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Salvation by John, Stephanie (4)

WEARING BLACK TROUSERS and a white shirt, the top couple of buttons undone, he sat tucked away near the back wall staring right at me. The sight of him caused my heart rate to quicken and a storm of butterflies to flit around my stomach. He was even more glorious than I remembered.

Piercing blue eyes slid over me, seductively drinking me in, his lips slightly parted. In a drawn out action, his tongue licked over his upper lip before he dragged his eyes to meet mine.

It was so sexual. My sex clenched, heated desire running all over me. Nate Blake wanted me.

Naked. In his bed. Tonight.

Drawing every bit of strength I could muster to my now skewed intentions for the evening, I fixed a confident smile to my face and tried to refocus as I approached. Blake stood, squaring his shoulders, and ran a hand through his thick hair. It made me want to tease my own fingers through the glossy, luscious lengths.

“Kara,” he murmured. How did he know my name? And how could he make it sound so provocative, like it meant so much more than a simple greeting? “It’s a pleasure to see you again.” He pulled out the other burgundy leather wingback chair, gesturing for me to sit down.

“Hello.” I placed my bag beneath the drinks table, then sat and crossed my legs. Blake’s eyes drifted hungrily to where my dress had ridden up my thighs. Damn. What had possessed me to wear a dress? I tried, unsuccessfully, to tug it back down. “How are you?”

“Getting better by the minute.” He sat, angling his body towards mine. His face glowed with humour, eyes dancing with pleasure. “How about you? How was your day?”

“Distracting…” In fact, the entire work day had interfered with my building anticipation of this exact moment.

“Oh?” Blake tilted his head and pursed his lips, clearly confused by my response.

“Busy,” I rushed out, trying to conceal my thoughts, “but good.”

A light growth of trimmed stubble covered his strong jawline, and because he’d recently run a hand through it, a few strands of hair had fallen sexily over his forehead. It gave a slightly roguish edge to an otherwise well-groomed appearance.

“The wine list is impressive,” he noted, offering me the menu. “Anything in particular you like?”

You. The word came unbidden to mind. “Red’s fine, thanks,” I flushed, without taking it from him.

Mischief swept across Blake’s face. He caught the attention of a male server who came rushing over. “The 2002 Lonely Oak Cabernet, please.”

The server nodded, glanced briefly at me, then stumbled on a chair leg as he made a hasty retreat to the bar. I winced sympathetically. The poor man could probably feel the pheromones emanating from Blake as much as I could.

Blake lounged back into his seat, amused. “You always have that effect on people?”

Me? “Do you?” I countered. “He was obviously intimidated by you. You’re very disconcerting.”

Blake looked puzzled as the server returned in record time. He was desperately trying to concentrate, flushing as red as the wine he poured with his trembling hand. I knew how he felt. I wanted to sit on my hands so Blake couldn’t see them shaking.

Taking pity on him, I smiled and said, “Thank you.” The server mumbled incoherently, placed a bowl of pistachio nuts on the table, then scurried away with a harried smile. I glanced at Blake. The index finger stroking rhythmically back and forth across his top lip as he watched me was very distracting.

You intimidated him, not me. Not to mention the heads that turned when you passed the gentlemen at the bar.” He calmly sipped his wine. “You’re exquisite.”

Unsure how to respond to his compliment, I laughed uncomfortably and smoothed my hair around my face.

“Tell me about yourself, Kara.” A frown flit across his face, then he relaxed. I hated talking about myself, so decided to have some fun with him.

“Well, you already seem to know my name.” I raised a brow. “I’m twenty-four, five-nine tall, green eyes…” I hid my smile with my hand.

Blake smirked. “That’s not what I meant. You’re more than just a beautiful face.” His eyes scanned the length of my body. “And unbelievably long, long legs.”

My tongue darted out to wet my lips. His gaze darkened as he leant closer and murmured, “Those luscious full red lips are begging to be kissed. Keep licking them? See what happens.”

The enticing promise of his kiss made me lightheaded. The sensual scent of his cologne smelt like a drug I could quickly become hooked on. He settled back and casually took a sip of wine, whilst I felt like I was going to pass out from sensory overload. Without realising until it was too late, I licked my lips again. His eyes narrowed. I dived for my glass and brought it to my lips, not believing for a second it would deter Blake from carrying out his threat.

“Why choose LA?” he asked, balancing his glass on the arm of the chair. “Not that I’m complaining.” His left hand brushed my arm, the tiny bit of contact enough to cause a buzz throughout my body.

It took a second to compose myself before I could reply. “An old school friend lives here. I needed a change, she invited me to stay, and…here I am.” Millie had been my lifesaver when I needed it most. I’d jumped at her offer without hesitation.

“A fresh start?”

“Something like that.” Blake didn’t need to know about my baggage. I straightened, determined not to sink into another self-pitying moment, here of all places.

“Were you alone?” he asked cautiously.

“Yes, my brother is currently on a gap year travelling. New Zealand, last time we spoke. Our father still lives in the village we grew up in.” I smiled fondly, thinking of them both so far away.

He waited for me to fill in the glaring omission of my mother, but when I offered nothing else, asked, “How long have you lived here?”

“Ten months,” I answered, sipping my wine.

Blake frowned. “That’s pretty fast to get a visa.”

“I have a US passport. My father worked for Steelman Group back in the day.”

“The architects?”

I nodded. “He took a secondment to Chicago. We returned to England after Liam was born. We both have dual citizenship.” Setting my wine back on the table, I asked, “Have you always lived here?”

“I grew up in the Canyon, studied in Rhode Island.” Blake topped up our glasses as he talked. “I’ve spent the last five years between here and the East Coast, but all my family live here…” With the bottle suspended mid-air, he stared outside towards the patio, entirely consumed by his thoughts. Suddenly, he snapped back to the present. “Sorry.” He cleared his throat and set the bottle back on the table.

I considered his mood switch strange but chose to ignore it. “Locally?”

“Except my brother. My parents own a vineyard in Sonoma. Will lives there.”

I cringed. “Just my luck to pick a wine bar.”

Nate smiled. “I don’t claim to be knowledgeable about wine. Will’s the expert, he manages everything now they’ve retired.”

I took a minute to allow the velvety red to run through me and loosen me up some more. “Any other siblings?”

“An older sister. She’s an attorney, family law. Happily married, got four kids, a great home.” He spun the stem of his glass distractedly, lost in thought once more. “The happily-ever-after.”

I found it intriguing hearing he viewed her life as ideal. His seemed pretty perfect to me. When Blake smiled shyly, a strange sense of ease came over me, as though part of me was being washed away. I knew it was a little piece of the barrier surrounding my heart cracking. I re-crossed my legs, holding the hem to prevent the dress riding up again.

“She’s a little overprotective,” he continued with a shrug, his jaw clenching.

A man so driven, with all that focused intensity, who never gave up until he’d succeeded in achieving his goals, was so not like someone who needed protecting. For some reason, nerves perhaps, I chuckled.

“You seem to find me amusing,” he noted dryly.

“Sorry, but I can’t imagine you allow people to take advantage of you.”

He titled his head, weighing up my observations. “She doesn’t have to worry about me anymore. Will’s the one to watch.”


“Let’s just say, he has an eye for the ladies,” he muttered, “the wrong type of girl.” He lifted a shoulder in resignation. “But, he’s only young. Maybe he needs to experience the harsh realities of life first-hand.”

“Must be a family trait,” I mumbled.

Blake shifted in his seat, his expression unreadable as he reached for his wine. He remained silent when the server reappeared and asked if we wanted another bottle, preferring to keep his attention on me.

“No, thank you,” I replied on our behalf. I couldn’t allow alcohol to cloud my senses around this man. The feelings he stirred inside me were enough to give me a slightly merry impression all on their own. My mind was already racing down the twisted road of recklessness and wild abandonment, of scorching hot uninhibited sex, when it needed to be driven steadily on the straight sensible one where it belonged.

“What do you enjoy doing? You look quite fit.”

I felt my cheeks redden at the English meaning of his choice of words, though I don’t think he understood the double-meaning. “I love running, outdoors preferably. I go to the gym and I practice Vinyasa Yoga.”

“Interesting.” Blake smiled seductively. “You must be supple, pliable…” he murmured, rubbing the scruff on his chin with careful deliberation, “…flexible.”

My skin flushed, imagining all the positions this man could manhandle me into. The darkening of his eyes unsettled me. He was having the exact same thoughts. I quickly cleared my throat. “What about you?” I asked, breathlessly. “Do you have much spare time outside of running your empire?”

“It’s a tough job running an empire.” Those blue eyes appeared to laugh at me. “But, I always make time for other pursuits, if they’re important enough.”


Blake opened his mouth as if to speak. He licked his lips and deliberated his response with a small smile. “I go to the gym to blow off steam. Otherwise, I prefer the warmth of the sun on my skin when I’m working up a sweat.”

I tried not to visualise tanned, slick skin, but it was pointless because it came to me as clear as if it was right in front of me. “What about friends?” I managed to ask, fumbling with my earring.

“Yes, I have friends.” His lips curled upwards.

“That isn’t what I meant,” I pouted. “Do you socialise much?”

“Sure. I’m just a regular guy.”

With designer clothes and extraordinary good looks, Blake was as far removed from a regular guy as you could get. Men in his position were usually out enjoying themselves, hitting the bars and taking advantage of the many willing girls keen to provide company for the evening.

I could feel his eyes on me, studying my profile. “What?” I asked, nervously spinning my mother’s ruby eternity band on my finger.

“How do you do that?”

Having no idea what he was talking about, I shrugged.

“I’ve told you more about myself in the past hour than I’ve told any woman in the last two years,” he admitted, his brow furrowed.

“What do you talk about then—the weather?” I scoffed. When he continued to hold my gaze so sincerely without reply, it dawned on me. “Ah, I suppose there’s no time for small talk when you’re luring them into bed.”

An utterly disarming grin flashed across his face. “I’ve always found bed a great place for talking, Kara.” His tone had switched to that seductive whisper once more. Lust heated my blood, his words chasing over my skin.

His expression darkened, his eyes firmly fixed on me, like he was brooding about something. “Is there a boyfriend I should be concerned about?”

I was taken aback by the directness of his question. Incredulous, I replied, “You honestly believe I’d be sitting here with you if there was?”

What kind of woman did he think I was? Or maybe it wasn’t a reflection on my morals and more his. Arrogant enough to think no woman, no matter what her relationship status, was immune to him. Blake’s expression was unfathomable as he waited for my answer.

“Not that it’s any of your business,” I relented, “but no, there isn’t.”

The killer smile that flashed across his face floored me. Whoa. My breathing shallowed as my heart rate shifted up another gear. Against my better judgement, I was curious to know what he called his current state of play regarding relationships. “Do you have a girlfriend, Mr. Blake?”

“No, I don’t,” he bit out, as pissed off as I was about the question. “I’m sorry if I offended you. That wasn’t my intention.” His mouth set in a straight line as he eyed me warily. “I haven’t had one in a while. Nothing serious, anyway.”

“Really,” I sneered.

“That surprises you?”

“Not in the slightest. I imagine you’ve had many…acquaintances.” Blake brought his glass to his mouth, hiding a smirk. “You probably have a different woman in your bed every night,” I stupidly went on, cheeks heating with my blunt observation. “Rest assured, tonight it won’t be me.”

He choked on his wine. “Excuse me.” He straightened, thumping his chest, and set his glass down. “You suggested a drink, Kara. It’s telling that you were thinking about taking me to bed. But, if you insist…”

“No!” I shook my head. “I—” Nothing came out of my mouth. “That’s not…I wasn’t.”

Blake lowered his head, tilting it to the side. One corner of his mouth lifted into a half-smile as he gradually raised his gaze to meet mine.

He looked as sexy as hell.

“What I have, and what I want, are two very different realities,” he murmured cryptically.

Attempting to regain my equilibrium, I grabbed my glass to steady my racing pulse. “My expectations from relationships usually differ from those of the women I meet on a daily basis,” he stated, sounding resigned to the fact. “Therefore, I don’t engage in one with them.”

I glowered at him, but I was more annoyed with myself. I’d started to fall under his spell and think he might actually be more than solely a walking advert for sex. Now, he’d basically confessed to only wanting women for one thing, and wasn’t interested in anything meaningful.

The tiny sliver of hope that he wasn’t the serial one-night-stander I’d accused him of crashed away. Even the satisfaction of being right couldn’t lighten the odd sense of disappointment filling me.

“Are you sure I can’t tempt you,” Blake leant forward, eyes glinting with indecent intentions, “with dinner?”

“You’re wasting your time with me,” I said quietly.

Blake turned my hand over and slotted his fingers between mine; my own instinctively curled around his. I drew a deep breath when that surge of energy flashed through our fingers again. His thumb stroked the underside of my wrist, somewhere that inexplicably felt incredibly intimate.

“Why suggest this date if you’re not interested?” he asked softly, his eyes unwavering in their gaze.

I swallowed hard. “I wanted to see if you were still hell-bent on just fucking me, or if you had more to offer?”

Blake’s brows shot up. “What else do you want?”

“More than an orgasm or two.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” His mouth curved, his eyes gleaming with sexual dominance and certainty. “Multiples are my speciality.”

God. If he fucked as good as he talked, I had no doubt that statement was absolutely true. Why did I keep feeding him these lines? I pulled myself together. I’d veered off track, sidelined by his cocky arrogance and the hint of something lingering behind the sparkle in his eyes. He seemed almost hopeful, as though what I said next could have the ability to change his world.

Not wanting to waste any more of either of our time, I refrained from going into further detail. “Lust is great, but it doesn’t last.” I shrugged. “I want more.”

Blake’s grip tightened. I stared at his face, battling against the flicker in his eyes confirming he’d just heard exactly what he’d been waiting for. His eyes grew larger and darkened as they scanned my face. Releasing my hand, leaving me strangely bereft, he stroked some hair behind my ear. His fingertips felt like lightning against my skin. My eyes closed briefly, my breath hitching as I fought the urge to nuzzle into his caress.

Suddenly, all warmth vanished from his eyes. He became guarded and distant as he withdrew his hand. “I don’t tolerate the inevitable drama that follows commitment, Kara.” Avoiding any eye contact, he sat back, staring blankly at the glasses on the table, somewhat pained by his revelations.

“So you do just want no-strings sex?” I asked quietly.

“I want—” He glanced at me with pensive blue eyes, then gave a small shrug. “I want you.”

There was no point pretending his brutal honesty didn’t excite me. But, I’d never been one for one-night stands, and just because the epitome of male sexiness was offering it on a plate, didn’t mean I was about to start having them now. “I should go.” The legs of my chair scraped across the floorboards as I shoved it back, reaching into my bag for my purse.

“I’ve got this.” Blake tucked some notes under the empty wine bottle, giving the server a hefty tip.

“Thanks.” I hung my bag in the crook of my arm and started for the door. Blake steered me through the now much busier bar by my elbow, the innocent touch sending a thrill through my body. Holding the door open, he allowed me to step out first. The old-fashioned gesture was unexpected. It made me think less playboy, more respectful gentleman.

“I assume you’re not driving?” he asked when we reached the valet. A small group of women stood waiting for their cars. Unsurprisingly, Blake snagged their interest as more than one jaw dropped and glances were furtively cast.

“No, I left my car at work.” I moved a few steps away from them then faced him. “I’ll get a taxi.”

God, he looked good in this light. Passing car beams bounced off his face, casting shadows that enhanced his chiseled features. Behind him, the group of women were still eyeing him up, even though their cars had arrived.

“I’ll take you,” he insisted, removing his phone from his trouser pocket. “I have a car coming.” He briefly concentrated on the screen then dropped it back into his pocket.

“No!” The fresh air made me realise I’d had more wine than I wanted to drink, and I couldn’t trust myself to be around him much longer.

“It’s no problem, Kara.” Blake eyed me with curious interest, his eyes slightly wider than before. I wasn’t sure if my rejection had impressed or entertained him. I realised this was it—he really was expecting me to go home with him.

“I’d prefer a taxi,” I stated, as firm and assertively as I could manage under his close scrutiny. I was actually the complete opposite, and given some gentle persuasion, knew my decision could easily be swayed. I needed to get out of here. Fast.

I stepped to the kerb and hailed a taxi. I didn’t know whether to be mad or relieved when one stopped straight away, pulling up as a luxury car arrived.

Blake studied the two vehicles. He looked thoroughly baffled, at a loss as to why I’d opt for the city taxi over his own private transportation.

“Thank you for the wine,” I said, shuffling awkwardly. “Sorry tonight didn’t end as you hoped.”

He turned to me. “On the contrary. It’s ended exactly as I’d hoped.”

I had no idea what that meant, but the sincerity in his tone tugged at something buried deep inside of me.

When I met his gaze, the change was there, in plain sight. His frown showed his perplexed state of mind. Gone was the need to screw me into unconsciousness—which I’m sure he could. In its place, a yearning for something much deeper. It went against everything he’d just told me.

“Get home safely.” Blake placed a hand on my upper arm. I flinched, wary of his touch. No man had touched me since…

My painful memory was forgotten when Blake dipped his head forward, close enough so I stared straight into darkening blue eyes. They lowered to my mouth and stayed there for what seemed like an eternity. Then, with the same leisurely pace, they returned to my eyes.

A satisfactory smile curled his lips as he angled his head and kissed me chastely on the cheek. He hovered there briefly, then released me and opened the taxi door.

“Goodnight, Nate.” After helping me into the back seat, he stood watching from the pavement as the driver pulled into the streaming traffic. His eyes blazed, his sense of accomplishment evident in the smile dazzling over his face.


I wanted him to kiss me. And he knew it.




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