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Severed Ties That Bind (Troubled Fathoms MC Book 1) by Vera Quinn (21)

Chapter 23




My head is hurting, and I hear something pounding. It won’t quit pounding. Maybe it is my head pounding. No, it is far off but loud. I try to open my eyes and it is not happening. They feel so heavy. I feel a warm body beside me. I reach for Maddie and turn towards her, but I smell something that is not right. Then I will my eyes open. I see a very naked Sunshine next to me. I look around and I am in Sunshine’s room. I try to remember how I got here but there is nothing. I hear the pounding again and then I hear my brother. “Dra, open this motherfucking door or I am kicking it in!” What the hell? I move my hand and that’s when I catch a glimpse of my wedding band. Oh, fuck no! What the hell am I doing here? I jump off the bed, but Sunshine doesn’t move. I hear the splintering of wood and I walk into the living room naked looking for my clothes as I go. Krill walks through what is left of the door. “What the hell have you done, brother? I could not believe the damn pictures I received and then Prissy told me you were drunk here with Sunshine. Do you know how fucked you are right now?” I grab my jeans on the floor beside the sofa foregoing the boxers that I don’t see anywhere.

“I don’t remember anything, Krill. Not a damn thing after knocking on that door. What damn pictures are you talking about? What time is it?” Krill is looking at me like he doesn’t believe me.

“It’s a little after noon.” I look at Krill.

“It can’t be a little after noon. It was after two when I got here,” I tell Krill who has his phone out looking for something.

“It’s a little after noon on Friday, Dra. By what you just said you have been here for almost twenty-four hours and these are the pictures I am talking about but do not destroy my phone.” I look at Krill trying to figure out how I lost time. Krill must be joking but when I search his face I see he is serious. I take his phone looking for my shirt and cut. I find my t-shirt and pull it on and then I look at the pictures and my heart freezes. I look at the number it came from and then I know I am truly fucked. “Keep flipping through.” I do, and I am sick to my stomach. I pitch Krill’s phone back to him and rush to the bathroom where I empty the contents of my stomach.

“Damn, what happened?” I look at Krill and flush the toilet then I get a wash rag and wash my face and then rinse my mouth out. I wish I had an answer.

“Dra, baby? Where are you? Come back to bed.” Sunshine says in a sleepy voice. A voice that makes me want to kill. I rush to the bedroom with Krill on my heels.

“What the fuck did you do to me?” I go to the bed and grab Sunshine by her throat. Her face is turning red.

“I think you might need to let her get some air, so she can answer, Dra,” Krill tells me. I throw her back down on the bed, but I follow her down and get in her face.

“Tell me now, Sunshine, and don’t fucking lie!” I yell at her.

“You are the one that came onto me. Ask Prissy. She was here. When you started trying to undress me in the living room she left us, and we were together all night, baby. Just the way you like it. You know I love you and I wasn’t going to turn you down. We didn’t even use protection. You said you wanted to start a family and that you were moving in. You brought my patch back and gave it to me.” Sunshine goes on and on. “You told me that Maddie couldn’t satisfy you the way I could and then you worshipped my body all night long. You fucked me good. I am so sore this morning that it hurts to move.”

“I would not betray Maddie.” I looked at Krill. “Did Micah show those to Maddie?”

“She sent them to me, so I would almost guarantee it,” Krill says. “I went by your house before I came here, and they are all gone.” Everything I have been working for the last few months just went down the shitter. “We have church. Get your ass moving. Sunshine, I don’t know what happened here last night, but I am going to get to the bottom of it. You have five minutes to get up and get dressed. We are all going to the clubhouse.” I get up and walk back to living room and find my cut on the back of the recliner. I put it on and sit down to put my boots on. I look at my brother.

“I do not remember a damn thing after coming in that door except drinking some water and looking at some papers. There is nothing else there. I have never blacked out after drinking and forgot what happened and I wasn’t drinking anything but water.” I look around the room and there are empty beer bottles everywhere. The kind of beer I drink and there is a bottle of whiskey. I know I did not get drunk with Sunshine. I wouldn’t. I hear Sunshine in the other room getting ready to leave. Krill moves closer to me and lowers his voice.

“I believe you, Dra. When Prissy was talking to me she seemed nervous and wouldn’t look me in the eye. There’s more to the story. I think Sunshine and Prissy set you up. I just texted Doc to meet us at the clubhouse so he can examine you and give Sunshine the morning after pill. If Sunshine is not hiding anything she will take it. We all know she is not the mommy type. Do not press her until she does unless you are onboard with her having your child.” My head is clearing but I still have no memory of last night. I am glad Krill is thinking straight.

“I want Doc to test my blood. I want to know if I was drugged. If Sunshine set me up I will end her.” Krill looks at me.

“No. If that is what happened then she will be turned over to the cops. We are not that kind of a club. We do not hurt women and children. I will help you prove you were set up, but I will not stand for violence against a woman.” Krill is right. That would go against everything we were taught growing up in the Troubled Fathoms MC.

“Understood, but I am getting my wife and daughter back. We need to be in touch with my attorney. I am claiming Maddie before the club,” I tell Krill.

“One step at a time. First, we find out what the hell happened. Then you need to get your damn patch back from Sunshine and then we get Maddie and B back here. Her ink is something you two need to discuss. I wouldn’t want my ink on some bitch that wasn’t mine. I already texted ahead to the clubhouse, so they know to keep Sunshine and Prissy separated after we arrive,” Krill tells me. “We also have a break about the suicides and the who that is pushing drugs in our town. Let’s get to the clubhouse.”