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The Librarian (The Rulers of Darkness MC Book 1) by Belle Winters (19)



I knew where we were headed almost immediately. I’d already been there and so when he pulled up to the warehouse I spent hours watching not long ago I wasn’t surprised. However, he wasn’t supposed to know that.

I frowned and stuck up my nose.  “What are we doing here?” I asked.

He gave me a shrug. “This is where I do business.”

I knew for sure he had no intention of me leaving. Nobody in their right mind would just bring a person they just met to a place where they did illegal activity if they were willing to just let them leave. I hope that Psycho and Tank got my message and figured it all out. I’d left my phone behind because I didn’t want to risk him asking for it or finding it and seeing anything.

“Well alright.” I answered sounding as unsure as I felt.

He walked around and helped me out before placing a hand on the small of my back. He led me into the warehouse and I was immediately greeted with the smell of cigarette smoke. There were a lot more men than I had expected lingering around. Not doing much of anything it would appear other than having a grand ol’ time. I looked around trying to see if I could find Addie anywhere but no such luck. There wasn’t a female in sight.

I spied an open door to my right, there were mattresses lined up across the floor and I already knew why. I turned away quickly because the sight was disturbing. He was leading me through the room and I realized that all of the men were taking notice. The hot looks they were giving me made me feel disgusting through and through.

A door at the end opened, and man came out. I didn’t get a good look because Acid was still pulling me along. Once we reached the back of the room he stopped. “Can I get you something to drink?” he asked.

I nodded, just to give us some time apart and me to get my bearings together. A man dressed in a black designer suit emerged and a man followed behind him. Neither one of them is what bought me pause. It was the little girl that the man had her arm in his hand. It was Addie.

She looked petrified and I could feel my anger bubbling to the surface. How dare he touch her? Where was he taking her? I swear I was going to ring his Goddamn neck as soon as I got the chance. The urge to pull the gun out and shoot him was pumping through my veins.

Then she looked up and saw me. Her steps faltered, and her face lit up. She opened her mouth to speak when Acid spoke up. I was so focused on Addie; I didn’t realize he’d already been back. “What’s going on?” he asked.

I looked at him and gave him a confused look. “What do you mean?” he asked.

He narrowed his eyes and moved his gaze to Addie. He looked at her intently and I could see when the lightbulb went off. He took a step forward. “Do you know her?” he asked Addilyn referring to me.

She snapped her mouth shut and looked on confused and scared. She was smart enough to deduce that they didn’t know was there because of her but was unsure of how to answer. He took another step forward and urged her on. “Do you know her?” he asked again his voice far more dangerous.

She shrieked back. “No.” she whispered and looked down.

The man tugged on her to pull her towards the room with the mattresses and I just couldn’t control myself. “Don’t you fucking dare take her in there.” I said.

The guy halted his movements as Acid turned back to look at me with raised eyebrows. “What is the problem?” he asked.

I pointed at Addie. “She’s all of what? Seven years old? That’s ridiculous. I thought this was a business.” I punctuated.

He shrugged casually but I could tell he was paying me a lot more attention then he’d been before. He was suspicious, but they were not going to take her in there as long as I was here and breathing. “People like all types. Apparently, she’s his.” He said.

I shook my head. “I draw a hard line at kids.”

He chuckled then and crowded my space. “Good thing it isn’t your choice then.” He said and snapped his fingers. He turned his head back to where Addie was. “Go on and take her.” He ordered.

When they began moving again I couldn’t muster one single rational thought. I pushed him away and began walking over there. “You get off of her this second or I swear you will be eating your own dick in a minute.” I looked at the man in the suit who appeared to be very unsure. “And you should be ashamed of yourself you pedophile. That is a child, and I can bet my lucky stars you probably have a little girl of your own. You have wet dreams about her too; you sick fuck. You got on a wedding ring, a grown woman don’t get it up for you huh?” I taunted.

He paled. I hit the nail right on the head and he at least had the good sense to look ashamed of himself. He held up his hands, “look. I’m not sure what’s going on here… but I think I’ll come back another time.” He gave me a pointed look as he made his way to the door. “I’ll contact you.” He threw at Acid before making his departure.

Acid grabbed my arm and spun me around. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

He was angry but so was I. I knew I shouldn’t have reacted that way and I could’ve probably done something else, but I just had to make sure that I could keep her away from that. “I told you, I don’t believe that children should be a part of this business.” I said.

The man started taking Addie back to where they’d come from. Acid got into my face. “I’m only going to ask this one more time… do you know her?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No.”

He grinned and moved back, and I was able to take in a deep breath. “Wait!” he called out and I froze.

He pulled out a gun from the back of his pants and made his way over to Addie. He cocked his gun and put it to her head. “If you don’t know her, you won’t care if I end her right now.” He threatened.

Addie was shivering in fear. “No! Wait!” I yelled out. I was beginning to panic, and I couldn’t think when I was on the edge like this. I took a deep calming breath to get myself together to think fast. “I know her…” I began and then the lie rolled off my tongue once I realized I couldn’t tell him the truth. If I did, he might realize that our meeting wasn’t actually a coincidence. That Psycho and the guys may have sent me or know where we were. “She lived in my building with her aunt. She seemed like a nice gal, always said hi and such.” I said.

He turned his gaze to Addie and I mentally crossed my fingers hoping that she could read between the lines. My girl didn’t let me down in the least. She nodded. “She lives upstairs.”

Satisfied, Acid lowered his gun. The man continued to lead Addie away and I was grateful. He turned his attention back towards me. “It’s unfortunate for you though. It puts me in a tight spot. I can’t exactly afford to let you go now.” I wanted to scoff, he never intended to. “So, I will have to kill you.” He raised his gun and I resigned myself to death. It was well worth it if you ask me. Then he continued, “But I don’t believe in wasting money. I’ll just have to keep you here and I can see great use in you. The money you will bring me… we will be a great team.” He put his gun away and snapped his fingers. “Take her back, and keep them apart.” He ordered someone.

A hand clenched my arm and I was being pulled. “Hold on. Search her first.” He ordered. “Confiscate any phone or device she has.” He ordered.

They focused mainly on my bag and I thanked my lucky stars that I made the decision to leave it behind. One of them snickered at the sight of my library card. I bet he hasn’t read a book in his life the fool. They also used the opportunity to grope my breasts and ass and I was officially scandalized. I showed nothing but indifference because I was supposed to be a prostitute and all. Acid watched on and I saw the tent in his pants… gross factor one million.

Satisfied I had nothing they ushered me into the room. When I saw all the men, women, and children in dog cages I was appalled. This was insane. I made sure not to look at Addie when I passed, no need to add fuel to the fire. They led me all the way down to the back of the room and tossed me into a cage at the end of the hall. The man left, and the sound of the shutting door was deafening.

I was afraid to talk to Addie, but I had to. “Addie?” I whispered.

“Sia?” she answered.

I shuffled to the front of the cage and met her eyes. “Are you ok? Did they hurt you at all?” I asked.

She shook her head. “No, I’m fine. Danny has been helping me.” She explained.

“Danny?” I asked confused.

She gestured to the man in the cage beside hers. He was obviously legal, but he wasn’t old. Probably barely legal… “Hi Danny, I’m Sia.” I introduced myself.

“I know. Nice to meet you.” He said back.

“Thank you.” I said as my eyes clouded with tears.

His eyes were clouded with pain and wisdom well beyond his years. “She doesn’t deserve to be here.” He said.

I shook my head. “No one does.” I responded.

Addie made a soft noise and I looked at her. “Are we going to get out?” she asked.

I nodded. “Yes. I’m sure your father will come, he was working hard to find you.” I told her.

She gave me a watery grin. “Then why isn’t he with you?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I kind of was on my own. He doesn’t know…” I chose my words carefully because even what we were saying now was risky if anyone paying attention in this room chose to give it up. I couldn’t very well tell her all that transpired. “I just believe that eventually he’ll find us.” I told her.

Danny though gave me a small smile to go along with his knowing look. He read through me like a book and it appeared to give him a small relief. I was eager to know him, and I will when this was all over.

For the next while I just sat in my cage with my eyes on Addie, as she talked to Danny he spoke back keeping her calm and occupied. This man was an enigma. He was in a shitty situation like the rest of us and he was doing his best to make the best out of it for a child he didn’t even know. I was sitting there thinking about who this boy was, where he’d come from, what Addie’s been through since they took her from the school when I was startled out of my thoughts.

Popping sounds began in a flurry. I immediately recognized them as gunshots and the screaming in the room drowned out some of the sounds. I let out a breath of relief, Alex. He and Tank and Rip and Jagger and everyone else were out there raising hell to get to us.

I met Addie’s gaze. “It’s going to be alright.” I reassured her.

She was holding Danny’s hands through the cages and they were as close as they could get. Danny looked scared but at the same time resigned like he didn’t care one way or another. But every glance at Addie said he cared about what happened to her. The gunshots went on for a few minutes before it stopped abruptly. The only sounds were the whimpering’s from the people in the room and the footsteps from outside.

The sound of the door opening had me relaxing and I looked up hopeful to see Sy. Instead a pissed off Acid entered the room. My entire body stiffened of its own accord. He stomped over to Addie’s cage and shot a bullet off to open the lock. He yanked her by the hair and dragged her out.

“This is all because of you and your slut bag of a mother you know, that right?” he said to her.

“Hey!” I shouted at the same time Danny did, but we were ignored.

“Do you have any idea what this whole shit storm has cost me?” he asked.

Addie shook her head. “No. I don’t even know why I’m here.” She said.

He grinned. “Because I fucking own you now… and if your father and his thugs think for one second that they’re going to get you then you’re all sorely mistaken.”

He yanked on her hair again and she yelped in pain. She began to cry, and I gripped the cage and began pulling and shaking trying to get free. “Get off of her you ass wipe.” I screamed out.

He turned to me. “Shut the fuck up bitch. Before I stick my dick down your throat and then hers.” He threatened.

“I will bite that shit off if you even tried you stupid son of a bitch.” His eyes narrowed on me, but I wasn’t backing down. “I swear I dare you to try me.”

He chuckled. “I like your feistiness. When this shit is all over, don’t worry I have plans for you.” He promised.

I gave him the finger. He could go hang himself right now and save us all the headache. The door banged open and my heart stilled at the sight of Psycho. He was smattered in blood, his muscles taught, and his chest heaving. He was livid, but he was here. Standing there like an avenging angel and I couldn’t get enough of him. I never thought I’d be so happy to see somebody in my life. His eyes instantly landed on Acid and Addie. He took note of that and he swept the room quickly. Then… his eyes landed on me. He let out a long breath and I gave him a shaky smile. Tank and Trip ran in right behind him looking no better from a brawl and guns drawn high.

“Get off her.” Sy said.

Acid laughed and reached to his back drawing his gun. He once again placed it to her temple and looked at Psycho with a challenging look. All I could see was his gun on her. “Drop them or I’ll pull the trigger.” Acid threatened.

Psycho growled and held up a hand. “Put them down.” He ordered.

Tank opened his mouth and began to argue but Sy just shook his head. “Do it.”

They all followed his order slowly. Danny got up as far as he could in his cage gripping the door. “What are you doing? Don’t let him hurt her! Kill him!” he screamed out.

Psycho spared him a confused glance but didn’t say anything to him. “Alright, we’ve done what you said… let her go.”

I shook my head in disbelief. Acid was going to kill her and probably them. Tears formed in my eyes. I couldn’t lose the two people I still had left, the two people I loved… my family. A sob broke out and Psycho briefly met my gaze, his eyes full of sorrow. This wasn’t right, this can’t be it.






I was full of fear. This motherfucker had Addie in his arms and a gun to her head. She was crying and so was fucking Siarra. I was losing my shit and I didn’t know what to do. For once, I was fucking stumped with no way out. All I knew was that my little bitches needed to be alright.

“What do you want?” I asked.

He smiled at me and I had the urge to give him a permanent one. “My life of course. And since this place is flooding with your people that doesn’t seem very likely. She is an interesting piece in this I might say… you’re willing to do anything to make sure that I don’t pull the trigger.” He stated.

This asshole. “Yea, so let her go and I’ll let you walk out of here alive.”

He laughed. “I’m going to walk out of this alive either way… but I’m not dumb enough to just give you my bargaining chip.” He said.

No, there was no way this fucker was leaving here alive. And there was no way he was gonna get the fuck out of here with Addie either. “You can’t take her.” I told him.

He shrugged. “Doesn’t look like you have much of a choice.”

He moved the gun, so it was pointed at Trap and let off a shot. Trap managed to dodge it then he returned it to Addie. “You see… I hold all the cards here.” He said.

I shook my head. “I’d give you my word.” And for the first time in my life, I’d break it.

He gave me a knowing look. “Right. I’m not stupid. If I’m going to die right now, I’m not going alone.” He promised. “Any last words?” he asked.

I didn’t have a chance to speak before a gunshot rung out in the room. My eyes closed on their own and my heart felt like it stopped beating. No. I instantly reached for my favorite knife and opened my eyes to toss it when I saw that Acid still had a hold on Addie, but there was a clear clean shot through his head. They both collapsed to the floor and Addie struggled to get free.

I was frozen from confusion and fright. She wiggled free and she broke out a watery smile. “Dad!” she screamed before running towards me and throwing herself in my arms.

Once I had a hold on her and I knew she was OK and safe, I turned back towards Tank and Trip to see who was able to maneuver the shot. They were both standing there, shocked, mouths gaping open and white faced. I frowned.

“Which one of you did it?” I asked.

Some man spoke up, the same one who was screaming at us from before. “It wasn’t them… it was Sia.” He said.

I frowned. He knew my girl? I looked over to Siarra to see her ashen, gun held high in her shaking hands and her entire body trembling. I released Addie and gave her a kiss to the forehead. “Let me get Siarra.” I told her.

She looked back and frowned before nodding. Her little feet followed behind me as I made my way to her cage. “Move over.” I told her as I shot the lock. I pulled it off and flung the door open before falling to my knees and extending my arms for her.

She let out a small sound and the gun clattered to the ground before she flew into my arms. “Alex.” She breathed into my neck before wrapping herself around me like a little monkey.

I held on tight and pulled her head back. “You little fuck; you scared the fucking shit out of me.” I told her unable to keep it in.

She let out a purr quite like a kitten and tried to climb up me further. “Don’t let me go.” She begged.

I crushed her to me and placed a kiss to her cheek. It wasn’t enough for me. “Babe… give me your lips.”

She happily complied and lifted her face that she had tucked into my neck. She smashed her lips against mine and pushed her tongue into my mouth. I groaned at the first taste of her. I never thought I’d miss a taste as much as I missed hers. Jesus fucking Christ it was the best thing on earth. Even better than ma’s food.

“Sia?” Addie’s voice broke through the haze.

Siarra released my mouth and looked down. She began wiggling and I let her go. She dropped down to her knees and wrapped her arms around Addilyn. “Oh my God sweetie, are you alright?” she asked.

Addie nodded. “Yes. Are you?” she asked.

Siarra smiled. “Oh God yes. As long as you’re ok then so am I honey.” She squeezed her again. “I was so afraid.” She said in a whisper.

Addie rubbed Siarra’s head. “I’m ok… I promise.”

Tank spoke up then. “All of you need to move to the furthest corner. We’re going to shoot out the locks to get you out and then you need to get the fuck out of dodge.”

The sounds of them shooting the locks out took over the room. Addie’s head snapped up when it was done, and she frowned. She broke out of Siarra’s hold and ran off. I instantly turned and followed her; I wasn’t ready to let her out of my sight. She ran up to guy who had a lot of mouth just as he was about to walk out of the room. She wrapped her arms around him and I frowned. I began to stand and Siarra grabbed me pulling me towards her. She snuggled into me and shook her head.

“He’s a friend. He helped her and looked out for her while she was here. I don’t know how or why, but he did.” She told me.

I frowned in confusion but decided to ask the burning question. “The fuck you get a gun?” I asked.

She blushed. “It was the one from under the seat on your bike. I took it just in case.”

I growled. “What the fuck did you do and what were you thinking?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Not now. I’ll tell you I promise, but I just need for you to hold me Alex.” She whispered.

I pulled her in closer. The little fuck will get away from it now, but not forever. She was gonna spill the beans and then she was gonna get her ass beat.

Tank came over and shook his head while smiling at Siarra. “I’m fucking terrified of you now. I was scared before, but hot damn bitch… you know how to handle a fucking fire arm that’s for sure.”

She blushed. “Stop it, Tank.” She muttered.

He laughed. “Hey, I’m just saying the truth. Wait till everyone hears about that shit… the club is gonna lose it.”

She ducked her face into my neck and groaned. I couldn’t help but laugh. Addie took a step back and frowned. She walked off and I frowned watching her. She walked up to the guy who had a shit ton to say when shit was going down. I opened my mouth but Siarra shook her head stopping me.

“He’s been helping her and keeping her calm while she was here.” She said in a low voice so only Tank and I could hear her.

My stomach twisted. I tried very hard not to think about what was happening… I couldn’t bear it. Now with them safe, the question couldn’t remain unanswered. “What happened?” I asked her.

She sighed, and she slumped down in defeat. “We can talk about this later… I’m not sure what all happened before I got here, but I think he stopped anything like that from happening.” I let out a deep breath.

I turned back to Addie who was dragging the guy towards us. I held out my hand to him, “Psycho.” I introduced myself.

“Danny.” He supplied.

Siarra smiled at him. “I’m Siarra.” She said taking his hand. “Nice to formally meet you.”

He gave her a smile. “Danny. You’re one brave woman…” he commented.

I frowned. “What exactly did happen?” I asked then frowned over at Siarra.

She blushed and shrugged. “Oh, nothing much. I’ll tell you everything later.” She promised.

I grunted and pulled her back in close. I cleared my throat, “this is my right hand, Tank.” I said introducing him.

Danny looked over at Tank and froze with his hand suspended halfway for a handshake. Tank looked back at him and just stared. Eventually Tank came back to reality and shook his hand. Well alright then.

“I’m going to get going.” Danny said.

Addie looked up at him and frowned. “But where will you go?” she asked worried.

He shrugged. “I’ll figure it out, find my way.” He guaranteed her.

I frowned. “You got somewhere to go?” I asked.

He blushed and looked away. “I uh… not really.”

“Family?” I asked.

He shook his head.


He laughed humorlessly. “The closest thing I’ve had to a friend in a very long time is this little knuckle head.” He said as he ruffled Addie’s hair.

Addie turned back to me. “Daddy, can we take him?” she asked.

Siarra perked up. “Oh yes, he can just come with us!” she clapped her hands.

I gripped the back of my neck. I didn’t know fuck all about this man, but I owed him for looking out for my girl when he didn’t have to. Before I could respond, Tank snapped. “He’s not a dog you know.” He said pointedly to Siarra.

I growled he needed to bring it the fuck down when talking to her. Before I could address his misstep Siarra was talking again. “Don’t use that tone with me.” Tank paled a bit, he was really fucking scared of her. “And besides…” her tone softened as she looked back to Danny. “I owe you, for taking care of Addie. I have a spare room at my place. You’re welcomed to stay for as long as you need to. I don’t know your story, and you don’t have to say but my door is open. Especially after something like this, it may be nice to have people… support.”

He shook his head. “I appreciate it and all, but I can’t.”

He was a proud one for sure and I could respect that. “Seriously, no trouble.” I spoke up.

Addie tugged on his shirt and pulled out the puppy eyes. The poor bastard didn’t stand a chance. “Please… come with us.”

She batted those lashes and he groaned. “Fine.” He agreed tightly.

Siarra smiled. “Perfect. You can have Sy’s old room.”

Tank interjected. “At the club, right?” he asked.

Siarra frowned. “No, I meant at my house.”

Tank scoffed. “No offense, but you’re bat shit crazy. He’s better off with us. He can bunk with me.”

Siarra shrugged. “It’s up to him really. I don’t mind either way. But, if he goes to the club don’t you think he should be is Sy’s old room?”

Tank cringed. “We know what you two get into when you’re there. Surely, he doesn’t wanna get kicked out when you two decide to pop by. He’ll be fine with me.”

They were annoying the fuck out of me now. “Danny, up to you. You can bunk with me and these two or the club with Tank and the rest of my brothers. Either way, you’ll be safe, and nobody will fuck with you. Not gonna lie, you might like the club better. More shit to do, Sia keeps the house pretty tame and scheduled.”

Siarra scowled at me and pinched my side. Danny looked back at Tank and stared before shrugging. “I’ll bunk with him if that’s alright with you all.” He said.

I shrugged. “Your choice. If you change your mind you ain’t gotta stay with his ass either. There’s always my room and the house.”

Danny offered me a genuine smile. “Thank you for all of this.”

I told him nothing but the truth. “In my eyes, you deserve it. We’ll help you get on your feet. Tank can help you take care of some of that tomorrow. Get some clothes and whatever the fuck else you need. Cool off and try to wipe this shit away for a few days and then we can talk if there’s anything else.”

He nodded. “Alright.” I patted Siarra’s ass. “Let’s get the fuck out of here before the cops get here and see what they’ll probably declare a drug deal gone wrong.” I turned to Tank thinking about the fucking massacre outside. “Take Addie and make sure her face is covered.”

Siarra looked at me and frowned. I shook my head telling her not to even ask. I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Come on, you too. Tuck your face into my neck and keep it there till I put you down.” I told her. Neither one of them needed to see any more dead bodies. It was pretty fucking gruesome, the men got a bit creative.

Siarra lifted herself up and wrapped around me like a monkey. She tucked her face in tight and we got the fuck outta there.




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