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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (7)



That freaking infuriating man. Who did he think he was just trying to shut me up? I was right dammit and he knew it. Whose side is he on anyway? Then he decided to just go on ahead and man handle me. He’s so lucky I was on my best behavior otherwise I would’ve had to hurt him. Granted, I would lose but hey I wasn’t going down without a fight.

I didn’t even want to think about the insane amount of jealousy I felt as that stinking Ms. Fields was acting like such a slut for him. I mean, have some dignity woman. I pulled into my driveway and had to stop myself from slamming the door. I am just so pissed off at the moment. She had the nerve to accuse Addie of lacking in reading. Was she slow? There was no way that could be true.

When we got inside, Addie went upstairs to freshen up and change her clothes. While she was out of sight I took my frustrations out on dinner prep.  I set about preparing the corn beef, cabbage, and potatoes. By the time I had the food cooking, Psycho was knocking at the door. I let him in and made my way upstairs to change out of my work clothes. When I got back downstairs, Addie had her homework out on the table and Psycho was sitting besides her silently watching.

I walked over to the stove and spoke over my shoulder. “What do you have for homework today?” I asked.

“Some vocabulary, a short story and some questions, and two math worksheets.” She answered.

“Need any help?” I asked.

“Nope, this stuff is really easy.” She said.

Confused I turned around to face her. “So why is your teacher saying that you’re not doing well?”

She shrugged. “In class, it’s a lot of group activities. I don’t mind talking to any of the other kids or anything, but I like to do my work alone.” I sighed. What teacher makes majority of the classwork group work?

“That was awesome today.” Addie said.

“What?” I asked.

“How you stood up for me to Ms. Fields. I was beginning to feel stupid, like there was something wrong with me.” She confessed.

Psycho growled. “There is nothing wrong with you, and whoever told you that is fucking dead.”

She looked at him in surprise. “I don’t want anyone to die… I just don’t like feeling dumb. I usually like learning, and I was starting to not like it.”

“Would you rather have your class changed to another one? It’s very odd that you have so much group work, that’s not normal and I’m sure the other teachers are different.” I offered.

Her head tilted from side to side as she thought it over. “Do you think that they would let me? You know… go to a different class?” she asked.

“Yes, I do. It might not happen overnight, it might take a few days, but I can go to your school tomorrow morning with you and talk to your principal about it. I’m sure Sy would come with me too.” I said eyeing him.

His eyes narrowed at me, “I’ll go.”

She looked at him with eyes full of gratitude, “you will?” she asked excitedly.

His eyes softened. “Yes. Now finish your homework.”

She giggled and turned her attention back to her book. “Am I still getting a tutor?” she asked.

“Do you want one?” Psycho asked.

She nodded. “I would, maybe we can work on some new things…” she answered thoughtfully.

“Done.” He answered then looked at me. “Do you know how we can find one?” he asked.

I shrugged. “I have a degree in education, I can do it.” I told him.

He laughed. “Why am I not surprised? You wouldn’t be a true geek unless you were a teacher too.”

I gasped offended. “I am not a geek.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Is that right?” he drawled. “You dress like Urkel, your taste in music and TV is odd, you’re over the top quirky – “

“That doesn’t make me a geek.” I argued as I adjusted my glasses.

“Those nerdy glasses…” he continued.

“Shut up. I’m fine.” I informed him.

He held up his hands in surrender. “I didn’t say there was something wrong with it, I was just pointing it out.”

“Screw you I’m amazing.” I said as I turned my attention back to the food. I ignored his low chuckles.

“So, how is this tutoring thing going to work?” he asked.

“I guess when she gets here.” I suggested. “Or even after work?”

“Then I won’t get time with her. Do you think you can change your hours?” he asked.

“I could but I don’t think so. I need the money you know, to pay bills and stuff.

“I can pay you whatever it is you’re losing out on to do the tutoring.” He suggested.

I spun around. “No. Heck no. I won’t take your money. I want to do this; you shouldn’t have to pay me for it.”

He sighed. “So, if you can’t do it, then I’ll have to hire someone, and I’d have to pay them anyway. At least I trust you with her. This is a win, win, and I’m sure Addie would prefer you. Wouldn’t you Addilyn?”

“Yes! Please Sia, can you please be my tutor?” she asked.

Oh, what a low blow. “Ok, fine. We’ll work out the details. I’ll need a week or so because my job would need to accommodate the change.”

“That’s fine.” He said happily. Bastard.

By the time Addie was putting her books away, dinner was ready. It was weird for me since I’m not usually home this early, but I was hungry. I took down some plates and once Psycho noticed me putting them on the table he got up and began pouring some glasses of juice as I moved the food to the table.

Dinner was relatively quiet and fast. We all must’ve been starving. After cleaning up the kitchen we all moved to the living room. Addie went to Hulu and put on this show she’d recently come to enjoy called Once Upon a Time. We settled in to watch a few episodes before it got late and Psycho left before we went to bed.






I parked amongst the bikes littered outside of the club. I had tried to argue Psycho down from this idea, but he wouldn’t bend. In the end, he easily reminded me that the agreement we established was that this was his time and she was supposed to be at the club. He needed to be there, and he wanted her around. So here I was, at his club to tutor Addie.

I knocked on the backdoor like he’d instructed, and it only took seconds before the door was swung open. On the other side of the door was a heavy set bald man. He had tattoos everywhere that I could see. He had on a black t-shirt underneath his leather vest, and a pair of leather pants. He looked me up and down then snickered.

“Fuck you want? We ain’t looking to find the lord or go to bible study so you can keep your pamphlets.” He said harshly then shut the door.

The nerve… I knocked again, this time a little harder. The same man opened the door and he sneered at me. “What?” he asked impatiently.

I pushed my glasses up my nose and squared my shoulders. “I’m looking for Psycho.” I said.

He looked at me, narrowed his eyes, and then scanned me up and down before bursting into laughter. When he was able to calm down – only a little – he yelled out, “Tank, get your ass over here. You’re not going to believe this.”

Moments later, the door was pulled open wider and a younger guy was there. He had the same immediate reaction; he looked me up and down taking me in.

“Aren’t you a bit old to be a girl scout?” he asked.

I huffed. What was wrong with these people? “I am not a girl scout; I’m here to see Psycho.” I repeated.

His eyes narrowed, amusement gone. “Fuck you want with Prez?” he asked.

I crossed my arms and opened my mouth to answer when another voice piped up. “The fuck are ya over there doing?”

Psycho emerged two seconds later behind the two men. The man that initially answered the door spoke up. “This nun wanna be showed up here asking for you, can you fucking believe it?” he asked another fit of laughter escaped him.

I could only imagine how red I was from my embarrassment. If I could crawl under a rock for the rest of my life right now, I would.

He slapped the guy – hard – upside the head immediately stopping his laughter. He pushed him out of the way, “go do something with yourself before I fuck you up.” He threatened. The man eyed him in confusion before slinking off. Psycho crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. “Siarra…” he said by way of greeting.

I scowled at him. “Holy shit, this is her?” the Tank guy asked. “For some reason I was expecting some crazy hot chick.”

Wow, that was insulting. Psycho swung his gaze to the man and without having to say a word the man’s arms went up in surrender and backed off. I shook my head and sighed. “So that’s the welcoming committee? Lovely.” I commented sarcastically.

The corner of his lip hooked up in a barely there smile. “Ignore them, they’re idiots. Did you just get off of work?” he asked.

I nodded. “Yes, I told you I’d come right after.”

He looked me up and down and smiled. “I can tell you’re in your nerd gear.”

I fidgeted; it somehow seemed worse when he made fun of my clothes and how I looked than when the other guys did. “Should I not wear this here? I mean, this is how I usually dress… this is how most of my clothes are.” I admitted.

He’s teased me before about my choice of clothes, but I thought it was just all in good fun. Now I wasn’t so sure. I mean, there wasn’t anything wrong with me not wanting to wear tight uncomfortable clothes and heels all the time like most women do.

He frowned. “No, why would you do that?” he reached out to snap my suspenders. He does that anytime I’m wearing them, it’s so annoying. “I like your clothes. You may be a nerd, but you’re a cute nerd.” He teased.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m not here about you or my clothes. I’m here to tutor Addie, so are we going to get to it or not?” I sassed.

He stepped to the side to let me in then led me into a big room. I steeled myself for what I was about to see. Ever since I found out that she would be hanging out here I’ve read excessive MC books to get some type of idea about what was going on.

I was surprised at what I saw. I was expecting smoking, drinking, orgies… instead there were a few groups of guy’s playing cards at one table. Addie was sitting with papers spread out in front of her at a table in the center with that Tank guy and some girl. The women were dressed kind of how I was expecting but nothing intimate was on display. As we entered the room fully, the talking and laughter that had been occupying the room became deathly quiet.

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me and I have never been more self-conscious. I stuck out like a sore thumb amongst everyone else and when the whispers started I wanted to die. My steps quickened towards Addie and I sighed with relief as I reached her table.

“Siarra!” she squealed when I reached her.

“Hey Addie. Is this your work here?” I asked.

She nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, I was waiting for you to get here to start. I was so excited.”

I smiled, she was so sweet. “Then let’s get started then.”

Psycho hovered over the table. “You guys want to stay here or go to my room for privacy?” he asked searching my face.

I’m sure he could probably see how uncomfortable I was. “Your room might be better, so we can focus.”

He didn’t call me out on my bullshit. Instead, he nodded and began to lead the way. Addie and I began to gather up her stuff and we followed him. He went down a hall then to a door that led to a stairway. We went up the stairs and there were three doors. He pointed to the one on the right, “Addie’s room would’ve been ideal, but it’s not done yet. It’s not even started honestly.”

Addie grinned sheepishly. “I’m sorry; I just can’t make up my mind on what I want.”

He waved her off. “Don’t worry about it. Take your time.”

He opened the door in the center and motioned us inside. “You guys hang out in here. I’ll join you in a little while. I’m going to head downstairs to train for a bit and I’ll be back.”

He turned and left after that closing the door softly behind him. Using that as our cue, we took out her books and immediately got to work. When Psycho returned, he was dripping wet with sweat sans shirt. WOAH.

I knew the man was built but Jesus, I wasn’t prepared. He had a deeply defined eight pack that led into a V going down to where his package laid. He had tattoos covering his chest and arms, and by God I really wanted to trace the outline of each muscle. His chest was heaving from exertion and his hair was damp, some pieces sticking to his forehead. Then there were his legs… he was wearing shorts, so I got to see the very athletic calves on him. I was desperate to see the rest of him. By the time my eyes reached back up to his face, he looked amused and his full focus was on me.

My face instantly felt like it was on fire. Addie chose that moment to excuse herself to go to the bathroom leaving me alone with Psycho.  “Like what you see?” he asked.

I managed a scoff. “Full of yourself, aren’t you?” I asked.

He shrugged. “If the shoe fits.” His intense gaze darkened. “Though, I much rather prefer to fill other things.”

My hoohah just said a prayer from that statement. Girl down. I commanded it; there was no room for her to be lusting after this man. I hated him goddammit.

He chuckled. “It’s alright Sia, I get all hot and bothered when I see your little teddy bears and frogs jump and dance as your ass wiggles in those tiny sleep shorts you wear. Or when a draft goes by and your nipples get all hard under those tank tops.” He grinned, but it was anything but harmless. “One of these days I’m going to pinch one of them when they’re saluting me.”

I gasped. “You will not!”

He leaned down until he was in my face and I leaned back onto my elbows to put some space in between us. That didn’t work like I thought it would because he followed me back. “I won’t because of Addie, and because you’re going to pretend like you don’t want me. But you keep pushing me babe, and I won’t be able to keep my promise.”

“What are you guys doing?” Addie’s voice sounded behind him.

I felt myself blush even harder. Psycho immediately straightened and cleared his throat. His eyes still fixed directly on mine. “Siarra had something in her eye; I was just helping her out.” He said.

Addie jumped onto the bed next to me and smiled. “That’s cool. Can we be done for the day and play a game instead?” she asked.

I looked up to Psycho to see what he thought. He mouthed, up to you, and so I nodded. “Sounds good. What do you want to play?” I asked.

She grinned wickedly. “The Xbox downstairs. They have a bunch of games and I’ve never played before.”

I didn’t really feel comfortable with doing this. I didn’t want to be around his crowd. It was obvious I wouldn’t be accepted amongst them, but I could endure it if that’s what she really wants.




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