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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (13)



Psycho has been giving me the cold shoulder all day. Last night, I’d told him I would go back to his room to sleep with him. I wanted to, I swear I really did… but for what? It was just a torture to myself that I didn’t need, so instead I tiptoed back to my room after cleaning up after the dog. I didn’t think he would care, but there wasn’t any other reason why he could be mad at me other than that.

I waited until after we dropped off Addie to broach the subject. “Are you mad at me because I didn’t come back last night?” I asked. You go Sia, way to be smooth.

He grunted. “Nope.”

Liar. “You sure?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Yep.”

I already wanted to punch him. “Why aren’t you talking to me then?” I asked.

“What do you call this?” he asked.

“Being evasive.”

He rolled his eyes. “Ok.”

I was getting nowhere with him. “Ok fine, if you don’t want to talk to me I’ll leave you alone.”

No answer. I was kind of hoping that would tick him off. I mean, if he said that to me I’d lose my shit. I don’t like to be told or feeling like I’m being cutoff and cutout. I refrained from saying something else even though there was a ton of things on the tip of my tongue. Well, if he didn’t care I wasn’t going to care either. I needed to get over this ridiculous infatuation that I had over him and completely forget everything there is about him that didn’t have to do with Addie.

I spent the whole day thinking about Psycho. He was making me crazy to say the least. By the time I was ready to go, I was more annoyed than anything else. I wanted to strangle him just for distracting me the whole day. As I climbed into the car I wanted to tear him a new one but caught sight of Addie. That deterred me from going on my spiel.

“Sia, I can’t wait until my party! It’s just going to be a few hours.” She said excitedly as I put on my seatbelt.

“Of course! But you need to make sure you get your homework finished first.” I told her.

Addie was extremely distracted, so it took longer than usual to get her homework done. When we were finally finished, she ran upstairs to wash up and get ready. It wasn’t long before the first girl arrived. The others were close behind. She invited a total of six friends and I must admit I was proud. I was wondering who she was spending her time with, who her friends were. And she had a nice assortment. The girls were all different shapes and sizes and seemed to have their own personalities.

They ran upstairs a while ago to get into their pajamas and do whatever else while I got myself ready to make dinner. I went upstairs myself and changed into my own flannel pajamas before I hit the kitchen. I thought hamburgers would be a cool dinner, with some French fries, so I took out the ground meat and some toppings.

Psycho came into the kitchen. “Burgers?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yes.”

He eyed it all for a second. “You have a grill on the back patio, right?” he asked.

I nodded. “I’d been planning to use it since I would need to make quite a few, but I wasn’t expecting all of the rain.”

It was raining cats and dogs outside. Big, huge raindrops. He shrugged, “I’ll make them.”

I turned around and eyed him warily. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the man cook. “What?” I asked confused.

His lips twitched. “I said I’ll grill the damn burgers.”

I arched an eyebrow. “You know how?”

He looked offended. “Of course, I know how. I may not be able to do anything in the kitchen, but I can work a grill.”

I held my hands up in surrender. “Hey, I just had to be sure.”

“Whatever.” He grunted as he walked off.

He was back minutes later and grabbed what he needed and headed out back. I went about cutting up some lettuce and tomatoes for the burgers. When I was done, I made my way out back to check on Psycho. He was leaning back against a pillar with his arms crossed. A bottle of beer was dangling from his fingers. His ankles were crossed, and his eyes were on the grill, the fire from the grill dancing in his irises. He was absolute perfection.

I don’t know how long I stood there just admiring him, but eventually his gaze swung over to me. “How long are you going to stand there staring?” he asked before taking a swig of his beer.

I blushed. “I wasn’t staring.” I muttered, lying through my teeth.

He chuckled and shook his head. I eyed the burgers on the grill and decided to inspect them for myself. I could feel his eyes burning a hole into me as I made my way over. The heat emanating from the grill warmed me a fraction and I felt myself shiver from the sudden difference. It was pretty cool out here after all.

“What you doing babe?” He asked.

“Checking the burgers, making sure you’re not burning them.” I teased.

I felt the heat against my back first. His hands came up to hold onto my waist. “You don’t trust me to make a fucking burger?”

I snickered. “Nope.” I said as I moved to flip the burgers.

The wind picked up and a chill ran through me. “Jesus.” He muttered from behind me.

He released me, and I instantly missed his touch. “Here.” He said.

I turned around and he was in his white t-shirt. He had taken off the black hoodie he wore occasionally and was holding it out to me. I reach out for it. “What?” I asked.

“Put it on, you’re fucking cold. I don’t know why you even came outside in just that.” He fussed.

I slipped on the hoodie and took a minute to enjoy it. It smelled like him and it was insanely soft. He must’ve washed it a million times. Plus, it was warm with all his body heat. Gosh this felt amazing.

When I looked up, he was staring at me with heated eyes. “What?” I asked.

He continued staring for what felt like an eternity, but had to of only been a minute. He shook his head. “Nothing.” He turned back to the grill. “They should be ready, I’ll bring them in.”

I nodded taking that as a dismissal and headed back inside. I looked at the cheese on the counter and cursed. I snatched it and was running back outside so that he could melt the cheese and almost collided with him at the door.

“Woah, slow down.” He said putting a hand out to stop me.

‘Oh man, I was trying to catch you. You forgot the cheese.” I said waving it around in front of his face.

He knocked my hand down. “Stop shoving shit in my face. And I didn’t forget... how do you know that they all want cheese? If one of those bitches is lactose intolerant and you shove cheese down their throat I’m not dealing with that shit. I have to share a bathroom with them; I’m not dealing with diarrhea.”

I bit my lip to keep in my laugh. “How considerate of you.”

I began walking towards the stairs and called the girls down. “Can you put all the stuff on the table for me please?” I asked Sy.

He cocked an eyebrow. “I look like your errand bitch now?” he asked me.

I rolled my eyes. “You did say that you’d help right? This is nothing… I do it every day.”

He gave a big dramatic sigh. “Stop trying to fucking guilt trip me woman.”

I snapped my fingers. “Oh, and that reminds me. Can you get the talk PG 13 around the girls?”

He frowned deep. “Seriously?”

I nodded. “Seriously.” I heard him mutter a curse under his breath and I chose to ignore it.

I made sure to avoid all eye contact with Psycho when three girls announced they would not like to have cheese on their burger. I could just imagine the smug look that graced his face.

Kelly, a pretty brown skinned girl with two pigtails spoke up. “You guys don’t have up Christmas decorations.” She noted.

I frowned because she was right, but it was odd since I usually put up what I had following thanksgiving. I shrugged. “I guess things have been a bit hectic and we forgot.” I admitted. Thanksgiving had been great.

It was small, but it was Psycho, Addie, and I. we didn’t go all out, but both Addie and Psycho have expressed how they hadn’t had a real thanksgiving in a long time if ever. It was a nice change for me too. I wasn’t alone or feeling like a douche or the charity case that had been invited over by a friend because they felt bad for me.

Anyway, I’d made a turkey, yams, stuffing, fresh green beans, and because of Psycho I decided to make rice and beans, and pastelitos. One day, he’d had a bit too much to drink and I was able to finagle a bit of information from him. He told me about how he missed home cooked meals up until he started eating at my place again. I had asked him about said meals, and he began listing off his favorites, most I knew to be Latin dishes. Some I’ve tried a lot I hadn’t. After that, I’d taken to looking up recipes online and cooking some of those dishes. At the beginning he was weary, now he’s just used to it.

Ok, I’m getting off topic. Anyway, we ate together, and they surprisingly hung out in the kitchen with me all day helping me here and there with dinner. We all ate together, and then we spent the rest of the night watching holiday movies together. Psycho and I had champagne, and Addie had sparkling lemonade, you know to appear like she’s drinking champagne too. All in all, it was amazing. And we broke a record, Psycho and I didn’t argue once. I know right? That’s freaking amaze balls. Oh, I may or may not have slept with him that night. JUST SLEEP. Don’t let your minds drift to dirty places.

I was drawn back to the present with Addie’s question. “Can we decorate?” she asked.

I nodded. “Absolutely, but it won’t be anything great. I’ve only got a few decorations. I haven’t put up a real tree in ages too. I usually just put my foot-tall pre-lit tree on a table. I have a handful of bulbs I put on it. I have a string of lights and some garland that I may have ruined when I took it down last year.”

Addie instantly deflated. “But, we can go out tomorrow and get everything you girls think we need to have the best decorated house on the block.”

They all cheered at that one and commenced throwing out ideas of what we can do. Once they started up on the outside of the house I cringed. No way could I do that. I looked over at Psycho and got an idea. Lord, he was going to kill me.






I groaned as I dialed Tank. He was just going to be over the fucking moon with this one. “Prez.”

“Tank. Look, I need you to come over.” I cut to the chase.

“Alright, I need 20.” He clipped.

“Alright, and bring your cage.” I told him. I could hear the questions in his mind through the phone and groaned. “Just do it.” and I hung up.

Tank was hunched over, cracking up laughing hands holding his sides. “Shut the fuck up.” I growled.

He raised his head, looked at me and then shook it. “I mean… I… oh God, I can’t stop laughing.”

I looked over at the girls; they’re all staring there either grinning or trying to hold back a laugh. I dare one of their asses to laugh with this idiot. “Can you stop acting like a child, so we can go?” I asked him irritated.

Finally, he straightened. “Prez, I just guess I’m shocked. You called me over here to drive some little girls to the mall because they don’t all fit in your car, so you can all go Christmas decoration shopping?” he groaned as laughter tried to escape again. “I just… fuck man, it’s fucking hilarious.” He looked at Siarra. “This is a good one; I have to give it to you.”

I was gonna brain him. “Shut Up.”

He shook his head. “It’s just too funny.”

Siarra put her hands on her hips. “And what exactly is so funny about wanting to go buy Christmas decorations Tank?”

He immediately paused, his laughter dying in his throat. He shook his head. “Oh, uh, nothing?”

She nodded. “That’s what I thought.”

Now I was laughing. The little bitch gave people a run for their money that’s for sure. All the teasing the fuck gives me, and he’s scared shitless of her. Go figure. “Now, we’ve got our coats on and we’re getting hot in here… would you guys mind if we get going now?” she sassed.

I pointed to the door and they all began marching out. “You.” I said pointing a finger at Siarra. “Wait.”

She pouted but she waited behind. When the last little troll left out, I turned my attention to Siarra. “I’m going to need for you to tone it down a bit before I cut your lips off.” I warned.

She crossed her arms, her hip jutted out. That was her fighting pose; she wasn’t just going to do as she was told. “What did I do now?” she asked.

I gripped her lips between two fingers and she began swatting at my hand trying to get me to release her. “I don’t like the things coming out of here. Don’t think I won’t red your ass because Addie and her little bratty friends are here. You’d be more embarrassed than anything, you hear me little girl?” I asked.

I released her lips and she pouted again. “You’re no fun.” She began to walk off, thought about it and turned back around. With her eyes narrowed she glared at me. “And don’t try to tell me what to do.”

With the last word out, she spun on her heels and stomped out of the house. “Spoiled fucking bitch.” I muttered as I left and locked up behind me.

I ended up with Siarra in the passenger seat, Addie, Jenna, and Emily in the back. Tank had the rest of the snot noses. Fucking Siarra drove me crazy the entire drive. First, she wanted to talk my ear off, so I turned on the radio. Then she starts fucking with my music and putting on some bullshit pop music. Then she had the fucking audacity to try to sing along. I cut the shit off because she couldn’t sing for shit and that was more torture. Then she began fucking yapping again and I was strongly considering knocking her upside her damn head. I couldn’t have been happier when we got to the mall.

Three hours.

Three fucking hours.

Three torturous hours of listening to them ooh and Ahh over Christmas shit. Then, me and Tank being their little bitch boys. Everything they seemed to want was on a top shelf none of their midget asses could reach or too heavy for them to lift.

 “Fucking finally.” I said as I started the car.

Siarra looked over at me nervous. “Actually… we have one more stop to make before we go home.” She said.

I looked at her eyes narrowed. “And where would that be Ms. Daisy?”

She rolled her eyes at my joke. “We need a tree; we have to go to one of those tree lots.” She explained.

I groaned. “All those fucking trees in there… why didn’t you just get one of those?” I asked.

She shrugged. “We want a real one.”

I shook my head. “You sure you just don’t want me and Tank to go into the woods and chop it down ourselves?”  I asked sarcastically.

“Don’t be a jerk. Look, I’m on google for a place and then we can GPS it. We’ll go home after that, I promise.” She said. She gave me those puppy dog eyes and I wanted to poke them the fuck out, so she couldn’t do that shit to me anymore.

“Fine, but hurry up.”

Thankfully, that didn’t take very long. In no time, we were back to the house and I wanted to pass out from exhaustion. Ironman – the dog’s awful name that Addie picked out – was eagerly trying to get up on the couch with me. I relented and bent down to scoop the little mutt up and get him on the couch. He curled up on my lap and was snoring in minutes. Lucky bastard.

The girls had all disappeared upstairs and Tank was slouched in one of the chairs looking as beat as I felt. He shook his head as he looked at me. “I know I give you all types of shit and all… but damn. I fucking feel bad for you if this is your life now.”

I groaned and scrubbed a hand down my face. “You have no idea. That little fucking devil is determined to make me crazy.”

He laughed. “Unfortunately, I would have to agree.”

I laughed. “I told you, but you didn’t believe me.”

He frowned. “It’s not that I didn’t believe you. I remember the hell she put me through that day, I’ll never forget it. I just… I think that you like it. You like her.” I opened my mouth, but he put up a hand to stop me. “There’s nothing wrong with it… that’s not what I’m getting at. I’m just wondering what the fuck you’re doing. I’m almost positive she wants you too.”

I didn’t want to talk about this shit. “Just fucking drop, it man.”

He sighed. “Denial is not healthy man, that’s all I’m going to say.”

I grunted.

 A few minutes later, hands were clapping, and I looked up. I had started to doze apparently. “Alrighty boys, it’s time to get this party started.” Siarra said.

My eyebrows flew up. “Huh?”

She smiled. “You heard me Sy. Chop chop, we’ve got a lot of decorating to get done.”

“Boys?” Tank said looking baffled.

She gave him a look. “Yes, boys. I need more than just Sy’s help.”

As if on cue, the stampede started on the stairs indicating the girls were coming down. “You have the kid brigade to help.”

She frowned. “But they can’t put up the tree.” She walked over to me, grabbed my hand and tugged in an attempt to get me up. “Come on grumpy pants.”

When she tried to pull me up for a third time I tugged back at her and she flew forward. I had to catch her, so she didn’t go over the couch. “I’m not doing that. I was done after shopping.”

She pouted, and I couldn’t help but stare at that full bottom lip. It was begging me to put something in her mouth, I swear to fuck. “Can you just help get the tree up? You know it’s heavy and we can’t do it.”

I knew she was right. The size and weight of the monstrous thing needed both me and Tank to get the shit up on the car. “Fine. Just the tree.” I warned.

She giggled. “Perfect.”

She hopped off of me and began taking shit out of the bags. I glanced at Tank who was giving me a knowing look, then to Addie who was wearing a shit eating grin. The fucks. The fact that she didn’t give me more shit about not helping had a knot forming in my stomach. What the shit was she up to?






“Ok, a little more to the left boys.” Siarra instructed.

We’ve been moving this damn tree back and forth like morons forever. She was trying to get it in the ‘perfect’ spot. I was ready to place the shit in the trash and be done with it.

Finally, finally, she put us out of our misery. “Right there! That’s perfect.”

I immediately let go of the tree and stepped as far away from it as possible. I opened my mouth to say something, thinking of the perfect excuse to flee when a familiar sound graced my ears. I frowned sure that I was losing my mind, there was no reason I’d be hearing that out here.

Instead of going away, it continued to increase, and I eyed everyone in the room. Tank was frowning probably having the same thoughts as me, but Siarra… she was fidgeting. She was eyeing everything in the room except for me.

“Siarra.” My voice was low and murderous.

She peeked at me quickly and turned the other way. “Yea? What’s up Sy?” she was trying for casual, but she was trying way too fucking hard.

“You got something you wanna say to me?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The sound was right outside now and was beginning to stop. There was a knock on her door and I arched an eyebrow in question. “Expecting someone?” I asked.

She frowned and shook her head so hard her ponytail was slapping the shit out of her. “Nope. No sir. No idea what you’re talking about.”

I stomped over to the door and threw it open. Rip was standing there looking at me. “Sup Pre – “

I was already storming off. I grabbed Siarra and tossed her over my shoulder as I went to the kitchen passing by my brothers as they entered her house. I dropped her down onto the cabinet and glared. I waited her out and it didn’t take long.

“I’m sorry?” It was a question but a start.

“What did you do?” I asked.

She sighed. “Ok, so the thing is… you didn’t want to help and plus we got a bunch of outside decorations. Even if you were going to help we would need more people. So, I figured, the guys would come over to help.”

“Who did you call?” I asked.

She shrugged and picked at an invisible piece of lint on her pants. “Rip.”

I growled. “And how the fuck did you get his number?” I asked. She only had Tank’s number and that was for case of an emergency and she couldn’t reach me, or I wasn’t around.

She held up her hands. “Woah, I didn’t have it. I swear, I didn’t.” I raised an eyebrow urging her to explain herself. “I may or may not have asked Tank to use his phone. Then I might’ve accidentally got into his contacts. Then my finger happened to slip on Rips name and dialed him.” She pushed her glasses up her fucking nose and sniffed, tilting her nose into the air. A small act of defiance I will address shortly. “It was essentially a butt dial. It would’ve been rude of me to just hang up after it’s rang a couple of times.” She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders like it was no big deal. Alright.

My hand wrapped around her neck. “Don’t go sniffing your nose up at me like a spoiled little bitch or I’ll rip the shit off your face.” She frowned, and her nose twitched. “Now, I don’t give a fuck if his number was in your phone or in fucking Tanks. You don’t go around calling no mother fucker for anything you got me?” I asked.

Her entire face scrunched up. “You can’t tell me who I can talk to and who I can’t. Who do you think you are?” she asked.

My hand flexed around her neck. I moved all the way into her until I was standing between her thighs and her back was arched so that her head was rested against the wall. I moved my head until I was close enough to lick her. “You know who the fuck I am, and I can do whatever I fucking want to. I don’t want you talking to no other fucker on the phone and definitely not one of my brothers. If I catch you, I will break the fucking phone before I break his jaw then break your fucking neck.” She took in a shuddering breath and wiggled her hips. I was able to smell her; she was fucking turned on by this. “You like this shit, don’t you? When I get possessive on your ass and tell you what to do.”

She growled. “No. I don’t like you.”

“You like my hand wrapped around your Goddamn throat telling you that you can’t talk to another man. I can fucking smell you, you like when I’m rough with you huh? You little sadistic bitch.”

She bared her teeth at me. “Must you always call me names?” she asked.

Yep, that was what she had to say to that. Queen of the random subjects. “Don’t fucking let that shit happen again.” I backed off her a bit. “Now, whatever the fuck happens then it’s on you.” With that I walked out of the room leaving her on the counter out of breath.

When I got out of the shower a couple of hours later, the house was a fucking ACS wet dream. Total fucking madness.

Before I got in the shower, the guys were finishing up on the decorations outside. This bitch had them up on the roof hanging shit all over the place. At one point, the old couple that lived next door even came out and handed out hot cocoa to the guys. Huh. That shit threw me; people usually stayed the fuck away from us. There was no fucking question that we were dangerous and normal people heeded the warning. When Tank asked if they knew who we were she laughed and waved him off. “Of course, I do. I’m old, not stupid young man. I see you guys are here helping the girls decorate and I know the big guy, Addilyn’s father, has been staying there. I don’t know him, but I know my Sia. She is a smart girl and she wouldn’t have you guys here if you were a danger to her. A friend of hers is a friend of mine. Now drink up before you catch your death.” She patted him on the cheek and went back inside with her husband. Tank, as the rest of us was just stumped.

Right now, everyone was inside, and the place was a shit storm. The room was full of fucking bikers all decked out in cuts and shit looking every bit dangerous that they were. There were a handful of club whores lingering around, not as slutty as they were usually but still not exactly decent. There was fucking beer and booze all over the place, and then there were seven young bitches running, jumping, giggling all over the place in their pajamas. Swear to fuck, five minutes ago they had Jagger’s fat, old, shirtless ass doing the sprinkler. The fucking sprinkler.

Siarra popped into the room just then with a big ass machine in her hand. Whatever the hell it was got the little brats excited. Even the club bitches pepped up at the sight of it. Siarra moved it by the TV and had Tank help her fiddle around the wires and when it all hit me; it was a little too fucking late.

Siarra sipped her glass of wine before placing it down. Ay dios mios! The words began to play on the TV, and she pulls the mic up to her lips and begins to sing Karaoke on that fucking machine. Top that shit off, she’s singing Destiny’s Child song Soldier. The fuck. Believe me you; this bitch does not have a signing bone in her body.

It was painful and cute at the same time. Don’t ask me. Her voice was horrible, but her performance as a whole wasn’t too bad. It was kind of like watching a car crash. It’s weird as fuck and you don’t want to see but you can’t do shit but watch. That’s what this was like, a fucking train wreck happening in slow motion. She was kind of moving and that was nice to watch her sexy little body swaying and moving, but the more she got into the song the more she tried to sing and the more I wanted to commit suicide. When she was done, there was a ton of applause and wolf-whistles. I’m going to go with my gut and say that it was more because they were happy it was over than complimenting her. Couldn’t tell the little bitch anything though because she had the nerve to curtsy then bow. I couldn’t stop myself I cracked the fuck up.

She came bouncing over to me when she handed over the mic. “Did you like it?” she asked. Her face flushed, she was happily tipsy.

I grinned. “Nope. You can’t sing for shit linda, but I could watch you shake your ass all day.” I told her.

She swatted my chest and pushed those Goddamn glasses up her nose. “I can sing, it sounds awesome when I’m in the shower.”

I groaned. “That just ruined every shower fantasy of you.”

She rolled her eyes then paused. “You… you have fantasies about me?” she asked. She was more than just a little curious.

Her breathing got labored as she waited for my answer. I’m starting to recognize the tells of when she was hot and bothered. “You getting turned on thinking about it?” I asked her.

She shook her head immediately. “No.” but her answer came out in a silly breathless whisper.

I trailed a finger across her cheek, down to her chin. “Yes, you are. How wet are you Siarra?” I challenged her.

“I’m not.” She answered, still lying.

I leaned down until my mouth was right by her ear. “If I stuck my hand in those candy cane pajama pants and slipped a finger between your soft wet pussy, it wouldn’t be soaking wet and ready for me, hmmm?” I asked.

She visibly shivered. “Sy.” My name came out in a moan and fuck I was hard.

I looked up and the first thing I saw was Addie and her friends picking out a song for Tank. I groaned, just the bucket of ice water I needed to kill my fucking hormones. “Siarra, it’s late. When are you planning on stopping this party?” I asked.

She shrugged, and then shook her head. “Huh?”

I shook my head. “It’s late, and the girls. These guys can party into tomorrow afternoon. I know you just busted out your singing machine, but we need to wrap this up.”

She groaned “But we’re all having so much fun.” She said as she leaned on me snuggling up against me. On instinct, my arm wrapped around her back and I began rubbing circles on her back.

“I know babe, but I don’t want their momma’s trying to kill me when they find out.”

She sighed. “Fine.” She shook her head. “Party is over then you party pooper.”

I rolled my eyes. I clapped my hands, but it couldn’t be heard over all the fucking noise. Especially over Tank singing his heart out to a fucking Miley Cyrus song. I let out a loud whistle and everyone quieted. “Party is over, get the fuck out.” I looked over at Addie. “Time to head upstairs girls.” I said in a firm voice.

Swear to fuck, everyone in the room groaned. “You’re no fun!” Jagger said.

Siarra stood and turned around eyes narrowed on him. “What did you say?” she asked.

Jagger shrugged. “I’m serious; it’s only midnight… since when does the party end?”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Since the girls need to go to bed. Do we have a problem?” she asked.

He shrugged and rolled his eyes. In his defense, he doesn’t have any experience with her. Tank, Rip, and a few others were all eyeing her warily. “I know its cause of you that the party is over. No need to be so Goddamn uptight. Live a little bookworm.”

Shit. Fuck. Ass. “I’ve got enough books here that I could find one to shove up your ass. Now, get your drunken ass up and out because the party is over.” I gripped her shoulder and pulled her back. “And another thing, I’m not uptight and I’m not a bookworm. You think you could take me asshole?” she spat at him.

He hopped up and I automatically wanted to go over and knock him out. “Look here you – “

She cut him off. “I’m going to warn you… finish that fucking statement and you won’t be talking for a week. You think you’re good with a knife? I carve animals, try me.”

That shut him the fuck up and the room exploded in snickers. This little fucking hellion is out of her Goddamn mind. He looked over at me with wide eyes, “she’s fucking nuts.”

I laughed. “And don’t forget it.”

She turned around to me. “You didn’t just agree with that did you?” she asked.

My head went to the side. “Yea, I did. You’re fucking nuts bitch… embrace it.” I wrapped both arms around her middle pulling her back flush to my front. “It’s alright; your crazy can be contained with the proper medicine.”

She opened her mouth to argue and I clamped a hand over it to shut her up. She only struggled for a few seconds before shrugging and leaning back against me. “Party is over, and it’s bedtime. You all heard me the first time… wrap this shit up. NOW!” I said.

Everyone sprang into action. The men all took turns giving the girls hugs and shit. It was so fucking odd. Never saw my brothers with kids before Addie, but they had a fucking ball partying with fourth graders. I’m not going to lie, we might need a repeat. Shit, they’re probably gonna go around and tell everyone about this shit and everyone is gonna start thinking we’re pussies. Yea, that won’t happen… we got way too much bad shit under our belt for this to make a nigga think sideways.

When the house was empty… well as empty as it was gonna get for the night and the girls were upstairs, Siarra came to join me at the couch. The lights and everything was all lit up and I gotta admit it was nice. It reminded me of better years in my childhood. Siarra turned on the TV and settled on some movie that she exclaimed was one of her favorites.

I got myself something to drink, and she refilled her glass of wine. She put on her fireplace and got a throw blanket. She cuddled up next to me, which surprised me. I didn’t fight it; I just wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her into me.

She sighed and melted further into me. “I really love this movie.” She said. “It’s so romantic. And the way they intertwine all of these people and the relationships is genius.” She says.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Love Actually, silly.” She said.

I shrugged. “Never heard of it.”

She gasped. “Are you kidding me? You never heard of this before?” she looked scandalized.

I shook my head. “No, I haven’t. I know nothing about this.”

She groaned. “Oh Alex…” I let the slip of tongue slide due to her drunkenness, but I really needed to have a talk with her about the use of my name. “You have been denied a rite of passage.” She said.

I laughed. “Right of passage huh?”

She nodded furiously. “Yes! I mean, who hasn’t seen or even heard of this movie. This is one of the best movies ever made.” She shook her head. “I’m going to need for you to be completely quiet and pay attention. You can only see the movie for the first time once darling.”

“Yes ma’am” I responded teasing her, which got me that fucking tongue sticking out of her mouth. I fought the urge to consume her completely and directed my attention back to the screen.

We were at a part where a guy was pulling out flash cards to tell the woman that he loves just that behind her husband’s back. I was conflicted on this one. I mean, he went for it, but he was someone else’s bitch. “I don’t like this.” I told Siarra.

She looked up at me and frowned. “Why?”

“Because that’s not his bitch and he knows it. He has no right to fucking go over there and do that shit.” I explained.

She shook her head. “No, watch it… the whole thing.”

 I took her advice and watched as he walked off and the bitch kissed him. He told himself it was enough, but I would fucking take his head off. That worried me a bit, “you think that’s ok?” I asked her.

She nodded. “Yes. He was letting her know his feelings. He didn’t try to move in on her or anything; he just needed her to know.”

I didn’t like her thinking. “Is there going to be some mother fucker coming here telling you how much he secretly loves you?” I asked. She frowned, and I continued, “And you’re going to run to give him a pity kiss?” I asked.

She shook her head. “If I were to try describing us in this movie I wouldn’t be any of those characters and neither would you. We would be more like Pocahontas.” She stated.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“A classic cartoon movie, you may not like it but it’s like top of my favorites.” She explained.

I frowned. “So was this…” I reminded her.

“This is different though, it’s not the same. That is an absolute classic man. That’s like the holy grail! That movie has more meaning and just… everything in it than you can imagine.” She explained. “You would be John Smith.” She said.

I frowned. “John Smith?” I asked.

She gasped. “Oh my God! You sound just like Pocahontas when she first tried to say it herself.”

I grinned. “You’re really into that shit, aren’t you?” I asked.

She nodded. “Of course! I’m telling you, you have to see it.” she took a sip of her drink before her eyes met mine. “You have no idea how much it reminds me of us.”

I just shook my head. Looking at this shit, I don’t think I can sit through any more of her favorites. I didn’t have to tell her that right now though. “Shhh. Watch the movie.” I chided her.

She was quiet for all of five minutes before her mouth started running again. “Alex?”

I growled.

“Okay, okay.” She huffed. “Sy?”

“What?” I answered.

“Tell me something.” She said.

I frowned. “Like what?”

She shrugged. “Anything. I want to know about you.”

I groaned. “Siarra…”

She rolled her eyes and moved from under my arm. She turned and lay back so that her head was on the arm of the chair and her back was across my lap. She pulled the blanket up to her neck and snuggled herself in blocking my view of her perky tits. “Alright then, I’ll go first.”

She sighed, and her eyelids fluttered. “I’m an only child. I have two best friends, but they moved away. One now lives in LA and the other in Maryland.” She smiled. “We talk all the time; we just don’t get to visit with each other often. Anyway, my parents died when I was a freshman in college. They were on that cruise that crashed in the middle of the Atlantic.” She sighed deeply. “I got myself a small inheritance and I used it to buy this place. It’s modest but I love it, it’s mine. It can get lonely at times since it’s really just me… I’m not close to any of my extended family. I don’t even get invitations for the holidays. They all thought my parents were snooty because they preferred to spend as much time amongst themselves, then me when I came along. Put a strain on all that family love.” She shook her head. “I got my teaching degree in children education and I taught for a while. I ended up finding that I wasn’t exactly crazy about it. I loved teaching, but dealing with crazy kids and their overbearing parents wasn’t for me.”

I scoffed. “You’re one to talk.”

She smiled at me. “I mean, I get it and all… I just can’t be on the receiving end.” She shrugged. “Well that pretty much sums me up. I’m not all that interesting on anything. I’ve had three boyfriends in my adult life, and obviously none of them stuck. I’m a bit weird and guys are scared of weird.”

I chuckled. “You’re a fucking head case babe. Hands down.”

She hit my chest. “I’m perfectly sane, thank you very much.” She looked up at me with her big blue eyes. “Now, your turn.”

I groaned and gripped the back of my neck. I hated talking about the fucking past. “Shit bitch, are you always this nosey with everyone?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No. but I want to know about you.”

I sighed. “Alright, well… my parents were alright. I mean, my ma was the best. She used to cook every day and fuck she was damn good at it. Mostly Spanish meals, but I swore no one on the planet cooked better than her. My dad was alright. He wasn’t abusive or anything, but he wasn’t really all that involved. My ma tucked me in at night as a child, read to me, took care of me when I was sick, played fucking catch with me… all that shit. Most times, my pop seemed to just be there. They were murdered when I was eleven.”

She gasped. “What? What happened?”

I shrugged. “My dad had a bad gambling problem. He got himself into some shit with the wrong people eventually, and when he didn’t pay up they came to collect. He owed the mob a shit ton of money apparently. One day, while I was at school they went to the house and offed him. Since ma was there, they took care of her too… witnesses and all.” I scrubbed a hand down my face. “My ma’s sister and her husband took me in but there were a million mother fuckers in that house. I had eight cousins in a three bedroom. Five of us boys shared one room, the girls the other, my aunt and uncle the last. It was fucking horrible. I was always the afterthought. Angel needed new sneakers, Maddie needed a coat, Palco wanted a new outfit… by the time it came to me there was no money left. I was the hand me down king, and to make it worse we all went to school together. I was teased and picked on for years. They would say shit like, ‘that was Manny’s two years ago’ or ‘You got on Samantha’s old sneakers’. I got fed up after a while, I was so fucking angry. Angry at my pop for what happened to ma, pissed at my aunt and uncle for treating me like the hand me downs they gave me, the fucking kids at school that teased me, everything. I shot up in the tenth grade and began working out. I filled out quick, I was fucking dedicated. It was all I had that I had control over. At that point, I didn’t give a fuck about nothing. I started hustling for money, so I could buy my own shit and stop wearing my cousin’s old stuff.” I blew out a breath. “I got into sports and fuck ton of trouble. I was fighting or suspended every other day; I couldn’t even get into sports I was always in so much trouble. That’s when I got the name Psycho. I was beating the fuck out of the other kids, sometimes for no reason at all. Everyone was a Target.”

I shifted. “When I was hustling one day, the old Prez Cut approached me. Told me he always kept an ear to the ground and the streets were buzzing about me. By then I had a rep, I wasn’t one to fuck with. Since I ain’t give a fuck about shit it didn’t matter who you were or who you knew back then which made me more dangerous. I was fucking reckless. He offered me to join the club, said he could use me as a soldier. I agreed. I was a prospect for fucking ever. He wouldn’t patch me in or let me get involved of much of shit because he said I was too risky, too hot headed. It was frustrating but eventually his lectures started to sink in from every time I lost my shit. I calmed the fuck down and got over myself. Let all that anger and shit from the past go, and smarted up. Then I was patched in – and here I am. I fucking love the club, it helped me find myself… become more than that stupid ass kid I was. I owe them a fucking lot.” I explained.

Her eyes were glistening, and a tear escaped, I frowned. “What’s the fuck is wrong babe?” I asked.

She shook her head. “I don’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t that.” Her tone softened. “I’m sorry about your mom.”

I wiped away her tear with my thumb. “Don’t fucking cry over me babe. I haven’t cried since I got home and found them slaughtered. I’m good now.”

She sat up and wrapped her arms around me, tucking her head under my chin. “I’ll probably deny I said this for the rest of my life, but I like you… I like you around, here. What we have going with Addie. You guys make me feel like I’m not so alone, like I have you guys.”

I groaned. “Fucking hell, you getting mushy on me now?” I rubbed her back. “I like being here too, especially to eat.”

She laughed. “Moocher.”

I shrugged. “I’ll take it.”

She leaned back so that she could look into my eyes. “Now that I know about you, can I call you Alex?” she asked.

Fucking annoying. “No.”

“But – “


“Oh, come on… what’s it going to hurt?” she asked pouting.

“Everything.” I told her.

“Seriously?” she asked.

“Why do you wanna call me that so Goddamn bad?” I asked her. She’s been bugging me about this since I fucking told her.

She shrugged, blushed and squirmed. “I like it…”

She wasn’t telling me the whole truth, she couldn’t meet my eyes. “What else?” I asked.

She shrugged. “I may or may not have been calling you that in my dream the other day.” She ducked her head embarrassed.

Bingo. I leaned into her and wrapped an arm around her pulling her closer into me. I bent, and my voice came out husky. Fuck you if you don’t think I had the right to be turned on by that confession. “You were dreaming about me fucking you and you were screaming out my real name? When you came, what did you call me?” I asked.

She groaned. “Oh God.” She was mortified.

I didn’t give two shits. “Tell me.” I urged.

“Alex.” She whispered.

I shook my head. “I’ll tell you what, if I’m ever balls deep inside of you the only thing I wanna hear you saying is Alex. Got me?”

She shivered. “Ok.” She squeaked out. She stumbled to her feet and began looking around the room like a caged animal. “I’m going to go to bed.” She announced.

I stood up. “Alright, let’s go.”

She frowned. “Where are you going?”

I shrugged. “I’m sleeping in your room. Addie took over my space and three of her friends are sleeping in there. Besides, have you seen what they did to the bathroom?” I shuddered. “Not using that shit.”

She groaned and stomped off towards her room with me in tow. She was trying to make a quick escape but that wasn’t happening tonight. I was ready for her sass.