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Hide and Seek: A Rock Games Novel: Vol. 2 by Nicole S. Goodin (10)


Well shit.

I didn’t know how it had happened again, but it had.

Here I was, at his place again, absolutely sated right down to my bones.

I’d told him I couldn’t do a relationship and he still wanted me. He’d wanted me another two times to be exact.

“I’m hungry.” I nudged him in the ribs.

“Eat some more lollies,” he mumbled in his sleepy state.

“Those are long gone.”

“I need a nap,” he groaned.

“I need food.”

“Kitchen’s downstairs, mi casa es su casa.”

I didn’t need to be told twice.

“You want anything?”

“Get me whatever you’re having.” He rolled over and buried his face into the pillows.

“Permission to snoop around your house granted or denied?”

“Fill your boots, you little weirdo,” he answered lazily.

I grabbed my cell and headed off downstairs. I was only wearing his t-shirt and nothing else, and I was regretting not asking if he had a maid or any type of security in this place. If he did, they were about to get a real good view of my ass.

I flicked the light on in the kitchen; I wasn’t sure when it had got dark out, but that explained why I was so hungry.

I wasn’t one of those girls that ate a crouton for breakfast and a salad for dinner. I needed to be fed and watered at least every two hours.

I rummaged around in his fridge and pantry until I found what I needed to make pancakes. He even had bacon to go with them.

I turned on the stereo and danced around as I cooked the pancakes and bacon in the frying pan.

I found some maple syrup and some frozen berries that I defrosted, and I was ready to go.

I stacked the food on a plate and laughed to myself as I thought about hiding them and making him think I’d eaten them all.

Better yet, I’ll hide entirely.

I grabbed my phone off the counter.

To: Jasper Jones

From: Hannah

I have pancakes. This is not a drill. Come find me.

I flicked off the lights and the music, grabbed the stack of pancakes and hid in the first place I found.

I listened hard, trying to tell if he was moving around upstairs, but I heard nothing. I was about to pull my phone out again when I heard him call out.


I stifled a giggle.

I’m such a little kid.

“Why are all the lights out?” he called again.

I stood quietly in my hiding place.

“Hannah what the hell? Are you even still here?”

The light flicked on in the kitchen.

I took out my phone and text him again.

To: Jasper Jones

From: Hannah

Don’t you know how hide and seek works?

I heard the ding of his phone and then him chuckle.

“You’re a real fruit loop sometimes,” he called.

I grinned to myself.

Yes I am

“Alright then,” he called. “Ready or not, here I come…”

My heart thumped in my chest at the anticipation of him finding me.

I could see the glow of him flicking on lights as he moved around the house, but I couldn’t hear a sound from him.

Where is he?

I leaned forward, really trying to figure out where he was.

The door in front of me swung open so fast I nearly dropped the stack of pancakes I was holding.

Jasper’s grinning face came into view.

“Found ya.”

“Scared me half to death you mean?”

He took the plate from me and chuckled. “I can’t believe you took the pancakes with you.”

“If I didn’t, you wouldn’t have bothered looking for me now, would you?” I explained as I scrambled out of the closet under the stairs.

He didn’t answer, just laughed again as he swaggered off towards the kitchen.

I took a moment to appreciate just how much of a god he really was.

He had on nothing but a pair of gym shorts, slung low on his hips, and his bare, tattooed body was seriously drool-worthy.

He’d tied up his unruly hair in a bun on the top of his head. He had the sides of his head shaved shorter, but he had left the top section longer. It was grown out and needed some serious attention.

A job for another day.

Even with the scruffy look he had going on, he was undeniably sexy.

He turned back around to face me.

“You coming outta there or what?”

“I guess so… I’m just admiring the view.”

He rolled his body around, gyrating his hips. “What? This old thing?”

“Oh… my… god.” I choked out between my laughter. “Did you just shake your dick at me?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know… did you see my dick shaking?”


I strolled over to where he was now munching on a rolled-up pancake. “Damn, barbie, these are good.”

“You sound surprised.”

“I am.”

I grabbed a pancake and a couple of slices of bacon. “You wound me.”

“I’m starting to think I should be suspicious of you, you’re hot as hell, you’re funny, you ride a bike like a total badass and you can cook…? I smell a rat.”

As much as I knew he was giving me a hard time, I still blushed, and my heart raced at his praise.

His hazel eyes were dancing with mischief and his smile was wide and easy.

He was seriously gorgeous when he smiled. Teeth weren’t something I could ever say I’d paid a lot of attention to, but I could safely say that Jasper had a really great set of teeth.

“What can I say, I can do it all,” I bragged.

He snagged a piece of bacon off my plate. “I’m not buying it, you’ve gotta suck at something.”

I swatted at his hand half-heartedly.

God, he is gorgeous.

His whole body was toned and strong, his muscles tensing and bunching with every movement he made.

“Seriously, what kind of working out have you been doing? Because damn…”

A sly smile spread across his face. “Don’t change the subject.”

I sighed dramatically. “Fine, I can’t sing to save my life, I can’t bake anything worth eating and I’m messy as hell.”

He nodded, apparently taking stock of my answers.

“So spill… I know you didn’t get a body that fine from running around being Parker’s drama extinguisher.”

He chuckled. “I run, I lift weights… I use the rower… I jump rope.” He shrugged. “Nothing crazy, I just mix it up… and I don’t usually eat pancakes for dinner.”

“Ugh.” I rolled my eyes. “I could run for an hour every day and still not look like that.”

“Like a twenty-eight-year-old dude?” he quizzed, tilting his head to the side as he studied me.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant.”

“But do I?”

“Stop talking me around in circles.”

He chuckled as he took another bite.

“Is this how this is going to go?” I sat my hands on my hips. “You trying to get a rise out of me twenty-four-seven?”

“Twenty-four-seven, huh?” He winked. “Sounds like you’re planning on seeing a lot of me, BG.”

Deep breaths….

In and out

“I’m going to take that as a yes,” I ground out the words.

He smirked, clearly enjoying himself. “Whatever floats your boat.”

The man was impossible.

Getting a straight answer out of him was like pulling teeth sometimes. He seemed to know exactly how to push my buttons already and he was forever trying to wind me up.

It was only a matter of time before I lost the plot with him – it was brewing, that was for sure.

“Stop tryna piss me off and eat your damn pancakes.”

He saluted me and took another bite. “With pleasure… these were worth playing hide and seek for.”

“You mean I’m worth playing hide and seek for, right?”

He grinned at me. “Hell yes, BG, I’d look for you forever.”