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Since I've Been Loving You (NOLA's Own Book 4) by Kelli Jean (22)


In the weeks that followed, Connor fit into NOLA’s Junk like a missing piece of a puzzle. The transition into a five-member band was fuckin’ seamless. Not only was he our long-lost brother, but he also improved the quality of our music.

It was all coming together as I’d been promised.

Connor would reclaim and heal Alys after I was gone, but he’d also take over as bassist. It had to happen this way.

His education and his musical soul would bring NOLA’s Junk to heights my mediocre ass could never.

“Holy shit,” I told Phil in his office one day.

He sat behind his desk as I stood in front of it and handed him a sheet of music.

“Look at what this motherfucker wrote. Just look at it.”

Phil took the paper, his eyes skimming over the bass solo Connor had written for an untitled song he and Phil were fiddling around with. I watched as Phil’s deep-set eyes grew wide.

“Fuck me runnin’,” he whispered. “I need to hear this.”

“You and me both. I don’t know if I can pull this shit off, man. This guy is a higher echelon of musical genius. He might have to play it for the recording or dumb it down for my ass. I mean, I nearly killed myself with the solo he wrote for ‘The Fortunate Fallen.’”

Phil’s eyes glared at me. “You need to stop underestimatin’ yourself, man. You always do this. You’re afraid to tackle somethin’, thinkin’ you ain’t good enough.”

“Compared to Connor, even Jason is in the damn shade,” I hissed, glancing at the cracked door to Phil’s office. I didn’t need Jason going all diva on my ass if he’d heard me say that.

“That doesn’t mean you’re shit, X. You need to fuckin’ own the fact that you’re the goddamn bass player. You ain’t inferior to anyone.”

“It’s not that. You know how I feel about all this. It’s my dream to get to collaborate with some of the most musically gifted motherfuckers on the planet. No matter how much you love me, Phil, the bottom line is that I’m not of the same caliber as you guys. I’m not bad at what I do. I’m just not great.”

He sighed but said nothing. He knew this was an argument he’d never win. He also knew that I wasn’t complaining. I’d accepted what I was, and I was just pointing out my shortcomings.

“You know, this kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to NOLA’s,” I said quietly. “The music we’re producing now…it’s everything we’ve ever wanted.”

“I know.”

He looked back down at the sheet music, and I could see him hearing it all on his own, in his head. A long lock of hair fell loose from his man-bun, and he absentmindedly tucked it behind his ear.

With that simple gesture, it hit me so hard—that I would be leaving him behind. His soul was still the most beautiful I had ever known. I was drawn to Phil like no one else. The need to tell him what I was facing was overwhelming.


He looked up at me, and my heart dropped into my bowels.

I’m not allowed to tell a single fuckin’ soul. If I do, all of this will crash and burn.

The fact that I was so close to spewing it at him made the universe tilt on some invisible axis.

I’m not losing him. I’m giving all of this up, so he can have it all.

“What?” he asked.

I took a deep breath. “Thanks for believin’ in me, man. If you didn’t…I wouldn’t be here.”

“That goes both ways, brother.”

“Hey, man,” I said, popping my head into Connor’s office.

He was sitting on a crappy-ass stool, an electric guitar across his thighs, slightly hunched over, scribbling at a paper on his music stand. Looking up, he smiled at me, and I got a lovely tingle from the roots of my hair to my toes.

Just like I did when Alys smiled at me.

“What’s up?”

I waved the sheet music through the air. “If you’re writing this sort of genius shit and expecting me to be able to play it, you’re gonna have to help me practice. You got time for me?”

His smile got bigger. “Hell yeah. Come on in.”

“One sec,” I replied, rushing off to my space and grabbing my five-string.

When I came back, he had his own bass out—a five-string as well—and had gotten another stool for me to sit on and a second music stand. As I sat my ass down, I knew that this moment was the start of something beautiful between us.

I had his girl. I held the position in the band that, by right—talent-wise, that was—should be his. But none of it mattered the second he started teaching me what I needed to pull this masterpiece of a bass solo off.

We were two souls—one a little lost, one preparing to leave this world behind—meeting each other in a land fueled by vibrations, notes, tunes.


As days slipped by, Connor and I worked hard together. After a while, we started hanging out, just the two of us. Then, I asked him to chill with Alys and me together.

He’d been reluctant at first, but I was smooth when I wanted something, and I wanted them both. He’d already moved into Kenna’s house, but Alys all but lived with me at Phil’s place, so they didn’t see one another in that capacity too much. Eventually, he agreed.

“I know about you two,” I told him. “It don’t bother me, man. I know you love her still. I know she still loves you. With all this love, it seems stupid to avoid each other.”

“I don’t think you get the kind of love I have for her,” he replied.

“Sure I do. It’s the same sort of love I feel for her.”

He just gave me a strange look but agreed to give it a go.

The three of us had a first awkward dinner together. Well, it was awkward for them, but I’d expected it, and I did my best to keep them laughing and relaxed.

For a few days after that, we hung out almost exclusively when the three of us weren’t at work. With Phil and Kenna so far up each other’s asses and Lili off with her boyfriend, Lewis, and Jace and Sheri doing whatever the fuck those two did and Flipper and Vivian off doing their thing, it was natural for the three of us to band together.

We spent a lot of time at Kenna’s house since it was so empty of people. Everyone came and went over at Phil’s at all hours of the day and night. Kenna’s house was a quiet, peaceful corner of the universe. Private and, for now, ours. We hung out, smoked a shit-ton of pot, played cards, watched movies, and listened to music.

Alys and I didn’t flaunt the fact that we were a couple in Connor’s face. If anything, we were just three close friends, thoroughly enjoying spending time together.

Then, one evening after an awesome dinner of Alys’s homemade seafood scampi, while drinking beers and hitting the monster bong—Sir Speedy—I found the balls to tell them what I wanted.

Alys had popped in a five-hour long DVD of Led Zeppelin concert clips and backstage antics. I didn’t think she planned on watching all five hours. At least, I fuckin’ hoped not.

Alys sat in the middle of the sofa—Connor to her right, me on her left.

I took a fat bong rip and melted into the back of the couch. “So, how close were you guys?” I asked, exhaling a massive cloud.

Both Alys and Connor slowly turned their heads to give me identical looks of incredulousness.

Alys cleared her throat. “You know how close we were. I told you. Why do you ask?”

“Well, I can see you guys still really love each other,” I told them, handing Alys the bong.

She bent over Sir Speedy and took a hit large enough to choke a buffalo. She seemed real keen on obliterating any memory this conversation might create.

“We were real close,” Connor quietly confirmed.

“What…what are you getting at, X?” hissed Alys.

“I was just wonderin’ if maybe you guys would wanna have a threesome?”

Shit, the fuckin’ silence could be felt up in here.

“Whaaa?” Connor breathed.

Dude looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“Yeah, what he said,” snapped Alys, hooking her thumb back in his direction.

“Look, babe, you know you’re the only woman for me. If this ain’t your thing, I’ll never mention it again. But seein’ as it’s Connor and all…I thought maybe you’d want to try. No pressure; you know that.”

She narrowed her eyes at me.

“I wouldn’t ask if it were anyone else. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

“You want to share me with someone else?” She sounded so…stunned.

“It ain’t like that. You’re my woman. But it can be awesome between three people. Just as intimate, just as much love—if not more. You know I like this kind of stuff. If you don’t want to, I’m more than okay with that. I just thought I’d throw it out there.”

Alys closed her eyes. “Why?”

“Because you should know what it feels like to be with two men who love you as much as we do.”

She swallowed thickly.

“And your boyfriend’s a pervert who wants to watch Connor get you off. I do a decent job of it on my own, but I’d love to see what he can do.”

She was weighing the consequences. I could practically hear her brain working through each scenario.

“Why do you want to see that?”

“Because it’s hot. You’re both so beautiful. Witnessin’ you two comin’ together like that…damn.”

She drew in a shaky breath and looked over at Connor. He met her gaze, and I could see the silent conversation they were having even though all I could see of Alys was the back of her head. He knew her in ways I never would, not even if I had a whole lifetime left to me. What was between them was deep, a connection I’d thought only existed between Phil and Kenna.

But these two had it, too.

Am I crazy for suggesting this?

Jason and Sheri had had threesomes with me all the time, and it never wrecked their relationship.

Yeah, but Sheri and Jason ain’t normal people.

But neither were Alys and Connor. Hell, Connor had grown up with two mothers who were in love with each other and his da. Alys had practically been raised by them, too. And I’d be willing to bet my shares in NOLA’s Junk that her parents had had some wild sex parties back in the day.

Something passed between Connor and Alys; I could feel it. A second later, she turned back to me.

“Yes,” said Connor.

“Okay,” Alys half-whispered.

My excitement burned away the stoned feeling in my gourd. “Yeah?”

“Yes. We can try it,” she replied.

“Awesome,” I said.

The three of us then stared at the TV in silence for a few minutes.

Then, Connor asked, “What do we do now?”

“Yeah, we should discuss terms,” I replied.

“Terms?” he echoed.

“Yeah, like limits and shit.”


I looked into Alys’s eyes. “What are some things you won’t do?”

“I don’t even know.”

I took my gaze over to Connor, whose face was blazing a hot pink. He shifted and broke eye contact.

“Hey, there’s nothin’ you two need to be embarrassed about here. I’m not gonna get mad or jealous. You two used to be together. It’s normal.”

Connor met my gaze again.

“What about you? Is there shit you don’t want to do?” I asked him.

His eyes went huge. “Oh, uh…I…are we going to have sex, too?”

“If you want. I swing both ways.”

“I can’t give head,” ejected from his mouth. “Seriously, I don’t think I can handle that.”

“No worries, man. Alys gives the best fuckin’ head, period. Who’d get it from someone else when she was here?”

Connor’s eyes darted to her, a strange look on his face.

“Like I said, no one does anything they’re not comfortable with. There’s not much I won’t do—except no piss or shit. I ain’t into that kind of stuff—”

Both of them pulled horrified, disgusted faces.

“Hey, I’m just saying. You have no idea what gets some people off. So, it’s really up to you guys.”

They exchanged looks again, and I really wanted to know what they were conveying to each other, but…I couldn’t bring myself to ask. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

I wasn’t a jealous person. It just wasn’t a part of my genetic makeup or something. When Phil had gone off and done his thing with Devon, I had been more hurt than jealous. What was between Alys and Connor was something beautiful. It was a good thing they had their connection to each other because, once I was gone, they would come back together, stronger than ever, with some wild-ass memories of me.

And, for now, Alys was choosing to be with me.

If, after this, she chose Connor…well, it would suck, but I wouldn’t hold it against her. I would remain her friend and love her until my dying day.

Maybe that’s what I’m testing now. To see if she will leave me, to tempt her into it.

It was an underhanded move, but if she ended up happier, then it would be for the best.

“Tell you what,” I said. “Let’s all get showered up and meet up in Alys’s bedroom. We’ll play it by ear until we hit a groove. It’s gonna be weird in the start, but once we get going, it’ll work out.”

She nodded. “Is there anything you’re opposed to, X?”

“Yeah. I wouldn’t be cool with you two hooking up on the side. This is about the three of us. It’s not an open relationship.”

Connor’s gaze dropped to the floor, but he nodded. “I’m good with that.”

“Good. Now, go get clean.”

The first thing the three of us did was smoke the fattest blunt I’d ever seen, lying naked on Alys’s bed. I was quite comfortable, being with them like this.

“This is weird,” said Alys, exhaling a huge hit without so much as a cough. She handed the blunt to Connor. “How do we even start?”

“However we want. Whatever feels good,” I replied.

“Are we going to do a DP sort of thing?”

“DP?” asked Connor.

“Double penetration,” she replied.

“Oh. I thought that was the plan,” he said.

I sat up and looked pointedly at Connor’s crotch. “You get the front, man. You’re fucking huge. Having both of her holes filled, the smaller dick should go in the ass. At least the first few times.”

“Guess you’ve done this enough,” muttered Alys.

“I have. Does that bother you?”


“You sure?”

She nodded.

I took the blunt from Connor as he handed it over across Alys’s gorgeous body. I took a decent hit, but instead of handing it to her, I leaned over and pressed my lips to hers. She opened her mouth and inhaled my smoke. After she exhaled the hit, I handed the blunt back to Connor and cupped her face to give her a proper fuckin’ kiss. I loved her mouth, her soft, puffy lips.

I wanted Connor to get involved, but he lay next to us, staring at the ceiling, stiff as a board.

I broke the kiss, wondering if he just needed a solo round with her to get comfortable. “You two should start. Get reacquainted with each other. I’ll watch, and when you’re ready, I’ll join in, okay?”

I got up and headed for Alys’s computer chair to cop a squat, taking the blunt with me.

They looked at each other, silently communicating once more. I waited, just watching them, wondering who would be the first to reach for the other.

Slowly, Connor rolled onto his side. He lifted his right hand and cupped her face. The love, the raw anguish, was naked on his face as he lowered his head to kiss her with such tenderness. It damn near broke my heart.

The kiss itself was scorching to see. Connor drew her bottom lip into his mouth, and she melted into him. He dragged her into his body, so they were both on their sides. After some tentative making out, he pressed her back and stretched out over her.

I kept silent, hardly breathing, not moving. I didn’t want them to even be aware of me. Not yet. I wanted them to get lost in each other, swept up in the moment, their sexuality. They were beautiful, touching each other, kissing, rocking their groins.

Connor was pure sex made into the form of a man. The way he moved was so sleek, so powerful, controlled and responding to Alys on a subconscious level.

Before I knew what they were doing, Connor pushed himself into her, and Alys moaned.

I cleared my throat.

They froze.

“Uh…protection?” I asked.

“Oh…” whispered Alys. “Shit, I didn’t even think of it. We never used it.”

“Never?” I couldn’t believe it.

“No,” said Connor. “Never.”

“Are you sleepin’ with anyone else?” I asked him. “Have you been tested for diseases?”

“I’m not sleeping with anyone else. And, yes, I was. The test came back clean.”

I thought about it for a few moments. Even though Alys was on birth control and we’d been monogamous—up until this very second—I used a condom every single time with her.

I couldn’t risk leaving her pregnant. I wouldn’t be around to help her raise a baby. STDs weren’t a concern. I was clean, as was she.

“All right,” I said. “But, the second you fuckin’ sleep with someone else, protection has to be used.”

Connor exhaled harshly. “Agreed.”

“You guys look amazin’ by the way. I’m so fuckin’ hard right now. I might bust a nut right here. Keep goin’.”

I had dampened the mood somewhat, and it was strange between them for a few minutes. They were overly conscious about me sitting there, watching. But then it got good again. I had the perfect view of Connor’s massive cock pumping into Alys, the flexing of his ass erotic and sensual. He took his time, too. He wasn’t some asshole, desperate to get off by pounding her like a fucking jackhammer.

He wanted her to enjoy it just as much as he did. He needed her to come. I imagined it had always been like this between them.

I stroked myself. I wanted to feel him inside her, too.

“Oh God…” Alys moaned, making my dick harder.

I stood up and walked to the foot of the bed, my eyes glued to where their bodies were joined. Connor was reaching deep, and her wet cunt swallowed up the length of him. His dick was so thick; the lips of her vagina appeared stretched to the limits.

It looked like it felt fucking phenomenal, and by the sexy, little noises coming out of her, it did. I loved the rhythmic, humid suction sounds of their bodies slowly thumping together. The head of my dick tingled as pre-cum poured out of the tip, coating my hand, while I pumped my hand over myself in time with Connor’s thrusts.

“Stop,” my voice croaked. “Fuck, you two are just so beautiful. I want in now.”

With labored breaths, Connor held himself still. Alys squirmed and whimpered. Slowly, Connor pulled out of her, as though the very act of leaving her pained him.

“Connor, lie on your back.”

He did as I’d asked, and I grasped Alys by her hands, pulling her upright.

“Straddle him in a backward cowgirl, babe.”

“I don’t think I can take two in one hole,” she whispered.

“You’re not going to.”

She straddled Connor’s waist, facing me.

“Bend your knees, Connor, and put your feet on the bed.”

After a few seconds, he did, his legs spreading her thighs even more, showing me wet sex and flushed skin. I knew he was having a hard time with being told what to do, but he wanted this. He wanted Alys, and this was the only way he could have her.

I was part of the package. Maybe I should’ve felt like an asshole for it, but I didn’t. I loved them both so much, and they were giving me exactly what I needed.

“Put him in you, babe,” I softly told Alys.

She reached down, positioned him—he gave a slight groan—and sank down.

“Goddamn,” she breathed, rotating her hips.

I took her face in my hands, looking into her hazel eyes. “This is all about you, babe. I want you to experience the most mind-blowing sex of your life with us. We both love you so much.”

“I love you, too,” she softly replied. “Both of you.”

With my right arm, I pulled her into my chest, just holding her close for a few seconds. But then I reached out for Connor with my left hand.

He stared at it, not knowing what he should do.

“It’s all right, man. This is about you, too.”

He lifted his left hand, his fingertips first touching and then lacing with mine, our palms pressing together. His green eyes looked into me. I could feel it to my soul. He was a lot like Phil in that sense.

“I love you, brother. This is all about love, about what feels good. I know you ain’t gay or bi. You’re straight, and I respect that. All I ask is, you keep an open mind, and you let yourself enjoy this experience.”

He swallowed hard and nodded. “I will.”

“I promise, I’m not gonna try to stick my dick in you.”

He grinned. “I appreciate that.”

I let go of his hand and focused on Alys once more. I kissed her with all the love I had for her. “We’re gonna take you to heaven tonight. I need you to lean back and brace yourself on your hands.”

Her arms swept behind her, and she planted them on Connor’s wide chest. Leaning forward, I sucked one plump nipple into my mouth. She gasped. Alys loved having her tits played with. It made her so fucking hot and horny. She could come from it alone.

I licked, sucked, and bit at her nipples until she was moaning her head off, and Connor was pumping hard, little thrusts into her.

Trailing kisses down her belly, I put my face in between their spread legs, breathing in the scent of damp sex. Sliding my arms under Connor’s thighs, I bent my elbows to grasp on to Alys and licked her from her stuffed hole to her clit.

“Oh, fuck!” cried Alys.

“Holy shit!” groaned Connor.

“Hey, Connor?”

He panted. “Yeah?”

“Put a finger in her ass, and don’t freak if I lick your dick.”

His exhale was shaky. “Okay.”

I ate at Alys like a man starved. She tasted so sweet and savory. I loved having my face in her cunt, and I did it every chance I got. I knew what got her off fast and hard. When she fisted a hand in my hair, shuddering and screaming her head off, I moved my mouth lower to lap her juice off the base of Connor’s cock and sac, loving the musky scent of him.

“Oh my fucking God!” he shouted.

He sure as shit didn’t tell me to stop.

When they were both licked clean, I got up on my knees and helped Alys sit up straight. “I need you to turn around now,” I told her.

She threw her arms around me instead, a muffled cry escaping her. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight.

“Are you all right, babe?” I whispered.

Connor sat up, placing a hand just below her neck. “Sunshine?”

She trembled. “That was amazing.”

To my pleasant surprise, Connor snaked his arms around her to hold on to me, resting his face against my hands.

“Do you want to keep going?” I asked her.

“Yes,” she replied.

“That’s good ’cause I’m dying to be in you, woman.”

I helped her pull off of Connor, and he flopped back down on the bed. He looked close to busting a nut, too, his cock engorged and nearly purple in color, the veins filled to capacity. Once more, she turned around and slid down the length of him.

From his balls to her asshole, I licked a wet path. Then, I ate at her ass as she lightly humped him.

“Oh God. Holy shit. Oh, fuck,” she chanted. “It feels so good. So fucking good…”

Connor’s hands came up and spread her cheeks wide for me. If I had been him, I’d have blown my load at least twice by now. All the yoga and meditating he did must have given him superpowers. I’d never known someone to have so much fucking control.

“Fuck, I’m coming!” Alys cried.

I pushed my tongue past the tightly puckered ring of muscle, feeling the contractions as her orgasm pulsed through her.

I’d left enough spit behind to help with lubrication. Sitting up, I grabbed my dick and steered it toward her back entrance. With Connor filling up her cunt, I knew Alys would be tight as fuck. I pushed firm but slow until she gradually opened up, and her body sucked the head of me into her.

She started panting, and a light sheen of sweat covered her back.

“Are you okay?” whispered Connor, reaching up and holding her face with his right hand.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

“If you’re ever in any pain, you have to tell us,” I said.

“I will.”

As gently as possible, I eased into her.

“Holy fuck,” whispered Connor.

I knew what he was talking about. I could feel him inside her. No doubt he was experiencing the gradual slide of me and the tightness of Alys tensing up.

“Relax, babe,” I said.

She drew in a deep breath, and I felt her soften around us. I was able to push all the way inside.

“Just hold still,” I whispered, slipping an arm around her and pulling her into my chest. “Let yourself adjust to the feelin’.”

“It’s…it’s really intense.”

Connor’s dick twitched. I twitched mine back on purpose, and he gasped. His hands slipped to her waist and squeezed.

Alys breathed in deep and even, over and over, until her whole body relaxed. Then, she slowly rocked forward and back, forward and back, riding us from both ends. As she grew tight, she went even faster.

Connor reached up and pinched her nipples; the man no doubt knew her body better than I did. I slipped my hand between her legs, finding her clit hot and rigid.

“FUCK!” she screamed, detonating around us.

Connor bucked. “Sunshine, I’m so close. Can you go harder?”

She did, making both of us groan.

This was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. The sex was beyond incredible. The love in this room, between the three of us…

That’s what it is. The love.

It made all the difference.

I came hard, shouting out Alys’s name, biting the soft flesh of her shoulder. Not long after, Connor bellowed to the skies as his dick throbbed and jerked. Through the thin wall between her cunt and her ass, I felt everything from him.

It was possibly the most incredible sexual moment of my life.




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