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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (12)



Tank should be here any minute now. I felt shitty the past few days. After Addie had mentioned her birthday was coming up, I couldn’t figure out what to get her. I tried going to Toys R Us and Target amongst other things, but I had no clue about Barbie and all of her gadgets or if she even liked Barbie. I don’t remember her playing with one or buying one, but then again, I could always be wrong.

The one thing I did remember was how she had mentioned pets quite a few times and how she had wanted one before. I remember from the first time I had a conversation with her, she told me how she asked for a puppy and got a beating from her aunt because she thought it was a fucking stupid ass question and waste of her time.

I knew that would be my best bet, but I’ve never even had a damn hamster. I had to recruit Tank to help me go find her a goddamn puppy. When I explained it to him, he found it hilarious… the fuck. But he ain’t know a thing about it his goddamn self, so he chilled the fuck out.

After he picked me up, we were all over the fucking place. We went to like a good ten places. He was pissed because we found us a few puppies, used some of our connects. I didn’t like the options though. They had lined up dogs for me and they all seemed to have those dogs that grew to be an accessory in a woman’s bag. Fuck no. if I was getting my girl a pup, he was gonna grow to protect her ass. Oddly enough, it wasn’t until I told Tank to pull into a pound that we passed that I found him.

Six weeks old, a full litter. The mom had got knocked up and the family didn’t have the means to raise a litter of pups. They kept them as long as was required for parent nurturing and shit and dropped them off. They were all in the litter together and I took a picture deciding I’d go home and let the girls choose.

When we were leaving, the attendant stopped us. “You’re the first to see since we’ve got them in. Pups don’t last long here. I would suggest if you want one to claim them now and get everything set.” She explained.

I huffed and went back to look them over. They were all similar and different. The all white one caught my eye, but I didn’t want him... I was just curious. The one that caught my eye was the all black one. He seemed all confident and bigger than the rest. But then I noticed the sleeping pup to his side. Brown with a bit of black and white accentuating his features. He wasn’t my first choice, but there was just something about him… “That one.” I said pointing him out.

The worker went inside the cage and looked at his tag. She jotted down whatever information and then handed me some sheets. I filled them out and gave them back to her. I pointed at the tag at the front. “You sure that’s the right breed?” I asked.

She nodded. “Indeed, checked the mother out as well.” I believed her because they had the look. “I should just disclose that we do charge a fee for adoption.” She hedged.

I sighed. I had looked it up online and I knew that buying puppies could run a few thousand. Shit, adopting a pet was more expensive than an actual goddamn kid. I got one of those for free. I shrugged already resigned. “That’s fine.” I told her as I finished the paperwork.

When everything was done she looked at me with pity as she opened her mouth to discuss costs. “Well, we typically charge $75, but puppies are a bit more. $150.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “That’s it?” I asked in disbelief.

She shrugged. “We wouldn’t charge anything if we didn’t need to use the money towards keeping the place running and the animals alive longer.”

I settled the deal, and she said that we could pick the dog up in two days since they still had to be vaccinated first. That worked for me because her birthday was in four days. I talked Tank into picking the poor thing up the day before then dropping it off after I take the girls to school and work in the morning.

“You’re getting domesticated.” Tank said on the way back to Siarra’s place.

I frowned. “Fuck you talking about?”

“Planning your day around when they have to go to school and work. Planning surprises, buying a dog…” he listed.

I rolled my eyes. “That’s my fucking daughter you moron and that’s her birthday present. That’s normal. Stop being a dick.”

He shrugged. “So, you and Siarra planned this?” he asked.

I frowned. “No. I knew Addie wanted one.” I told him not sure what he was getting at.

“You’re getting Addie a dog and you didn’t mention it to Siarra?” he asked.

I was getting annoyed. “I think we covered that already. What the fuck is the issue?”

He burst out laughing, even shedding a few tears. But in the end when he could speak again he just waved me off. “Oh nothing, I just... can you record it? When you show Addie or give him to her? I want to witness the surprise.”        

He was fucking stupid. It was official. I shrugged, “whatever man, I’ll see.” I told him instead.

Thursday morning, Addie was like a fucking hurricane. She was bouncing all over the place and I knew she was looking for presents. Siarra put her foot down and said that she’d have to wait until after cake later to get her gifts. She was wrong about that one.

After I dropped off the girls, I met up with Tank at a park. He gave me the mutt, and then proceeded to give me shit because I didn’t pick up a damn thing for it. Luckily, he had some type of sense and didn’t starve the little fuck. He gave me the rest of the bag of food and was off.

I got the dog to the house, and he hovered. I went to piss and there he was outside the door. I sat on the couch and there he was at the edge. He was driving me up the wall. He wouldn’t stray, and he seemed so goddamn anxious, it was insane. I knew he was a baby and he was in a new place and all but didn’t dogs need to go sniff everything out, learn their surroundings or something? I was actually happy when it was time for me to go pick them up. I’d have a while to breathe.

Addie was all smiles and giggles when I picked her up. She talked my ear off about her upcoming sleep over party thing she had going on the next day. She also reminded me about ten times that I had committed myself to being the help. Fuck me.

Siarra opened the door and I followed them in. I looked around confused, weren’t dogs supposed to be sitting at the door when you came home? I’m starting to think I have shit instincts with mutts. I went into the living room to toss off my Jacket, and there was a scream. I almost tripped over myself scrambling to get to the kitchen. Siarra was in the kitchen; hand over her heart, mouth hanging open while she stood in a chair.

“What the fuck?” I asked.

She pointed a finger across the floor and I followed it. The dog was cowering against the cabinet scared shitless. I guess her less than welcome response to him scared the crap out of him. “There’s a dog in my house!” she screeched accusingly at the dog.

At her scream, Addie came running into the room with wide eyes. “Dog?” she asked.

“YES!” Siarra screamed.

Addie scanned the room and when her eyes landed on the frightened dog she ran to him. “Oh my God, he’s so cute!” she cooed as she bent to scoop him up into her arms.

“Addie, don’t touch that thing. We don’t know where it came from.” She told her nervously.

I couldn’t help it, I laughed. At the sound of laughing both their eyes swung towards me. “This is not funny Sy.”

“It’s a puppy. He’s six weeks; he’s got his shots and shit.” I told her with a shrug.

She glared at me and Addie came over and practically thrust the dog into my face. “You got a dog?” she asked excitedly.

“I uh, got you one for your birthday. Happy birthday kid.” I told her.

She wrapped her free arm around me hugging me tight as she squealed, still cuddling the dog under her chin. “I’m going to take him to show him my room.” She told us before she ran off, baby talking to the pup.

Siarra jumped down off the chair and stomped her way over to me. She threw her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “I think I missed something here…” she began.

I arched an eyebrow. “Uh, ok?” how the hell am I supposed to know what she missed?

“I just need to make sure that I have wrapped my head around this whole thing properly.” She began pacing, “so you went out and bought Addie a dog for her birthday? Then you decided to bring it here? But you didn’t mention it to me, once. And we think that this is all ok, yea?” After every sentence or question she looked up at me but I could tell she wasn’t really expecting me to respond to any of that shit. She’d gotten it right and she knew it, what the fuck was there for me to confirm?

“What’s your point Siarra? I’m fucking tired.” I admitted scrubbing a hand down my face. I didn’t really do much today, but I’ve barely been sleeping. It’s kind of hard to do when your dick is standing at attention all night because it’s thinking of the crazy little fucking librarian across the hall in those sexy as fuck pajamas – or nothing at all.

Her face broke out into a smile. “Oh Sy, I’m so sorry. I apologize. I didn’t know you were sleepy. Why don’t you go relax on the couch or take a nap and we’ll talk about this later? Let’s say… after dinner?” she offered.

I nodded. Why couldn’t she always be this fucking understanding? I turned and began walking to the living room when a pan flew past my head. The fuck!

I spun around just in time to see a pot come flying next. I ducked out of the way just in time and began advancing on the crazy bitch. “Are you out of your fucking mind?” I asked.

She huffed. Her face bright red and her eyes blazing with fury. When she shot an accusatory finger my way my steps faltered. “Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do you not understand sarcasm?” she all but screamed.

I blinked. Once, twice, three times. “What the fuck Siarra? Did you run out of crazy pills or something?” I asked her in all seriousness. She had to have lost the last fucking screw when she thought it was ok to start throwing kitchen shit at me.

“Don’t you dare patronize me you jerk. How dare you just bring a freaking dog in here without saying anything to me?” she accused.

I shrugged. “Addie wanted one.” I thought that was pretty self-explanatory.

“It’s not a toy or even a TV. It’s a dog. You brought an animal into my house. I’m terrified of animals. So again, what the ever-loving hell were you thinking?” she asked. I opened my mouth and she held up a hand stopping me in my tracks. “And think wise before you answer that. I have a few cabinets full of more of where those came from.” She threatened.

The fuck? This bitch was like the devil incarnate. I wouldn’t be surprised if her head started spinning in circles on her shoulders. “Don’t you think you should calm down? It’s a damn puppy. Right now, he’s more afraid of his shadow than you are a bear. Don’t you think you’re over fucking reacting a bit?”

She laughed hysterically and fuck if that didn’t scare the shit out of me. She looked like an absolute maniac. Those are the most dangerous type of people. They just do crazy ass shit and didn’t think it through. Speaking of which, what the fuck is this… shit.

“Over reacting huh?” she spun around and bent down tossing open a cabinet door. When I heard the clatter of pots and pans, I flew across the room. She was just standing up with a cast iron fucking pan in her hand. The bitch was definitely trying to brain my ass. Time to put this shit to an end.

I gripped her wrist just as she pulled her arm back to either toss it or swing. I pried the heavy as hell pan from her hand and dropped it onto the counter. Her free hand came down and punched me in the chest. The wince that followed showed me that it hurt her more than it hurt me. I grabbed that hand next trying to prevent her from causing any more bodily harm to herself or others.

“Chill the fuck out you little fucking demon. I’m really gonna need you to stop throwing shit at me and get that crazy ass look off your face. It’s fucking scaring the shit out of me.”

Her eyes narrowed. “You should be afraid.”

I sucked in a deep breath praying that God give me the patience and strength to deal with this woman without strangling her ass to death. “Look, Addie wanted a dog, so I thought it would be a good idea. I don’t know if she told you about the one time she’d asked for one and gotten her ass beat by her aunt. I figured it would be nice to get her one.” She instantly softened. “Now I hear you, you’re afraid… but you know that dog ain’t gonna do fuck all to you.”

She sighed. “She was really happy, wasn’t she?” she asked in a much calmer, softer voice.

I nodded. “She was. Now, if I let you go do I need to worry about this pan going upside my head?” I asked.

She blushed. “No. I’ll stop throwing things.”

I released her hesitantly and she groaned dropping her forehead to my chest. “Jesus. There’s a dog in my house.”

I laughed. “Yep.”

She picked her head up. “You’re going to be responsible for it. You have to make sure you feed him, walk him, and clean up after him. I am in no way going to be picking up dog poop.”

I rolled my eyes. She would do it if Addie asked her to. “Fine. You feel better now? Or do I still need to be afraid?” I asked her again. I’ve seen her before and she can pretend to be ok, so she gets another chance to strike.

She rolled her eyes at me. “Oh stop.” She blushed then ducked her head.

I grabbed her hair in my fist and pulled so she put her head back. “I know you’re not blushing now after you just had an exorcist moment on my ass.”

She groaned, but the grip I had on her hair kept her from hiding again. She huffed frustrated, but I could see the smile playing on her face begging to come out. Her hands came up and rested at my sides. “That was really thoughtful. I can’t really stay mad at you for it.”

I grinned and took a step closer crowding her space. “And what does someone get for being thoughtful? I mean, seeing you all wild and feisty was kind of a turn on.”

She was redder than a tomato. “They get the praise I just gave you.”

That’s what her mouth said but her body was screaming to me. Her breathing had grown shallow and she was looking more and more flushed by the second. Her eyes were hooded and if she licks her lips one more time…

Like she was reading my mind, it came out and I went right after it. I bit her bottom lip for her to open up for me, so I could get a taste. She was fucking addicting, swear to fuck. I had to keep it short otherwise I’d lose my shit. I pulled back and her eyes blinked open as she gave me this dreamy look. She turned around and gripped the cabinet like she was trying to get her bearings. I couldn’t help it. I slapped her on the ass and she yelped. “Get your ass busy, I’m hungry.”

She growled and lunged at me. I jumped back and ran out the kitchen to her screaming at me to go home. She’s in full denial because she knows that she loves my fucking company.


I groaned.


I rolled over.

There were hands on my shoulder nudging me none too gently. “Alex darling.” Fucking Siarra.

“What?” I growled.

“You need to get up now…” she sounded way too fucking sweet.

I peeked one eye open and shut it back. I groaned again. It was still dark out, the fuck. “What?” I asked again.

“Look at me Sy.”

“Will you leave me alone?” I asked.

“Well, of course.” She responded. She was a fucking liar.

I blinked my eyes open. She was bent down hovering over me, her face inches from mine. “What the fuck do you want?” I asked.

“It’s about your dear old dog.” She said.

I frowned and shut my eyes and tossed my arm over them. “Leave me alone.”

She grabbed my wrist of the arm across my face and tried to pull it off. I didn’t budge, and she let out a deep sigh. “Sy…”

Fuck this shit. I grabbed her with my free hand and pulled her down. She landed on top of me with an oomph. “Hey!” She exclaimed.

“It’s the fucking middle of the night Siarra. Let me fucking sleep.”

She sighed. “Oh Sy. Your dog used the bathroom in my kitchen. You need to clean it up.” She fussed.

“What time is it?” I asked.

I could feel her shrug. “Don’t know… about 3:30?”

“The fuck are you doing up?” this bitch was Satan.

She squirmed atop me and my cock twitched. “Nothing.” She muttered.

“What?” I asked.

“I said nothing.” She huffed as she wiggled against me again.

I moved my arm and looked at her. She was bright red, interesting. “Hmm. You sure?” I asked pushing it.

She shrugged. “I just you know… had a dream, woke me up.” She tried for casual and failed epically.

“What did you dream about?” I was now awake and very curious.

Proving my former thoughts wrong, she was able to turn even redder. The fuck? “Nothing…” she groaned.

I shifted to make myself comfortable and adjusted her on top of me. She was now plastered against me; her chest flushed with mine, her pussy right above my progressively stiffening erection, and her legs in between mine. I placed my hand on her lower back. “Tell me.” I pushed looking into her eyes.

“It was really nothing, a fluke… I don’t even know why I dreamt it.” she was definitely hiding something.

“Did someone get hurt?” I asked.

She frowned. “No.”

“Was it one of those confusing ones where it’s like you’re somewhere or reliving something and it’s not right?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No.”

What the hell else. “I know it wasn’t a sex dream, so what the…” I paused. She ducked her head and I could tell she was holding her breath.

Oh shit. “It was a sex dream… was it bad?”

She shook her head, her face hidden with her forehead against my chest. “So, it was a good dream… hmm.” I eyed her curiously. She was so obvious. “You was dreaming about me huh?” I asked.

Her head snapped up. “No! Of course not.” Immediately defensive, yet the flustered look on her face told me she was lying out her ass.

“Yes, you did. You was dreaming that I owned that pussy of yours didn’t you? Is it sweet?” I asked teasing her.

Her head dropped back down in defeat. “Oh my God, this cannot be happening.”

I laughed. “Yes, it’s happening. I want details.”

She shook her head. “I will never.”

I rolled my eyes. “You will…” I swirled my hips letting her feel my erection pushing into her. She tried to muffle her groan, but she couldn’t stop the shiver. “Did it feel like that in your dream?” I asked.

She shook her head then nodded then groaned. “Oh God, I don’t know. Can we just drop it and pretend like this never happened?” she asked.

I smiled. “Not a chance loca, tell me what I want to know.”

She pouted. “No, I don’t want to… don’t make me. Please?” she begged.

I took sympathy on her. “Fine.” She sighed in relief, but I was going to get something out of this. “That the first time?” I asked.

She paled, that means no. “No.” she confessed in a whisper.

I could tell she was mortified so I decided I’d leave her alone for tonight. Besides, I don’t need two episodes from the exorcist within a 24-hour period. “Alright Siarra, go back to sleep. I’m fucking tired babe. Swear to fuck I’ll clean it but I can’t move.”

She shook her head. “I knew that was going to happen!” she fussed. “I’m going to clean it up, but I swear this is the one and only time Sy. This is on you.”

She moved to get up and I tightened my grip on her. “Sleep with me.” I said. Fuck. I don’t know what made me say that shit, but fucking hell if I didn’t mean it. I wanted her tight, soft, sexy little body on me. Was it a good idea? Nope. But shit, I wanted it so to hell with it all right?

She frowned. “Why?”

“Because I fucking said so.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not leaving that mess in my kitchen. I’ll come back after I clean it up.” She told me.

I let her go and she left. I drifted back to sleep not to long after… but I did remember hearing a door open and close. I knew she wasn’t going to come back. It was probably for the best, but fuck if I wasn’t mad.




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