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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1) by Vera Quinn (19)

Chapter 21




This has been one hell of a day. My trip to the school was a waste of time. I did get more security cameras set. We don’t know anything more about the suicides or where the drugs that were in their systems came from. We have church tomorrow morning to discuss more options. After that I had to hear my daughter cry because of the damn shot she got. I wanted to kill the damn nurse. Alright, in my mind I know it couldn’t be helped but I don’t like it. The one bright spot of my day was seeing my girls for lunch. Betsy was smiling when she left with her mom and I gave her that smile. Maddie and Betsy have gone home to wait on Micah’s arrival. I am glad that it is only Micah and not their Aunt Deb too. Maybe I can ease some of Micah’s reaction to me with her by herself. I am not kidding myself. I know that Micah will not cut me any slack but maybe if we can show her how we are trying then she will be happy if not, there’s nothing I can do about it. I don’t care how she feels about me, but I know it would be easier if I got along with Maddie’s family. I will be going home later for dinner. I wanted to give Maddie and Micah a little time alone this afternoon to reconnect.

I was on my way to Boulder with Krill to help Reece and Honey with Reece’s car, but Sunshine’s text stopped me. I said that I wouldn’t come back to her place, but she has papers from the realtor company for me to sign. I wouldn’t do it, I know it is a bad idea, but I need out from under that lease. I also have the money that I promised Sunshine for her this month. I was going to put it in her bank account, but I think cash will be better. I would like to think that Sunshine and I can still be on friendly terms.

I pull into my old parking space and I look around and I see Angus parked back in the trees. I don’t know how he thinks he is being inconspicuous. Anyone can see him. I also notice Prissy’s car parked in the visitor parking. Good, we will have someone else here with us. I make my way up to the door and knock. It’s not long before Sunshine answers the door and she has a big smile on her face. I see Prissy sitting on the love seat and there are papers on the coffee table, so I guess this is all on the up and up, so I relax. Sunshine leaves the door open and walks over to the sofa and sits down. I close the door and start to go and sit in the recliner. “You better grab you a drink. There are a ton of papers to read through. I have filled out my part the best I can, but I am not good at legal papers and understanding them. Why can’t a lease agreement just say rent due on this date and this amount. I think they get paid by the page.” I remember the day we leased this place and we were in the realtor’s office for over an hour. I veer over to the refrigerator and get me a water out. It’s been a long day and I almost grab a beer, but I don’t want Sunshine getting the wrong idea. I sit down in the recliner and take the lid off my water and take a long drink. I reach for the papers, so I can get started reading. I see that Sunshine has made a few mistakes and I correct them for her.

“I am correcting your errors,” I tell Sunshine.

“Will you come over here and explain them to me? I would come over there, but I don’t think there is enough room.” Sunshine sounds sincere. I look over at Prissy who has said nothing.

“Sure. Prissy why weren’t you with Reece and Honey today? You three are usually together when you go shopping.” Prissy smiles at me and I get up and move over to the sofa. I take my water with me and take another drink. I am looking at the papers, but it seems to be getting warm in here.

“Are you sure I can’t get you a beer? I have your favorite brand.” I look at Sunshine and she is smiling at me. Why shouldn’t I have a beer, just one?

“Sunshine and I have been looking for work. I need a little extra cash, so I thought a part time job would be a great idea,” Prissy answers.

“Prissy, would you get Dra a beer while he explains these papers to me?” Sunshine asks Prissy. Damn it is hot in here. I sit back on the sofa and Sunshine sits back with me. I am trying to focus on the papers, but the words are blurry. I rub my eyes. Damn, it has been a long day.

“Here you go Dra.” Prissy hand me my beer. I take a big drink of it.

“Can you turn the thermostat down? I am sweating,” I say to no one in particular.

“I’ll get it,” Prissy says. Sunshine is leaning over close to me and then her mouth is on mine and I want to resist but I can’t push her away. I think my phone is ringing and I reach for it while trying to push Sunshine away but there is nothing but a blur.