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Salvation by John, Stephanie (36)

“I’LL COME GET you at twelve-thirty,” Nate told me on my office phone Wednesday morning.

“I’m looking forward to it.” I hung up and immediately set to work on moving some meetings to accommodate our impromptu lunch date. Nate was a changed man after talking with Clark last night. I hadn’t realised how heavy the burden he’d been carrying was until that light of realisation had switched on in his head. Part of me felt guilty for not understanding, but he’d hidden his worries from me how he always did. With skill and the innate ability to put me and my welfare and happiness in the centre of his world. Having his attention solely on me made it impossible to think about anything outside of our world.

Ross ensured we were at the restaurant in time for our 1 p.m. reservation. Nate breezed us through the busy indoor dining to the quieter patio outside, turning more than a few heads. Not so long ago, I might have hated the attention he was receiving. Now, as I joined the female diners in their admiration, it was pride more than jealousy that filled my conscience. The Prada suit from the first time we met adorned his gorgeous body. I’d determined long ago, navy was by far my favourite shade on him. The darker hue drew out the cool blue of his eyes and made them shine.

With our hands firmly clasped together, I felt a rush of heat through my body. Knowing he really was all mine brought a large smile to my face as we reached our table.

“That’s a beautiful sight,” Nate said, holding the back of my chair as I sat. He gathered my hair off my shoulders and kissed the hollow of my collarbone.

“What is?” I asked through a long exhalation of air. Even that innocent display of intimacy had skyrocketed my heart rate. Nate hung his jacket on the back of his chair then sat.

“This.” He touched the corner of my still upturned mouth.

“You make me so happy.” I kissed the tip of his finger then settled our joined hands on the pristine white tablecloth covering the round wrought iron table. The chairs matched and were cushioned in white for comfort. The tableware was white, the small posy of roses in the centre were white. Only half of the tables were occupied, mostly by couples.

We ordered, then relaxed in the shade of the ivy-strewn pergola. I couldn’t tear my eyes from Nate. Every word he said, gesture he made, I was reminded of how dreadfully I would miss being around him. I was looking forward to seeing my father, but struggling to reconcile the excitement and happiness that brought with the sadness and empty feeling over leaving Nate.

“We’ve been invited to social drinks with a client Thursday night.” Nate calmly took a sip of iced water as the waiter served our lunches.

“Nate,” I sighed. I shook out my cloth napkin and draped it across my lap. “That’s the night before I leave. I was hoping for something a little more…private, for our last night together.”

“You’re still going?”

“Of course.”

He stared at me with an impassive expression that hid whether he was being flippant or not. Since dropping the bombshell on him, he hadn’t mentioned me leaving again. I’d assumed he was okay with it. Clearly, he wasn’t. “Don’t make me feel like shit for wanting to see my father,” I moaned, poking at my ahi tuna steak, my appetite lost. “It’s not fair.”

“Sorry.” Nate stopped slicing his steak and put down his fork. “I didn’t mean to make you feel that way. I’m going to miss you, that’s all,” he murmured, giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

“So I suppose now isn’t the ideal time to inform you my departure time has changed?”

“To when?” he asked, resuming his meal.

“Eight.” I grimaced. This wasn’t good information I was imparting. “I’ll have to leave straight from work for the airport.”

His cutlery clattered onto his plate, the noise garnering a few concerned glances from fellow diners. “Fucking unreal. Now do you get why I wanted you to fly private?” He shoved his half eaten lunch to the side. “This means I have, what, two hours less with you than planned?”

I reached under the table and dug my mobile from my bag. “I’ll send you the email so you have the new details.” I scrolled through, found the message and forwarded it to his private account. “There, done.”

He wasn’t happy. One hand covered his mouth, the index finger rubbing pensively across his pouting upper lip, his entire frame closed off from me.

“I do have a surprise that might ease your pain,” I told him.

He glanced sideways, one brow raised. “Oh?”

“I changed my return flight. I’m back on the nineteenth.”

“The day of the fundraiser?” His eyes glimmered with hope. “That mean you can come?”

I smiled but said nothing, allowing him time to figure it out. The hard lines of his face softened, a heart melting shy smile curling his lips. “That’s why you changed it, isn’t it?” he murmured in awe.

Nodding, I leant forward and kissed him. “I knew how important it was to you, and wanted to be there to support you. I just hope I’m not delayed.”

He took both my hands and brought them to his mouth, brushing his lips across my knuckles. “You’re incredible, do you know that?”

I laughed shyly, lowering my gaze. Nate could still render me bashful with a compliment.

“Can you leave on time tonight?” he asked hopefully.

“I’m leaving earlier. I haven’t packed yet.”

“Okay, I’ll come to you. We’ll stay at your place tonight.” He pinched a French bean from my plate and popped it into his mouth with a grin. “You can cook.”

My lips pursed. “I’ll make you a sandwich.”


“Eat that.” I pointed to his lunch. “I’ve a feeling you’ll be going hungry tonight.”


“WHAT’S your afternoon looking like?” I asked Nate as we travelled back to the office. He had my legs draped across his parted legs, his hands were running up and down my calves. Legs I’d often considered a hinderance, especially in my formative years, Nate found incredibly attractive. He took advantage of every opportunity he had to touch them.

“I’m being interviewed for The Edge.” The Edge was NTB’s premium online magazine. Managed from the New York office, it covered style, fashion, travel, health and general lifestyle advice for the discerning modern man. There was also a private concierge service for members wanting the luxury items and experiences featured.

Being such a private man, it was odd hearing Nate was doing an interview. “Didn’t think that was your kind of thing?”

“It’s not.” He smirked. “They approached me when this gorgeous blonde had just agreed to have dinner with me. I was in a good mood and feeling generous. It’s a behind-the-scenes exposé on the owner. The man behind the suits.”

“Well, a naked spread will certainly boost the subscriber count.”

His mouth twisted wryly. “For your eyes only, baby. Remember?”

Grinning and comforted by that knowledge, I settled into his side.

“I’m considering something similar aimed at the female demographic. Those wanting to know the best places to shop for fashion, the latest styles, beauty and so on. You’d be a great contributor.”

I snorted. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“Cut yourself some slack. Your style is effortless, you’re consistently stunning in whatever you wear. You’re intelligent, financially savvy, you understand what the career women of your age group want and need.” He stretched his legs and leant back. “You can’t cook for shit, but hey, few diamonds are flawless.”

“Hey!” I dug my elbow in his rib. With his head back, he laughed, a rich hearty sound that made my stomach flurry with happiness. He put an arm around my shoulders and brought me back to his side.

“I haven’t green-lighted anything yet, but consider my offer. It’s the perfect role for you. We could base ourselves here or move to New York. You’d be Editor-in-Chief. Every decision would be yours to make.”

This was a massive career change into unknown territory. I’d spent the best part of six years studying for a career in Finance. The opportunity to be involved with something I loved, almost to an obsession, couldn’t be dismissed without careful consideration. “You’d actually take that big a risk on me?”

“Why not? I’ve risked everything for you once before. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”

I cupped his jaw and brought my face closer to his. The big, blue eyes, now mere inches from mine, had my heart. I’d taken a huge gamble on him, and the payout had surpassed anything I could ever have dared to dream possible. I brushed my lips tenderly over his. “I would, too.”

“YOU’LL love some of the donations,” Nate assured me as he dressed for work the next morning. Using his connections, he’d secured items to auction at the fundraiser and raise additional funds for the charity.

“What did you get?” I called out from my bathroom.

“Caribbean holidays, Cartier jewellery. Hermès has even donated a one of a kind Birkin you’d love.”

“Ah, well,” I sighed, joining him in the bedroom, “a girl can dream.”

His eyes ran over me with familiar appreciation. “I can’t wait to show you off.” He finished knotting his tie, a patterned golden silk, and tightened it around his collar. It was the only splash of colour against a white shirt and black pressed trousers. He held his hand out for me to use for balance whilst I slipped on my black heeled pumps. “I know it’ll be a big deal for you. There’ll be press there. Are you ready to finally make us official?”

I smoothed my dress, the same shift I’d worn on our first date. “Before, it would’ve been a big deal. But now, I honestly can’t wait for you to escort me. Plus,” I added, grabbing my bag, “it’s another chance to wear my gorgeous Dior dress.”

“Think again,” Nate said smoothly, slipping on his jacket as we moved into the lounge.

“Why not? I wore it to a private party. No one has seen it before.”

“My family will be there. They’ve seen it. Besides,” he said, collecting two travel mugs of coffee from the kitchen counter, “the dress code is strictly black and white, so you can’t.”

He followed me through the front door, waiting at the top of the stairs whilst I locked up. “We should take another trip to the store. I’ll call Audrey, see if she can fit you in before you leave.”

“I’ll get something in London.” I took his arm and headed downstairs. “Let me surprise you.”

We settled into the back seat of the Mercedes and drank our second cups of coffee. I mentally planned a girls shopping trip with a fashion-loving cousin and set about emailing her while the idea was still fresh in my head.

Nate called Riley, asking for his 9 a.m. meeting to be rescheduled. Arriving late and leaving early was taking its toll on Nate and his workload. I knew the pressure was mounting and once I was out of the picture, his head would be buried in work to catch up. I made no attempt at conversation, leaving him to plough through some emails on his phone instead.

“I’ll meet you at yours tonight,” I told him as we neared the office.

“We’ll ride home together,” he corrected, dropping his phone into his inside pocket. His palm, warmed from his drink, slid under the hem of my dress and squeezed above my knee. “This is our last full night together.”

I loved Nate with such a passion it was frightening. This beautiful man was a massive part of my life. It was difficult to remember back to the time when it was only me, and I only had my own needs to consider. I teased the hair above his ear, loving when he leant into my hand and closed his eyes. “I need to do some shopping before I leave. Women’s stuff. Catch up on some work. I know your schedule has been suffering because of me.”

“Baby, you’ll always come first,” he murmured, glancing at me briefly. “Besides, I’ll have fourteen days to catch up.”

I squeezed the hand stroking obscenely higher up my thigh. “If I know you, it’ll also take a fortnight of working out to relieve your sexual frustration.”

The lips I could spend all day kissing curved wickedly. “You know me well.”

“Just don’t work too hard,” I continued. “I’ll see you at seven. Be prompt, I’ll have a special treat for you that’ll make it worth the wait.”

He opened one eye, his sexy half smile tempting me with the promise of sinful pleasures I knew all too well were utterly justified. “Put like that,” he purred, “how can I refuse?”


THE sweetheart neckline of the satin black basque pushed up my breasts, giving me a fantastic cleavage, and squeezed tight at the waist to form a classic hourglass figure. The matching knickers were tiny and cut high across my backside. With my hair tumbling loosely over my shoulders, minimal make-up and only the sweetness of my shower gel scenting my skin, I was Nathan Blake’s wildest fantasy come to life.

A little innocent, subtly aware of the sexual allure of her body, all poured into one hell of a sexy outfit and ready to blow his mind. I snapped the last clip of the suspender belt to sheer black stockings, stepped into irresponsibly high stilettos and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I could be submissive, he could thoroughly overpower me, but tonight was all about Nate. This was the woman I’d always been, not the diffident creature hiding behind the armour. With pride of my figure at an all-time high, I was in charge, and I was ready to give him a night he’d be remembering well into the coming weeks when we’d be apart.

“Hey, baby. I’m home,” Nate called out when he entered the condo. My stomach flurried with nerves and excitement.

“I’m in the kitchen,” I shouted back. I positioned myself on a barstool and faced the doorway, crossing my legs and leaning back on the island.

He laughed. “Now there’s something I never thought I’d hear you say.”

When he entered the kitchen, he froze. “Hell.” His eyes practically bulged out of their sockets, his mouth gaping. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing. “What have I done to deserve this?”

“I decided you needed a little stress relief, Mr. Blake,” I purred in my most seductive voice. In deliberately teasing movements, I slid off the stool and sashayed towards him, stopping a foot away. Twisting his tie around my hand I pulled him close. His neck pulsed, his gaze hungry.

“What makes you think I’m stressed?”

“Work has been distracting you the last couple of nights,” I murmured. Our mouths were millimetres apart, but I made sure they didn’t touch, heightening his anticipation.

His eyes flared slightly, his breath quickening. “Now you want me distracted with you?”

“Something like that.” His scent, always such an aphrodisiac, sent tingles across my skin. I slid my hand into his and led him back to the island, ensuring there was enough space between us so he could check me out from behind. I knew he was. The sensation of being devoured by his lustful eyes ran down my spine and over my backside, a sense I’d grown all too accustomed to but would never tire of.

“Take a seat.” I encouraged Nate onto a stool. Rounding him, I slipped off his jacket and tossed it aside. My palms glided over his back, visualising the ripped body beneath the white shirt. I stroked up and down his arms, wanting to touch him everywhere, then folded my arms across his chest, my heaving breasts pressed to his back. His breaths were shallow, his heart pounding.

Nate loosened his tie and top button, and ran a finger between his collar and neck. “Has it suddenly become very hot in here, or is it me?” he asked hoarsely.

“I think it’s you,” I purred, “although I’m feeling very, very hot right now.”

His restraint was impressive. I wondered how long he’d allow me to play with him. “Dinner is in the oven,” I murmured, temple to temple, “I’ve poured you some wine. All you have to do is relax.” Using the tip of my tongue, I traced the shell of his ear and tugged the lobe between my teeth. “I’ve got everything…under…control.”

“For now,” he growled.

“You’re going to let me have it for as long as I want,” I warned, walking around him.

“You think you’re ready to take us up a notch?”

“Oh, yeah.” I placed my hands on his thighs and lowered my face inches from his. “I’m going to take what I want from you. Make you come so fucking hard. That might be in my mouth”—I grabbed his hand and pushed it between my legs—“or it might be here. I haven’t decided yet.”

God, I never realised being so brazen and dirty could feel so good.

He cocked a brow. “Is that your decision to make?” His mouth hinted at a smile, and his skin was flushed.

I stepped out of reach, allowing his dark desiring eyes to look but not touch. “Open your mouth.” I took some chilled wine into my mouth then leant forward. I opened my lips against his and let the icy liquid trickle into his mouth. With force, he grabbed the back of my head and kissed me, moaning with pleasure. We licked and sucked, ate at each other hungrily, the built-up tension exploding into a fervent kiss. He’d overpowered me again. I pulled at his hair, writhed my hips into his groin to tempt him, frantic to regain some control. It took all my strength to shove his shoulders back and tear away.

“That was very naughty, Mr. Blake,” I gently admonished.

“Suck me or fuck me, Kara.” He yanked my hand to his crotch, his large hand covering mine, making me masturbate his rigid cock. “I need my dick inside you.”

Desire unfurled deep in my belly. My nipples puckered against the satin as my chest heaved. “Tut tut tut. You’re forgetting who’s in charge now.” I removed his tie and opened a few more buttons. Nate watched with salacious eyes as he took a sip of wine. He swallowed, licking his upper lip slowly. I dragged his tie around my neck and tied it, intentionally leaving the knot nestled in my cleavage.

His mouth twitched as he carefully placed his glass back down. I cupped my breasts, smoothing my hands down my torso, over the curves of my hips. Adrenaline pumped through me, making me fearless. “Maybe I don’t want your dick,” I murmured. I pushed my right hand down the front of my panties and found my sex, soaking wet. I whimpered at the desperately sought after contact, only experiencing half the satisfaction because it wasn’t Nate’s hand. “Maybe I’ll touch myself, make you come that way.”

“Not tonight,” Nate bit out, pulling my hand free. He yanked open his belt and buttons on his trousers and pulled down the zip. His cock fell into his palm, throbbing and hard as stone. “Last chance to decide, sweetheart.”

I couldn’t give up now, let him take me and fuck me. I sank to my knees. Nate exhaled harshly, nodding his approval, eyes on fire as I took him in both hands. I circled the head, teasing along the slit with firm flicks of my tongue. He quivered beneath me. I sucked, taking only the head into my mouth. Keeping still, I used my tongue to play. My eyes never left his.

“Goddamn it.” He cupped the back of my head. “Open your mouth.”

He pushed his cock deep into my mouth, hitting the back of my throat. I jerked, blinking rapidly as my eyes watered. He gave me a second to compose myself before bucking his hips, grinding without restraint as my lips created a seal around him and began to suck.

“Harder,” he ordered. The musky taste of his skin, hot and aroused, the satiny softness encasing solid muscle made me groan. I straightened my spine and wrapped my arms around his thighs, needing the support. Glorying in his need, knowing I could be his undoing, I increased the pressure and bared my teeth.

He scrunched my hair in his fist and yanked my head back. “I’m gonna come in your mouth,” he hissed, clutching to keep what little control he had. “Then I’m gonna come in your sweet pussy ’til I’m dripping down your fucking gorgeous legs.”

I groaned, his words almost sending me over the edge. I was a fool to think I could overpower him and not expect any retaliation. I sucked with everything I had, milking his cock until my jaw ached.

His eyes flickered, thighs tensing. “Fuck.” Semen flooded my mouth in hot bursts. I swallowed repeatedly, his legs shaking under my forearms. Both hands were in my hair, their touch gentling to reverent strokes as the last of his release pumped into my wanting mouth. My entire body felt on fire, my nerves and senses alert to the brink of climax.

Nate hauled me to my feet and crushed his mouth to mine. Hungry. Needy. His hands cupped my breasts, soothing the heavy ache as he thumbed my nipples. “Turn around,” he demanded, pushing to his feet. He pushed me against the kitchen island. With one hand at my nape, he gently eased me forward until I was bent over it. “Hold on to the edge,” he whispered gruffly into my ear, “and don’t let go.”

The cold quartz did nothing to absorb my body heat. I was panting, my breath hot against my arm as I stretched above my head. Nate kicked my legs apart and stood between them. “Is this what you were shopping for earlier?” he murmured, trailing fingertips along the edge of my knickers, across my arse.

I nodded.

He snapped a couple of the suspenders sending a sting shooting right to my sex. “Nice.”

I gasped and shifted my legs, restless. The tip of his forefinger outlined the lips of my opening through my panties, then he shoved them aside and eased a finger inside me from behind.

I moaned. My grip tightened, my back arching. I pushed back, welcoming the warmth of his groin and the hardness of his cock as it fell between my cheeks. Nate groaned, a strained sound of yearning for something dark and forbidden. “I can smell your desire, Kara.” He spread my arse and moved closer.

I stiffened. My mind began to fog, his words, his finger, his touch all making me loose my grip on reality and what I wanted. “Be brave, baby. Tell me exactly what I’m going to do.”

He removed his finger and stroked the head of his cock over my opening, masturbating me back and forth. I wiggled my hips, desperate to have all of him, but with his hand at the base of my spine holding me still, nothing was happening until I said it.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I took a deep breath. “Fuck me,” I whispered.

“Fuck” —he pushed into me a little— “or make love?”


With a guttural groan, he rammed into me. He pulled out slow, then back in just as languid, but this was the calm before the storm. His fingers dug into my hipbone as he started to move. “Did you like being in control?” he snarled, his question broken by sharp intakes of air.

“Yes.” I panted.

“Did you forget I can keep going all fucking night?” he grunted, fucking me harder. “I’ll come inside you, then, when you think I’ve had enough, I’ll fuck you again.”

I unfurled one hand and reached behind for him, needing a tender connection to balance out his aggression.

“But, you know I’d never hurt you?” he asked cautiously, slowing and gentling the decadent rolls of his hips. He entwined his fingers with mine and lowered, covering me with a blanket of solid muscle.

“You’re everything to me, baby.” Heat radiated between us, his love for me clear as he wrapped me beneath him and pressed gentle kisses to my shoulder.

“I love you,” I whimpered, the last word lost as I came.