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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (16)



Psycho had checked out of his hotel and moved back into my place. Temporarily of course, although he’d been gone from the club long enough that whatever issue they had was gone. So now, he was back spending his days there handling club business. He didn’t bring it up and neither did I.

Ok, so I have a confession. When he came back to stay at my place, he came into my room. He refused the other room and he’s been humping me like a rabbit ever since. Not that I minded, not at all. It was all so confusing to me though. I mean, he wasn’t my boyfriend or anything, but we were living together, sharing a room, sleeping together. I was afraid to try to put a label on it or anything, afraid that the rug would be pulled from beneath my feet.

He constantly said things like I was his and he owned me. But he never said we were exclusive or anything. We had a weird situation going but it was nice. It was like, I had a family again. Psycho dropped me and Addie off in the mornings and picked us up in the evenings. He would come straight back to my place. Occasionally when he had business he would leave for a while, but would be back by dinner time. We all ate together and hung out. Addie would go to sleep and Psycho would pounce on me. There were stolen kisses, touches, and yes, a quickie in the middle of all of this but it was nice. I was just on edge, always afraid that at any moment the needle will penetrate the bubble and it would all go away.

Sometime I tell myself I’m being silly. We were now in the middle of April and there hasn’t even been an actual situation or doubt to make me believe it would happen. But I just couldn’t shake the feeling.

I got closer to the moms of Addie’s friends and we got on really well. I had confessed to them my concerns and they waved it off as it was nothing. They have been urging me to just approach him about it but hello? Have they met me this day in age? The same advice however was given to me by my closest friends when I finally spilled my guts.

I steeled my nerves and was patiently waiting for the show to be over. I was distracted almost all night going through what I wanted to say over and over in my head. I gave my excuses and headed back to my room an hour earlier than Addie’s bedtime. I couldn’t focus, and my nerves were frazzled.

The next hour and a half flew past and before I knew it, Psycho was walking into the room. When he saw me sitting on the edge of my bed playing with my fingers he frowned. “What’s up?” he asked.

I shrugged. “Nothing.”

He eyed me suspiciously. “I thought you were tired and was going to bed.”

Mental forehead slap. “Oh right. I realized that I wasn’t so tired after all?” Crap why did that come out as a question.

He sighed and leaned back against the door and folded his arms. “I kind of feel like I’m only going to regret this in a minute but what’s wrong?”

I frowned. “Why would you regret asking that?”

He arched an eyebrow. “Because you talk too fucking much. Asking you questions is like opening up the damn and it takes fucking forever to shut you up.” He explained.

I blushed. So, what? I liked to talk. “It’s called communicating.” I said in my defense.

“Well you do it too fucking much. Now, answer the question.”

I sighed. “I was just thinking…” I said.

When I didn’t continue he made a get on with it gesture. “And…?”

“Thinking made me nervous.”


Oh God why won’t he just leave it alone? “So, I couldn’t focus because I was distracted and nervous from thinking.”

He groaned. “And?”

“So, I came in here to sit and think without looking weird.”


“And then you came in and started talking to me.”


“And now… you just keep saying the same thing over and over.” I told him frustrated.

He gripped the back of his neck apparently equally annoyed. “Puta madre… The one time I’m asking you to talk it’s like pulling teeth. You just want to make me crazy, don’t you?” I asked.

“Do I want to know what that means?” I asked.

He growled at me. “I don’t think so, now can we get to the point? What were you thinking about?” he asked.

You know, I might as well tell him since he’s pushing me. “Alright well here’s the thing. You were staying here, temporarily and all. And well, it’s been a while now. Not that I’m saying I want you to leave because I don’t. I just mean well, I actually like you being here. You and Addie. It’s nice, and I like our routine and everything. It’s just that we’re you know sharing a room and things. You know since you’re also sleeping in here and your clothes and stuff are in here, with mine. And, we’re you know… we’re doing things together now. Like frequently and everything. You know, like every day. And I was just wondering you know if this means we’re together like in a relationship. I mean, I’m not saying that I want one or anything or asking you to commit to me or be exclusive or whatever I just want to know what you think. But I mean I would mind any of those things either if that’s what you want. I think that would be fine… cool. Yea, it will be great. If you don’t know that’s ok too, I was just – “

“Breathe.” He demanded, and I sucked in a deep breath. That did all kind of tumble out of my mouth in one breath.

I blushed and lifted one shoulder. “So, yea, that’s it.” I summarized now thoroughly embarrassed that I let myself ramble like that.

He shook his head. “Did you call me fucking you, doing things?” he asked.

My mouth dropped open. “Is that seriously all you got out of that monologue?”

He sat up straight. “No, I heard you. You wanna be my bitch.”

I groaned and dropped onto my back and covered my face. “Somebody shoot me.”

A few seconds later, I felt him tug on my hands moving them away. He kneeled and straddled me. “First things first. What are you talking about with this exclusive shit?” I blushed. “You better not let any fucking body next to you. I told you, I fucking own you.”

I frowned. “You can’t just own somebody.” I told him for what felt like the millionth time. And just like every other time he chose to act like I never said anything.

“Tell me Siarra, you wanna be my bitch?” he asked. “You wanna get on my bike and press those sexy as fuck legs against mine, wrap your arms around me? Huh?” he leaned down and kissed my shoulder.

I shivered immediately turned on. “I… I don’t know.” I said.

He licked a path from one shoulder to another. “You don’t know if you wanna be mine Corazon?”

Unlike other times, I love it when he talks to me in Spanish while we’re doing sexy stuff. It’s really hot and he’s either saying something dirty or something sweet. Of course, you know I ask him to translate… afterwards. That one I knew already, he used it a lot… sweetheart.

“Yes.” I said breathless, my brain beginning to short circuit. People usually believe it’s easier to get a man to agree to anything or confess anything when they’re turned up or during sex. In our case, it’s me. He would be able to make me admit to murder.

“You wanna be my bitch?” he asked again.

I nodded. “Yes. Yes, I want to be yours.”

He nipped my shoulder and pressed a kiss to the side of my mouth. “Good, cause I been telling you that you belong to me. That means you’re fucking mine. Psycho’s bitch.” He kissed my lips roughly. “I might need to tattoo that on you somewhere so that you won’t forget it.”

That sent sparks and liquid straight to my center. “So… we’re, are we together?” I asked.

So, sue me. But I was definitely one of those people that needed things to be spelled out clearly for them. “. ¡Me cago en la hostia!” he shook his head. That one I knew well too and I knew I was annoying him. “Yes bitch, we’re together.”

I knew he wasn’t one for formal labels and things, but I was. We went through this quite often. “So, is it just me… for you?” I asked.

My brain was beginning to function again since he stopped kissing and touching on me. He cocked his head to the side. “Do you see me bringing bitches in here and fucking them?” he asked sarcastically.

I frowned. “Hey! It was a legitimate question. You do go to the club, and I know how things operate there.” I told him. I knew that they all had unlimited access to the club girls, anytime, anywhere, anyway. Plus, I know that he’s indulged in them often. The girls explained to me that it made sense. They spent the bulk of their time there and they needed to get off when the urge struck so it worked. I didn’t judge, but I also didn’t like the images and thoughts that have been plaguing me for months. Psycho ending a meeting and grabbing one of the girls for a quickie or something.

“I don’t want any of those whores. I’ve got you, and you better only have me. That’s it babe. Simple. I don’t even see those bitches anymore, not since I spent more time thinking about dorky glasses and fucking suspenders.” He said.

I smiled wide. “Really?” when he looked at me like he wanted to punch me I cringed. “Ok, alright. I get the point. Yes really.” I wiggled underneath him. “Now can we have some more of the things?” I asked.

He shook his head as he chuckled. “Eres un loca de mierda.” He said before he thankfully shoved his tongue down my throat.






I stretched and yawned as I eyed the coffee maker across the room. I’m pretty sure I was in love with the damn thing at this moment. Last night replayed in my head as I made my over to it and last night played back in my head. After that long ass ridiculous spiel from Siarra last night, I was a nut case. I don’t know how many times I had her last night, but I kept going until I felt like my dick had officially broke. I was insatiable to say the least. That shit she was talking about possibly being exclusive made me insane. Just the thought of another man’s hands on her had me wanting to commit murder. She was fucking mine goddamit! We didn’t get to sleep until after three this morning and it was only 8:36 in the morning. To say I was fucking drained was an understatement. But here I was, awake as all hell and needing a caffeine fix.

I was just pouring some coffee into my mug when I heard footsteps. I was surprised because Siarra was passed the fuck out when I got up. Snoring and fucking all. It made sense though when it was Addie who entered the kitchen.

“Good morning Sy.” She greeted me.

“Hey Ad, you hungry?” I asked, and she nodded. “Alright, I’ll put together something.”

My needy ass took a habit of wanting to be next to Siarra as much as possible. She loved the kitchen, so it only made sense that I hovered over her in her favorite room of the house. Although… I’m beginning to think the bedroom is fighting for that spot. Anyway, she got sick of me distracting her and she began making me help. I’d cook and do what she says as she supervises. I was in no way kitchen literate, but breakfast was easy. I could whip up some bacon, eggs, and toast… if Addie asked me for a waffle well… we’d be in trouble if I had to bust out the waffle iron.

I whipped up breakfast, and then Addie and I ate in a comfortable silence. When we were done, she went upstairs and came back with some colored pencils and a coloring book. We sat there for a while and I noticed that something was bothering Addie. Her eyebrows were pinched, and she had a serious face, not only that but she kept shaking her head like whatever she was thinking was wrong.

“Ad, what’s going on?” I asked. “Something bothering you?”

She sighed. “Not bothering me… I just – can I ask you something?”

I set down my third cup of coffee. “Of course, you can ask me anything.” I assured her.

“Are you and Siarra going to have a baby?” she asked.

What the fuck? I choked on air and struggled to get my breath. “Huh?”

“Are you and Siarra going to have a baby?” she repeated like a recording.

Shit, then I did hear her right the first time. “No, why would you ask that?”

Her shoulders slumped. “Well… I just thought since we were all living here, and you guys are together that you would have a baby. You know, that we would maybe be a family.”

Jesus, it was too early for this shit. “And how would that make you feel?” I asked testing the waters.

“I mean, I would like to have brothers and sisters. I don’t like to be an only child. And, I don’t think I would be ok if it was anyone else… and I like what we have. Us three together, it’s better than anything I could imagine. When I was with Aunt Maggie, I wanted other siblings, but I prayed not to ever have any. I mean, I didn’t want to see any other kid have to live with her… go through what I did. Everything is different now. I’m not afraid to think and dream about things. I mean, I don’t know about you and Siarra, but I don’t want things to change.” She said.

Fucking hell. “Well, I don’t know about kids Addie and I’m not sure how long this whole situation is going to last but I’m fine with it. I’m sorry that I didn’t know about you sooner and you had to live with Margaret. I don’t think Siarra will ever leave you, and I won’t take her away from you no matter what happens. That I can promise you, I know how much you mean to each other.” I gripped the back of my neck. “Fucking hell, I’m sorry Addie, I’m not good at this whole talking and sharing shit… but I love you. You’re the only person that I do love so know that. I know I never say it or anything, but it’s true. Fuck your mother and everybody else, you’re mine.”

She smiled. “Well… you do say that Siarra is yours too.”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, she’s mine right now. I can’t tell you about next week or year. Shit, not even tomorrow but I’m not going to just fuck it up because I can. I like this too.”

She smiled. “Well, will you think about it?” she asked hopefully.

I shrugged. I never thought about having kids, the fact that I had her were completely accidental. Oddly enough, I didn’t find myself breaking out in hives at the thought of knocking my dork up. “I will.”

“Good!” she said forcefully. She started to color again and stopped herself. “Oh, and I love you too. I never say it or anything, but it’s true.” She said repeating me.

I couldn’t help but smile “Little fucker. Like your pop huh?” I joked.

“Like father, like daughter.” She joked on a laugh.  

We continued to talk and joke about stupid shit for a while and finally Siarra emerged. She found us at the table and smiled. “I woke up to the smell of bacon and was intrigued. I am ravenous.”

I chuckled. Of course, she was, I wore that ass out like nobody business last night. “There’s a possibility we left something for you.” I told her.

She grinned. “How sweet of you.” She said as she made her way to the table.

She kissed Addie on the forehead and came around and pecked me on the lips. Fuck no. I gripped the back of her neck and pulled her down to me. There was no way she was getting away with giving me some bullshit as fuck kiss. I stuck my tongue down her throat and she moaned into my mouth. It wasn’t until Addie made a gagging sound that I released her.

She immediately turned red and went to the stove. “Oh. Semi burnt bacon, half scrambled and half fried eggs, and nicely blacked toast.” She looked at me over her shoulder. Shit I tried, and the shit was fine going down for us. “My favorite!” she said before fixing her plate. Her ass better be happy I remembered to put butter on the dry ass bread.

She sat down next to me and made all of the groaning and moaning noises that were associated with a good as fuck meal. Kind of like what I sounded like at dinner. She was faking it for sure, because I heard the bitch groan before and I knew that wasn’t it. “Faker.” I muttered.

Addie broke out in giggles which clearly said she agreed. Siarra shook her head, “oh no. I’m not faking. I always cook; I love it when someone cooks for me.” She took a bite of bacon before she continued. “It’s always the best meal in the world when it’s made for me.” She said before taking a bite of the slightly burnt toast. “Just look at this…” she said gesturing to her plate. “The student is learning. Sy-san, you can call me Miyagi.”

I shook my head. “Cheeky little shit. Shut up and eat already.”

She grinned and dug in. She was done in record time; I really must’ve worked her ass. The thought made me smile. She frowned. “What are you over there all smug about?” she asked as she inhaled her coffee.

“I’m just trying to figure out why you’re so hungry this morning. What did you do last night?” I asked.

She blushed bright red. “Slept.” She muttered. “Anyway, what’s on the agenda for today?” she asked.

“I have to go to the club.” I told her.

Addie popped up. “Can I go? I want to beat the guys on the video game.”

I shook my head. “Seriously?” she nodded, and I sighed. “You do realize that I need them to actually do shit occasionally. They’re not there for your entertainment.”

She frowned. “They’re not?” she was going for innocent but was failing.

Siarra chuckled and I rolled my eyes. “You know damn well they’re not. If you want to come, then that’s fine.” I told her.

She grinned. “Yes! They’re going down; I’ve been working on my strategy. Plus, Sia gave me some hints. I can’t wait to wipe the floor with Jagger. He’s totally going to hate it.” she bounced up from the table and ran upstairs.

“What are you doing to my child?” I asked Siarra.

She was just smiling. “I don’t know what you mean…” she said and batted her lashes.

“Fucking hell.” I got up from the table and called out over my shoulder. “Go get your ass washed and dressed so we can go.” These bitches were going to be the death of me.

I was in my office reading over some paper when there was a knock on the door. I glanced up to see a pale faced Tank. I instantly went on alert. “What’s up?” I asked.

He gripped the neckline of his t-shirt and tugged like it was choking him. Fucking hell. That meant whatever the shit he had to say I wasn’t going to like it. I stood up, “What is it?”

“So, the thing is… I kind of need you to come and get Addie.” He said.

Everything darkened, and my body tensed. I began walking with speed I didn’t know I possessed to go find her. Tank kept up with me. “What happened? Is she alright?” I asked.

When he didn’t answer I turned to look at him and he visibly gulped. “I’m not sure… I mean she’s not hurt.” He rushed to say. “But I’m not entirely convinced she’s sane.”

That made me pause. “The fuck you – “I was about to lay into him for even thinking that shit and then I heard her high-pitched voice.

My words to Tank forgotten as I made my way to where I’d left her. “THE FUCK?!”

Swear to God I couldn’t believe my eyes. Tank was saying something to me, but I couldn’t hear him. I was convinced I might be having a stroke or something. I’m sure my mouth was hanging open in disbelief as I took in the scene.

Rip, Reaper, Gunner, and Trip were all huddled up in the corner like a pack of sardines with Jagger in the front. Breaker one of the prospects was just staring completely clueless and helpless. Addie was standing in the middle of the room, game controller in hand and was screaming some shit at them scaring the ever-loving fuck out of them if their expressions told the story.

I snapped out of it and walked over to her and tossed her over my shoulder. “Addie.”

“Oh no. You’re all wusses! I thought you were big strong men! Too scared to play a little old girl huh? You’re all just going to wimp out?” She was screaming.

“Cojeme.” I muttered under my breath. “Addie…” I said again in warning.

She huffed. “Sy! It’s not me.” She whined.

My head was throbbing; I wasn’t old enough for grey hair, yet was I? I let her down and crossed my arms across my chest waiting for her to explain herself. She sighed. “I wanted to play. I played with Jagger and I wiped the floor with him. Then, the rest of them refused to play with me cause they didn’t want to get by another girl. All I did was ask them to please play with me.” She said in a cute little voice that wasn’t fooling anyone.

I arched an eyebrow. “And what else?” I asked.

She pouted. “What do you mean what else? That’s it, the whole story.”

“You little lying shit!” Jagger screamed out. Addie craned her head around me and bared her teeth. “You see Prez, she’s a menace.”

I turned around to look at the men still crowded in the corner. “Watch it Jagger, that’s my daughter.” I warned and out of the corner of my eye, caught Addie stick her tongue out at him.

I turned to her put a hand on her arm and moved her back a step. “And you behave you little shit.”

That damn bottom lip came out again. She reminded me so much of Siarra it was Goddamn scary. The last thing I needed was two of her in my life. Whatever happened to the polite, quiet girl she was when I met her?

Jagger wasn’t done yet though. “And that evil little woman with over there was egging her on. Swear to fuck that Addie’s head spun around in a full circle.” I followed his finger over to the couch where Siarra was sitting suspiciously quiet and looking at everything but where I was.


She looked over to me. “Yes?”

I growled. “What the ever-loving fuck are you two out here doing?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

I gripped the back of my neck and then pinched the bridge of my nose hoping that it would calm my headache. “Mother fucking hell.” I couldn’t deal with this shit. “Listen children…” I said looking at all the fucking adults in the room then my apparently crazy daughter. “If you can’t play nicely with each other than you can’t play at all.” I said snatching the remote from her. “Now, do I need to separate you all into different corners?” I asked.

This was utterly ridiculous. “No.” they all said.

I shook my head. “Now fucking do something with yourselves while I actually get something done.” I began to walk off and paused. “Don’t make me come back out here.” I warned.

As I passed, I grabbed Siarra’s arm and tugged her along with me. Something told me that she was the reason behind this entire shit show. The ring fucking leader, I just knew it in my gut.

“Hey!” she squealed as she struggled to her feet to catch up to me. I wasn’t beneath dragging her.

I didn’t respond. I just pulled her along and into my office before I slammed the door shut. I pushed her back against the door and crowded her space. “What the fuck are you up to Siarra?” I asked.

“Nothing.” She tried to shrug, but the flush in her cheeks gave her away.

I frowned. “Why are you turned on?” I asked.

She blushed. “I am not.”

“Yea… you are.”

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. “You wanted me?” I asked.

She crossed her arms. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She sniffed and stuck that damn nose in the air.

I shook my head. “Yes, you did. Is that why you got Addie going?” I leaned my head back to look at the time. I’d been in this office for a good four hours. “Tell me.”

She sighed and dropped her arms. “I may have been thinking about you. Then you never came out. I got a little bored and I was a tad bit sexually frustrated, so I may not have been on my best behavior.” She admitted.

I pushed myself against her flattening her entire back to the door. I leaned down and kissed her. She instantly melted in my arms. When I broke the kiss, she was gasping for air. “Why didn’t you just come to me?” I asked as I ran a finger down her cheek.

Her breath caught for a second before she responded. “I didn’t want to be needy.” Was what she told me.

I chuckled. “But you are, and you can let me know when you need me.”

I thrust my hips against her because I couldn’t help myself. Every sentence out of her mouth had my cock jumping in excitement. Swear to fuck it was like the bastard was nodding. “Please?” she begged and I fucking almost came.

“Fuck bitch, I don’t know if you’re going to kill me or my dick first.” I told her before I lifted her. She immediately wrapped her legs around me and I carried her to my desk. I laid her out and I swear I felt the precum that shot out all the way from the root.

“I’m sorry babe; I don’t have time to play right now. I fucking need in you.” I told her, and it was true. I was hard as fucking hell and dammit it was crying for her, literally.

“No, no. I need you in me.” She was saying that broke into a moan when I shoved my hand down her pants and touched her. She was so fucking wet.

“Shit.” I was losing my mind.

I couldn’t help myself. I took her out of her pants and those barely there lace she calls underwear that are fucking hot as hell. My pants were undone and by my knees in no time at all. And I didn’t waste any time to take her. When my balls were touching her, I let out a moan. Holy fuck, this bitch was made for me.

“Oh my God Alex, please… more.” She begged.

Who was I to deny her? I pulled almost all the way out and plunged back into her. I knew her body better than she did and, so I leaned down and bit her nipple through her clothes. She writhed beneath me. When she began to cry out, I took her mouth to swallow her sounds.  Ever since that first time, I made sure to silence her when she began making noises. She was loud as fuck and I know she’d be mortified if we got caught again because of it.

Her eyes slammed shut as her tight pussy began to clench around me. I released her mouth because there was nothing better than hearing my name fall from her lips as she came. It was fucking sexy as hell and it made me want to pound on my chest like a caveman. Cause I mean, yea I fucking did that to her. I pumped into her a few more times before my own climax took me. “Fucking hell Sia.” I groaned as I came deep inside of her.

She shook her head. “That was intense.” She breathed out.

I chuckled as I pulled myself out of her. “Yea.” I agreed.

She smiled. “I can’t wait to do that again…”

My dick twitched against her leg and she looked down to my hardening cock and shook her head. “Not right now, tonight. I don’t even think I can walk.”

My dick pouted but it didn’t go back down. Fucking great. That meant I needed to wrap shit up and get her the fuck home.




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