked as hot as I remembered when I watched him dress this morning from the comfort of his bed. He managed to be elegantly classy, yet incredibly sexy at the same time. Not many men pulled that off. Adrenaline surged through me. What was he doing down here?

He spoke briefly to Mai, then continued to my office. One hand was tucked behind his back as he stopped the other side of my desk.

“Can I help you, Mr. Blake?” I asked coyly.

His head was bowed, but his eyes lifted to meet mine, the corner of his mouth curving into a half-smile. I visibly squirmed in my seat as my body heated.

“I have something for you,” he said, his voice low and quietly composed.

“Now that sounds intriguing.” My eyes dropped briefly to where his hand still remained behind his back. The dimple in his cheek deepened.

He placed three giant bars of Teuscher Swiss Chocolate, all tied together with a cream bow, on the desk and pushed them in front of me with his forefinger. “You mentioned enjoying chocolate. I thought these might help satisfy you while I’m unable to.” His eyes were hazy with need. I imagined my own looking the same as I reached for the sweet treat. All I craved right now was him, and not being able to indulge in him was the sweetest torture.

“Poor substitute for you,” I breathed, unravelling the bow.

Nate’s eyes flashed with the briefest glimmer of surprise. In slow, practised strides, he made his way around the desk, unbuttoning his jacket. In the next breath, I found myself caged into my chair by a brooding, sexy as hell man. “Right answer,” he purred, lowering his face to mine.

I sucked in a shaky breath and began unwrapping a bar, all the while holding his gaze. “How are you going to get your kicks the next couple of days?”

He declined when I offered him the first chunk. My taste buds burst into life when I ate a piece. It was so good I let out a small murmur of appreciation as it dissolved in my mouth.

“For a well-educated woman, not to mention an English one, you have an extraordinary turn of phrase. I’m confident I’ll find a way, though,” he murmured, the pad of his thumb swiping over my lips. “These still work, don’t they?”

My tongue darted out to wet my lips as I nodded. Seeing him suck the chocolate he’d collected from my mouth off his thumb made all the muscles low in my stomach tense. I knew I was blushing as a wash of heat crept up my neck to my cheeks.

“Then I shouldn’t have too many problems getting my kicks, as you so eloquently put it. You know how much I crave your sweet mouth.” I gasped into his kiss, shocked by the intimate gesture in such an open environment. Anyone could be watching.

My hands went around his neck because I didn’t care if they were. My whole body vibrated from his strong, imposing presence. “Hmm,” he murmured darkly, “chocolate and you. What a wicked combination.”

I felt weak from the look in those smoky eyes as they lingered on mine.

“Unfortunately, I can’t stay and indulge in some more. I have to leave for a meeting.” Nate straightened and adjusted his trousers. My smirk over his predicament was met with a raised brow of amusement.

“Where is it?” I asked, fighting to claim my breath.

“Downtown. Ross is waiting in the car.”

I snatched my security pass off the desk. “I’ll walk you out, I could do with a break.”

I ignored Mai’s joy at seeing us together as we passed hand-in-hand, too busy struggling to keep up with Nate as we strode briskly to the lifts. The playful boyfriend had disappeared. In his place, the poised, driven businessman with an aura surrounding him that gave off an unattainable, slightly intimidating persona.

The lift doors slid open and Michael stepped out. “Ah, Kara,” he said, glancing between the two of us. “I was coming to check up on you. How’s the stomach? Gastro’s a bad thing, I had it once when—”

“Kara’s busy right now,” Nate cut in, raising our joined hands. I grimaced at the shock and disapproval on Michael’s face.

“I’ll be back in ten minutes,” I apologised as Nate led me into the empty lift, “and my stomach’s much better now, thanks for asking.”

“Right, okay…glad to hear—” The doors slid closed on Michael’s bemused face.

“Don’t think he was expecting that.” Nate grinned and tucked me closer.

“Not sure I was either.” I only hoped Michael didn’t hold our relationship against me, or treat me differently now he knew I was with Nate.

My lover. Our boss.


ON the way home, I toyed with the idea of asking Mai to drive me over to Nate’s. During dinner with the girls, my inadequacies had decided to make an unwelcome appearance. If I wasn’t able to physically connect with Nate, not give him the self-proclaimed connection he craved from me, would he be forced to look elsewhere to satisfy his insatiable needs? After all, no relationship for two years meant he hadn’t had to deal with the inconvenience of periods. In the past, if he wanted a fuck, he just went out and got one.

Despite my nagging doubts, I went home. I was about to head indoors when one of two burly men approached me. “Don’t be alarmed, Miss Collins. We’re your security detail. I’m Carl,” he said, introducing himself, “that’s Joe.”

Joe was sweeping his eyes up and down the road, his back to me, but turned and nodded his head. I looked at them both, unsure how they’d managed to fit inside their sedan car. They were massive. “We’ll be out here all night,” Carl, the bigger of the two said. “Any concerns, call this number.” He handed me a business card with the name and number of a private security firm on it. “We’ll be with you right away.”

He had the type of eyes that inspired trust, even though the size of him was menacing, and not someone I’d want to meet in a dark alley. “Thanks.”

Thinking they were in for an uneventful night, I headed inside.