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The Perfect 1 by Cory Cyr (16)


We soaked up the sun, and I swore Lincoln nodded off for a while. He appeared quiet behind his shades. No matter how splendid our time was together, the minute our conversations turned serious, we both became agitated. Of course, I was the protagonist. I’d been fighting against myself too long, and considering my age, my ways were set in stone. As much as I loved him, I would always feel as though I wasn’t good enough, and many would second that notion.

“Miss Jensyn, I made a lobster salad for dinner. It’s chilling, and there are dark rolls to go with it. I assumed after the hot day you had, you’d want a cold meal.” She smirked with amused awareness.

Oh God, she knows.

I pushed up my sunglasses and pulled my hat down farther. I wished I could cover my face with the towel, but that would be a sign of admittance. “Thanks so much for everything. If you want, you can leave early. I’ve got it from here.”

“Uh-huh, I have no doubt.” She laughed as I threw my towel at her.

“I’m sure your husband misses you. In fact, take tomorrow off. Go be with your man so I can spend time with mine in peace,” I said in a whisper, not wanting to wake him.

She seemed surprised and eager. “If you’re sure? The entire house with you two only. How will you spend your time?”

“Will you just go and quit giving me grief?”

“I’m happy for you. He has no idea how lucky he is.”

I heard a quiet retort after she left. “So I’m your man?”

His voice startled me. He’d listened to the entire conversation. “You were eavesdropping?”

“Kind of hard not to. You sound like two cackling hens, especially when you’re trying to keep quiet. I get the feeling she saw us, you know, in the pool.”

“You think?” I sighed, smacking his arm.

“You sure like to physically mark me. I may have to make that quid pro quo. Of course, I’m not into that bondage shit and weirdo crap. I like my sex like Neapolitan ice cream, some vanilla, a taste of something darker, and a sweet and happy ending. And just to confirm, I know I’m lucky. How many men get to fall in true love with their first sexual release?”

“Thanks for that analogy. I guess I’ll never look at ice cream the same again. I’m more of a sorbet person anyway.”

“I can get into that if you let me.” He breathed the words out slowly and sensually.

“You are a dirty boy, aren’t you?”

“I never claimed to be virtuous. Women like nice with a twist of intrigue.” He stretched, then sat. “I slept too long; now I feel lazy. What time is it anyway?”

I shook my head, standing. “Maybe three or four. Let’s go down to the beach. I have a cabana,” I murmured. “Then we can grab dinner.”

“Dinner sounds great. Now let’s go investigate this cabana.” He chuckled.

I took his hand and grabbed both towels. I handed him flip-flops as I slipped on mine. The path to my beach was less treacherous, but the sand was hot. In a few minutes, we were on the landing overlooking the crystal-clear, bluish-green tropical waters, which reminded me of Lincoln’s eyes. I had modeled my cabana after Arabian Nights. Sheer pastel curtains with a solid cherry roof and a sprawling sofa and double lounger in matching colors. This was where I came to read and sit quietly. It was my haven.

I guided him to the sofa. “Wow, this feels luxurious. Wish I could see it.”

I placed a pillow behind his head and spent the next few minutes describing everything.

“Let’s go in the ocean. I assume it’s an easier trek than the shore at my place.”

We removed our shoes and strolled hand in hand to the water’s edge. “It’s very flat now, no sets at all,” I mentioned, coaxing him into the warm water.

“You do surf, don’t you?”

“I used to, when I was young. But everyone was always freaked out I’d get injured. A cut, a bruise, any kind of damage would have sent the makeup people into a tizzy. If I’d known what the future held for me, I would have continued. I did enjoy it.”

“It’s never too late,” he said, splashing. “When we decide what our plans are, you can do whatever you want.”

“Maybe. We’ll see. I’m thinking I’m a little old now to be hanging ten.”

“Hey, if I’m willing to relearn all the sports I love now that I’m blind, you can do this. We can brush up on our outdoor activities together. I’m looking forward to doing everything with you. The optimum word being looking.” His teeth glimmered with a grin.

My body stiffened. I tried to anticipate his reaction to seeing me the first time. I knew he wanted to show acceptance, but would I see a flinch or recoil? He expressed he could visualize my face with his hands, but I would never believe it was the same. I knew for certain he believed what he said and meant it. But those words came easily when he couldn’t perceive the horror. I doubted his fingers could touch the depth of my injuries or actually observe every scar. No matter how my face was described, it would never compare to someone actually seeing it directly.

I knew not only would it break my heart, but it would kill him inside if he couldn’t disguise his revulsion. It had taken me years to look at my own reflection. My room had been vacant of mirrors until recently. I suppose I had Dr. Bass to thank for that. I had quite a few things to be grateful to him for. No matter how content I was, somehow that feeling of being unworthy encompassed me. It was that emotion that always rose to the surface, suffocating my thoughts. Even if Lincoln never regained his sight, my fears would eventually drive him away. I assumed love would never be strong enough to hold him.

“You’re in deep thought, and judging from the last week, that’s not a good thing. You need to stop feeling with your thoughts and feel with your soul. Don’t be so worried about tomorrow; just be happy for today. What we have now is just the precursor to tomorrow. I’m going to surprise you by giving you the dream you had as a little girl.”

I crossed my arms with a laugh. “How do you know what I wished for when I was a kid?”

He shot me an all-knowing look, as if he were God. I supposed celestial beings could wear Ray Bans. “All little girls want a prince. Okay, not claiming to be one. Well, maybe a king… Okay, how about a duke?” I nudged him with my elbow. “Didn’t you want to be swept away, like in a fairytale, and treated like a princess?”

“Actually, I was busy as hell when I was ten. I hardly recall any of my childhood since I began modeling at two. I guess I didn’t know what I wanted. Maybe I still don’t.”

“Then it’s settled. You’ll be my queen, and I’ll be king. You do understand I have complete domain. That means technically I can have you whenever I want.”

I gathered water in my hand and poured it over his head, the shades slipping from his nose. “Hey, you fucked up my glasses. Never mind. I suppose it doesn’t matter,” he said with a long face, holding them in his hand.

“You can have me anytime you want, and you don’t even have to be king. You already command my body.”

He moved close to where I stood. “I like the sound of that. How private is this beach?”


“Wait, isn’t this where you had that one-night stand? How he’d get here?”

“I was toasted. I have no idea. My closest neighbors are about a mile down. I suppose he found his way somehow. Can we not talk about it? It was one of my less-than-stellar moments. One I’d rather forget.”

“I’ll pretend total amnesia now. Goes well with my hysterical blindness, kind of like bookends.” He pondered for a moment. “I wonder why they call it that. So far, I’ve found nothing humorous about it.”

“Come on, funny man. Let’s dry off, then go have dinner.”

He latched onto my elbow. “Oh, hell no. Do you think I’d pass up your luxury outdoor furniture? Me being inside you, in total rhythm with the tide. I plan to have my way with you everywhere you allow it.”

His trunks tented as he spoke, and my hand instinctively brushed across it. His feet shuffled as I led him back to the sofa. I used a towel to wipe down his chiseled chest.

“Let me get these wet shorts off.” He stood, stretching them over muscled thighs and down to his ankles, his glasses landing on the sand. He kicked them off as he reached for me. “Your turn.” His hand reached out to slip down my shoulder strap, and I began to shimmy off my one-piece. It felt wicked and obscene to be naked out in the open. I trembled as he inched his hand between my legs. “If you feel too exposed, you can keep on your hat.” He smirked.

“You’re wet. And not just from the ocean. I can smell your arousal, taste it.” He stopped, dipping a finger between my legs, then bringing it to his lips. His eyes closed as if in ecstasy, and he ordered, “Straddle me. Ride me.” He pulled me on top of him as he collapsed on the double chaise. His cock was even with my pussy as I sat across his lap, one leg on each side.

My hand circled his girth, prodding a groan from Lincoln. Pre-cum beaded near the slit of his engorged shaft. I dabbed the wetness with my thumb, then sucked. “You taste good, too,” I murmured, skimming my body along his as I ground his length into the seam of my pussy.

“Jesus, I wish I could have seen that. What do I taste like?” His voice and breathing were desperate.

I palmed my hand up his chest to his face, pressing my cheek to his. “Salty seawater, fruit tea, and immense pleasure.”

He moaned as I moved my body against him, dry-humping his dick. “You’re going to make me come before I’m even inside you. I know you think I’m pleasurable, but do you see me as dangerous?” His voice was barely a whisper.

“Possibly the most dangerous man I’ve known because you could end up stealing everything from me, including my heart. And the worst thing is I’d let you because I love you.”

My words snapped his resolve. Instantly, he’d pushed deep within me, his hands on my hips, making me rotate as he thrusted.

“You’re always ready, so wet. I’ll never get enough.” He spoke between gritted teeth. Lines etched across his forehead as though he were deep in concentration.

I lifted my body, then slid slowly down his shaft. His flesh pulsated as my pussy clenched. His hands went immediately under my ass and kept the momentum going. Our breathing had become loud as my eyes took in the lowered sun. My desire fragmented; I wanted him to never see my face, yet I wished with all my heart he could gaze at the view while we made love. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye because I knew I’d only be happy with one conclusion.

“Hey, am I doing this alone?” he quipped softly.

I picked up the pace, shifting my body. My climax erupted through me. I threw my head back as he emptied into me with an untamed growl.

“Intense, so fucking incredible.” He panted, rubbing my back. “Just sit, stay still a moment. When you’re on top, it’s so extreme it heightens all my nerve-endings, too damn sensitive. My dick hurts.”

I laughed. “Okay, so maybe we should forgo any more sex. I’d hate to put you in the hospital.”

“I said a moment. Trust me; my cock will recover. Although, recovery times do vary. Being inside you, it takes longer. I’ve never been with a woman that can get me hard while I’m still fucking her and just came. Unique talent you have there.”

“Oh yeah, that’s me with my bag of tricks. You went without for, what, six months? That’s why.”

He shook his head. “Maybe because I love you and this veined piece of steel knows it.” He chuckled.

“How eloquently romantic you are—I mean, for a writer and all,” I said, climbing off, feathering my hand across his shaft.

He pushed my hands away. “Stop that. Poor thing is abused.”

I reached for a towel, laughing, wrapping myself in it. My bathing suit lay on the ground, wet and full of sand. I put another towel across his lap. “Wrap that around your waist. Then we can go back to the house.”

“You said you have no neighbors,” he stated, standing, tying it loosely around his abs.

“My only thought was you could sunburn the poor little fellow,” I retorted.

“Hey now, don’t bruise the ego. A man’s balls are his virtue. Besides, this ain’t little.” He grabbed his dick under the towel.

“Okay, whatever you say. If the writing career doesn’t work out, you can go into porn. I’m sure they’d want you,” I joked.

He mumbled something under his breath as I gathered our belongings and ushered him back to my house.

I tossed our wet suits into the washer as I donned a robe. After handing him his travel bag, I guided him to the nearest bathroom. “Pretty much the same setup as yours. If you want to rinse off, the shower is directly in front of you. Sink and toilet right behind, or you can stay in the damp towel.”

He answered by tossing the towel at me. Lincoln had decent aim for a blind man. “I’ll be out in a minute. Wait for me so I don’t get lost.”

I closed the door, leaning against it. It must have been very confusing for him being here. It had taken time, but he had his route planned out in his own home; he knew where everything was. He made me forget constantly that he was blind. Sometimes he gave me the oddest looks; it was as though he could see. If that were true, he’d be screaming, not hanging around in your downstairs bathroom.

Coming out, he bumped into me. He’d thrown on Hawaiian shorts with a white T-shirt. I’d packed in consideration of his sight, only neutral, solid-colored shirts.

“You hungry? We can get some food and sit out on the veranda. The sun—” I stopped myself, my hand covering my mouth. “I’m sorry. God, I forget.”

“Don’t apologize. You can tell me about the sunset in detail. Those are things I’ll be able to see through your eyes. I’m done worrying about this. I have everything I want now.”

I stared at the ceiling, my hands by my sides.

His shoulder bumped mine as he searched for my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. “Let’s get that delicious food Anai made for us and go watch that gorgeous sunset.”

I wished I could be more like him. Lincoln had been so angry when we’d first met. Maybe it had been us that brought him to the realization that none of the other mattered. If only he could give me some of his strength.

I sat him outside before I fixed up two plates. I wasn’t that hungry, so I piled his plate full with lobster salad. I set out the rolls and poured us glasses of iced tea. Normally, we would have wine with dinner. But with him not acclimated to his new surroundings yet, I assumed alcohol would make it harder.

The sunset was beautiful. Streaks of purple and orange cascaded across the sky. As we ate, I told him in as much detail what I saw. He appeared content just listening to my voice. He seemed complacent in this new life, the one of darkness he’d now endured for months. It wouldn’t be long until his memories wouldn’t be enough. Tiffany had told me that after a year, she forgot faces, places, and colors. Sometimes a smell would push her into instant recall, but that never happened often.

“Are you good with this life? I mean, you appear to have adjusted to everything.” I sighed, realizing I was babbling. “Never mind. Just ignore me thinking out loud.”

“I know what you meant. I suppose I’ll have to be. It is what it is. I can’t change it, and I’m tired of pretending one day it will come back. I have to get used to life without sight. It’s that simple.” He searched for my hand. I placed it on top of his. “I’ve always believed if one door closes, another opens. Well, you walked through that door. If I had to get a compensation prize, finding love is worth all of this. At least what happened made me cut down on smoking. Well, that and the surgeon said it wasn’t good for my eyes.”

“I know this must be so hard for you. You’re a composer of words. You envisioned fictional scenery and created a universe. I can’t imagine a world with nothing but darkness.”

He brought my hand to his lips. “You do know. Even though you have vision, your world has been just as void. As much as I was a word master, you were an icon. You lost the one thing you thought defined you. But you’re so wrong; you are so much more than a beautiful face, the ‘Perfect 10.’ You have so much to offer. I believe you can do more than you deem yourself capable of. You lost your beauty, not your heart and generous spirit, and both will outlast anything skin deep. You have no idea what you’ve given me. You inspired me to do more, not because I want to, but because you believe I’m able. If we have to live life differently because of what happened to us, then so be it. Because until you came along, my life wasn’t whole anyway. I just didn’t realize it. I filled most of it with imaginary characters and creative events. None of that was real, but you and me, we’re absolute.”

I squeezed his hand tightly. He too had given me so much, but I still lived in angst over it slipping through my fingers. I had concerns my constant anxieties would eventually drive him from my life.

As the sun began to set, the air grew cooler. We stayed outdoors until it was past dusk, then returned our dishes to the kitchen. After I loaded the dishwasher, I took him upstairs into my room.

“So this is where you sleep, dreaming about me, I suppose,” he said, lying back on my bed. “It smells like you. Tell me about this room.”

“Well, as you can feel, I have a huge, comfy bed. The room is big and painted almost white with just a hint of pink. I have modern furniture. All the electronics, television, and music are concealed in a cabinet. I have a large sliding-glass door with wall-to-wall white drapes and a beautiful balcony that overlooks my property. I can see the ocean from there. It’s rather a sparse area. I had no mirrors until six months ago. I didn’t want a daily reminder of what I’d lost.”

He sat up. “Come here. Sit by me.”

I crossed my arms and pierced him with a stare. “Is that just a ploy to coerce me into sex?”

He shook his head while grinning. “Oh, hell no. Now, I’m not saying we won’t do it in this bed, but I’m saving up my resources”—he cupped his crotch—“for that bathtub. Take me there. I want to feel it. You know, because seeing it is off the table.”

I cringed. Sometimes his words made me uncomfortable. I wondered if he acted so nonchalant for my benefit. “Oh, you are hilarious,” I commented, taking his hand and leading him to the bathroom.

He said a few words, then looked in my direction. “Crap, this room is huge. It has an echo. Are you sure we won’t need a map to find the toilet? I have to pee.”

I chuckled. “The toilet is right in front of you if you do a full turn.”

I watched as he swiveled and touched the cold porcelain. His fingertips dusted over the rim, lid, and tank, accidently reaching inside. “Shit, Jensyn, is that a fucking bidet?”

I smiled in surprise. “I’m shocked Lincoln Bass knows what that is.”

My reaction seemed to amuse him. “I am an adventurer, you know. Not to mention all my book tours. You do know my fame is worldwide. So yeah, I’m fully educated on what a bidet is. Just not sure how it will work, because I can’t see the fucker.”

I tried to suppress a giggle, putting my hand over my mouth. It really wasn’t funny, but he sounded so perturbed over something so small. “I can turn it off,” I said, reaching to push the button.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply. “Okay, let me piss. Then the tour shall continue.”

I pulled up the lid, then closed the door behind me, giving him privacy. Although, in his world, I could have stayed and watched. Lincoln wasn’t shy. Once I heard the toilet flush, I let myself back in.

“So I need to feel this tub.”

I spun him around. “It would be safer if you got on your knees.” One dark brow lifted mischievously. “It would be easier. If you fall, you’re too heavy to pick up. God, Lincoln, you have a one-track mind.”

His expression turned devilish as he pulled me against him. I could feel his strained erection as he pressed it against the hot juncture between my legs.

“I thought you wanted to see my tub. It feels as though you have other things in mind,” I whispered, the urgency in my pussy beginning to infiltrate my entire body.

Lincoln’s breath brushed my ear, making my nipples prickle into pinpoints. “I can’t help it. Being inside you is the only light in my dark world. You make me feel as though I’m one hundred percent.”

I looked up. “Ditto. You’re more than adequate. You’re the one thing that makes me feel normal. It makes me happy I'm able to contribute something of worth to your life. I know I helped you finish the book, but this is so much more. You’re so much more. I need you to always remember, regardless of what I say or what happens, I will always love you.”

“I like most of what you just said, but sometimes your words come across like you’re leaving me. Don’t do that, Jensyn. I can’t do this without you.”

Not true. You would have been just fine if I hadn’t walked through your door. “Thanks for the compliment, but you’re capable in both body and mind. Much more than I am. I have no doubts at all that you would have survived all of this with or without me. I was just lucky enough to say yes to your brother. We should actually be thanking him. He did this.”

His head nodded in agreement. “I’m not convinced all of this was sheer luck. I think Lucas orchestrated our meeting. If you think about it—and I’m sure you have—you didn’t want to be seen, and I couldn’t see. It was a perfect union. Okay, he took a chance because you were skeptical and I was, well, an angry douche. Thirteen years ago, you were me. Maybe he felt we’d relate to each other. I don’t think he considered our relationship would become intimate, and I doubt he thought we’d develop feelings, but my brother put this together. He had a purpose, one that would benefit us both. So yeah, I suppose everything he concocted warrants an extra-expensive Christmas present.”

“Possibly a car?” I bantered.

“He’ll get a Maserati if you marry me, maybe a Rolex for Christmas.”

I had no idea why marrying me was such an issue with this man. “Okay, can we get back to the subject at hand?” I said, wanting to divert the conversation as usual.

“Sure,” he replied, sliding down to the floor and pivoting on his knees. His hands skimmed over the edge of the tub as he followed the lines. “Damn, this baby is long and deep, kind of how I plan to fuck you.” He stretched his arms out across the base. “Definitely made for two. I may even be able to stretch out my legs. You have bubbles, right?”

I bowed my head to his. “I’m shocked. You don’t come off as an aromatherapy kind of man.” I’d forgotten how many bath products this man owned.

“I haven’t taken a bath in years. I want this to be romantic as hell. Candles and music, too.”

I was about to state the obvious about the candles, but he wanted the candlelight for me. Lincoln wished for a night filled with ambiance. It didn’t matter if he could see or not. He would be able to tell in my posture and the tone of my voice. For the first time, I could see myself with him long term. His demeanor had a way of soothing my worries and making me feel self-assured. He treated me as though I were the only thing in his life that mattered.

“You want some wine or champagne to go with those bubbles?” I said, helping him up and guiding him back to my room. I knew we would be staying there for the night, and he’d be safe, even drinking. I also wanted to commemorate our time together. I’d never brought a single person to this house. I doubted he could conceive how extraordinary, how much of a turning point, this truly was.

“Champagne. What vintage did you have in mind?”

“Oh, so now you’re a spirit connoisseur? I’ll have to go down to the wine cellar and check.”

He stopped short. “Okay, what the hell, Jensyn? You have a wine cellar? Tell me you have a ‘playroom,’ too.”

I laughed heartily. “Nope, sorry. I had no design plans for that. Remember when you told me I was the only woman you’d ever had in your home besides Kami?” Her name coated my tongue like a bad taste. “Well, the same goes here. You’re the only person I’ve allowed in my estate.”

“So I am special?” He teased.

“I suppose,” I retorted.

He found his way to the edge of the bed and sat. “So how about that champagne? I’d go with you, but I’ll be no help. I’ll just stay here and watch—listen to the television.” He grinned.

I turned the TV to local news. “I’ll be right back.”

He saluted as he leaned back on the bed. Oh boy, the way he looked right now was definitely picture worthy. His dark coloring had returned from the excess amount of sun today. The Hawaiian shorts accented his long, lean legs that were now deeply tan. I’d made him put on his white shirt at dinner; looking at that corded body made eating difficult. His hair had grown since I’d cut it, and being outdoors had bleached the tips. His stubble had gotten thicker from only shaving every few days. The Polynesian heritage and lighter hair made his eyes hypnotizing. Just thinking of what lay in my bed, waiting, made my nipples pebble and my skin heat. I could blame it on my slight sunburn, but desire coiled within me.

I walked down a few steps off the kitchen to where wine and champagne were stored. I didn’t entertain, but I’d kept it because the room was here when I purchased the house. I’d never gotten around to converting it to anything else, and now I was glad.

I picked up a few bottles. The only one I recognized as having before was the Ace of Spades Rose by Armand de Brignac. I’d drunk it years ago and liked it, not only because of the taste, but because it was pink. I rolled my eyes to myself because, regardless of age, I still loved that color. I took the bottle and walked upstairs to the kitchen. I found an ice bucket, filled it, then put the bottle in. I placed two tall crystal flutes on the tray with the bucket. A variety of fruit caught my eyes when I peeked into the refrigerator. I retrieved the basket of organic strawberries and, once I removed the stems, washed them thoroughly, then placed them in a small bowl on the tray.

“Did you miss me?” I asked cheerfully, setting the tray down next to the bed.

“As a matter of fact, I did. The news is fucking boring. You got the bottle?” His nose twitched. “And strawberries. My, my, you are a minx. You’re planning to take advantage of a man with no vision.”

“Oh, I believe you’re quite perceptive. Besides, I think you see plenty between your sense of smell and touch. Your condition certainly hasn’t affected your cock.” I whispered the final word.

He whispered back, “I thought you sent everyone home for the entire weekend. Why are we whispering?” He joked.

“Habit I guess. Not like anyone knows my business anyway. We need to wait about thirty minutes so the champagne can chill.”

“What shall we do while we wait?” he asked, reaching for me. “Maybe you should touch me to see if I’m ready,” he mused.

My hands ghosted across his expanding member. He quickly pulled the Velcro apart, and dark, curly hair nestling two balls came into view. I sucked in my breath as my hand itched to surround his cock. I slipped my fingers into his shorts, releasing his erect length. Long, thick, and pointing upward, it was a beautiful sight. My fingers traced under the rim of the mushroom head as a tear-shaped drop of pre-cum appeared. I fondled it with the fingernail of my pinkie. His loud groans bounced off the walls as I continued my exploration. I reached underneath and rolled his balls in my palm, lingering briefly on the sack.

“Aren’t you going to suck it?” he asked optimistically.

“Nope,” I replied, studying his frown. “This is the snack before the main course. I mean, if you want that bath.”

“Totally unfair. I’m a potent male. I can ejaculate every hour all day long,” he expressed with annoyance and irritation.

I had no doubt what he said was true. I, on the other hand, was not only older, but hadn’t used that part of my anatomy in years. And even though I wouldn’t tell him, I was sore.

I responded to his complaint with a swift hand fisting. His head fell back, emitting a moan. I continued this action until his cock began to jerk and quiver. His hand covered mine to aid in going faster and harder. “Son of a bitch,” he roared as my hand dampened with ribbons of semen. He slowly lessened our speed. His dick and my palm were slick with his release as he took his away. Before wiping my hand, I licked my fingers.

“Did you just taste me?” he asked.

“Why, yes, I did, and it was delicious,” I replied as he rolled on top of me.

His shorts still open, he twisted until his cock aligned with my core. He ground it into me, my clit feeling pressure. “Does that feel good?” he asked, his eyes closed in concentration.

“Too good. Maybe we should start the bath and get our champagne.”

He sprang up and stood next to the bed. After pulling his shirt over his head, he tugged down his shorts. I bit my bottom lip, seeing him completely nude. Jesus, he looked so much better every day that passed. His body, everything had fleshed out. He was absolutely perfect.

I went into the bathroom and found some floral bubble bath. I loved the tranquility of lavender, but tonight wasn’t about relaxation. I still ached and was having a hard time distinguishing between the vaginal discomfort and my need for this man.

The tub filled quickly as I tested the water for temperature. I dropped my robe and piled my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. I slathered on the body lotion Lincoln loved and walked back into the room. I moved past him to pour the champagne, dropping two strawberries into each flute.

He came up behind me, his hand reaching out, caressing my ass. “Good God, woman, you’re naked.” He used a single finger to trace down the crack of my backside.

“Normally, it’s good when you bathe. I mean, to be naked,” I quipped, placing the glass in his hand.

He took a sip. “Are you sure I can’t talk you into some rear action? I know you said no before, but I thought it was worth revisiting the conversation,” he stated with a slap on my butt.

“Sorry, still not interested, And just so you know, Lincoln, the way to a woman’s heart, isn’t through her ass,” I commented with amusement.

“So maybe if I ask nicer, you’d think about it?”

“Nope. Never going to happen. You’re not the first to ask, but I hope you’ll be the last.” I gave him both our glasses so I could hold the ice bucket with the bottle. With my hand on his hip, I steered him into the bathroom. I took our champagne flutes from him and put them both on the floor next to the tub and the bucket with the bottle on the vanity. I had lit four scented candles and placed them strategically and turned on soft jazz in the background.

“Give me your hand,” I requested, stepping into the hot water. He sat down after I guided him in. “There’s a pillow behind you if you want to rest your head.”

He looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Resting my head on a pillow is not what I had in mind. Now, if you were sitting on my face, I’d think about it.”

“What the hell has gotten into you? Your mouth is so filthy. Take care. I may wash it out with soap,” I threatened, swishing the water around us.

I handed him a glass. “How did I get this lucky? Beautiful woman, huge tub, candles, and champagne. I’m living the dream,” he announced with conviction.

“Maybe God was making amends for the blindness, but I doubt throwing a disfigured woman into the mix was part of the plan.”

His hand was literally shaking as he tightly gripped the stem. His face was grimaced and red. “Take the glass,” he demanded, pissed.

I placed it on the floor. His wet fingers combed through his hair as he sighed. “I feel like a broken record, Jensyn. How many times must I say it before you believe it? I don’t need my eyes to know you’re beautiful. I’m here with you because I love you, and whether or not my sight returns, that will never change. Stop comparing me to all the other cocksuckers who threw you to the wayside when you had your accident. I. AM. NOT. THEM. Don’t ruin this just because you expect us to crash and burn. I’m not going to let you push me away, even if I have to chain you to a chair. I will not let you run—never—just because you anticipate the worst. This fucking subject is now closed. If you have anything else derogatory to say about yourself, do it when I’m not in the room.”

I’d never heard him so angry. I had pushed him too far. “Forgive me,” I pleaded as I moved between his legs.

“I will always forgive you because I can’t imagine a time without you. It feels as though you’ve always been here.”

I palmed his cheek as I reached to kiss him. My lips drifted languidly over his mouth, my tongue sliding between his teeth. This kiss was hungry as I devoured and explored every inch. His hand cupped the back of my head as he teased his tongue with mine. I expelled a soft moan as we both became more urgent. I dizzily pulled away, looking into his face. His expression was one of ownership. He knew I belonged to him.

I retrieved both our glasses from the floor and handed him one.

“To us.” His words echoed off the walls. I tipped my glass to his, then drank.

I rolled a single strawberry between my thumb and forefinger before prodding his lips. After he crushed the fruit between his teeth, I licked the juice from his chin. My hand drifted beneath the water, feeling his thick length. I could lie back on my pillow, but I wanted it to be deep. I needed to feel every thrust as he pushed into me, so I climbed on his lap.

He smiled as I gripped his cock and descended on it. I whimpered as he aggressively began pumping. I held onto his neck as I bobbed my body up and down. His mouth caught a nipple and sucked it into a rigid bead. He kissed my neck and chest as he continued to slam into me.

Is this angry sex?

Every stroke elevated my reach to orgasm. My body bowed as my moans got louder. I began gyrating my hips, grinding down on his hardness. He began to buck in response. He cried out my name as I felt his heat spill into me. I convulsed as I climaxed around his cock.

We held each other for a long time. As the water cooled, his dick fell from my body. We were almost too spent to speak. I placed his fingers around the glass and watched him take a large gulp. I was thirsty also, taking a few sips from my own.

“Maybe we should get out before we prune. The water’s cold now anyway.”

“Thank you for allowing me to be the one to sanctify the tub.”

“First and last,” I said, placing a quick peck on his lips.

“That’s what I like to hear. Positive thoughts. Let’s go to bed. I’m tired. It’s been a long and fruitful day,” he said, draining his glass, capturing the strawberry at the bottom between his teeth.

“Yeah, I’m kind of beat, too. Any ideas on what you’d like to do tomorrow?” I asked, toweling him off as he stood.

His eyebrows waggled.

“Besides that… Shit. I’m not sure I can keep up with your libido. Aren’t you the least bit chafed?”

All of a sudden, he had a look of awareness. “Oh hell, I never even thought to ask you. I’m sorry. I’ve being extremely greedy. We can hold off for a while. Many other things we can do besides penetration, at least with my cock.”

I felt embarrassed. “No, I’m fine. I would tell you. I wouldn’t want you to feel deprived,” I quipped.

His towel whipped through the air in an effort to snap me.

“Doesn’t work too well when you can’t see,” I commented sarcastically.

He cocked his ears, listening to the sound of my voice, as he maneuvered the towel around me like a lasso. “Not cool to make fun of the visually impaired,” he retorted, pulling me to him.

“I thought you wanted to go to bed?”

“I do, so let’s go.”

I folded back the bedspread and fluffed the pillows, then had him get in.

“God, this feels good. Of course, it’ll be perfect when you lie next to me.”

I opened the drapes and pulled the glass door open, leaving the screen door locked. It was silent outside except for the sounds of the ocean. I used this remedy often to quiet me to sleep.

Yawning, I crawled in next to him. I spooned into his body as he took my hand, placing it on his heart. Between the sounds of the sea and his heartbeats, slumber would come easy. Lincoln dozed off almost instantly. Before we began sharing a bed, sleep hadn’t come easy for him. But now his quiet snores were like the most beautiful lullaby.




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