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My Father's Best Friend by Ali Parker, Weston Parker (31)

Chapter 31



“Let me down!” I cried, unable to stop the laughter bubbling from my throat.

“Not a chance,” Andrew answered, his strong arms around my legs.

Up the stairs and down the hallway we went, passing closed doors. A door opened with a bang, and we were in a bedroom. Andrew’s bedroom.

A small lamp on a side table softly lit the room, but that’s all I got to notice before I was gently dropped onto the bed. Andrew’s weight pressed down onto me, his hands twisting in my short hair and his nose brushing against mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, studying his eyes. This close, they were dark pools sucking me in.

Slowly twisting a strand of my hair, Andrew dropped a quick kiss on my lips before taking his mouth higher. My forehead. My cheeks. My chin. His lips didn’t miss any part of my face.

I closed my eyes, relaxing my weight into the soft comforter as his mouth meandered down to my neck. Somehow, Andrew knew just where the most sensitive spot was. Sucking gently on my throat, he swam his fingers down the side of my body, not stopping till they were at my waist.

The sucking on my throat increased, as well as his hold on my waist. I pushed my body against him, bending my neck in offering.

Without warning, unbearable heat rushed through my body, making me break out into a sweat. Clawing at Andrew’s shirt, I tugged it up, fumbling in an attempt to get it over his head.

Leaving my neck, he sat up, peeling the shirt off for me. I watched breathlessly, my temperature only continuing to rise.

With his shirt gone, Andrew pulled on my sweatshirt. The shirt underneath came off with it, leaving nothing but a bra on my torso.

Andrew emitted a hungry growl, dropping down once more and taking my mouth with his as his palms closed over my breasts. We kissed fiercely, tongues and teeth twisting and knocking together till I didn’t know what belonged to who.

My nipples grew tauter under his touch, pressing against the bra cups. I ran my hands across his back, searching for every muscle. I wanted to touch each inch of him, to burn his perfect form into my memory forever.

With one swift movement, Andrew reached under me and unhooked my bra. Not content to stop there, he kissed his way down my chest and belly, working on the button of my jeans as he went.

I helped him, happily kicking the rest of my clothes off.

“What about you?” I playfully asked.

Andrew just grinned, already standing up and removing his own pants and boxers. His thick length emerged, making saliva fill my mouth. My palms tingled to get a feel of it, but before I could reach forward, Andrew was back on top of me, pinning my wrists above my head.

This time, the kiss was tender, languid, and flavorful. I wrapped my legs around Andrew’s naked waist, pulling him closer to me. A throbbing began between my thighs, so persistent it bordered on painful.

I grasped hold of the comforter above my head, clutching it as the room spun. Andrew left my mouth and hands, shimmying lower and spreading my thighs. Slowly, he licked me there, taking his time like I was a treat he intended to enjoy. My entire body shuddered with pleasure, each sweep of his tongue taking me higher.

The ecstasy and heat grew, and I clung to the comforter. If I let go, I was sure I’d fly away.

Andrew flicked his tongue against me fast, sending me over the edge. I bucked my hips against his face, moaning as the euphoria came to a head.

Gasping for air, I clutched eagerly at his shoulders, drawing him up toward me. Having his mouth on me had only made me hungrier for him, and I couldn’t wait to get my fill.

As I pulled him up to me, though, he surprised me by taking my wrists once more. This time he lay next to me, turning me around so that he was behind me. A gentle bite stung the back of my neck, and I sealed my eyes shut, grinding my thigh against his length.

Wiggling one hand free, I found his soft shaft and squeezed it lightly. Having it cradled in my palm felt familiar. Right.

Andrew allowed me a moment to do as I wanted, with him running his broad hands up and down the length of my body. I stroked him lethargically, goosebumps rising along every inch of my skin as he touched the same spots over and over again.

Rolling away from me, he opened the side drawer and pulled out a condom. I took the moment to lie flat on my back, my arms splayed at my sides.

Standing next to the bed, wearing the most perfect side grin ever, Andrew gazed down at me as he rolled the condom over himself.

The bed creaked as he slowly got back on it and nestled himself between my legs. One arm slipped under my waist to hold me securely while the other found my hand. Our fingers intertwined next to my head, and Andrew dropped his face to mine as he unhurriedly pushed into me.

My muscles rippled against his girth. Deep relaxation combined with breathtaking pleasure swept through me, and I kissed him with an unquenchable thirst. Slowly, we rocked against each other, the movements like second nature.

Tension collected in my lower abdomen, building steadily. With a bang that made me gasp, I burst, twisting my fingers in his hair and calling his name the whole time.

My release seemed to spur Andrew on. He quickened the pace, burying himself fully inside of me. I nestled my face into his neck, thrusting myself up against him. I wanted to give him all of me, to let him know that whatever it was he wanted, I had it.

With a groan, he froze, hand clenching mine.

Shifting slightly away from me, Andrew brought himself back to my mouth. Our satisfied kiss was full of sweat, sweetness, perfection.

I closed my eyes, wishing we could stay in that moment forever.

Gently climbing off me, Andrew pulled me against him and tossed a blanket over the both of us. Nestled in the crook of his arm, I sighed happily.

“This is …” He paused. “Good,” he simply finished.

I laughed. “Yeah, it is.”

“I was worried we would never have this again.”

Emotion clogged my throat. I was happy he couldn’t see my face because I was afraid of what could be showing there.

“I’m sorry about all this,” I whispered.

Andrew squeezed my shoulder and pressed his face into the side of my head. “Lanie, don’t do that. None of this is your fault.”

“I just wish you didn’t have to go through this.”

“I’m more worried about you.” He lightly stroked the arm I’d tossed across his shoulder.

“What do you mean?”

Andrew sighed. “I can’t ruin your relationship with your parents.”

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll figure it out.”

“I’m going to talk to Bob.”

In the blink of an eye, I was sitting up and looking at him.

Andrew put a finger up. “Don’t protest.”



I tried to stop the smile, but it twisted my lips anyway. “I’m surprised he hasn’t called you yet. He usually likes to take care of things right away.”

Apprehension showed on Andrew’s face. “Damn. Yeah, you’re right. Huh.” He frowned. “I suppose that means he’s preparing to really give it to me.”

“Oh, god.” I dropped my face into my hands.

“Lanie.” Andrew gently tugged on my wrists until I dropped them. “Relax. I’m a big boy. I can handle it. All right?”

The look on his face was so earnest I couldn’t do anything but agree. “Okay,” I whispered.

“You look beautiful tonight.”

The compliment made me smile. “Thanks.”

Andrew’s hand found mine. “I want to make you dinner.”

“You can cook?”

“Hey, now.”

“My bad.” I laughed. “Sorry.”

“Yeah, I can cook. I make a mean boxed mac n’ cheese.” He pulled me back against his chest. “Kidding.”

“I think you might be shocked at how much I love macaroni and cheese.”

“Mm. Tell me more.” Andrew nuzzled his face against my neck.

“Well, it’s cheesy.”

“Uh-huh,” he huskily murmured, circling his palms over my back.

“And then there’s the pasta part. I can’t forget about that.”

“Oh, baby,” he groaned, hands squeezing my butt cheeks. “You know, I think you just made me ready for round two.”

I fell into a fit of giggles, not stopping until Andrew kissed me hard. Breaking his lips from mine, he pulled me from the bed and into the adjoining master bathroom. With the two shower heads on full blast, he covered a loofah with body wash and cleaned me up, giving each inch of skin its own special moment.

Downstairs, he set me at the kitchen table with a glass of wine. As light chopping and stirring noises filled the air and the radio played faintly in the background, I watched Andrew carefully. Each of his movements was sure, focused. He seemed to be in a trance while cooking, although once in a while, he’d shoot me a grin. Each time that happened, I melted.

This man had done something to me I couldn’t explain. I loved my parents to death, but I wasn’t going to give Andrew up for anything. I’d spent years searching for someone I really clicked with, and who knew if I’d find that kind of connection again?

“If this isn’t edible, I apologize,” Andrew said, setting two plates of enchiladas on the table. “And do know that we have an entire drawer of takeout menus. It’s how we survive on Karen’s days off.”

“I don’t think that will be necessary,” I answered honestly. “This looks amazing.”

As we ate, we shared the little updates from our lives. I talked about the happenings at school, and Andrew offered a little bit about work. It still seemed he didn’t like talking about it that much, which was fine. Numbers and investing, say those two words, and I was already falling asleep.

With dinner finished, Andrew pulled my chair closer to his. His arm looped around my shoulders, and his palm rested on my knee. I sighed, not a trace of tension left anywhere in my body or heart.

How could being with him be wrong when it felt so absolutely perfect?

Andrew’s thumb rubbed the side of my knee. “What are you thinking?”

“That there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

His eyes softened. “I know how that feels.”

The stove clock over his shoulder drew my eye. “Oh, wow. How did it get so late?”

Andrew turned to look at it. “Mm. Yeah.”

I tried not to sigh.

“I want to take you back upstairs,” he said.

The prospect made me tremble with excitement. It was almost eleven, though, and I felt more exhausted than I usually did at that hour. It must have been the fight with my parents or the wild time Andrew and I had already had. Maybe both.

I blinked at Andrew, my eyelids growing heavy.

“If I go upstairs,” I slowly said, “I’m going to fall asleep. I guarantee it. Sorry.”

Andrew squeezed my thigh. “That’s fine.”

“When is Raven back?”

He rolled his head around, stretching out his neck. “Early. Seven. Her friend has some kind of horse vaulting competition she has to go to tomorrow.”

“That’s early.” I played with the hem of the T-shirt he’d put on after the shower.

“Yeah,” he agreed sadly.

I thought about what it would be like to fall asleep in Andrew’s arms and to wake up next to him. The thought was too tempting.

“I really wish I could stay, but I don’t want to risk Raven seeing me here. Even though she knows we’re seeing each other.” I struggled with the right words. “I’m still her guidance counselor.”

Andrew nodded, his eyes now looking as tired as mine felt. “I’ll call you a car so you don’t have to drive home.”

I smiled, relieved at how accepting he was. “I can drive,” I assured him.

“Are you sure?” he skeptically asked.

“Really sure.” Resting my palms against his chest, I gave him a slow kiss.

At the door, Andrew kissed me goodbye one more time. Though my muscles and heart ached to stay with him, I pushed myself across the porch and to my car. We were saying goodbye, but nothing about it felt sad.

I’d almost lost him, but deep in my soul, a tiny voice whispered that I’d never feel that way again.