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The Long Way Home by K Langston (25)


It’s been a week and I still can’t wipe the smile off my face. Linc is here every day when I get home from work and I have to practically shove him out the door each night. He doesn’t want to leave my side and I love him all the more for it, but we both agree we need to ease Caroline into this.

Each night, long after Caroline falls asleep, we spend an obscene about of time making out on the couch.

Which is what we are doing now.

Linc is on his side with my heated body plastered to his front, our legs tangled together like vines. One hand has made its way beneath my shirt to cup my breast while he worships my mouth. The man is a phenomenal kisser. We should both be experts by now, considering we’ve spent hours upon hours practicing.

He’s leaving in a couple of days and he’ll be gone for two weeks, so I’m trying to absorb every moment I can with him.

“I don’t want you to leave.” I feel selfish saying it, I know he has to go, but I can’t help it. I’m going to miss him terribly. Now that he’s back, I’m not sure how I survived this long without him.

Removing his hand from my shirt, he cups my cheek, dragging his thumb back and forth across my skin. “You can always come with me.”

This has been an ongoing conversation all week. I was tempted to say yes when he asked the first time. I would love nothing more than to spend the two weeks with him and see what his life is like outside of here. But I can’t bring myself to leave Caroline for that long. Besides, he’ll be working most of the time, giving interviews and performing.

I would only be in the way.

“You know I can’t do that.” Lowering my head to his chest, I sigh, wishing I could.

“I have a surprise for you.”

I smile, lifting my eyes to his. “You do?”

He nods, kissing me once more before rising from the couch and walking out the front door.

A few minutes later he returns holding two boxes. They are both wrapped in black paper with hot pink bows.

I sit up and he places them in my lap. Then Linc situates himself behind me, his hands resting on my hips.

“What’s this?”

Looking over my shoulder, he grins. “What’s it look like?”

“Smart-ass,” I say, elbowing his gut playfully.

He grunts.

I examine the pretty boxes, excited to find out what’s inside. He removes the smaller one, leaving the larger box in my lap. He’s giddy, his boyish smile making him look even more handsome.

If that’s even possible.

Smiling, I tear into the paper to reveal a rose gold MacBook Pro.

“You don’t have a computer and this is a good way for us to keep in touch while I’m gone. We can FaceTime every night,” he says.

“Linc, you didn’t have to do this. I can FaceTime you from my phone.”

“True, but the way I plan on utilizing this, you’ll need to be hands free.” His deep, husky voice seeps through my veins, wrapping itself around my heart as he pushes my hair off my shoulder and kisses the crook of my neck.

The implication makes me blush. Linc is not shy at all in the bedroom.

Unlike me.

Setting the box on the coffee table I turn around, throwing my arms around his neck. “Thank you. I love it.”

He hugs me tight before bringing the next box between us. “This one’s next.”

I look down at the rectangular box, wondering what on earth it could be. I twist my head to kiss him on the corner of his mouth. There’s a wicked grin on his face as I begin opening the next gift.

Nervousness flips my belly when I see Victoria’s Secret written on the top. Inside, there’s a satin, lace trimmed baby doll nightie with matching panties in a stunning shade of ruby—the same color my cheeks are right about now.

“Go on, there’s more.”

I set the silky garments aside and dig through the white tissue. A pink, satin camisole with matching shorts are tucked inside. “These are beautiful, Linc. I love them. I’ve never worn lingerie before.”

Linc runs his fingers up and down my arms, causing me to shiver. Pressing his mouth to my neck, he rains down kisses on every inch of my heated skin, stopping just below my ear. “You don’t know how happy that makes me.”

My head falls back, giving his hot mouth more room to explore. “Thank you for my gifts,” I rasp between breaths.

“You’re welcome.” His voice is thick with desire.

Taking the camisole from my hands, Linc lifts the baby doll nightie. “Go put this one on.”

“Linc, we can’t. What if Caroline wakes up?”

“I promise not to make you scream. Too loud.” His hands find the hem of my T-shirt and drift up my stomach to find my breasts, his mouth still devouring every inch of my neck. “Two weeks. I won’t be able to touch you for two weeks. I need to be inside of you for the next two nights.”

The insistent throb between my legs agrees, and I nod my consent. That’s all it takes to put him in motion. Grabbing my hand, Linc leads me to the bedroom. I go inside the bathroom to change, quickly divesting my clothes and slipping on the seductive garment. I’ve never considered myself sexy or even seductive but looking in the mirror right now, I see both. I pull my hair from the messy bun on top of my head and run my fingers through it, allowing the strands to rest on the swells of my breasts. Then I lick my lips and suck in a deep breath.

When I open the door and walk into the dimly lit room, I find him naked, resting against the headboard, waiting for me. The nervousness fluttering in my belly quickly evaporates once his beautiful green eyes meet mine, putting me at ease.

He sets my body on fire with just one look and wipes away all of my insecurities.

“Come here,” he rasps, desire thick in his voice.

Slowly, I walk toward him and stop right next to the bed. His hand moves to my waist, guiding me onto the bed to straddle him. “You look beautiful.”

The way he’s looking at me, with so much love and desire, makes me feel beautiful.

Sitting up, he brushes my hair from my shoulder, pressing his warm lips to my collarbone. A rush of heat floods my body and my nipples tighten in response.

Linc is more sensual than anything.



But each time we make love he brands me with something new, something exciting and mind blowing.

Something special.

He’s hard beneath me and with each kiss he delivers to my skin, I rock my hips, seeking the friction that will alleviate the insistent burn between my legs.

One hand moves between us to pull my panties aside, his fingers sliding back and forth through my wet flesh. Lifting my hips, he centers himself and I take him inside with a heated sigh.

“Jesus.” The glow of the bedside lamp makes his green eyes sparkle and he fuses his mouth with mine as he fills me completely.

There’s one hand clasping the back of my neck while the other grips my right hip, guiding me up and down his hard length. I can handle his hands on me like this. It’s what he does with them between my legs that drive me out of my mind.

He holds my hip in place, thrusting up inside of me on a toe-curling glide. I bite into his shoulder to keep from moaning. This is so hard, trying to be quiet. It’s next to impossible when he’s inside of me. “That’s it, baby, give me that sweet cum, I need it for what I have planned next,” he says, reaching around to gather my arousal. His finger is warm and slick, dragging back and forth in the hidden valley, creating an unspeakable burn in the pit of my belly.

His brazen fingers circle the pleated skin of my ass and I tense. “Please tell me I’ll be the first to take you here.” His breath is hot in my mouth, robbing me of my apprehension.

I close my eyes on a deep sigh and nod my head.

His response is a growl in my ear, inspiring full-body goose bumps. “Fuck.”

The strain in his voice sends me hurdling over the edge the moment that single digit breaches the tight barrier. My body trembles, shaking violently as the powerful orgasm rolls through me.

Unable to hold back any longer, a throaty cry erupts from my lips. But before it has a chance to punch the air, Linc catches it, rolling me over to pin me to the bed with the slam of his hips. “I love fuckin’ you,” he says between each of his thrusts. “The way your hungry pussy grips my cock. The way you cling to me in every way. I love you, baby. I love you so goddamn much.”

It only takes a few deliberate strokes before he’s grounding out his release, pulsing inside of me. His colorful confession sends me flying right along with him.

My breath is shallow and frantic.

His is not much better.

Lifting up on his forearms, his hands cradle the sides of my face. Soft, tender lips caress mine. “What the hell am I gonna do without you for the next two weeks?”

I’m wondering the same thing.